Series about boxing

>series about boxing
>mc is a boxer
>has not boxed or trained for a match in over 2 years of chapters
has anyone been so cheated as Ippo fans?

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He's like, in the best conditon he's ever been in bro

it doesn't matter it's shitty writing, and no he isn't? What are you basing this off of? This shit sucks

>It's shitty writing because I say so
fuck off.

this manga has been terrible for along time now. George is just milking the franchise for all it's worth before retiring. Quality is a long abandoned concern at this point.

amateur bait, suck my knob.

The recent chapters hyping him up as basically never having stopped training, speed d reader

Yeah but is he training for a match?
Oh right. This shit sucks, worse direction ever taken for a series

>no a character can't go on a detour that's still relevant to his eventual goal while giving spotlight to other side characters
>thats just bad writing
You just seem too low IQ to handle something that's not Ippo winning 20 matches and becoming god of boxing capable of slicing apples with the shockwave of his jabs

And you type like the stereotypical redditor who comes on here acting like they're not from reddit. This seems to be mainly an Yas Forums insult too.
>ur a reditor lol
Maybe just because only a fucking redditor would follow a series this far just to be fucked up the ass by Morikawa again and again

I bet you're one of the retards who when everyone thought it was ending went
>well it's realistic! that's why the series is so good
lol clown

i don't know about him not boxing anymore it's still a manga about boxing
but it is complete fucking garbage and should have ended with ippo's death in the ring and his coach being thrown out of the boxing community in disgrace

Granted the series was in a slump for a couple of years, but I feel that during the last 6 months or so it has been getting better and better. At least I'm enjoying every new chapter now, which is something I haven't been able to say for like 5 years.

>wtf Ippo deserved to win with his outdated technique and his coach just yelling PUNCH HARDER CHAMP in the background, despite it being foreshadowed that they are retards
Truly low IQ
Keep calling everything you don't like bad writing, it doesn't make you seem like a simp

>wtf why ippo lose lol

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>mc is a boxer
He isn't a boxer. Juggernauting your ass on ring doesn't make you a boxer.

Good, I prefer Hajime no Sendo

>ippo is STILL ongoing
I have no idea how everyone can be okay with that.

I think at some point George was thinking it would be too cliche for Ippo to climb the ranks to the world stage but now he's stuck with a cripple MC who can't do shit.
It would be a kindness to end it.

This, Ippo is just a gorilla punching above his weight class that the coach was lucky enough to run into.
His defeat against Gonzales was like 20 chapters of Gonzales going 'who the fuck is your coach and why did he fuck you up like this'

>who the fuck is your coach
I still believe that he isn't even a coach. Just some random hobo that "teached" mc just for lulz.

>Ippo still hasn't fought Miyata a feud that is 30 years old
>convinced all readers Ippo was punch drunk
>still needs to fight Ricardo
>stalled story progression for years
yea but I just call it bad writing because I don't like it lol

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>past 00s
>liking Ippo

>literally every single complaint is boiled down to
Just smack your big ol head against a wall, forget about the series and come back in 5 years or so.

You're a retard, he actually is in the best condition. I agree with everything else though, he's spent two years in limbo deciding whether he wants to box or not. Just quit and end the manga then make a sequel on Takamura or Sendo or literally anyone else.

>they fought once and then Miyata threw a bitchfit the one time they had an opportunity

So it's like reverse DBZ?

He's right though. The story isn't progressing and has been stuck in the same place for far too long

the point is in 5 years Ippo will probably just decide to start boxing again on the side "for fun". Not to mention the dude's in his mid to late 20's now and he still is embarrassed about his girl. It's all garbage. I don't want resolution I want steps taken towards what the series has been building up to and I reiterate
3 0 Y E A R S

We're still getting fights and Ippo is still growing through the new perspective of a second
You retards literally can't percieve progress unless it's Ippo getting another W against some nobody with a chapter of backstory

What's Ippo gonna do down in Mexico?

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Watch Sendo get slaughtered and then go 'das it, I have to avenge my Japanese comprade'

Maybe it'd be better perceived if he was, I dunno
actually boxing..? He doesn't need to win. Why are all you morons pulling out this go to. I want him to box.

Look newfriends, a lot of us have been following this series for over a decade now. It really fucking sucked when you had just binged hundreds of chapters and a godlike anime and then suddenly had to wait at least a week for every chapter. George has also had his phases throughout the years and I think some of his worst plot decisions have been made during his burnt out periods. But the point is that you get used to it, and you learn to enjoy the good things while not letting the bad things get to you. If you are queueing up at the door for each chapter release or frothing at the mouth whenever something outrageous happens, you're definitely doing it wrong for this particular series.

in b4 Stockholm syndrome

Reminder that trainer Ippo has been the hest the manga has been since the Volg world title fight.
Ippo won't fight Miyata in a official match.

Yeah if the manga wanted to pander to adhd brainlets, guess you'll have to find a different one.

Not getting punched in the face does wonders to your condition

I have been following this series for 10+ years, since like 2008ish man. I'm pissed because I've waited two years and this shit isn't going anywhere. It sucks. George sucks. Fuck Ippo

It's more that he's autistic and carries a weighted vest on at all times for supposedly zero fuckin reason.

Just a matter of time. Every thrid chapter someone seems to mention that he should come back.

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>hello Ippo why are you sleeping with wrist weights on despite supposedly quitting boxing cold turkey
>o I dunno lol

>he's autistic
He is clearly brain-damaged, user

Yeah every other chapter is someone sucking Ippo off or throwing a tantrum because he's wasting his potential, lot of self inserts for people in this thread.
At least Takamura literally spells it out that Ippo is not budging until something life changing happens, like the coach dies, Sendo gets killed in mexico for dethroning their hero, Miyata hangs himself on Ippo's favorite tree for Ippo not responding to his love letters, or a Mexican kid makes fun of the coach.

Ummm actually the results were inconclusive, please go back in the ring and kill yourself with your 'deflect punches with your forehead' style so I can bail out of our second opportunity to fight, Ippo

when did you give up on this trash?
for me it was this monkey

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Instead of world champion Ippo touring the world in his private jet and having relationship issues because white girls keep flirting with him, we get a punch drunk poor boxer that still needs to do part time job and still hasn't even kissed his "girlfriend". There are so many stories that can be explored like Tyson Fury's depression story or Andy Ruiz Jr. spending too much money because he is an idiot but Morikawa is just an old boomer that gets his boxing news from Japanese magazines.

He's recharging his oxygen

>has actual brain damage which makes it impossible for him to be as good as he was because he essentially misjudges shit at crucial moments and can't do it properly like he could before brain damage
>but lmao his body is so fucking stronk now because he's a second or something and also carries bait on a boat
I dunno anymore, I just read for Sendo and the dick antics.

Is this ironic

Nah I'm just disgusted at Morikawa's unimaginative storytelling.

I like this change of pace desu. Instead of getting Ippo fights lasting 50 chapters each and dragging on forever, we get lots of SoL, which Ippo always excels on. Also even if it's minuscule, the plot is moving forwards, a thing that NEVER happens in Ippo

I really like Hajime no Ippo. But the people pointing out that the manga has become filler are correct. Even if you only watched the anime, the two main plot points it generated right at the start of the manga, Miyata and Takamura's goals, never get fulfilled.

They fully explain his background. He's an ex boxer who became a coach. And you don't really need a special degree or something to become a coach. Just money and a gym.

Ippo's coach also fully admits in the first few chapters that his coaching style is "overtake them with power" and "none of those shitty counters/fake outs/range boxers" and "it's time that a Japanese man wins by pure power." While Ippo hasn't won a world champions title yet, you can say that at least domestically (in Japan), the coach's goals were achieved. By both Ippo and Takamura. They both won the Japanese titles with pure power. They just couldn't do it worldwide. And I think it's actually a good sign that the author allows his characters to long as it doesn't lead to the shounen cliche that they will eventually win by "power and friendship" later on.

I'd actually welcome an ending where Ippo either 1) Doesn't reach the world finals or 2) Goes against his coach's wishes and starts learning the "dark arts" from Miyata, learning to do counters and tactics to win. Then wins the world title that way.

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>I'd actually welcome an ending where Ippo either 1) Doesn't reach the world finals or 2) Goes against his coach's wishes and starts learning the "dark arts" from Miyata, learning to do counters and tactics to win. Then wins the world title that way.
The latter idea makes sense if it's something Ippo considers after trying to help Aokimura learn and adapt counters and tactics

>learning to do counter and tactics to win.
What basically happened with Pacquiao after years of knowing little but to unga bunga his way during his early wins back then.


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It's been 30 years, about time he considers the idea of nutting up and breaking out of his coach's perceived shadow. Even if the coach himself has to tell Ippo to do it

Same here. The manga actually feels fresh and well-paced. Compare that to the Year of the Dancing Monkey where Ippo won by pure concentrated bullshitium instead of losing after having his brains liquefied. I started reading the manga during the Woli fight, for a moment I thought he was the fucking MC.

This dude is like 30

I thought Takamura already won several world titles, not all of them yet?

Aside from a select few matches, Hajime No Ippo is at its best as slice of life comedy.

an athlete is in their prime when they're 30 years old

Ippo is going to make a comeback after having the revelation that the point of boxing is NOT getting punched

>an athlete is in their prime when they're 30 years old
This is dependent on so many variables from individual body types to the willpower a person has to what sport you play and dozens of other factors. But this is anime so reality doesn't have to apply. If Ippo was a real person, he'd have retired from brain damage by now.
>Ippo is going to make a comeback after having the revelation that the point of boxing is NOT getting punched
I wish that was the case, but again, this isn't reality. Ippo's entire character is kind of built off the idea of willpower > intelligence.

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Hear me out, what if we combine ippos willpower and power with an actual brain?

>boxer in his 40's still able to body some nigger in his prime irl.

To be fair, shit like that is exactly what contributed to Ali being so fucked up as an old man.

That's what I thought the plot was going to head towards when he and Miyata became friends. But alas...

ah the classic Wan Piss defence
>i-it is your fault that the manga is shit

I dunno man. This SEAnigger is 41, just graduated of political science and is also a goddamn senator - plus he recently defeated a nigger in his prime.

Being able to do some extraordinary shit above your 30's is possible irl - but yes its more like an exception than a rule in the world of boxing.

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It's certainly possible, but very risky. Some of Ali's biggest and most well known fights were the ones he had when he was in his 40's, but it's harder to bounce back from injuries at that age, and in the long run those fights really messed him up.

I still read it...

I still enjoy it desu :)

that sendo goin to mexico mini-arc was super good, hell one of my favorites so far.

I hope it was good I mean, around the time those chapters were being published I was smokin weed like there was no tomorrow.

But anyway, super loved that mini arc. Hope you guys get high and enjoy it as much as I did. Sorry 4 bad english :)


>Then wins the world title that way.
If Morikawa doesn't just handwave the brain damage issue by saying something like "Ippo got better lmao" then this is what I imagine will happen. Maybe not from Miyata but he'll stop blocking with his head and will be on a slippery slope timer kind of thing.

>Current Arc is the biggest pleb filter to ever filter

Based Morikawa

>Waste all of our times by stalling with these Ippo fights vs asian literal who's
>Finally come to the point where we get to the end game world stage
>We get cucked and its dragged on for longer with his retirement
I swear if he starts fighting literal who's again with his comeback.....

Takamura is a good boxer with rock solid fundamentals on top of being retard strong though. It's just with Ippo that he completely dropped the ball when he saw him punching with a broken hand.

Which begs the question why coach keeps focusing on Ippo. At times, it feels like Takamura is the real lead of the series. Now of course, the show would get boring if you only followed a guy who's naturally gifted. And the whole Hawk arc was kind of addressing that. But still, logistically, Takamura is the one who has the better chance to fulfill the coach's goal.

Name another politician who literally got elected by beating up blacks and latinos.
I forgot what military rank he currently has now.

He'll fight the Japanese featherweight champ in the future in a publicity stunt. Then trains Miyata's son in the sequels.

>Name another politician who literally got elected by beating up blacks and latinos.
Teddy Roosevelt

That choreography though.

>you can see that small liver blow that Ippo hits every 9 punches taken

sorry kid you're dead in 10 rounds, this is the hidden Kamogawa technique

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Didn't he promised a chick to train someone to be a world champion from the ground up? Takamura has enough talent to skip to the next level while Ippo had to start from the ground up.

Based George, making shitters bleed. I hope this last for another year or so, just for how much asshurt it's causing. Alternately, the fags bitching about Morikawa actually making an arc out of Ippo's retirement are the same shitheads who whined non-stop about Ippo never losing and the manga not focusing on anyone else, when said manga has always featured both other characters and pointing out how shitty Ippo is by comparison and through direct example with his last losses.

>when did you give up on this trash?
>for me it was this monkey

That's right when the manga picks up, since it's in the middle of the build to Ippo getting his shit stomped on the world stage. But it's good the see the Woli filter is working as intended.

A lot of the complaints are pretty small brained, I think it's because people have been strung along for a lot of pointless fights beforehand so anything not equivalent to teleporting Ippo straight to the championship is considered meandering and pointless filler, when Ippo being a second is probably some of the fastest he's been learning boxing.
The SoL shit is also some of the more entertaining shit in Ippo and has been consistently across the manga, and giving characters more breathing space to progress is always welcome.

>What's Ippo gonna do down in Mexico?

fuck up a lot of underage beaners, indirectly, who try got emulate his hellish work-work schedule of dragging tired around, hammering tires with 5 pound hammer on top of hammering logs into the side of a hill, all while he and sendo are wearing weighted clothing.

Demon Kumi is the best character in this arc.

He will spar with Ricardo at least.

If only she wasn't so right.

>The SoL shit is also some of the more entertaining shit in Ippo and has been consistently across the manga, and giving characters more breathing space to progress is always welcome.

i can't think of a single manga that does slice of life chapters about its characters as good as ippo. maybe eyeshield 21, though those types of chapters were so few and far between. pic related is the first chapter of ippo i read, while lurking the threads and went back and read the whole damn thing from start to current and loved it.

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I kinda want to see Demon Kumi go at with that one cute girl from Ippo's class who was practically begging him to fuck her after their high school reunion.

I don't really understand why George introduced her, just to show everyone is ready to suck Ippo's dick and Kumi is just dragging him down?

>I don't really understand why George introduced her, just to show everyone is ready to suck Ippo's dick and Kumi is just dragging him down?

Seems like more subplot to antagonize Kumi, since her main theme is that she wants Ippo to never go back to the ring vs. this girl literally planning to confess her love for Makunouchi after he wins a match, while conveniently only coming to the 3 matches Ippo's lost. Ippo's return to the ring is going to be a shitshow for the ages for those 5 or so people who take the relationship stuff in Hajime no Ippo seriously.

The main question is going to be how Ippo is going to get out of his promise to Kumi; though it's more believable she's going to do something shameful as fuck to coerce Ippo into staying out of the ring and will leave her with no ground to argue about him going back, especially if this comes after Ippo witnesses Sendo having his career ended in Mexico or getting challenged by Ricardo directly, after some shady shit goes down.

Also, George will likely have Mashiba himself be the one to call his sister out on her hypocrisy, since she doesn't want him boxing either, so it may come after Ryo loses/wins his world title match, which he'll likely dedicate to his sister.

>Hasn't boxed in 2 years
Just like real boxers.

Ippo promised her that he will retire if he lost a third time. He already broke a promise to her once (autograph), who knows what will happen if he breaks a more serious one.

How long was Date's first retirement?

>Also, George will likely have Mashiba himself be the one to call his sister out on her hypocrisy

Because Ryo is the biggest Kumi x Ippo shipper.

I think it's going to be less about him breaking a promise and more of her accepting that Ippo loves boxing, but that depends on what happens with her brother. I doubt Ippo would directly try to break a promise to her, so if the problem becomes undone it'll be Kumi who does it. As an aside, I'm expecting Ippo's mom to talk to her about it, since Kumi herself is losing her mind over it and it'll be a nice lead-in to Ippo's mom possibly talking about herself and Ippo's dad when they were younger.


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yeah sorry.png

speaking of boxing anime/manga finished watching the first season of ashita no joe about a week ago. really enjoyed it. how's the second season?

I got about 8 volumes in before I gave up. When does it get good?

How profitable is Takamura as a boxer? Pacquiao rarely fights in his home turf because there's just so much more money to be made if the fight's in Vegas. What if that's the opposite case for Takamura? He's a big draw in Japan but a financial risk anywhere else.

He's a fucking showman/underdog, in real life i'd imagine he would be very profitable

>I got about 8 volumes in before I gave up. When does it get good?

The A-Class tournament. If you don't like it by 8 volumes, then Hajime no Ippo just isn't for you. You can also try to first season of the anime, if the manga doesn't do it for you, but if you did read that far and didn't like it, then I doubt seeing the fights animated will help.

>How profitable is Takamura as a boxer?

Very profitable. The problem with Takamura is that he wants to box out of Kamogawa gym and the coach and Yagi have problems securing big purses or getting people to come to Japan to fight Takamura. Him boxing overseas would make him a shitload of money, but do you seriously think Takamura would abandon the Kamogawa gym before the old man croaks when he's literally trying to conquer six weightclasses for Kamogawa's sake?

the most dominant fighters in UFC are late 20s early 30s
mark hunt is what 42 and he heems people routinely

I keep thinking that the big promoters takes into consideration all the shit Takamura tends to do in public and deem it's now worth the hassle.
Like they'll get him a merchandising deal with a big company only to ruin it by getting caught in public ass-grabbing the CEO's wife.

I don't see someone with Takamura's attitude getting very far in another gym, unless said gym has a coaching staff that's completely hands off and let's him do whatever the fuck he wants. Even then, Taka would already be in jail for rape if he boxed in the UK or US, unless he had someone monitoring him 24/7. Rather, someone would have probably already shot his ass if he was in America, if you take into consideration some of fucked up shit he does to Aoki on the daily.

I think most gyms would put up with him by the virtue of him being BOXINGS IDEAL or whatever.

ippo is the just about the least interesting character in his series and I'd rather a chapter on most anyone else

I don't particularly care because Ippo's matches have been some of the least interesting in the series since shortly after he became Japanese champion. All the Kimura, Takamura, Itagaki, Sendo, and Mashiba stuff inbetween has been much better

Maybe in Mexico or Japan, but can you honestly see someone putting up a wild animal like Takamura in the US without someone killing him after he tries to rape some underage pop-singer for the third time in two weeks. You'd literally have to have someone like Kamogawa to keep that fucker in his cage. The relatively recent story where Takamura was trying to fuck that stacked bone doctor drove home the fact that even if you were to try to sate Taka's usual asshole tendencies with sex it only makes him worse, so unless an insanely corrupt country where the media, sponsors and the general public ignores his antics, Takamura is too big of a risk to represent another gym, much less a country.

>Miyata hangs himself on Ippo's favorite tree for Ippo not responding to his love letters, or a Mexican kid makes fun of the coach.
Fucking kek

Fuckamura is a menace that even the nips openly hate once the aw of his skill and natural talent wears off the moment opens his mouth.

half of the fun of takamura matches is seeing what kind of dickery he will do to turn the crowd against him once again.

US was cool with Tyson while he was the champ. Taka hasn't even bit someone's ear off in the ring yet.

wonder how Hawk managed to retain the belt with all his shenaningans. i guess you can argue all of his girls were consensual (if they were paid, that would be a huge scandal).

Back when Hawk was written, there wasn't all this social justice/meetoo stuff going on. And there's plenty of examples in real life of people just like Hawk. Hawk wasn't that far from reality.

It's only been recently that people like that start to get prosecuted. And not because of public outcry. But because this whole identity politics movement is elites in the media sniping each other with accusations.

Tyson predates those though.

But Tyson didn't get in trouble for his rapes and assaults. He got in trouble after the ear biting.

He was washed up as a boxer at that point anyway. If he was still in his prime the ear biting would have been overlooked along with the rapes and assaults.

I thought you weren't supposed to take Takamura's bullshit seriously because he always immediately strikes out

the ear bite happened AFTER he went to jail.

they let him back in the ring, after he went to jail

>ippo is at his peak power.
>jobs miserabily to the second ranked, which is a literal clone of the champion.
>now after retiring, ippo is in fact stronger that when he was active.
>meaning that with this powerboost, ippo should be able to fight the second ranked and the champ now.
sendo is so going to die/end a cripple to force ippo into the ring again.

true. we're just talking about if his actions off the ring are the ones preventing him from getting the big money (fight in the big time like vegas).

>The main question is going to be how Ippo is going to get out of his promise to Kumi
I hope it isn't something stupid like Kumi gets sick and she needs money so Ippo goes to fight for it. Or Kumi's brother gets wrecked and Ippo challenges the guy to a fight to avenge him. There's a lot of possible ways to do it. But many of them are very cliche and bad.

Its just a prank bro
the only way he gets back to the ring is by getting kumi pregnant.

Most likely what's going to push Kumi to change her mind would be a combination of Mashiba finally reaching the top/finally being able to see from a champion's perspective, and Ippo's mom having a talk with her about her own past. On Ippo's side it's most likely gonna be when Sendo get's BTFO'd by either Gonzales or Ricardo or both.

Also just wanted to point out that when Ippo DOES eventually get back into the ring, he's gonna need to face Imane, Itagaki, and possibly Woli again before reaching the top.

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won't coach forbid a woli rematch?

Not if Woli defeats Gonzales

Is Woli good enough to fight Martinez?

>Rocky V's this series.

Probably not yet, maybe when Ippo gets back in the ring.

With 10 matches under his belt he is unstoppable

Lmao did you actually report someone calling you a redditor
The seething is palpable

Ippo will fly to Mexico and one of the boxers will insult the coach, Ippo will then swear vengeance on the whole country.

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>Ippo will fly to Mexico
He's a dead man for sure. He's gonna get cartel'd.

>sendo is so going to die/end a cripple to force ippo into the ring again.

I think so too, because as much as I like Sendo, I think something really serious is needed to push Hippo back to the Ring. he made a promise and he's too honest to break it without good reason.

Never gave up, but obviously this was the lowest point.

Haven't read the manga since the fight with guy who looks like Dalsim from street fighter. Is Ippo still a virgin?

Retirement arc is some of the best shit we've had in like 800 chapters now.

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Maybe that was the coaches plan all along, how many layers is this fiend working on?

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Maybe the true star of the boxing manga is the boxing? Ever consider that?

>mark hunt is what 42 and he heems people routinely
Is he in any way connected to Mike Hunt?

Series finale is about protecting the honor of boxing from sumo.

The entire series has been following his growth, and that's precisely what he's currently doing -- both acknowledging his faults, and training his body and mind alongside the people he's coaching. Is the story dragging on too slowly? Yes, but is there anything wrong with the route he's currently on? Absolutely not. He's stronger and smarter than he was before because he had time to actually THINK.

Fans of Ippo haven't been cheated in the slightest. It's just people that wanted him to be Takamura that have.

The dumb boomer author is just as dumb as the guy in charge of the Pokemon anime. He literally won't allow Ippo to ever be in a dominant position or his brain will short circuit.

Sadly a lot of people think power levels = character development. If it's not about fighting then it doesn't matter.

When the brain damage thing started.

Only shounenfags care about the boxing in Ippo. The characters and the comedy is the best parts of the manga, and we're getting more of those now. It's at its peak now

Kumi and Ippo actually getting to kiss each other is more elusive/compelling than the Ippo-Miyata rematch

Takamura the eternal freeloader

The Ippo brain damage arc sucked but trainer Ippo is alright

I don't even give a fuck about Miyata, he had a chance to fight Ippo and turned it down himself and has always had the freedom to spar with him in the gym.
He's just a moody bitch hang up over his first loss 10 years ago.

Getting Kimura a win was good but Ippo immediately sucking Kamogawa's imaginary dick afterwards was BS.

This series will reach Eyeshield 21 anime filler logic (good enough to be global champs but struggles at high school level competition) if Ippo somehow beats Martinez but Miyata is still the final opponent.

Ippo will beat gonzales, while simultaniously Wally will beat Martinez and become new world champ
Miyata will just be moody under a tree

>threads were thoroughly depressing the past year with even seasoned fans complaining about all kinds of aspects of the series from story to characters and pacing
>thread is now filled with smug people calling Ippo a pleb filter

you what

Almost like the people still bitching don't read the manga or can't appreciate growth through anything other than official matches against Mexicans

My guess is, Ippo will beat gonzales and retire for good. Then in the last chapter he'll have a non-official fight with Miyata in the gym. The start of the fight might even be the final page of the manga

More like:
>Its been literal decades and over a thousand chapters into the series and these things have barely progressed at all.

The real issue isn't Ippos clearly temporary retirement, or that the series is recently dragging with George teasing that Ippo wants to box again every other chapter. Its that we went from several subpar fights into ippo getting creamed on the world stage to a couple years of "does ippo have brain damage?" recovery chapters to a fumbled attempt at a comeback and NOW we've had a couple years of retirement. We've been on the character progression train for years now and Ippo still doesn't seem to have learned anything really worthwhile and despite getting development most of the characters are still the same too. Its just been one slow arc after another after another where it seems like Ippo is going to have some big character development or revelation but he never does and none of the hanging plot threads get addressed beyond some teasing that they still exist. Ippo just blames himself more, sucks coaches dick harder, and fights even less every arc for about a decade now.

New anime season when? Why have they stopped?

I wonder if Zail will actually set Ippo onto a new path or at least make him reconsider things. With his coach worship, Kamogawa dying will just make him immortal in Ippo's eyes.

Why Ippo has such low fight IQ? Just change the gameplan and win bro.

It's just a slow manga, I think you're just used to a different pace that doesn't instantly make this one bad.

user, I'm not expecting or comparing it to some fast paced action or shounen jump series where some new thing happens every two chapters and it lives off hype. I love slow burn series where it gives time to build up characters and develop the plot, but its been like 30 years and over 1200 chapters. This isn't just slow at this point, this is glacial.

s a m u r a i

The current arc is moving at a good enough pace.
Ippo is learning a lot about formulating strategies, analysing opponents, weight control which he didn't really have to subject himself to much and he has been wearing a DBZ vest for a while now.
Sendo is also getting action and getting us closer to the fights in Mexico, while the secondary characters are actually getting some wins and Itagaki is being retarded in the corner.
The previous arcs dragged out a while and I think that makes people pissed off at anything that's not massively accelerated by this point, but this one is extremely solid and I'd have hated for it to go any faster.

I fee like Ippo is a manga that would be a masterpiece when looking back 20 years down the line. As it is right now, too many people are getting impatient with the pacing unfortunately. I'm enjoying the comfy SoL as it is right now, but that might be cuz I only caught up a couple months back.

The only fans that act like more of a beaten wife than the remaining Ippo fans are the Conan fans.

I'll never understand how people can cling to something this long despite being shafted for years on end.
Just fucking quit dude.

When is my boy Volg coming back?, it has been like 6 years

Maybe some people aren't in it for Ippo becoming world champion and fucking Kumi but the SoL shit and training montages to get them pumped.

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The boy...with brain damage!

All the other coaches in the story call Ippo's coach absolute shit. And he is.

Brain...damage? No no, Ippo has recovered just fine. I mean just look at this line he drew yesterday. Clearly he's ready to box!

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Ippo opponents since gaining the Japanese Featherweight Belt:

Sanada Kazuki - part time boxer moving up in weight; advantage Ippo for being the bigger, more naturally acclimated guy for the weight

Yamada Naomichi - literally a former sparring partner with less than a handful of years of any boxing experience

Yi Yon Su - a nobody who lost to Ippo and has a record of 18-9-0 - not exactly an eye catching record

Shimabukuro Iwao - A shorter fighter than Ippo with shorter reach, got KO'd and retired afterwards; nothing to write home about

Sawamura Ryūhei - Actually knocks out Ippo but for plot reasons lets Ippo recover

Takuzō Karasawa – Another nobody, loses in 2 rounds and then loses to Itagaki even faster

Take Keīchi - An old vet of the featherweight division, could have won by opening the cut on Ippo but decided to be HONORABU and lose his crucial purse-changing fight by playing fair

Jimmy Sisphar - A thai boxer with literal brain damage who was not in peak physical condition and took the fight on short notice

Malcolm Gedo - a boxer who cheats with loosened gloves (lol Kamogawa and the ref didn't catch this), more than likely couldn't/wouldn't win against opponents in a fair fight; see Randy Boy jr and Antonio Guevara

Wally - Bonobo Monkey Boy; a young kid who nearly beats Ippo in his FOURTH fight and only loses due to 'muh fifth body shot oh noes' and Ippo's plot armor

Kojima Hisato – a scrub tier lightweight who drains himself to featherweight and obviously had lots of trouble with his weight management’

Alfredo Gonzales - First world ranker Ippo faces, easily outboxes him then retardedly goes into Mextli style which makes him more vulnerable; he still beats Ippo by KO

Antonio Guevara - 3rd person to KO Ippo but by now Ippo's jaw has been cracked twice already so it’s not as an impressive feat as when Date did it

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Speaking of the ref, why do none of Ippos opponents ever call him out on the fact that he almost always has the same ref every match? One that's willing to let Ippo continue long after its obvious that he can barely stand or see? It looks a lot like some sort of colluding going on from an outside perspective.

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Is Ippo still fighting that silly jungle boy? That's where I dropped the manga

Takamura won the 154 belt, a 160 belt then unified with another 160 belt, hasn't shown any signs of moving to 168 yet.

The problem is that smaller boxers have a shorter career lifespan. Ippo has the advantage of being a late in life boxer so there's not as much wear and tear on him, but typically the smaller weight classes are primary younger then 30.

Takamura is like Ricardo in that he's not so much a character as a plot device.

Takamura is profitable in Japan but the real money is Vegas money, however in the Ippo-verse the Karukaren Hall is profitable enough to lure boxers and champions to fighting there instead of Vegas.

If George drew a different ref for however many fights there have been, he'd be drawing 100+ refs. Most likely he just doesn't care. Refs in Ippo are more plot devices that increase the stakes and drama of each fight

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Nah, he plot armored his way through that fight, got clobbered by a mexican and had a brain damage scare, lost to a literal who on his big comeback because he rushed his recovery, "retired", shaved his head twice and is now working as a 2nd while pining for his glory days and marveling over how great coach is.

He's good...

What about the Mexican lightweight champion? Is that fight ever going to happen?

You got the one where it's Gonzales just making fun of Ippo for even getting this far?


Why is Shinoda so shit bros? I don't understand. I mean, Kamagowa is shit, but Jesus Christ Shinoda.

Some of Ali's fights were actually tricked to allowing him victory.

cant wait for the next fight

>2 years worth of oxigen made aemen made a glopping noise as ippo fist flowed endlessly in the oponent face

I hope he accidentally kills some newcomer and retires for another 10 years trying to cope with what he has done.
Takamura will tell him he's too much of a bitch to cross the line again.
Kumi might blow him a kiss once.
Itagaki will continue being irrelevant.
Coach will continue killing younglings in the ring.

>but dude it's realistic! real boxers retire and take breaks! Ippo is the best he's EVER Been and so is the series. It's still is! Listen Ippo isn't even about the boxing it's about the characters!

Cope cope cope cope.

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