Fire Force

What the fuck went wrong? It's all there, interesting concept and cute girls.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Fanservice that keep been put in inappropriate moment.

We're already overburdened with shounen shit, can't handle more

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As a whole it was exciting and I look forward to the same production team giving it their all season 2.

It was good.

Not enough Iris

Bad comedic timing.

Good one, user

Tonal whiplash

it was always a shitty series. only good thing it had was the fanservice.
ohkubo is a terrible writer

Cute girls don't make something good. That should be considered a cherry on top at most.

Tonal whiplash is good, though

if this was published in wsj it would be axed already. it took 30 chapters for this manga to be good

Then why is sam8 still going?

Generic MC like with 99% of anime

Proof that Sakugatards should not be allowed to have opinions on anime quality.

Yep. Pretty much.

The world burning with special firefighters trying to save it is cool.

Everything else was dumb as fuck.



Same deal here, basically. Soul Eater was a big enough hit that he got a longer runway to get fire force off the ground

at least Shinra is smart and has some sort of common sense

The beginning was filled with clichés (who would have thought that the little brother would still be alive???? OMG PLOTTWIST), the fightscenes got abrupted in such a way that they lost tension and maybe the mysteryplot got rushed a little bit.

shame, I liked the concept and the world but the execution was bad (like most shonen desu but this one is particuarily bad)

I liked it.

>that keep
Fire Force was never a super serious show to begin with, the middle arc even explain to you the unique view of the world they have, there's literally 1 scene in the whole 24 episodes where it was "inappropriate" and OP posted it but in reality there was no "lucky" accident during it, Tamaki is just naturally sexy and that's it, it's like saying Miyazaki movies showing little girl panties ruin the entire movie.

Amazing visuals don't make something good, That should be considered a cherry on top at most.

also damn, had no idea it was the Soul Eater author's work. It has every problem SE had, but even more.

Shinra is annoying
Tamaki is fap bait and ceases to be a character due to that
Ogress girl is cool, but her insecurity is annoying and not the point where I lasted in the series, that's just annoying
Princess character is annoying fap bait
Arthur. oh boy Arthur. He's the single most annoying character in the past 5 years that I've come across.

actually now that I write it all out, it failed because of weak/bad characters. the power system isn't great but I can deal, the world is interesting, the overarching plot is ok, and the style and look of the world is ok.
Animation was great, but that's not enough to carry a series with all these drawbacks

Boring characters. That's pretty much it. Villains aren't that bad but the main cast is just bland and it doesn't really feel like they like each other. They just like the captain.

Huh why was my post deleted?

e-celebs are off-topic

The video was a good analysis of Fire Force though.

So make the points yourself, you lazy cunt. If you want to talk about anime reviewers go to reddit

Oh, didn't know that. Now I might even watch some Ghibil movies.

shonen shitters and other mature anime watchers from Yas Forums don't like fancervice
and we're in shonene general board

Shut the fuck up you moron. Everyone loves Monogatari and its literally fanservice: the show. This was just trash with trash characters.

>too many characters
>7 irrelevant fire departments
>MC is on Fairy Tail level of powerlevelling
>the show took itself too seriously
At least the OP was great

>le cherry on top
Is this a reddit phrase?

Are you 12?

Are you okay? Monogatari was thousand years ago before shonen generals and election. People who watched Monogatari with Yas Forums are in small minority in shonen generals

the series lost me when flame can be used to stop time or move faster than light

You're so fucking stupid, holy shit.

I agree with this post

>Cute girls don't make something good.
Get out of Yas Forums.

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Modern shounen anime is just boring desu.

It's painfully generic and all the characters are walking gags, just be happy it isn't worth hating like Black Clover.
I will literally never get over that there is a small contingent of people on Yas Forums that are actually braindead enough to be entertained by BC, let alone defend it.

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Not even good fanservice smfh.

Make me

I don't see how what I wrote was wrong in any sense, something that's bad is bad regardless of how cute the cast may be.

Gal Gohan

It's pretty good anime, desu.

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No arguments? Good. Shonen generals don't like fanservice. Your monogatari has nothing to do with modern day Yas Forums


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>4 page thread with 11 ips

Going to start Black Clover just to spite you

>Poluchit' novie posy
Get out and never come here again.

Kodansha Box is a shonen publisher.

that's an english phrase. commonly used in english

Do you know what shonen is?

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I like how the girls are mostly just bimbos. Really turns me on. Ironically Hibana is the least bimbo among them.

In the terms of publishing, it's a demographic consisting of boys, usually ranging from 12-18 years of age. It is not a battle manga.

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I had to tap out when during the middle of an important boss fight, the mc tripped into a girl's tits. Like, yes I'd love to see this at a later time but hmmm, maybe now's not the best time for slapstick antics?

Hibana can canonically cook like perfect future wife. You don't really find something like this anymore these days.

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black clover is the best shounen to come out in years. I should have expected this type of shitpost from a fucking nunu.

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>Arthur. oh boy Arthur. He's the single most annoying character in the past 5 years that I've come across.
Arthur is Excalibur from Soul Eater if it were a person and that tells you all you need to know about how fucking annoying he is

Don't know what you guys mean, it was a 6-7/10 all the way through.

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It has lewd catgirls and lewd nuns!
What else do we need?

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>Shonen generals don't like fanservice
This is a joke right?

You are just calling bad the 99.99% of things Yas Forums likes.

And Monogatari is shonen right?

You could fill out an entire playlist with just bad shows with great OPs. It's odd.

Turns out it isn't.

It is published by under a shonen line's banner, so yes.

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>reposting the same pic from the thread op

This show would have been better if it was straight up porn.

I haven't watched an anime since 2015 and i just with one picture i can tell it's shit. It's incredibly obvious what all 12 episodes of this anime are you should really watch better anime.

It’s almost as if the repost is way higher quality and with better coloring... hmmmm

Cause people shouldn't save shitty low res tumblr images.

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This is sate of modern Yas Forums

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Porn wouldn't have made me cry like the last 3 episodes made me, the whole family plot really got me in the kokoro.

You don't have to keep responding after getting btfo you know. You can just close the thread and try to forget how embarrassed you are.

But a lot of shows with cute girls are actually good.

This show is by ANY means above average, so even if you think it's the worst thing ever it couldn't go lower than a 6/10, it was a 8/10 for me because the story really catched up near the end and it made me wish all anime could have this quality and dedication.

touhou is the japanese mlp and always has been

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>Generic battle shounen #94
>It's all there!


Gundam is chinese pokemon

This is for the least better than Kimetsu no Yaiba, you know, the best anime of all time.

This definition is obviously retarded if it's discounting middle and high school readers, who are obviously the main demographic for WSJ. But if you really want to stick with this, then I will gladly abide by it, and we can agree that nothing being discussed in "shonen generals" are actually shonen at all, especially Chainsawman.

>This is for the least better than Kimetsu no Yaiba
Not really, KnY doesn’t throw in fan service during a tense fight against a villain who was killing children and just previously killed a mother in front of her kids. That alone puts way above FF.

(you) denied ponyfag

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はい。 物語は、少年層に対応する雑誌に掲載されています。 あなたが子供向けであることを意味する意味合いが好きではないという事実は、現実を変えません。 日本の子どもたちは、これらの物語を理解するのに十分なほど成熟していると考えられているという事実は称賛されるべきです。

>cute girls
too bad there is no story to follow

It has like the worst fanservice timing ever.

What do you mean? I liked it

Monogotari is not shonen manga and you perfectly know what shonen is in Yas Forums. Wait a second

The manga adaptation is literally published in Weekly Shonen Magazine

This. Is this "shonen light novel"? Or real book?

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Fuck you Arthur is great

most people like isekaishit now

What you don't seem to understand is that how something is produced does not impact whether something is shonen or not. What matters is the demographic that its publisher is targeting. It's not a genre, it's corporate jargon for the material's target audience. Monogatari's LNs are published by Kodansha Box, a shonen publisher, and its manga is published in Weekly Shonen Magazine, a shonen publisher. Monogatari is shonen.

Tamaki having an in-universe justification for being fanservice girl is still shit.

Otherwise it's a great show that got utterly fucked over by the KyoAni fire happening shortly into its airing. It makes the whole show have a sore spot unfairly placed on it when it wasn't its fault in the slightest. In other words the anime adaptation got Shinra'd in a sense.

Don't know what i expected seeing as people that like FF probably haven't followed more than 2 series in their life.
Don't worry, taste is an age thing.

>you disagree with me therefore you dont watch anime ngyyoooughh za wurldoo wryyy hahehehahhahahah i love music!
Ok nunu.

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This series makes black clover look good by comparison

oh my god. you're right

Damn calm down BC baby it's just a reaction imagine.
You're allowed to like shit if you want too.

Honestly, the fanservice was out of the place most of the time, but the dude with star pupils not getting killed by Shinra's first kick was the biggest disappointment for me.

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procedurally generated story.

He's not wrong.


>we're gonna fight fire WITH fire!


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god i wish i were him

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Why is she such a cunt?

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very accurate formulation of my complaints

>Worth hating
Holy shit it's just simple shounenshit, why does this series get people so mad?

too much suffering porn

the audience is just exhausted at this point, we don't care how tragic it is we're all out of tears to shed

brown best

Shitty MC.
Y.Aoi in a side part is quite literally its biggest draw. You even posted her, but the priorities on characters are all wrong.

>starts with humans fighting ""demons""
>almost immediately swaps to humans vs humans
uh ok

Yeah the series just pretty much nearly forgets them until the times they want to bring the infernal back. Then we get the first one who was intelligent and aware of his predicament and control his powers hes easily dealt with by the mc and authur.

You posted the reason why
The worst fanservice ever created

This is what did it for me. I still kept watching, but the out of place fanservice really dampened any kind of tension and seriousness they were going for. And it wasn't once or twice, it was all the goddamn time in the middle of tense situations.

Maki should have more screen time.

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This happens in every zombie series ever created. I'm not defending it as good but it is anything but unexpected,

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It was exactly the most appropriate moment. I'll always find unexplainable how you guys can't get it.

Actually the problem is it doesn't take itself seriously enough, a better writer could've made a good series out of this, Ohkubo is too much of a one genre baby

Generic? Name me 5 shounens with as good world building, lore and concept as Fire Force

The first episode of fire force was so promising, how did they fuck it up?

The worldbuilding isn’t anything special
One Piece
Black Clover
Hunter x Hunter

>>One Piece
>This island is Egypt, this island is Spain, this island is Japan, also here have some cyborgs and Power Rangers
Never read it
Had potential but was a mess, no
>>Hunter x Hunter
Barely seen anything also Nen is not well ingrained in the world, no

World building mean jackshit if you don't have engaging characters. Example: Samurai 8

Hey at least there's Arthur, but I did say it's badly written, just don't think it's generic, generic would be Bnha, BC, KnY, etc, Fire Force has some interesting ideas

Having interesting ideas doesn't mean much if you can execute them well or draw the viewers to those ideas.

I know, that's why it flopped both anime and manga

>A whole bunch of non rebuttals

Be quiet Kubo

It doesn’t even interesting ideas,the church and prayer being used to fight demons has been used in every exorcist battle manga.

Who let you out of the DBS threads, ESL-kun?

After watching Soul Eater I can honestly say that Fire Force is the better series and those who say otherwise are saying that because of nostalgia

Oh yeah this guy did Soul Eater as well, damn he deteriorated.

He wanted that Hiro Mashima cumbrain audience and got it

No ideas is original, all ideas are build upon older ideas.

Kyoani killed the hype.

Wait this is by the same guy who made Soul Eater? That actually explains the weird pacing to a t

It got better as it went along and had lots of great moments. 19-24 was such a kino run.

Tamaki is fucking RAPE BAIT and gets my snake solid.

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One of the characters was reduced to a conduit of fan service
This speaks a lot about the writing

I never got enough sense of the MC's actual character to give a shit about his motivations and goals. It all just felt really forced. The fire stuff was cool and the animation was excellent but the plot and character development just failed utterly.

FMA did this much better by showing the MCs origin and SKIPPING to the interesting parts, not the bullshit of them joining the army and not compressing the bullshit of them joining the army to keep the plot moving. Just skipping it was fine. Then it was a cool mystery what was going on with weird, overpowered villains and some kind of plot to foil. FF just never had that and it felt rushed.

It's too on the nose for me and I HATE IT

Even with all the cute girls, the cute muscular girls, the amazing ending song and the nice animation most of the time it didn't catch me.
Especially because of

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If Tamaki was straddling Maki's bicep how many times would Maki have to flex to get her to cum?

>it's all there
>interesting concept and cute girls
an actually engaging story would be nice desu.

Just another log of generic shounen shit adrift in an entertainment ocean already saturated with them. Literally just Twin Star Exorcists 2.0 and both of them can fuck off.

fanservice is fine
the problem is when its the same gay shonen "jokes" over and over again
just have the girl be half naked and stop wasting time

>just have the girl be half naked and stop wasting time
This is literally what happens in this scene which is the one time where the fanservice was "innapropriate", people complaining about the fanservice in this show are worse than normalfags, they are retarded.

literally 2 seconds later the mc stares at her like a drooling retard
nice bait

Slowpoke here. Can someone explain to me why Arthur was fighting with his left hand against 5? Was there any deep meaning that I'll learn later or is he just a fucking idiot?

oh yeah and 2 fucking seconds after staring at her like an idiot they do the dumb

>or is he just a fucking idiot

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Did THIS screen air on toonami?

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I've seen a lot of people saying that Tamaki ruins the series, but she was the only reason I stuck with it as long as I did. Aoi Yuuki is a succubus.

What's wrong with seeing a little skin?

overall plot structure and antagonists are not really good

When that skin is attached to a retard that ruins every scene she's in

God she's so slender.

are you retarded?

That's part of what makes her fucking hot. You can manhandle the shit out of her.

Literally nothing. Kino force is peak pleb filter.

I think they only censored the boob grab from episode 3.

I want to full nelson Tamaki.
Either that or push her legs up to her head missionary.

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cringe, tamaki is the best part next to arthur

This. Also S2 confirmed, hell yeah

such a great show

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slender womanlets with powerful hips and a small waist and handful-tits is the ideal female form honestly, god she's great

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Best part is there are two of her.

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she also has just the greatest fucking ass

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>open this thread
>literally only one Hibana picture

The fuck is wrong with you people?

Hibana is shit

Iris > Lisa > Maki > Tamaki > Hibana

Fuck you

i got halfway through the first episode and knew it would be shit.

can't believe you idiots sat through a whole season of that

>The only way this anime could have worse timing is if the plot for the second season was going to be the Coronavirus

>ignoring the build up
>ignoring the rest
Maybe you idiots are getting triggered by the fanservice because your brain can't process anything else. Have you considered that you might be the problem?

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fire force is kino though
once season 2 gets through the godawful chinese arc

I mean, the ultimate enemy isn't human at all, unlike the "demons".

There's nothing wrong with having some fnaservice but the way they do it is just embarrassing. Fanservice is one of those things were the more you try to explain it the worse it gets.

Good to know. I won't watch it now that I know it doesn't take itself seriously.

What build up? Story started of as bland as could be, ecchi scenes were thrown in mid fight scened without any sense for tone or tension for fight scenes

"Lucky Pervert" is hands down the worst way to do fanservice in existence

That's the point dumbasses. It's more of a misfortune that a "lucky" shit. If it was any other girl only then it'd have been out of place, the fanservice didn't come out of thin air.

>most people like isekaishit now
Not true.

That's, at worst, just lazy. Im talking about stupid in universe stuff that doesn't have to be there. If you want to have sexy scenarios and a lucky pervert just do it, but don't BS me and try and tell me you're doing a parody of it when you're really just doing the same thing while, LOUDLY, exclaiming HAH HAH IM SELF AWARE!

>Cute girls
Fuck no.
Maybe a typical shounen exclusive fag would think so, but the girls look so fucking boring, and also the same type that there's literally nothing to live about them.

It wasn't the continuing adventures of Soul Eater and a cast of developed characters but a whole new thing with tacky fanservice (it's nice, but it's just used everywhere).

what a fag
go back to whatever shithole you left

Dropped it on ep1 when it aired because it looked like garbage boku no shounenshit with a firefighter gimmick.
If I knew it had at least one saving grace - ecchi - I would have kept on but now its just too late and rewatching it just to see what the normalfags are going batshit about is just too much of a hassle.
>mfw now have to speedrun through the eps anyway just to get a decent quality image of op's pic for wallpaper reasons

What a fucking burn, way to prove my point that you're a retarded shounen fag.

Every parody ends up playing things straight. Look at Deadpool for example.

>it was always a shitty series.

Also called the Fairy Tail Effect

Because you’re a fucking faggot.

Shh, you don’t want to disturb the hivemind here.

The authors are good friends. You can see why now

Fuck off yurifag

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Difference is the exorcism and church is some built upon the world in Fire Force, not something ingrained in the world like in exorcism anime, in Fire Force they exorcise because a religion was created consequently to the extraordinary phenomenons that happened (which makes sense, more fantasy anime lacks religious aspects), in exorcist anime exorcism is just part of the power system, their story basically passes inside the religion itself, it's not the same

Based metalchad

It had to compete with actual good anime that season like Vinland Saga and Dr. Stone

I want to see her cute face as she cries and suffers

>interesting concept


Fairy Tail only has fanservice to offer. It would be forgotten if it didn’t have it.

>Dr. Stone

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>Binland saga
>Bazinga bone

The moment the knight guy was having a cool tense fight and he genuinely forgot which hand he actually uses to attack and switches, one-shotting the enemy, is the moment I dropped it.

What seems to be the final arc just began in the manga, and, as shonenshit as it can get, Fire Force definitely isn't that bad tbqh. The fights are great, the story, albeit quite simple for a shonen, is interesting enough to create a coherent world you have interest in seeing it moving, some panels are quite beautiful and the character design is nice if you liked Soul Eater.

Hes just an idiot whos really strong

The Fire Force “religion” is barely fleshed out all we know is that they worship some unnamed sun God and some exposition about how the Fire Brigade was formed which doesn’t come across as religious text.

>in exorcist anime exorcism is just part of the power system, their story basically passes inside the religion itself, it's not the same
Not really, D Gray Man for instances rewrites parts of the Old Testament to fit within the manga original story, Blue Exorcist has Roman Catholic Church as the dominant force against the demons and most of the powerful demons are named after biblical demons like Beelzebul, Satan etc even AoT has the Church of the Walls.

Fireforce wasn't good because it broke its own rules. It limited itself to pyrokinetic powers but then it immediately broke the rules by having the MC be able to do DBZ flying, for example, and land on his legs from great heights without them snapping like twigs.

All the author would have had to do is make a point of showing that flight is inherently dangerous when you're turning yourself into a rocket propelled grenade, but that was asking too much.

IMO all its failings stem from the author's laziness in this one critical feature.

Are those BRAAAAAP clouds?

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It was average at best and it came out right after the Kyoto Animation massacre which more or less doomed it

Author is too dumb to provide an actually engaging plot, which worked for soul eater early on because it was a mystery but fire force is straightforward and it's made really obvious.

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The characters are great, they have their pluses, their weaknesses and their development.

Something went wrong?

It's just boring, generic shonen, you might as well ask why nobody on Yas Forums cares about Blue Exorcist and you'd get the same answer.

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Remove cat and give her screen time to Maki and Iris.

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watched the first episode, looked like your standard battle-glory hungry protag against the forces of evil or whatever. maybe it got better but i don't think ff is doing anything new

this must be bait, since series like monogatari are revered. fire force is just boring

Nothing it was fairly good, waiting for the S2.

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Surprisingly, yes.

Picked up

The animation is not bad, but it looks like a poor and somewhat awkward artistic resource.

The animation was only really good in a few episodes. Unless you were a fan of the main story in the manga, you probably missed it.

If Gintoki likes it you know it’s shit.

Lmao, faggot
There are no inappropriate moments for tits and ass

shitty execution

You're the type of gaywad that can't enjoy Highschool of the Dead, aren't you?

Fuck tamaki
Will still probably watch season 2 though, it's a a good show when she isn't on screen.

Tits are the entire point of that show, fire force is trying to be a serious(ish) story when she is not on screen.

I this is show is anything like that then yeesh. panty shots of corpse being eaten just doesn't work. it's like chocolate on cabbage.

I didn't drop it but fuck that was painful.
Having the wrong hand gag was fine but he still should have had a difficult fight after swapping instead of going straight to nothing personal kid.

Tamaki > Iris > Dominatrix > Gorilla Cyclops >>>>>>>>> LIsa

There's actual character development in HotD, you've just been filtered by your normalfaggotry

Okay saying it "it passes inside the religion itself" ain't correct, but yeah the use of religion in D Gray Man or Blue Exorcist ain't the same as in Attack on Titan or Fire Force

It ends in around 8 volumes. Quit sperging out autist

10/10 girls

0/10 MC
0/10 premise
0/10 world building
0/10 story

Shinra's cool though

Maki is much cooler than Shinra

This, but mostly the unwatchable moments where the blonde was about to fight or whatever. It took me a second to realize the joke about he not being so strong because he was using his left hand, and all that moment was really slow, then every time he appeared, everything seemed to be a little clunchy, like, the animation was good and then stopped with a zoom in his face, then after a few seconds with nothing happening at all it went back to normal.
I mean, that happened in the entire Anime except for the first episode, but it happened mroe often with the blonde.
Also all these flashbacks repeating over and over again made me skip most of the last episodes.

Reminder Maki and Iris are OTP

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it's not good
>but shonen isn't good
shonen needs to be lucky to get traction
>but it's definitely better than kimetsu no yaiba
yeah probably, but it still sucks

This post and most of the replies are twitterposting shonenbabbys in a nutshell.

I wanna see Sister Irisu's big blonde bush

I can't believe people want more out of something then tits and ass. Truly what a world we live in

I'm starting to think discord was right.

>"oh no I have such an unlady-like body!"
Yeah no, fuck that and fuck Maki. I fucking hate tropes like that when the girl is clearly top tier but pretends that she is undesirable.
It's as bad as the very-popular-and-beauty-who-is-shy-or-a-secret-weeb-LOL.

>hurr duur, you all are just too dumb to see the genius in this!!
Excuse it away all you like, but random interject fanservice completely ruined the tone and tension of the fight like the other user said. They both have more important things to worry about than a little embarrassment like, I dunno, taking down the villain and walking out with their lives? I'd at least expect them to act like the fanservice was inopportune and not as hot as it would have been during a better time. It's not like it impaired Shinra in any way, it just was a random 30 second deviation from the fight while the boss stood there waiting.

Good concept ruined by execution: Fire Force thrived on the mundane approach to an extra-ordinary problem. The further it drifted into regular shounen heroics, the less unique and interesting it got.

It also criminally wastes characters, and is paced remarkably poorly, which is surprising since David could have trivially kept it moving with a bit of common sense.

How dare you make me laugh at that

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It's literally "I woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

It's making fun of the conflicted hero fighting poorly until he makes up his resolve. Only it's Arthur, so he's jobbing because he's an idiot.

>hurr duur
Won't even bother to read the rest of your post. Learn to make a point without being a retard next time.

>MC fly super fast
>hit wall
>not damaged at all

her power is literally having her clothes fall off and people molest her
thats pretty fucking hardcore

>silly battle shounen is to hard to get for the average user
He was just to show him being chuuni, retards. That's the same guy who believes he's a motherfucking knight and whose power is propelled by sheer delusion.
This whole thread, I swear.

Better than cringetsu no yikesba and with actual sakuga instead of CGI effects.


kimetsu has cringe comedy relief characters sperging during serious scenes, which is just as bad.

Really? I don't remember any of them act silly in any of the fight scenes. It actually seperate the serious moment and the silly one pretty good. The one time you can argue was when Zenitsu fought the spider but it then you completely missing the point of that fight.

>watching Fire Force for anything other than Tamaki and Aoi Yuuki
Tamaki is a plebfilter that weeds out the midwit Shounenredditors
She's unironically the best developed character in FF and is the people's favorite for good reason beyond the comprehension of midwits

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Nobody care if those fanservice was in the more lighthearted moment. But tense and serious moment aren't the place for them.

>which is just as bad.
You wish

Any fight scene involving Inosuke is good example

He never faced any serious danger before and the way he act silly in danger moment reflect that. He a small fish in a tiny pond that need to learn the world is bigger than him. Tell me what does fanservice add to the characters in th serious moment ?

You can see Maki is instantly wet for Sister Iris she couldn't muster up those words because she wants to plow the fucking shit out of her.

Shinra is based. Fuck off

Tumblrfag fuck off

Imagine writing this while liking VA which has almost the entire cast of characters worse than Tamaki. Do you have any self-awareness?

Should I bother with anime or just pick manga?

I only watched the anime but it was technically very solid, although the direction was weird at first.

garbage writing and a mangaka who got burnt out less than half way through.

this - it was always jarring as fuck

As a coomer, agreed.

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read tamaki doujin


I loved the sniper duel

He’s trash

spoil me on how awful that arc is

KyoAni fire.

>I must masturbate at all times

Imagine writing this because you are so insecure about Jojo LMAO

I must masturbate to the lewd cat at all times. Great shit!

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Godawful "comedy". I cringed away from this show halfway through ep 2.

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ok tranny