Ao no Flag ends next chapter

lmao this was a complete shitshow, what were they thinking

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Other urls found in this thread:

>they broke up

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Honestly, the ay the story was going it kinda makes sense. Wonder who Taichi's new girlfriend is though (there was another toothbrush in one of the pages and he went all "Tadaima!" there in the end)

>manga was literally killed by faggotry
based and redpilled

>wonder if she is going to marry the lesbo
some s/u/bhuman retards on reddit

Where is the chap?

trust me, you don't want to read it anyway

Have to end this trainwreck even if i don t want to

I'ts up on Mangaplus

And wtf were they thinking, whats up with that timeskip into depression out of nowhere why would you do that aaaaaaaaaaah.

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More like Ao no Cuck lmao

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Wow I fucking hate it


Haven't read this in a long while. What the fuck is this cuck shit? Did this get axed?

20 chapters of gay shit and the author clearly just ran out of ideas

Did them breaking up make sense at all or was it foreshadowed? Honestly I don't care enough to read this shit again.

lol no they just did

noooo why didn't they stay together even though most high school relationships fail waaaaaah

Place your bets on who she married
Touma? Masumi? A literal who?

>Touma? Masumi?
are you retarded?

It's too funny not to dump.

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a fat bastard. imagine the contrast.

Which is more of a plot twist endgame, Futaba x Masumi or Taichi x Mami?


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a literal who is my bet

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There's always that retard defending these kind of twists with "it's realisitc bro".
Listen here you triple stupid nigger. If I wanted to hear a story about a realistic relationship that ends up in the girl marrying someone else years later, I'd just ask my fucking mom. This is a fictional story. This garbage is badly written, serves absolutely no purpose, throws the rest of the manga into the trash, and it's a bad and botched finale that wasted everyone's time because "muh realism".
Kill yourself.

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This will happen to you.

But not me because i never dated anyone

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She married Fuutarou

Are people really mad that they broke up. Are you guys being serious. This story has a lot of faults but this is just nitpicking

You make some bold assumptions


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there are a lot of ways to do it, this manga just went with "btw they broke up lmao"

Maybe we'll get more info next chapter

What's this manga about?

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Already happened to me bro. Also I don't see how I'm the cuck when I got to rail that ass first kek

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Will we know that Taichi got depression so it was probably Futaba that asked

Do homo threads still hate this manga?

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They are a bunch of sissy cringe retards so

A gay who gets rejected by his crush and a dyke who never tells her crush her feelings while their crushes ended up dating. But there was a timeskip with then broken up already.

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She dumped him because Taichi is a huge faggot and currently married with Touma

>ends next chapter
the last chapters have been speeches meandering over nothing but it needs a little more time than that

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I honestly like the art but holy shit this story, is the author gay in real life?

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It's okay bro, I love you more than driving.

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Umi da

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Doubt it when Shingo is one of the characters he wrote

Too bad Touma forgot how to talk.

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Ao no cuck

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you got time user

Thank you, Taichi.

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What if Touma dunks on Tai by being the one that marries Futaba and just uses her as his beard

Jealousy I guess.

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Suffering gays

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I was thinking of starting since it’s ending anyway. Anons is, at least a part of it, good to read? I have pretty high tolerance

>Taichi got depression
>Futaba breaks up with him

But it's not even about them. Like Masumi and Touma don't even get to talk much and are just props for Taichi and Kuze's relationship.

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So yes

it's cute whenever it's about the midgets doing bfgf stuff. it's cringe when it's about literally everything else.

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Why the fuck would they break up?

Touma got the message.

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*japanese intensifies*

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>You don't get it Touma, I want a three way relationship, no-homo

School shit, Taichi depression shit, outside shit, etc

Kuze and Taichi become largely irrelevant in the second half of the manga and are just a props for Mami's drama and Touma's gay drama

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They finished each other off on the beach, that's pretty gay

This, but backwards

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Any chance this gets an anime adaption in the future? Is there a window of freshness for this sort of thing?

That's not even 20% true. Read the manga again.


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Who knows
Did this ever win an award or a poll or something else?


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I'll have you know, Mami's drama started in chapter 28 and it has been focused on her gay shit and Touma ever since. Taichi spent entire chapters without saying a single word, Kuze even less. YOU try to reread the manga.

I doubt it. Maybe a really cheap adaption but they would need to trim alot of talking chapters

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Masumi's issue were barely focused on and she didn't even have closure, you don't know what you're talking about.
As for Touma, even when people learned about him being gay, it was all about how it affected taichi and Kuze's relationship, how girls would talk bad about Kuze, how Taichi felt. Touma's feelings were not the focus.

I truly was the Ao no Fag™ all along.

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How could you botch such a cute and easily dramatic plot like this? The story and drama literally writes itself.


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The length and pace of this manga has been good.

Probably for the sake of "realism", like how most high school relationships don't work out for one reason or another, and therefore this relationship, while being important for their development as people, wouldn't last.

Fucking hell this is so cringey. The series dived at the school festival

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What is "cringey" about this chapter?

Maybe he is sending out the invitations...right?

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You know what this series needed? A rival. A very bisexual rival who tries to steal both kuze and touma from taichi.
There I made things more fun!

>next chapter
what a fucking mess


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Gay, gayer than touma

So happy

thanks for dumping...what a shitshow

>two toothbrushes

Thanks for reading.

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>very bisexual
What does a high degree of bisexuality entail?

Ao no Fag, more like Ao no way Fag, amirite?

Thanks for telling and not showing!

No probs. That page made me audibly laugh after all.

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>what is dramatic narration
You fags will complain about anything

lmao sure buddy. We totally didn't get entire chapters worth of her shitty monologues, flashbacks, her retarded clique, that one orbiter sperging, etc.

Were any of you actually invested in the gerbil's relationship?

Somehow friendship won.

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The ending going in this direction kind of reminds me of Paradise Kiss but not good

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I'm just in it for Touma's happiness. Wonder if he ended up with that baseball bro.

We truly were the ao no way fags

>What is bad story telling
If a huge focus of your story is the buildup of a romantic relationship and then you just drop it without much reason, you're bad at story telling.
The holes in this mangaka's ability are on full display.

Fuck this shit.

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>If a huge focus of your story is the buildup of a romantic relationship
Was i?

Good, I'm tired that every romance has the protagonist marrying the girl he got together with in the manga. Still that page was pretty brutal.

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Just cause you dont like it doesnt mean its written badly, schizo-kun

Yes. And so was touma's gay shit. The relationship was one of the main pillers and two of the characters are part of the protagonist triad.

>Hello darkness, my old friend

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Touma deserves better than Taichi

Fuck I can't believe they spent like a whole volume arguing and philosophizing about shit only to have Taichi come to the basic understanding that he wants Touma to stat as his best friend. Even worse, now that the talking heads chapters are finally over the manga's ending next chapter? The only way it could get worse is the last chapter having two panels hinting at Touma's boyfriend and Masumi's girlfriend while the majority of the pages are dedicated to Futaba marrying a literal who and Taichi reacting to it.

The focus of the story is about growing up, entering adulthood and all that. The romantical relationship was just a tool to explore it.


>this haircut
Okay, that's it. Hope you enjoyed the ao no way fag experience.

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>he gets the shonen dad haircut
>without being a dad

Somebody has got to shop the JUST haircut on him

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Were the two hamster people even really dating? They held hands once but I don't remember them ever kissing and for the most part it was just him being depressed over his gay friend and her sweating and stuttering.

Yes and part of growing up is breaking up. Time skipping the loss of friends and the fall out of a relationship is boring. There's no development. There's just words and events told to you. It is boring.
I don't see why you are trying to defend such a boring way to end a manga. Also growing apart is a part of age, but you were never truly friends if life can get in the way of your interactions.

Meant for dump chain but see it as a sign that Touma does deserve better.
My first thought. The pottery knows no bounds.

>self inserting as the manlet

>Futaba marries Touma for show and they're really in an OT3 forever
There, it's fixed

>not wanting touma lusting after you

No they weren't. This mangaka is garbo and should have written a different story. Two of the main characters are boring as shit and have boring and tired reactions to things.
People only read this manga for Touma and those are the only people who defend it.

>wanting touma lusting after you

imagine how safe you'd feel in his arms...

what if Futaba marries the dyke

>Taichi made her think being with a girl is better

>marries Touma for show
But why?

She never even got a hint that she liked her

I don't know, I feel like it would have been pointless to spend what would have made up probably a quarter of this chapter on going into detail on what exact (most likely trivial) reason they split when that isn't really connected to the point of this chapter in the first place. It probably would have made the timeskip feel less natural as well. I think we should just wait until the next chapter to get a more in dept explanation

How tall was he again? Cause i might be bigger than him, but still would love that desu

How bad will the ending be?

>People only read this manga for Touma and those are the only people who defend it.
Those are mostly the people who shit on it from what I've seen

That's what happened. Lmao

Initially when I read this I thought Taichi had offed himself because of the panel with his feet

Same user I'm 7cm taller than him, but Id still love it

Dude, no one reading this manga gives a shit about the midgets. If they literally disappeared or never existed and it was just the Touma show, none of us would be mad.
Like seriously, who wouldn't want the manga to start dealing with Soft-hearted Touma's interactions with the homo world?

Wait are you saying you actually care about the midgets lmao? What a loser. Here's some easy questions to everyone: Would you read this manga without Touma? Would you read it without the midgets?
I think I know the distribution of those answers lmao

What if Futaba is marrying Touma

You guys can't ask for a realistic relationships and then be disappointed when a high school romance ends. The only people who marry their high school sweethearts and those who work dead end retail jobs.

Still fine

Ah ok, i'm shorter than him by a couple of cm, good. Thanks user

>You guys can't ask for a realistic relationships
So is he now in a new realistic relationship?

No it's actually pretty common. Happened with both my sisters. And they're both successful with highly successful husbands.
In fact, I'd say it's pretty common for high school sweethearts to break up and then come back together later on in adulthood desu.

>Would you read this manga without Touma? >Would you read it without the midgets?
Those are the main characters so probably not as it would be a completely different story

>Two years later...
>I broke up with Futaba
Haven't laughed this hard in a while, can't wait to see how it will end.

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This, all 3 are the MCs and the manga would be completely different with either of them missing. They're a complete package, like a dick with the testicles (their sizes also fit)

I would like it. They are cute.

All I'm saying is I would probably not be invested in a story just with the midgets, but a story dedicated to Touma I'd be down for.
Yes every character contributes to a story, but like the midgets could have been replaced by anyone. Literally anyone and they can not hold an interesting story by themselves.
Touma can.

imagine being touma, being outed and then trying to get away from your crush only for him to find you specifically to tell you that he doesn't like you

Would be kino if they just ended here WHY KAITO WHY

I just hope next chapter gives Touma at least some sort of happy end

It's unironically the best outcome at this point

I dropped it when it got really preachy.

Touma is gay though

My friend, you should pick it up again, this dumpsterfire is glorious.

True. I guess it's best to settle for everyone getting cucked.

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Same - Couldn't give a shit how Taichi ends up - just want Touma to get his happy end

Just give Touma baseball club bf
(1) problem solved


>Turns out Taichi realised he's gay after all
>Lives together with a random, Touma is still single
Just one last fuck you.

Stop projecting

>Masumi dates a Futaba lookalike
>Futaba marries a chad like Touma
>Mami and Shingo got together, her whole preaching was bullshit

Just as god intended!

This is exactly what people wanted from bokuben and 5toubun, and now that they see it in action it suddenly doesn't seem appealing

Realistic but what the fuck

He likely got a literal who gf

>Taichi x literal who (female)
>Touma x Baseball Bro (best girl)
Futaba x ?

Futaba x old man

>Futaba kept not doing anything with Taichi because she was a coward
>didn't really support him and wanted to break up after Touma's stuff because "muh insecurities"
>kept being indecisive over and over and over again
I honestly think it's good for Taichi that they broke up, being with someone like that is tiresome as all fucks. You keep putting in work over and over again and once you have an actual issue your partner will barely be there for you because of their issues. Good riddance to the dude marrying her.

Holy shit my sides

He explained exactly why it's bad though

>it's good because I said so and if you don't like this shitty end, you're a schizo
Fuck off kaito

So who's the character who is living with him? >Masumi
>a literal who
>Shingo who realized his craving for midget dicks
>no one and taichi is doing this to feel less pathetic about himself

Never revealed so both camps can pretend Taichi is gay/straight

"dude 7 year timeskip this is realistic and bittersweet now lmao" might work if there was anything even remotely interesting about the main couple or any sense that we've been reading something significant enough to drag on for 53 chapters. As is it just feels like we missed all of the actual story, like the mangaka couldn't be bothered telling it or ran out of things to say or it got axed, who even cares.

If Touma doesn't have a gorgeous boyfriend in the last chapter we riot.

The author is a woman, in case it wasn't obvious

Not confirmed

No, he's not. Stop switching the gender of the author to female when manga becomes shit

>Stop switching the gender of the author to female when manga becomes shit
Its a hint that the author could be female

Not when male authors churn out shit all the time too

Sure but male is generally
>shit all the time
>good all the time
Unsatisfyingly shitting the bed at the end is female

Still appealing to me. Rejections need to happen.

but nobody's complaining about that, rather quite literally everything else

So why is this board always whining about shounen and harem manga endings written by males, retard

Because their girl didn't win

>As is it just feels like we missed all of the actual story
This. I was expecting it to show their graduations and what Unis they were all going to, or what happened to everyone else, not just skipping over it.

There’s still enough time for baseball chad to win the Toumabowl

Checked and Baseballpilled!


God I hope so


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someone screenshot this

I hate this.

>5x the luck
Yup, I'm thinkin baseball chad wins

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Can some one give me a run down of what happens? I stopped reading after the two midgets become a couple and the homo/dyke shit was starting to brew.

Please stop, he’s already dead

Straight people don't deserve happiness!

the manga is about confronting suppressed homosexuality, user. all you missed rly is baseball chad was outed as gay and got heat for it at first, then he confessed to touma, touma got flack cuz he was avoiding chad and then they made up to become just friends. and now theres a timeskip where they could potentially be more. midget girl is getting married but we dont know to who. could be to lesbian girl who had crush on her.

this but unironically

>and now theres a timeskip where they could potentially be more
user no, don't even go there.

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So what did "blue flag" mean?

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What? That's it?

at least it never got to koi to kuso tier
but damn, this was stretched out for nearly a year.

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To laugh at him when it doesn't happen? Feel free to screenshot me as well (maybe I'm wrong, but it's for the meme)

bitch, explain the two toothbrushes
its either baseball chad or he's fucking a literal who dude

This isn't true. Frankly, whenever an author is unconfirmed people always assume they're female.
No, there's one last chapter.



>No, there's one last chapter.
Yeah I mean, that's it? What the fuck?

I thought that panel was about Tachi's home, nothing implies it's a dude living with him

This. The only way I can be satisfied is if Touma got some amazing D to ride everynight.

"I'm gay"
"gross he's gay"
"oh no"
"I guess we'll deal with it"

here's a video summary

Yes, it's his home. If anything is way more feasible that he's living with a girl.

No way this wasn't axed, the author spent God knows how many chapters with the preachy stuff with zero development and then shoved years of supposed development in Taichi's narration in a single chapter with no build up or impact.

>the story is not shit anymore if the author fulfills my yaoi fantasies!
That's why you can't be taken seriously when you talk shit about this manga, or manga that depict real life situations that aren't all sunshine and roses.

Powerful, can I subscribe to your tumblr?


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>It's another episode of "I don't love you became I'm not gay but homos are not wicky and we can be friends!"

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Wasn't it selling moderately good

it could go either way. we'll find out next chapter probably

lmao nigga, this type of character is so stale at this point, literally a meme

>T-taichi's really gay too guys!
Give it a rest already,

The threads for this manga have always been filled with repressed homosexuals, like Notice how that same page from Koi to uso is reposted multiple times along with sarcastic comments in an obsessive way to cope with the "mistreatment" the gay characters get. It's a circlejerk of sad faggots.

I can see him living with Touma only because he'd be a realiable person with whom splitting the rent with.



Going by the threads a lot of people dropped it, so I wouldn't be surprised if the sales started going to shit too, but you're right, I have no idea how it's doing sales wise.

This series takes subverting expectations way too far.

Who was your favorite 5toubun user? It didn't go that bad there, since the sisters are all stuck with the newlywed couple

Them breaking up after a few years is what I like, but the story went to shit since he told his friends he was a fag. We got this preachy bullshit that the writer wanted to convey through the characters but it felt so fake and not realistic. Before that it was a comfy read. Shame.

What the fuck are you talking about faggot? I'm just laughing at the shitty overdone development.

How did her fare, anons?

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Next chapter will end with Touma killing himself

Then you are not one of the bunch I was talking about, chill.

fuckign retarded, "no story jsut kinda happened" duh you fag that's slice of life romcoms, the story are characters adn interactriosn, you hanging with your buddies for 5 chapters would be a story.
Now no matter the ending it's gonna be shit because it's no longer development. Now it's "reveal". And if everyone is gay now, what could fuckign work in this one manga, it now jsut be redditfaggotry and nothing more.
What the fuck happened to golden age of romcoms guys, it was so promising, so many great and promising starts and now everythign is going in flames. First 5toubun, now this, 5toubun knockoff went episodic bullshit early on, nagatoro lost her fangs, only kaguya is delivering.

It sells around 20k per volume. Looks relatively good for a Jump Plus manga.

Yeah, seeing Toma happy and satisfied with his sexuality years down the line wouldn't be realistic and totally out of tone.

What the fuck are you talking about nigga?

In the same way the opposite would be realistic too. That was not the point of my post though.

>nisaka claims they can't be friends since he already kissed him and friends don't have relationships like that
>MC kisses nisaka
>MC does it again, this time french kisses him
>see, friends can kiss each other too
Pretty hilarious when it first came out to be hhones.
I don't really care about "mistreatment" either, and frankly I don't think anyone from homothreads care either. Koi to kuso and ao no way fag are literally just domestic no kanojo tier.

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What the hell. I wonder if Kaito accepted he had no idea what he was doing and decided to end this or if it's simple, pure bad writing.

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Is this a spiteful author thing?
Did he hate his fans?

>Next chapter will end with Taichi killing himself

>Everyone reunites and finds partners on his funerals
Manga is suddenly saved. Realistic and bittersweet/10

Quick, how do you fix the ending?

>Did them breaking up make sense at all or was it foreshadowed?
It was foreshadowed.

40 pages of sweaty Touma working out or having sex


>Touma visiting Taichi's grave

What Taichi described as his happiness

Touma gets a good haircut and everyone but Taichi and Shingo is happy. The lesson is if you're a depressed midget in highschool, you're a depressed midget forever. Very realistic and artsy

This chapter was just a dream
The last chapter is him fucking Futaba

What's wrong with his haircut?

I'm so annoyed.

The first two thirds were super comfy, I didn't even mind that it took its sweet ass time getting to the happening.

Then the happening happens and its fucking nothing. Just characters becoming talking heads for like 10 chapters then getting over it.

It's frustrating

and yet somehow These thread still got 100+ replies
amazed this manga breed a new specie of otter. You fags never learn do you?

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It's ugly and one can't have the same haircut since grade school forever

Touma's haircut is not ugly

Give Taichi a boyfriend and show him happy. I dunno how you fix the midgets, they were boring anyway.

Fuckin hell

It's a Yas Forums haircut

He's borderline bald, we need some variety

>Taichi I still blame myself
>Do you know that Futaba has divorced recently? I'm going to make her happy in your stead. Hope you'll watch our wedding in heavens
I tried my worst

>He's borderline bald
He's borderline buzz cut. He should actually go all the way for a full buzz cut

You mean Touma?

We already have one shounen dad haircut and a baldie. We need to break the cursed circle

Have Taichi and Touma show up to the wedding with dates/spouses.

As long as Taichi isn't just a moping mess, I'll be okay.

Taichi and Touma will show up together as a couple.

Honestly, as much as I want Touma to be happy, I hope that doesn't happen. Would be way to pander-y when Taichi has been solidly straight this whole time

He had weird moments and reactions which a straight dude wouldn't have, but with this author there's no way in hell he's anything but straight

What if Taichi and Touma are living together and the manga ends without telling you as what?

Hello? Have you both speedread the latest chapter? The story is already over and it established the two of them as friends, how can you still believe that Taichi will change his mind again in the epilogue, not to mention off screen? There a limit on how dense one can be.

After the latest chapter and the way the author handled Touma's arc, it's not happening. You won't even see Touma's boyfriend, in the worst case he'd be with a girl

>as what
The manga already told you what they are and will be.

Hello? Have you speedread the fucking comments?

Do you enjoy getting mad over literally nothing?

Touma won't be with a girl. They explicitly said he's gay.

No, I haven't. You were writing pure nonsense giving voice to your inner feelings more than anything else.

>G-guys Taichi was totally feeling those homo feelings but the other just won't let it happen
haha fuck

The damage control is real

What a pity

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>Two posts say taichi is straight
>Yeah, that's what we said...

>There's no way Taichi is anything but straight
Are you perhaps retarded? The author added some weird reactions to Touma as a fanservice or god knows why else, but we all know he's straight

user... It's nice of you to try simplifying it, but that's not what was being said. Refrain from replying if it's only to expose your stupidity.

>weird reactions to Touma as a fanservice
Sorry but this is just too dumb to read.

Refrain from trying to prove anything. You're a literal retard

Maybe you shouldn't read at all since you're bad at that to begin with

Please keep entertaining me with your room-temperature IQ considerations that are basically just headcanons at this point. The "weird reaction as fanservice" is the most amusing thing I've read today.

Since Futaba is out. This is your new endgame
Making ao no homo threads seethe has never been easier

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well shit

I didn't even like their "friendship"

It's like you haven't read the manga


Looks like he's not wearing pants

It'll be sad if he's still in love with Taichi.

Next chapter, the series ends and Kaito doesn't bother showing what happens to anyone else but the main four.

How mad would you be?

How come i find Touma so hot/cute when he has such a vanilla design?

Not mad but disappointed

They're clearly in love and are inviting Futaba to their wedding.

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I legit think this is a likely option. At least the manga would end with a bang.
The fact that Touma cared to help Taichi 'come to terms" with his ex girlfriend seems rather random. It's kinda less so if he's the boyfriend.
The apartment doesn't seem like it's housing a girl either. It's pretty bare, masculine, and devoid of trinklets.
Moreover that bean bag is pretty fucking far from the couch. Must be for someone with long ass legs.

Japanese subways would be my personal hell

They're one-sidedly heterosexual life-partners.

Giving my corona to user in the japanese subway!

Oh I trust hetfags will construe it this way if only for the bait should my suspicions prove true.

Nip houses are this basic and bare, just sayin'

Here they begin with this shit again.

That would at least be funny.

A girl would bring at least one plushie or flower patterned blankets on the couch.

Are your girl friends 12 years old?

No but I know I'd never move to someone's place without my big ass Pikachu plushie.

I know I wouldn't.

This was so heavily telegraphed it was more a question of how he could possibly avoid it.

Because you aren't a girl

Prove it.

Post your dick

Post yours if you have one.

this is getting interesting

I can post my girly hand instead

I suppose I'm a brainlet because I didn't see anything foreshadowing it. I did kinda expect it just for the shock value at this point in the story though.

I mean, I wouldn't say it's telegraphed like things usually are in manga, with huge flaming letters on a sign ten miles tall, but this story has spent an awfully long time questioning how the characters feel about relationships and how into that particular relationship those two characters are. It's the kind of thing that wouldn't really come up unless it was leading to something, and it sure didn't look like that something was a big affirmation of their undying love. Kaito is too obsessed with this manga being instructive to miss a chance to highlight that few people marry their high school sweetheart.

They had multiple conversations surrounding the future fate of their relationship once they got into college

Not necessarily. You don't often see coming the stuff you don't want to happen. You won't see the signs unless you look for them and even then you probably won't see anything.

>you will never be pushed into touma on a crowded train
Why live

I hope the last chapter has him show up with his twunk boyfriend and they bully Taichi for being a virgin.

What do you think that second toothbrush is for

He likes to mix things up on Tuesdays, or he has a roommate.

His kid, he is a single father.

His sister's kid because this is going to shift completely into a surprise sequel where gay dads have to raise a child they get stuck with.

Give up

Learn what jokes are, autist.

A little touchy?

About what?

I would.

This does seem to be make it very clear that Touma and Tai kept at the very least a close friendship over these years

People got to let this go, Gyro didn't even specifically care about the kid just that his family would wrongfully be executing someone.

Is this fella supposed to be Touma or Taichi? Also what if Taichi and Futaba just started over and got married in the end without any more hitches?

That is obviously Taichi. Touma is the buff torso earlier.

You were expecting a high school romance between two inexperienced kids to last?

I see. That perspective makes Taichi look so tall in comparison to his highschool self. For a minute I thought it was Touma with dyed hair.

>wasting a full page on this


I can't believe Taichi is balding

>gets the haircut of the boy he rejected

>implying they're not clones together now
Mega gay.

Touma deserves so much better, so I'm okay if he doesn't end up with Taichi.

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>the heart
Cut him some slack at least he drew some buildings at the bottom

He also says "tadaima"...


>ends next chapter

>my feelings aren't the as yours


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That guy seems like a good match and is sufficiently hot. Let it be so.

It's because he looks gay.

It's true. He does look like the gay-leaning type from that picture showing what girls and boys like in their animu boys.

what the fuck, first tensei pandemic gets shitcanned and now this too? fucking hell

This kind of seems like a natural conclusion. It was always focused on Taichi's dueling ships, and now they seem to have been resolved. The time skip is probably there because there can't be any significant closure without the passage of time so the characters can be organically separated from the immediate emotional response. And because Tai needed to ditch that girl.

You know, I'm actually ok with this ending for the most part. I just wish the stuff between here and everyone learning that Touma has the big gay had been more compelling (and more concise). It felt like everyone just turned into philosophical talking heads debating about shit instead of getting to the heart of the matter. And it's annoying that Taichi basically became a spineless non-entity during it. I'm not saying he should have immediately turned around to be friends with Touma again, but he should have at least had SOMETHING to do besides just sitting around being pathetic.

Overall I enjoyed the manga, I'm glad I read it. But the stuff around the ending was just disappointing.
I don't think it's getting cancelled, it's just ending.

Short of starting a whole new arc post highschool, the plot really has nowhere to go.

Those are some lucky fuckin quints.

Will they be enough though

He's got the Yas Forums body and short hair that gay elevens like.

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please, you can deny the ride was so much fucking fun user.

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Not him, but the ride was great until after the festival.
Then it kinda went down hill.

But overall I'm gonna remember that most of it was a combo of comfy and suffering, and that's enough

how do i find a touma bf? And how do i become the type of person who deserves such a person?

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oh no no no no no

QRD on the series?

You can only hope one finds you, but if they do you should try to avoid being a wishy-washy dipshit.

all the pseudo deep bullshit after Touma's confession was the only part I really disliked

Main characters was childhood friends with the most popular jock in school. After they sorta fell apart from having different friend groups, they end up in the same class their senior year of high school. Awkward girl in their class sees that they are friends after jock tries to rekindle their friendship and she asks main character to help her get with his friend. He tries to help her out but starts crushing on her over time.

Also the jock friend is secretly gay for the main character and struggling with it

I will do my best!

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So did Taichi and Futaba fuck before breaking up? They were together two years out of highschool.

Of course not. These are Japanese characters.

Sounds gay.

Fairly gay

It's also comfy for a good while

It seemed to me like the writer has a definite message he wanted to push on various topics, what with all the time characters spend discussing things. Like he must at some point have decided teenagers were kind of stupid and set out to educate them a bit.

it's Touma's sister in law

Baseball chad has a sister?

What are those boxes?


Not bad, not bad, I'd give it a 7 on a scale from 0 to pic related.

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he was too good for this shit manga desu

this gave me whiplash

True but I at least hope he'll have a good ending.

That sounds not very realistic to be together with your high school teammate.

Perhaps, but it's even less realistic not to have a crush on Touma. Also Japanese high school baseball teams can be pretty big. They could have a couple homos.

Literal who. Money says groom doesn't even have face it's just Touma coming to terms with Futaba getting married

Fuck I meant Taichi, but who even cares any more about this shit

It's not even that manga is a show not tell medium. If it serves to make a better story sure have then break up. However, WE DON'T FUCKING KNOW BECAUSE OF THE TIME SKIP SO WE'RE LEFT BLUE BALLED

Perhaps that's because their relationship was never the point of the story and anyone who thought it was is an idiot.

Ah, a classic ending where nothing gets resolved.

No way any woman is living in that apartment.
Taichi probably didn't throw away futaba's toothbrush and faps to it at night while crying

What exactly did you think still required resolution?

This is really the worst chapter of this manga.

Ao no flag

Good thing I didn’t continue reading this series. I would have burned the author’s home down.

Several years later? I think all of them moved on from their old crushes

It's Taichi the depressed fuck we are talking about.

Desu i get depressed every time i read a new chapter of Ao no Flag i want my own Touma

>being invested in the clearly temporary ship

We all do, user. But are we someone worthy of our own Touma? What will you do today to better yourself for when that time comes?

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>But are we someone worthy of our own Touma?
Probably not but i'll still try!

I believe in you, bro!

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I guess the fag was us all along

If Taichi could have someone like Touma lusting after his midget dick, you have a chance

What was the point of the story again?

It's okay to hate and not accept homos sometimes, one of them can grab your ass on a train after all.
School relationships never work out because timeskip realism exists
The manga is about growing up by having a random timeskip, and about school life with mc skipping school and school not being shown in the last part.

Might just read real life for that kind of story.

>Author is mad she got axed, so she ruins the story.

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Read ReLife if you want a satisfying ending.

Do we know for sure it got axed? It sure looks like it.

But the sales were fine, the author seemed to have lost his interest the moment the releases became monthly

I don't think so, they announced it was ending last year.

>touma made out to be the bad guy despite doing nothing wrong

lmfao get fucked touma stupid cunt

>get fucked touma
I wish desu

>The manga is about growing up by having a random timeskip
If the author cared so much about muh realism why did he cut off the most important part

Sometimes important parts don't matter in real life..

god I wish I had a Touma bf

In present Touma is working at a factory 24/7 this aged him quite a lot, he thinks about settling for a woman
Mami is a proud prostitute
Futaba got fat, she has the same hairstyle as Touma
Taichi's mental illness got worse and he talks to himself now
Here is your ending

I got into the series pretty late but i wonder, are there THAT many people that want a Touma? Or just a couple of anons repeating themselves? Either way i agree

Same 3 or 4 people

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It's realistic


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Who wouldn't want a Touma boyfriend?



Back to tumblr.

Taichi is ugly and even that dumb rat Futaba doesn't want his midget dick

More proof that Toumafags in these threads are normalfag scum.
I didn't mind him as a character, but because of you normalfags I hope he gets cucked by an entire baseball team and Taichi gets the sloppy 26ths.

I wanna fuck Touma while Taichi watches!

Cancer thread for underages

Reminder that Touma has already sucked that midget dick in his mind

Go back to your mirror universe

I am fucking your asshole in my mind right now

The burgers arrived, yikes

Yes, user, it is in fact okay for authors not to make your self-inserts cum but I am pretty sure you are making the train gropers up.

And they're referring to themselves in third person!

It's okay to have autism, I won't judge you

Exactly. Now be more autistic or gtfo.

Seek help, schizo burger

That's better.

The fuck happened to this thread?

Anyway, Touma deserves a good end, that's all I want.

Because other user is an idiot. The "important" part was thoroughly, excessively hashed out on the pages of the manga. The time skip happened because the story is finished and we're just moving to an epilogue to see what the characters are doing as young adults.

I want Taichi to fuck Touma while Toumafags watch.

I want Toumafags to fuck Taichi while Touma watches


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I want Taichi to fuck Futaba while Touma watches and faps

this was in my log, thank you OP, I just drop it.

>I want Taichi to fuck Touma while Futuba watches and faps

>I want Taichi to fuck Touma while Futuba watches and faps
while crying*

I’m guessing if it ends in one chapter with timeskip there’s going to be almost nothing about what happens to Mami, her orbiter or Shingo

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Japanase people are a bunch of whinny two faced hypocrites. I can't believe you like this kind of "romance".

To be fair, we are not doing too well in the west either. Should we focus in Bollywood romance?

What romance, shitposter-kun?

they seem to have dropped the whole cast aside from Taichi, Touma, and Futaba
I guess the author thinks that their stories are done since they made up with Touma; but it leaves a bad taste, especially for characters like Masumi.
It's disappointing we're getting such a rushed ending when so many chapters were wasted on pseduo-deep teenage life epiphanies.

I-I didn't mean you, user. You and Taichi can take turns.

faggot romance

What do we still need to see from them? They were side characters whose role was to act as a kind of apologetic device for the writer's ideas.
Not sure what you think happened in this story.

Touma has demonstrated kindness and initiative beyond average when it comes to Taichi. Whether it's because of his romantic feelings or what, he's genuinely a good guy.

I don't think Taichi is living with him, I don't think he will be SUDDENLY GAY in the end, but I do think he and Touma will have a strong bromance vibe. As for who he's living with, probably some random girl he met in college.

The manga didn't go anywhere. None of them really grew up, you just saw a part of Taichi's life with some floating preaching heads in the middle, and most of the stuff ended up unresolved.
So many seething retards over anyone who doesn't suck author's dick for something so mediocre and unfinished

Oh please.

>They were side characters whose role was to act as a kind of apologetic device for the writer's ideas.
While I don't disagree with this, characters like Mami and Masumi were developed enough that I'd actually like to see what happens to them. fuck Shingo and the other moron though

They could be living together as bros, to show how Touma's moved on and stopped pining.

Please let Touma have a nice and loving bf who deserves his love.

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>most of the stuff
Exactly which majority of plot elements are you claiming are unresolved?
That would be nice. Maybe they'll turn up in the last chapter and be well adjusted people with undramatic friendships.

>Still seething
It's not t*itter, no one will praise you for sucking the author's dick here

Probably Masumi actually. She hasn't been shown to be fatalistic and bitter for nothing (I hope).

Wouldn't it be funny if Touma was the one who committed sudoku while Masumi found acceptance and happiness offscreen?

fuck you Kensuke is my husbando

>every night baseball chad comes to visit and Taichi ritually puts on his noise-cancelling headphones

>not exclusively for seething
Literally what planet

Fucking hot

I wonder if you're aware of the irony of your bait. I'm going to stop replying now though.

Exactly which plot points except for Masumi deciding not to off herself and the confession were solved here?

I wouldn't know. But thanks for proving this place is full of retards from there, this explains why threads are so shit, kaito shills

You made the claim, so it's on you to provide specifics and evidence.

>Ao no flag thread hits max
I love you all. And I'll miss this series when its gone, despite the headaches here and there. See you all for the finale.

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Faggots suffering is the true patrician choice.

I won't miss the shitposting but I will miss speculah and meritorious arguments over Kaito's latest preach session.

We'll all surely meet again in the threads for Kaito's next series. Except the shitposters; they can go to whatever romcom is designated for funposting.

what do you mean

>mfw i realize i'll never make anyone look at me like Touma does in that panel
I fucking hate romance manga, i don't know why i keep reading them