World Trigger

Chapters 192 & 193
It's time.

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Chapter 193

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My wife looking pretty satisfied.

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Stupid sexy Yuba

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Kitora should have more faith in Osamu. He is used to fight opponents who are stronger than him, he knows perfectly what he can and can't do

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His waifu is just worried

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Is it April yet?

How does Ninomiya manage to be so much more chuuni than Tachikawa?

>>stand back to back with me guys, no weapons. Power pose.

>April comes
>Think we're getting a chapter
>April fools! haha...

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He is fully immersed in the role. Look at him in this chapter, he knows he is the final boss and he's gonna make sure Osamu gets a death screen.

>Konami in charge of being an impartial announcer

How much seething will there be if Osamu gets the survival bonus?

Previous Kitora would've just been "welp, he's fucked".

Nino will seeth much earlier than that, Osamu is gonna trigger him to the extreme by reminding him that Hatohara was fucking every single canadian she could find

Such a retarded formation. Hoping for 5 points for Osamu-sama.

A counter for Kuga's move, sasuga WT.
How hard it is to kill this man?
Imagine being Chika, having a useless megane telling you when to use your skills.
I miss Chika being able to shot something.
Chika should be overwhelming them with small bullets or something. No way they could keep up.
Mikumo and his little cube.

I mean, he most likely still is. Osamu just needs to hide on the opposite corner of the map and make keikakus for Yuma and Chika to follow.

Side note, it's kinda hilarious how Chika's overwhelming Trion levels make it impossible for pull any sneaky moves with her Shooter cubes (ie planting some Meteor landmines), since people can see that giant cube a mile away before she splits it up.


And I just can't fucking understand why.

>Mikumo and his little cube.
Ikr? It's a noble effort, but Jesus, Osamu put that thing away it's not gonna do shit.

It would have got Inukai if Tsuji wasn't there

How did I derp so hard?

Chika wearing Lightning must mean the last battle will begin with a lead bullet salvo.

They are going for an ambush apparently, rather than powering their way through.

They need all 3 points from Nino squad, right?

Chika overwhelms them with bullets, they scatter, Kuga picks them off. Mikumo in the meantime faps to Chika or something.
If Chika and Kuga work together, they could win easily.

No. They only two points.

The chapter made abundantly clear that Chika doesn't have the technical skills to overwhelm them.

Mikumo should be using viper, he doesn't have enough trion to break shields so there's no point in using that.

Some good leadership/strategy dosent equal being good at path tracing which viper requires. It also weakens his bullet damage further. Osamu is better at prepping stuff anyway which laying down asteroid works well with.

>train viper
>gets good at it
Osamu bullets are always blocked

>It also weakens his bullet damage further.
Won't matter if he hit his target.

Hell, he could be more useful even as a sniper. What the fuck is even doing walking around shooting people's shields.

I'm talking about Trion. She definitely could, just keep shooting nonstop.

Being an effective sniper requires a fair amount of trion actually. Attackers are the most trion efficient position. Also he didn't shoot at anyone's shield on purpose here. Inukai almost got blindsided but got covered by his teammates.

Is there anything that gives burn, poison, or any other damage over time properties to bullets? It might be a better fit for Osamu given his tech/strategy style.

And everything so far leads to think that she doesn't know how to keep shooting non-stop efficiently, the way Nino does for example.
Nino would counter her easily in a shootfest.

>That face
>"What the fuck is she doing, she is supposed to be neutral"

Giving additional properties to Osamu's bullets doesn't really matter if they just blocked by a shield anyway. Or the additional effect would weaken the rest of the bullet itself, like with Lead Bullet's range/speed nerf.

Lead Bullet is the only kind of second-hand property for bullet we know of and it consumes tons of trion.
Not for Osamu.

Name my band

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Lead bullets can bypass shields though, but Osamu's trionlet that he can't use them as often as he wanted to. If, say the damage over time bullets didn't do any damage on its hit and only applied the status, then it could bypass shields as well.

Reread the chapter about Lead Bullet, it's literally useless for Osamu because it either has no range at all or the velocity is garbage.

San butthurt.


Thank you for the dump.

Also every new setting eat up Trion before they are even used so he's fucked even further.

This chuuni ass pose isn't a problem for Ninomiya since he is a shooter and can still attack, sucks for the other guys.

I'd say their next move is to split the guys up with one massive trion explosion they can't block, have Osamu pull one of the two away and let Kuga finish the other while Chika switches to tons of regular meteors on Ninomiya.

The showdown will likely end in Kuga ganking the two, Ninomiya blasting Kuga, Chika bailing out to keep herself out of Ninomiya's hands with Osamu lasting long enough against Ninomiya to earn him some street cred.

is Ninomiya squad in first place or second? If they're in first, all Tamakoma has to do is wait for the match to end and then collect their 3 survivor points to get into second

Konami a shit commentator.

Did this nigga pulled a revolver

Who thought inviting her was a good idea.


huh, it'd be pretty stupid for Tamakoma to do anything but run away then, unless they're sure it's going to take out Ninomiya

I wasnt expecting this. T2 is fucked

You're getting a super satisfying conclusion next chapters and you're going to like it.

Survivor points are only awarded if one team is alive left, and it is always 2 points

Isn't it based on survivors?

They are fucked

This is probably the season finisher for the new anime, you can believe it will be AMAZING.

No. It's a flat 2 points, regardless of how many of the winning team's members are left.

>no sweat on Osamu's face
Dis gon be good. How many Golden Osamus are we at so far, has anyone kept count?


Oh shit you are right, maybe they have a chance

Don't bully my wife, she's doing her best.

Give Osamu Power!!!!

with both Hound and Meteor, she doesn't have room for lead bullet on her trigger set unless she removed a sniper rifle


I think you meant perverted slut.

He'll get trigger horns in Afto.

Is this the first time you've seen Yuba?

This chapter in a nutshell

She has bagworm equipped right now. Once she has that away, Lead Bullet is the natural choice for Ligntning.
And LB sniping is the best choice to spread them out of their current open zone.

>yfw this is the kind of shit Inukai has to deal with Chika's bombing if the fight is a simulation just like that clip

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No I meant her trigger slots are pretty much maxed out. if she swapped in hound and meteor AND kept lead bullet, then one of her sniper rifles was removed. Maybe Egret, it's the only one not shown.

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Does she even need Ibis? It's just absolute overkill with her Trion, she could snipe through a dozen shields without problem. Egret should be powerful enough.

Egret is distance, it would be a regular shot

Ibis is what she's been using as a building demolishing cannon. Given Meteor's vulnerability to being shot before she fires it, she likely should keep the Ibis. Egret is the one she likely doesn't need. It's selling point is range, and she isn't sniping people from extreme range, so Lightning should suffice if she needs to do some regular sniping.

Ah, I thought you could still adjust power to some degree.

Makes sense, I forgot about the Tamakoma 2 cannon. How long ago was the match against Nasu and Ko?

Lead Bullet Meteor.

She probably got rid of Egret, yes.
There wouldn't be any point in using Lightning alone right now.

I can see this shot being in an OP

So yeah, here's the plan :
Nino destroyed every obstacles around them to get rid of the wires.
In response, next chapter, Chika will engage at long distance with LB sniping.
Without any sniper to tame her, nino's team will have to come after Chika.
Now the important bit : will Osamu try to separate them, or ambush them all near Chika? And how ?

Answers in April.

I think she'll use regular lightning. It shoots faster with more trion so it will be near instantaneous shots with the trion monster powering it.

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>five years of these group fights and it's still not over yet

I hate how in every manga like this it gets lamer when they go to fight monsters instead of the people they fight in training. I'm glad for this they're training to fight more people.

I wish it had spent five years of groups fighting, the manga doesn't even have chapters for four years.

It was on hiatus for two years

So I just started because one of the threads interested me, some anons said it was a bit of a slow burn but I've seriously been enjoying it, my question is are there any better quality scans around, the quality of each chapters scan varies so greatly its off-putting, plus there are tons of watermarks ruining each page.

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Ugh. She has already fired a normal lightning on Oki during the Oji/Ikoma match.
I just don't see the point here, but whatever.

>Absolute strongest 1v1
What a fraud. Even with Chika forcing Nino to be on his guard, Yuba couldn't connect a single bullet.

Yuba might have lived up to Satomi's hype if he was introduced in another match. The plot demands Nino and his gang are not significantly nerfed for their showdown against the OG T-2.

He kind of jobbed (in the classic sense), but I wish Osamu could have made them fight for longer.

God dammit Yakuza cowboy I was hoping you'd at least scratch him

So how DID he make the blade curve? My best guess is he borrowed a camouflaged Spider to yo-yo it upwards, since I don't think simple disc physics would give it that lift.

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Chika will shot scorpion blades from the lightning.

There might be a tiny Scorpion string attached to it until the swirf. At least it kinda looks like that.



>Osamu will have to assume Hyuse's role
As what,an aggressive mixed attacker that can pull off a joint attack with Yuuma? I'm trying to imagine it but it's not coming to me.

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We used to have a super secret pastebin somewhere, but I'm not sure if it's still active or updated.

Why not? If she can spam Ibis shots and Meteora shots then she can spam Lightning shots too

Good, good, Osamu has moved to peak jobbing position.

Osamu is destined to shine like a motherfucker every time Chika is on the intro spread. Just you wait.

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She catched Osamu's sweat drop. Cannon couple confirmed.

Damn the natural law of glasses to never be allowed a shot.

Do you seriously think it's going to win the match for them, user ?
LB seems a lot more important here, but I quit.

i love re-reading this manga, just reading some parts again really brings the hype

I hate to admit this but the mobile game was better than the psvita game, that game's controls weren't so great

>arafune without his cap
>Yuba with his hair down
I wouldn't mind more of these

It's a speedier, stealthier option for someone who wants to keep the bagworm on without being so flashy. No need to be so world triggered about it.

Just raygust it bro.

Holy shit, Chika and Nino are at DBZ levels of power already

4 is death indeed.

three piece suits

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I was so sure that Viper would eventually be his powerup because it was his special kill move in the mobile game. I miss that game so much.

>the east is burning red

why don't you just download the official version from nya?


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This will never be not funny.

Boring. He's getting a Black Trigger in the form of Yuuma's ring fused with the dying will of Yuuma's dusty corpse.

Osamu will get the most underpowered black trigger ever, barely putting him in A class level.

I just assumed he gave it boomerang aerodynamics.

Osamu pulled it when nobody was looking.

uh she has never fired a regular lightning shot. ever. it has always been lead bullet including the firefight with Oki. She did take counterfire from Oki's lightning though.

There's a reason they keep teasing Osamu's impending death after all.

He dies in almost every volume, so I don't notice any of it anymore.

>hide on the opposite corner of the map and make keikakus for Yuma and Chika to follow
He could do that from the the operator's room. T2 needs all the manpower they can get if they want those points, even if it is in the form of a 2 trion agent.

Now I'm picturing a Bleach-style team group pose montage OP.

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never played it but the vita game looked even shittier than the anime

>teasing Osamu's impending death

I'm guessing the entire Invasion Arc and all those death flags he gets during every Rank War

Osamu should just give up and become an operator or trapper

You'd think this manga would teach people how to create better bait but I guess not

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Chika will be the MVP and shoot 'em all to death using Lightning

Trapper has one of the highest trion consumption rates.

>Spider Formation 2.0
>now with extra explosives and Osamu action
I can't fucking wait.

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then just become spotter, the job basically just to spot enemy for the sniper to shoot

>inb4 the madman actually took out bailout

That won't happen during rank wars. It will happen during the expedition though.

Thanks for the dump, OP. I was expecting one chapter not two before going to bed.

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He already does that.

It still felt like one chapter because the second one was mostly commentary and explaining how a mixed bullet worked, but at least we're getting some guaranteed action next time.


No need to imagine when you can see it for yourself

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>Hey Tsuji *throws naked pictures of Konami*
What a mastermind

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>not pictures of pigeon

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This post was sponsored by the artist of Act-Age.

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>tfw Shiro's pixiv is kill forever

Do you guys think they'll be able to finish this in 2 chapters, or will it be two months before we finish this battle?

Hell no. Three chapters at the absolute minimum to cover all the keikaku, counter-keikaku, explosions, salt, and random tragic backstory needed to end this arc off on the bang it deserves.

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Once Act-Age ends she'll finally be free to lewd it up on social media without Jump telling her what to do

I’ll take that as an ED. Please, Toei.

>The plot demands Nino and his gang are not significantly nerfed for their showdown against the OG T-2
I’m a little surprised it came down to this. Was expecting it to be a three way until the last few minutes of the match instead of it being completely boiled down to the main trio and their main rivals.
On the other hand I’m now a lot more hopeful that T2 will get their hard earned classic shonen victory and that Osamu isn’t going to die for the seventh time in a row.

That's a long sigh

I almost didn't recognize Yuba without his hair completely slicked back.

Damn, Yuba, and that's all?

Osamu can die taking Ninomiya down with him.
Chika and Yuma can clean house on their own.

Let's see how much faith has in Osamu.

How wet would Konami be if she saw Ninomaru?

I think Osamu won't survive the round but he'll go down in a blaze of glory taking somebody important with him, or using his death as a setup for somebody else to win the round.

Seriously add a
>No, but goes out with a bang

>>No, but goes out with a bang
Surely Osamu can do more than bait Ninomiya for Chika to bomb the fuck out of both of them. Is there a penalty for killing your squadmate?

I still hope he raythrusts him and it's a double ko.

*shit, I meant Kitora

No, but he'll definitely pull off something amazing before and/or after getting taken out.

Presumably yeah, otherwise they would've killed Osamu during the last match to keep Yuzuru from scoring.

I think killing your teammates to prevent another team from scoring is illegal but killing your teammates alongside other team members is ok.

De-triggered Yuba is like level 100 Osamu.

>bombs from the east
Why does this sound so chuuni when it is coming from Nino?

Because he's saying it in that meticulous anime professional genius voice where it's as calm and direct as possible.

He was in a 3v1 to a 1v1 with charging the high ground with a lot of distance between them. He's at a clear disadvantage. Yuba's weapons have short range.

>lightning for lead sniping fun
>kuga in range
>golden osamu
Next month when

People are assuming Chika will use lead bullet but here she will switch after lead bullet to a real bullet and they won't expect it. This battle is meant to be Chika's turning point.

Makes sense. Switching to lead bullets exclusively wouldn't make sense narrative-wise after all focus on whether she can shoot people or not.

>bullets can be adjusted to be homing
>can then be adjusted further by how much and at what point in their trajectory they home
>can then also be used for tactics like focusing on a small area to break shields or drive opponents into areas where your allies are
I love shit like this. I wouldn't necessarily complicated but logical and interesting applications for stuff is so cool

are there any archives of it?

Nino logic: Cosplay is for dorks so we'll all wear suits
Nino logic pt2: Shooter triggers have more options than gun triggers so I can optimize my potential by creating freehand bullets
Nino logic pt3: I need line of sight to fire bullets so I should climb to the top of a building
End result:
>Standing atop a skyscraper, Captain Ninomiya appeared on the battlefield standing firm as the strong winds buffeted and swirled around him. Suddenly, lights flashed in the distance as the enemy unleashed their attack. Ninomiya raised his hands and spoke a single word: "Hornet" as the energy coalesced in front of him. Waiting until just the right moment for the enemy bombardment to be in range, Ninomiya brought forth a flurry of bullets, that danced through the sky in a complex orchestration of patterns. From his vantage point Ninomiya appeared to those below as if he were the conductor of a symphony, the entire battlefield his to direct. The enemy's crude attack was no match for Ninomiya's delicate ballet of bullets as every single enemy missile was brought down by Ninomiya's inspired counterattack.
Nino logic pt4: I did everything right, no one could possibly think I'm a dork like the rest of these guys.

There are a few, but it’s mostly art of the BnHA frog girl.

Yuba’s death in the scenario was fair, but I’m still surprised it ending up playing out the way it did. The poor dudes on Ikoma Squad and Yuba squad got swept while Nino Squad and T2 original are perfectly intact.
Typically Ashihara mixes it up a bit more but here it looks like he wants a more classic final showdown.

I can't blame him, this is the final one so going for a classic ending fits the most.
Also this promises a madman Mikumo finale.

>madman Mikumo finale
I get that most of you love this series for not being your typical battle shonen, but damn. I'd be lying if I said didn't want this to end like your typical shonen. Imagine if Ashihara manages to top the climax of the Invasion Arc.

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>it looks like he wants a more classic final showdown
Here's the leaked Osamu, Yuma and Chika vs Ninomiya:

>Osamu suddenly shoots out a hornet shot like Android 17
>with only 3 seconds of prep time

Which one is MC again?

Is this Toei? I'm surprised by how very acceptable this clip looks

You will know him by his glasses

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Toei can be great when they actually try, PreCure usually has great fights

At the end of the day it's still an action packed tale of friendship, effort, and victory. Wanting a fitting payoff for a cast of likable characters who rightfully earned it isn't exclusive to battle shonen.

Toei looks good when they want to. The thing is that they don't want to most of the time unless it's Precure.

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The only scene that I remember looking as good as this was Yuuma vs. Viza.

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>The thing is that they don't want to most of the time unless it's Precure.
Not even Precure man. Most episodes are just tolerable animation-wise.

I still don't like the anime's art style compared to the manga, but they did a nice job with the action for that scene aside from leaving out the part where Yuma gets split in half.

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I miss black triggers.

Boomerangs bro. But trion doesn't react to wind so no idea

The handsome one.

This manga has way too many MCs for its own good.

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Hyuse's role in this fight was to protect Chika and be a diversion for her finishing move. Maybe our guy will surprise us.

This might be it. Or some it deflected off a wire but that's some wicked physics shit.

Last time it turns out his flesh body was immune to Black Trigger bullshit. Honestly not sure how he’s going to pull a fast one on Nino squad this time.

In two years there will be BTs galore and we will all miss the Rank Wars

if he spears Nino with a raygust throw I will consider it topped on the spot

Only if it doesn’t get blocked by Tsuji again.

No, it just doesn't acheive anything as the opposing team that did the most damage still gets the point.

Honestly, what could feasibly happen is Nino blowing up the obstacles to remove spider from the equation. This opens them up for lead bullet. And when they take cover to protect themselves from lead bullet, they open themselves up for Ibis since they can no longer time their evades.

Yeah, Suwa squad almost pulled it off but they still got fucked by scorpion and four-eyes bullshit

Is there a Suzunari-2 team lurking around Border somewhere?

The three jobbers that Yuuma and Hyuse farmed for solo points

More like world NIGGER

Those 3 Idiots (Border version)?

>world NIGGER
that's Aftokrator

>quick, take the anime OP formation

Random Q but has anyone ever seen any 3d model rips from the mobile game or the vita game around?

How many teams could Black Trigger Yuma take on?

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Would you prefer T-2 beating Ninomiya squad and getting on the away team no problem or losing/getting kicked off the away team via technicality/Kido bullshit and them making their own way to the neighborhood?

The problem with that is that Osamu is the only one who isn't making it.
Then again, it'd make me hope he kind of weasels his way to the invasion ship during their next attack.
Conflicting feelings.

I’ve waited over 5 years for T2 to put the chuuni cosplayer in his place and that hasn’t changed one bit.

I feel like that other neighbor group hanging out nearby (galopula?) will come into play soon. They have a ship...

They did say they'd try again, but that will only happen AFTER the match is over.

I only like Osamu when he loses. Should he succeed its like he has left me behind and I don't want that.

If you don’t have a rock solid career network and the respect of your peers then you’re already in his dust.

Depends on their rank and prior knowledge of his move set.

I can’t wait for Regghie to job a second time

Surprise anchor bolt could’ve easily wiped two A rank teams. That shit is too OP.

the sniper from Miwa squad would like a word with you