I'm still mad

i'm still mad

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Rukia not ending up with Ichigo is another one of his many failures as a writer. His retardation of adding 100+ characters whenever he has a brain fart (which is apparently every other week) and ignoring the wants of the fans is what has lead to the embarrassment of a rushed manga ending and unfinished anime

>Rukia became a captain, got a loving hisband and a cheerful and pretty daughter

is rukia just a female self insert? is that why rukiafags are still buttmad to this day?


>ignoring the wants of the fans
>implying that ichiruki shipperfags are fans

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shitty shounen series that was exposed last decade for being utter shit.

>too afraid to say his name because he got deleted last time

Can't tell if these people are actual retards or trolls but then there's a thin line either way

What is the novel about? A continuation?

Look up We Do Knot Always Love You and Can't Fear Your Own World.

Best Girl

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OP is still mad.

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Why the hell people keep posting pics of Naruto or Hinata on these threads? You have to be even more mental than Sakura to pair them together considering Sakura's obsession was about Sasuke and Naruto realized she wanted nothing to do with him and got over her. Unless you are referring to the ones that pair Sasuke and Naruto since somehow Kishi made gay pairing make more sense than straight ones...

Me too

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if you hadn't had your head up your ass you would have noticed just how overpowered Orihime's ability actually is. it doesn't matter what fate had planned for Rukia and Ichigo. The moment Orihime decided she wanted Ichigo there wasn't a damned thing that fate nor god got to say about it.

I'm not mad at all, I always liked Renji more than Ichigo, even if he jobbed here and there.

Mad that they cut of her tits, seething.

Ichigo never showed any romantic interest in Rukia. Like... NONE. They were like best friends, or brother and sister. Renji was in love with Rukia for hundreds of years.

>Rukia not ending up with Ichigo is another one of his many failures as a writer.

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>is a backrow healer/supporter with no spine for most of the series

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you cope, renji


I wouldn't go by there. Ichigo and Rukia showed even less interest in Orihime and Renji, they were just another friend. The interest was one sided from Renji and Orihime.

this has nothing to do with this thread

fuck off faggot

Cope with what? The excessive amount of Rukia puss he's getting?

One sided is better than zero sided

None of this changes reality. Kubo is a clueless hack for not being an autist that doesn't understand relationships. It makes no sense for a deep relationship like Ichigo and Rukia's to be simply platonic.
His dwindling success and failures is karma for being a stupid idiot. Glad the era of old out of touch boomers is over
No doubt this won't be repeated with guys like Horiko

Cute and canon.

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me too. Bleach didn't have enough porn.

All shipfaggots are equally pathetic so it's very relevent

>build up mc's as lovers since day 1 of 15yr manga

>even give them complementary bankai / fgt

>out of spite for being cancelled make ichigo marry girl hes shown no previous romantic interest in and have rukia marry guy who was introduced trying to kill her

this is why bleach was cancelled. it didn't follow its own logic and resorted to trolling

Now I wanted IchiRuki to happen but this isn't true
I only dislike Renji because of his character design and the fact that even a blind and death patient in a sick ward could see that Ichigo and Rukia was the choice that could have made Bleach less of a punching bag of shit writing


Never read bleach only watched. Why the fuck would rukia be with Ichigo when orihime is obviously the main love interest? I don't care about shipping but it seems pretty obvious if he ended up with anyone itd be orihime and rukia would be with the red head nigga

Renji's hot though.

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>for not being an autist that doesn't understand relationships.
So you are saying he's a neurotypical that does understand relationships?

Deep =/= romantic autist. It's all on you for thinking that close relationships always end in romance.

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>build up mc's as lovers since day 1 of 15yr manga
lol nope

>even give them complementary bankai / fgt
lol nope

>out of spite for being cancelled make ichigo marry girl hes shown no previous romantic interest in and have rukia marry guy who was introduced trying to kill her

You Ichirukists are the gift that keeps on giving.

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Someone posts the Tsukishima edits

The issue is that Ichigo showed zero interest on Orihime, for him she was just another friend. The same happened to Rukia that had zero interest on Renji and only saw him as a friend. Then you have the initial part of Bleach up to SS arc where Ichigo and Rukia have a massive amount of interaction and hints that they might even like each other.

You couple that with the fact that Bleach is a Shounen where the romantic set ups are most of the times non existent and you suddenly are left with a protagonist that has only interacted with a single girl in a way that resembles a romantic interest.

If Rukia was a guy it would a another Shounen bros relationship up until SS, the problem is that Ichigo has a penis and she has a vagina so it comes off as being something more.

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>hints that they might even like each other


Kill yourself

I can't . Not yet at least.

Do you have anything that proves they were even interested in each other?

The only right answer

Ill help you with your unfinished bussiness so you can kill yourself

You're a good friend, user.

Turbo cope


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>ignoring the wants of the fans
Remember when Byakuya was supposed to die?
Remember how Hitsugaya got a movie?
Etc, etc.

As always, because shippers are mentally ill.
It's a prerequisite.

>even a blind and death patient in a sick ward could see that Ichigo and Rukia was the choice

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>Rukia? Nel? Nah, the ideal girl for Ichigo is Orihime.

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>be Renji
>nut inside your sundress-wearing tomboy childhood friend
>normally people would cheer for you
>but you're not some mutant shinigami/hollow/quincy/fullbringer so people get mad at you
>people wish someone else nuts into your tomboy
Being Renji is suffering

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You already posted this and got deleted

Nice try user but I searched the archives for that post and didn't find any from this thread.

>build up mc's as lovers since day 1 of 15yr manga
Rukia explicitly said she wasn't interested in Ichigo early on.

Because this thread doesnt show up in the archives.
This post replied to your deleted pasta. Kill yourself

This is 100% objective fact, but people will never admit it.

>This post replied to your deleted pasta

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>My favorite Shikai? Yoruichi's shikai.
>My favorite Bankai? Aizen's of course!

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He was right.

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I will never ever forgive Kubo
For skipping Yamamoto vs Yhwach 1,000 years ago

Hot dad
Hot mom
cute son

dude, sexist family ever I can't imagine the broken dreams of all the horny school girls when they find out that Professor Kurosaki is married or the sad old men who hear that Mrs.Kurosaki is happily married or the beaten down by life teachers who see Kazui and wanna /ss/ him but can't because he's too pure and that scary Abarai girl follows him everywhere. Meanwhile his aunties are still single and the flat chested on is still wearing the hair dec representing her brother even now.

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Kill yourself

>Yamamoto vs Yhwach 1,000 years ago
What for?

He gonna grew up so cute.

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Ulquihime > Ichihime > Ichiruki
But Ichianyothergirl would be best.

Yeah Im still mad she never used her Bankai in the anime.

Ulquihime is shit.

And IchiHime is best. She's the best girl for him.

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And Ichika is gonna grow up to be a terror, I can already picture a scenario where some thugs try to acost Kazui maybe because one of them accidentally got NTR'd by him or something and he's more or less trying to warn them of Ichika standing behind them who makes her presence known kicking one of the grunts in the face, then the head guy tries to talk shit, calls her a little brat and now we have her looking like a demon standing atop their corpses on a spread page.

>Don't worry Ichigo, Orihime's the right one for you anyway. I'm just getting rid of a girl who had no future with you anyway.

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Tatsuki should have won.

Reminder that the Hogyoku is still in Aizen's body. Upon being defeated, Aizen realized that he needs more time to make it work. Thus he desired to reverse his transformations so he can be captured and be left alone with the Hogyoku for millennia. He deliberately taunted the court so they'd give him a heavier sentence, increasing the time he has alone with it. It's no coincidence that Aizen had gotten stronger since his imprisonment. It's all part of the plan.

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I need this.

For sure.
Kubo 100% set him up to be an antagonist for Kazui, who'll wind up being more powerful than Ichigo as shown in the scene with Yhwach's reiatsu.

I'm happy to realize my memory of bleach is slowly, but progressively fading and whenever I see people talking about their favorite characters or unanswered plot points I literally can't tell what they're talking about. By now I just remember the main pairings because of fag shippers and I'm ok with that. Bleach deserves to rot into nothingness and Kubo should never be allowed to trick anyone by reading his shit again.

>"I'm happy to realize my memory of bleach is slowly, but progressively fading"
>intentionally enters a bleach thread
>and even bumps it

Also, Aizen fusing with his zanpakutou WASN'T a delusion of grandeur or a lie or anything of the like on his part, it was really true, since he was able to use Kyouka Suigetsu on Bach.
Plus, he went back into prison entirely willingly at the end of the TYBW arc, which I think was some combination of wanting to get stronger like you said and being reasonably confident that the events of the final arc raised enough questions about Soul Society's past and poked enough holes in Soul Society's narrative that a civil war or rebellion in the future was inevitable, but that distancing himself from such a conflict would be ideal for the time being.

>that a civil war or rebellion in the future was inevitable

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Aizen ends up being extremely benevolent to Kazui instead. Not even in any fake way to betray him, I mean genuinely benevolent.

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Who is best bleach tomboy?

Ikumi, everyone else is a shit

We never discovered what her zanpakuto was, given that no captain other than Kenpachi made it without bankai,

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>talking shit about Yoruichi

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Why is yoruichi so hot bros?

Yoruichi isnt a tomboy

>This is 100% objective fact, but people will never admit it.

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>Yoruichi isnt a tomboy

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She's one of the most openly nonfeminine members of the cast. Even in CFYOW she has the closest thing to an official meeting and when someone starts hitting on her for her looks, she tells him he's secretly thinking how utterly unladylike she is during the entire meeting. Byakuya then telling her said unladylike behavior is entirely of her own will and that she's the only one to blame for it if she thinks anything negative of it.

Or Tessai's, for that matter.

Hachi, Mashiro, along with Bankais like Aizen and Ukitake.

It's less disappointing because they were characters introduced further into the series, whereas Tessai, and more prominently, Yoruichi were added very early on.
Not getting Ukitake's does suck, though.


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Kubo is a hack but pandering to niggers like you wouldn't have made him any less terrible. Now go back where you came from

Its guaranteed to be complete garbage if she would rather use her barehands

Or it's only use is for /ss/ and thus not good for battles.


>bleach was cancelled.
user, you shouldn't lie on the internet.

>BLEACH 20th anniversary project
>Tite Kubo new work presentation
>Has SEGA trying everything to snatch him away
>Has Jump and it's chief-editor in his pocket
HoAD 2.0 anime version is going to be glorious.

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Can't wait.

Why? This isn't something to waste your energy on. There's fresh new Yas Forums bullshit that requires your anger.

Like what?

People still unironically giving a shit about Bleach? Even BHA is better than this dumpster fire

Attack on Titan is also just about to have its own shipper meltdown after the fan favourite first girl loses

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>This is what Herocuck believes
>When their mangaka sucks kubo's ass all the tiime expecting to be loved back

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Wasn’t she supposed to be the main female lead? I never got into Bleach but I always saw her with Ichigo in the early seasons whenever I would pass by an episode on Toonami. Eventually I stopped seeing a lot less of her and wondered what happened.

>Wasn’t she supposed to be the main female lead?
Rukia was the second MC. Orihime was the heroine.

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>Rukia not ending up with Ichigo
Anyone who thought Ichigo and Ruikia would get together after we got Renji's backstory was lying to themselves

>Ichigo has a penis and she has a vagina



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you act like they ever stopped


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>shipping one of the main characters, who is in love with the protagonist, with an antagonist who not only kidnapped and tormented her but died and was forgotten for the rest of the series

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You gave enough shits to enter this thread

>tattood faggot
not good enough for rukia

Yup. The mikasafags have already been having a constant meltdown for 2 years. Once SnK ends, they'll tear Yas Forums apart.

>itt: canon = good


which girl will in burn the witch guys?

But user, Mashiro and Soi Fon have a preference for their bare hands too.

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The one with tits duh.

>200+ years old ending up with a 17 year old mortal

Yeah it would totally make sense.

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>itt: seething ircucks

Unohana groomed Kenpachi to be her ideal man. She also /ss/ed him several times without him realizing it.

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>best girl wins again

If you consider brutal murder as /ss/ then yeah

What else is new?

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>>"I do not like this, it should be changed"
>"ha, seething cuckold who gets off of things he should have the desire to change but chooses not to!"
Ask me how I know you have double digit IQ

stop breathing

For both of them, the words sex and violence are synonyms. They probably breed by fighting too. Just punch each other a couple hundred times and a baby spontaneously forms.

>"no! I actually am double digit IQ but I don't like being confronted by reality! I'm just really insecure and wanted to make fun of strangers online! stop breathing!"
I wouldn't even be surprised if you're actually a third worlder


Why was she so absurdly weak she nearly died to a hollow recently born (and despite her hype for him, actually not very strong) Ichigo one shot.
Why was such a weak reaper in the human world alone

Not a shippercuck, but from a carnal standpoint where I'm thinking purely with my dick, I too would marry the big titty redhead and not the flat cardboard that looks like a 12 year old boy.

Between you and me, a clinically retarded third worlder and an Ichirukifag, I'm pretty sure you're more likely to die

Dude just kill yourself already.

lol he mad


>generalizing the point he doesnt like
What a fag. Yeah, canon doesnt universally mean good, but in the case of bleach it is.


>generalizing the point he likes


>no u

I dont think you know what generalization means, user. Or are you really that mad?

Unohana is canonically a psycopath. Also, souls are effectively eternal. So unless Ichigo forefits his human life no Rukia pussy for him. Renji on the other hand was with Rukia for a long ass time. We shouls be happy for him desu.

Characterization of the characters, especially the RG who had nothing, and how and why Yamamoto was changed after that battle.
How the Almighty can be countered outside bs arrow
Worldbuilding, and no, the shitty novel had nothing.
Instead we got trashritters nobody gives a shit, and Kenpachi getting btfo 5 times in an arc, while peons reminded the reader how "strong" he was, so as to not avoid another Byakuya's death situation.

>be Grimmjow
>survived Arrancar and Quincy arcs
>currently running Huedo Mundo alongside Nelliel and Halibel
>eating hollows each day to become stronger
>correctly predicted Ichihime
Has anyone won this much?

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You should be, at yourself for being too stupid to pay attention to character dynamics. Anyone that seriously ever considered Ichigo and Rukia would be an item together is too grossly immature to be watching anime. I'd advocate they should kill themselves, but children dying young is tragedy and there's enough salty tears as is.

At least I correctly predicted Ichihime.

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The only reason he didn't die and was still around is because faggots love him. Just like Byakuya and Hitsugaya.

This kind bespectacled man offers to make you an Arrancar waifu. All you have to do is kill the Soul King.

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>implying children dying is a bad thing

Last time we see him is severely injured but still alive after Nnoitra stabbed him. Ichigo blocked Nnoitra's hit meant to finish Grimmjow off. Then Unohana arrived. His survival was more probable than the others.

But I dont want to be a waifu...

Children dying means you can't fuck them.

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>he makes you into an arrancar waifu
>you get to be Harribels fraccione
I'd be okay with this.

>being under the impression you weren't an arrancar the whole time

Sounds like a you problem to me, user

Why would Unohana heal him?

Same reason she healed the Privaron Afro guy.

Based Grimmjow

For the shits and giggles?

She plans to fuck them.

>Unohana let Kenpachi kill her because she couldnt bear the weight of birthing their demon child conceptioned from violence into this world
Plotwist: the child is born anyway Guts style and is an overpowered anti-hero in Kazuis story

>Characterization of the characters, especially the RG who had nothing
They didn't participate in the war back then
>and how and why Yamamoto was changed after that battle.
Explained in the manga
>How the Almighty can be countered outside bs arrow
If you had payed attention you'd know the almighty has weaknesses, Ichigo just failed to exploit them
>Worldbuilding, and no, the shitty novel had nothing.
Yes it did
>Instead we got trashritters nobody gives a shit, and Kenpachi getting btfo 5 times in an arc
Cope icefagfag


I wanna be a millionaire hack too

How could literally anyone think he wouldn't end up with CHEERY PLOT DEVICE CHILDHOOD FRIEND?

I know user. Fucking Chinese and their fucking bat-shit communist virus ruining everything. Fuck them twice.

Does it hurt? I want to know.

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>I-i-i'm n-no-not mad y--you are!

You're fucking pathetic. You need to know that.

Why do you guys care about X character ending with Y character? It's because you self-insert with one of them? Because you like X and Y, and then you wanna see them together as a couple? Do you guys feel that a romance plot (in a non-romance focused series) improves the quality or at least provides and extra "closure"?

>who not only kidnapped and tormented her
Isn't that what 90% of fujoshit is about? They like it. Besides, it makes sense for HER ENEMY to do that. It doesn't make sense for RENJI to abuse Rukia the way he did. Their relationship was obviously a huge retcon and only tastes like shit. Orihime's relationship with Ulquiorra was bittersweet, as her kindness managed to "turn" even a nihilist like him. She should've revived him as her attack spirit later - perhaps Kubo considered it, since Chad and Orihime had their mini-training in the last arc that went nowhere.

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Is bleach coming back or something? Why have there been like 5-6 consistent threads everyday? I don’t think it’s just 1 schizo posting these

>The issue is that Ichigo showed zero interest on Orihime, for him she was just another friend.
Either you were speed reading or you have a very small memory. Whatever I'm sure someone will post all those panels that Ichigo treats Orihime differently

It never left our heart

This the only pairing that ever mattered in this series, next to gin and rangiku

But what about chad and the floor? Do they mean nothing to you?

>actual UHfag
Go back to your hole

>I don’t think it’s just 1 schizo posting these
It's 2 schizos

This is their hole.

A bunch of fags in denial about how shit it is.


I'm more mad that kubo felt the need to ship shinigami period. They live for thousands of years, there's no rush.

>Ichigo dies
>but he was alive to begin with so he just winds up in the Soul Society
>Shiba family so shit tons of people trying to rope him into politics he doesn't care for
>martial prowess means everyone's trying to conscript him too
>series becomes all about Ichigo's attempts to avoid all this bureaucracy

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Okay, I also liked IchiRuki more than IchiHime. But you guys need to move on.

You know that faggot would be begging urahara for a gigai so he can still go to school despite lol i'm dead.

>Still butthurt
God, just move on already

Reminder that ulquiorra would've given orihime to szayel or nnoitra if aizen told him too.

Reminder that Arrancar research is the most noble thing a researcher can do. They're developing ways to transform monsters into sexy people.

I remember those retarded shipperfags back in 2007 when Aizen x Orihime gained steam on the pretense that she was gonna rule the universe together with him on account of her broken superpowers. Fun times.

>i'm still mad
That's fine, just don't die mad about it yo.

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Unohana is so hot.

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I knew it would never happen, but GOD DAM would it have been Kino.

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Don't worry. I have twitter screencap information that Kubo hated the manga ending and will change it to IchiRuki in the new anime.

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>heroine ends up with a reformed antagonist
>they make for a great battle couple
Any shounen like this?

Dragon Ball for the former but not the latter

Leave Aizen to me

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Man, these forms look like absolute overdesigned neon garbage.

This is actually a very good post, but IH'ers are so insecure despite being canon that they'll even deny it. IchiRuki is literally the SasuNaru of Bleach. The mangaka didn't intend them to be romantic, but each person holds way more importance to the other than their respective ships, so it feels more organic.

Most IchiHimefags just posting here are more like schadenfreudefags.

I know about DBZ, isn't there something else?

Depends if you consider Erza the heroine of Fairy Tail with her greater prominence over Lucy.

>IchiRuki is literally the SasuNaru of Bleach
No, Ichigo didn't spend the entire series obsessing over Rukia like Naruto did for Sasuke. Their interactions actually decreased over the course of the series.
>each person holds way more importance to the other than their respective ships
In HM Ichigo forgot all about Rukia when Ulquiorra mentioned Orihime.

Does this count?

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