Tower of God

You guys think hwa ryun and the rando swordsman fucked while both of them were travelling together for years?
Am i the only one who thinks dowon joining the jahad army was retarded? Where the fuck is endorsi? Where the fuck is beta? Where the fuck is khun ran's team? Where the fuck is phonsekal irure? How strong is phonsekal laure? What the fuck is changs endgame? Why doea FUG all have the fun characters? Why are majority of the jahad princesses cunts? Why the fuck are all the slayers based?

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Where the fuck is wangnan?

>hwa ryun
I meant yihwa yeon

Girls only like Baam

Are you lost? This isn't the board for korean mspain comics.

what the fuck is wrong with your names?

its getting an anime so threads are legal

>Why are majority of the jahad princesses cunts
It's a miracle that they aren't all cunts.

poor oldfags

Why do I suddenly imagining Baam fucking Satelizer

Gotta admit, I kinda want to go back bros

How could Baam even compete ?

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>He thinks Baam won't steal some tentacle power in the future

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>people acting like we haven't had tog threads for years.

The power scaling in this series is dogshit

Having sex with Rachel with the purpose of procreation!

Are you lost

How so? It's so slow.
It's been 10 years and bam is still mid tier

This knight guy wants Yura though. Well, maybe they can bond over that since they have unrequited crushes.

Are you?

Calm down Baam

They did my boi karaka dirty, why does the author keep portraying karaka as medioce. And are the 2 other irregulars still alive?

Because in the tower karaka is mediocre.

because Baam become too OP so all the character like ran,anak,laurie now are too weak for stay near baam.

androssi is a princess of zahard she cant make a war against him.
>ran team
now they are detectives against fug.
>why majority of the jahad princesses cunts
image have 1000yo and never fuck
>Why the fuck are all the slayers based
nope are all cucks.
the first time i saw karaka i image a badass now is a cute zahard princess and a good guy cmon.
zahard military are based, make a genocide everytime.

is sad that everyone forgot emily.

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nope anak love her sugar daddy

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>hes back

how can you fuck a sword?

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A sword is still less dangerous to fuck than some others.

>Yama 100% Full Power jobbed to Yasratcha
>fucker isn’t a family head, not even a direct son of one
So much for FUG.

Man this series is going to have dbz tier powerlevel faggotry?

Also being a regular slayer is a misnomer, as all the family heads are "immortal" due to passing the 100th floor guardian test.

Only an irregular slayer can kill a family head.

Hence only Baam is actually useful to FUG's goals. It's still unknown if FUG's leader Lusec is also an irregular.

FUG is a meme organization, created by baam's father because guardians prefer zahard as king instead of him.
slayers are strong, but nothing compared to zahard army or they will made a war instead of hidings as faggots.
the big boss of FUG, the living god , is very strong but adori zahard and other strong princess can beat him.

their plain was simple:
>take the control of the first floors
>find the first irregular that enter in the tower
>kidnapp him and make him kill zahard

what a bunch of cowards, i wish kallavan and based cat kill them all

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Basically will all boil down to irregulars fighting other irregulars

Because fuck the commoner regulars

Even irregulars job against those axis hacks like Phantomimum. SIU's answer to power creep is setting an upper limit but make it as high as it goes.

Yeon a cute.

Sigh I miss the floor testing days but who the fuck cares now when a person can nuke an entire continent because "muh shinsoooooooo"

doesn't really matter it's another MUH DESTINY shounen

Karaka is practically immortal. He's pretty strong as well, but that's not his main strength. He's also a relatively newly appointed slayer I believe.

Fucking this. I simply don't know anymore if Karaka and that retard are some kind of Jahad siblings, or direct sons of the king fated to meet at the top, or some kind of different being split by half, like White.


I think White could cheat out of the contract since he made a pact with a demon-thing and is an amalgamation of people.
He could either be treated as alien to the contracts or the demon might outrank the contracts, which is also how Irregulars and 13 Months could kill immortals in the Floor of Death.

End of hell train station arc > Marineford

Emily is literally "The Meme Machine", born in the Workshop as an alternative to guides. Knows things, places, directions that they don't, even though we don't know yet WHO adds that info (besides probably the NEET Jahad princess) and WHY the fuck would someone make that shit.

And apparently, the only ones who use it frequently (if not at all) it's Rachel's group.

It's community sourced information, I think a big chunk of the tower still uses it. I would guess that the special thing is that it is capable of using contextual information to make predictions about info it doesn't have, and maybe is capable of fucking with fate like Jahad

no one died
so no.

Rachel has no guide.

i cant wait to see the best boy animated.

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Yeah, I explained it like shit, its more like you said. In fact, it was established that people still used it like a popular app (a long time ago)
Exactly, they guide themselves through the tower by Emily

For some reason i can imagine him voiced by The Major from Hellsing

can be the same smug.
ren is a Nazi rice ball that punishes the thots.
most based character

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What a strange costume

Since the very beginning tests were based on strength anyways. Baam's first test is beating a huge ass aqua snake. The only test i remember that wasn't based on fighting ability was the assignment to make 10 friends, and even that could be technically solved by force. ToG has always been about battles and powerlevels

guys only 27 days and a new golden age will start.

Remember in the good all days , anime that make feel us something?
now we are in a golden age, anime beome mainstream and money destroy all the soul
all cancer that loved by normies that destroy anime but tower of god is different , ToG is the last bastion of old anime golden age souls.
no lichè,no porn,all fanservice is androssi beat people, every characters are unforgettable
fuck guys there is only a word that can describe tower of god KINO

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But at least there are objectives and defined rules.

These days is about how much bangs you can control at once, how condense your shinsoo orbs are, name that ancient animal power and proceed to obliterate half the floor's population

>White is now comedic relief
Are we gonna forget he literally killed Prince? How is Baam gonna react when he finds out? Is he gonna be a cuck bitch again like he was when shota got killed?

Only one person should kill white. And her vengeance is still strong

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he killed billions of people and now he's baam friend

Until baam learns he killed prince brutally

The 5 minutes door test depended on being clever enough to figure you’d pick a door under 5 minutes... or lucky enough to make that choice if you didn’t manage.
It was a nice simple test that nearly bit Khun in the ass out of his pride and a bunch of people won on sheer luck rather than paying attention to the clues. It also matched how the pikachu guy said beforehand that the Tower is climbed on luck - luck of having inherent strength and potential, luck on getting good teammates, luck of being able to make the right choice at the right time. Khun and Baam would have failed, one because he was still too dumb to understand the test, the other because he couldn’t accept the solution and then Rak, their dumbest teammate independently made the choice that saved them.


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Karaka ain't an Irregular, sempai

What are you willing to do to see the stars?

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Is Rachel related to Zahard? The anime makes her eyes look more yellow than usual

Miseng Ha revelation when.

Will he help Rachel not be a jobber anymore?

I wish I fucked this ugly girl.

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shut the fuck up baam and fuck androssi

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Just read this over the past week

The writing is just shit i mean complete shit, but the setting and bullshit fights are nice. Lots and lots of pointless talking and bullshit plans that really mean nothing as the fighting prior to the first timeskip is the deciding factor

>MC is about to die we don't know if he's going to win!
Yeah buddy he doesn't even have his thorn out shut the fuck up

She wishes she was that smart and useful. Basically on the same level as some meth head whore. Just a worthless bitch

the writing of tower of god is a masterpiece that only one man every 1000 years can create..
the problem of tower of god is that now there are only fights and baam power-up.
the first part is a masterpiece because fights were fight with brain and have souls.

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Nope she's the artifacting attracting dyke that will steal all the artifacts from Baam in an attempt to cooperate

I don't know if you're being serious

tower of god is getting an anime. it belongs in this board.

get used to it, boomers

So Zahard isn't the end boss right? I mean they already setup that there are even more floors that he just sealed up by destroying the key to them.

So Baam is absolutely not going to be the one to kill him, at least on purpose. So what will the big bad be? The cat? Or the top ranker (who is probably the authors stand in)?

He'll be the big bad and follow them to the upper floors

That would mean Baam would have to gather all 13 princesses and everyone of Zahards blood at the top of the tower with all the 13 weapons and the 7? rings then run from him? Seems like a lot of plot twists will need to occur for that to happen. Easier to kill him and show the hell that he was afraid of

There's nearly a hundred floors before it's even relevant, so there's plenty of time for that weird shit to happen

They've been skipping floors like crazy, they've already made it to the 70th now back down to the 50th not to mention Baam has already been beating Rankers left and right so after this war is concluded then there's the hunt and preparations for killing Zahard then onwards. Or the only way I can see it... albeit that'll probably be in 400 chapters. Sweet god this KoreanToon drags on

Ahem i have a theory
Phantanium is zahard.
When he invade zahard castle he really fight him,won and take his place.
this is why phantaminum is 1st in the ranking , the official explanation is he only kill zahard?s rankers but even zahard and enryuu could kill them.
so why kill zahards's rankers made phantaminum better then enryuu?
the answare is only one
phantaminum made an impossible thing for enryu, defaut zahard and take his place.

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>Zahard can't kill a guardian
Can't probably doesn't imply here more so that he wouldn't. Guardians give the people of the tower power and oversee it's peacefulness

Why would he? Also still waiting for it to turn out Zahard is also an irregular

it's probably the issue of axis users.
guardians are linked to the shinsoo and the shinsoo has the same status of an axis user
enryuu is simply better than zahard at using shinsoo
only an axis user can kill an axis user, so enryuu with an axis user (the shinsoo) killed an axis user

>Also still waiting for it to turn out Zahard is also an irregular
Speedreader-kun, Zahard is an Irregular, the first one actually. The 10 Family Heads too. They entered the Tower before the Regular System was even established, since they were the ones that established it.

Why the fuck would she be related to Zahard? There's already someone who fills the position, anyway.

Reminder that Baam is for Khun only.

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sorry koon but you cant beat the best girl ever

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the entire point of this kind of comic is that there are more important things than sex to focus on and build a story

theres a bit of rape though, or really rather forced marriages and harems for muh bloodline ninjutsu, but that is an afterthought to the conquest of power and search for humanity

>Inb4 Rachel is actually the Zahard Prince

Rachel IS a guide, and an irregular. Her options are just all shit or dying.

>implying prince never fucking stabbed someone or baam didn't laser salvo a bunch of mobs a few months ago

Endorsi's tits are looking really huge here

Prince just acted like hot shit till he got humbled.
The kid didnt cause litteral massacres.

>So Zahard isn't the end boss right? I mean they already setup that there are even more floors that he just sealed up by destroying the key to them.
>So Baam is absolutely not going to be the one to kill him, at least on purpose. So what will the big bad be? The cat? Or the top ranker (who is probably the authors stand in)?
Zahard is the last boss of Tower of God

but Tower of God is just one episode of Talse Uzer Story

Enjoy user

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White is hardly an outlier in that regard

We haven't seen that many jihad princesses yet.
Yuri, Androssi, Garam and the neet princess are all pretty based.
Mashenny doesn't give a fuck, her data self just wanted to fight Zahard and her real self just wants to fight a strong opponent/wreak havoc in the tower.

Current arc looks pretty cool so far, even though I don't like that we just go from 1 battle to the next.
Would like to see some more exploring again.

Sure but those people arent portrayed as good guys

I imagine Zahard is the second to last boss, because we all know Baam has to deal with some bullshit tests and betrayals after Floors 135+. Though I hope when we get there we don't get Baam oneshotting the tests over there all the time because it will be boring . If the Manhwa ends with Baam reaching the top and Rachel being in despair that she got destroyed by him, I'll be satisfied..

>Man this series is going to have dbz tier powerlevel faggotry?
user, it's going to be worst.

The idea that strong regulars were like gods to shitty regulars, and rankers were like gods to regulars and high rankers were like gods to rankers and irregulars were like gods to everybody else was there from the day zero.

I personally don't like power creepy faggotry for the simple reason that really high level battles are boring and a complete mess.

The low level battle of Baam vs Novik + Ran for me was one of the best battles in the entire serie.

Compare that with the last battles of some high ranker creating a big ball of meme power and throwing it against other big ball of meme power.
Ridiculous high level power battles are simply boring and authors can't make them justify the hype.

Neither is White, Just because he's allied with MC doesn't mean he's a good guy. If you haven't noticed, Baam hangs around some really evil people as long as they help his goal.

I want Rachel to be happy.

Rachel can be dying in Baams arms, called beautiful, and then she becomes a star in the sky.

Exactly my thoughts, what's the point of a slayer when he can't slay anything?
Even without the immortality contract all the irregulars (except for Bam and Rachel) are so stupidly strong that 99.9% of all regulars look like floor 1 regulars to them.

Can we all take a second to appreciate the sad life of two of the most shitted characters in the entire serie?

Roen sacrificied herself to seal what she considered (rightfully) one of the most deranged entities of the tower, a loser son of the ten families that genocided billions of people to gain power ups and had to be jailed like a rabbid dog by Jahad princesess.
Now she was reduced to a whore-battery for Baam to have a Power up.
Daniel Hatchid sacrificed everything at the end to do the right thing and help the protagonists under the condition that they would stop White.

The protagonists not only didn't stop White but they are actually allying and helping him slowly regain power for their own selfish reasons even if that mean that White eventually would do the whole "Philosopher stone" power up and consume countless of innocent people.
Heck even worse, Daniel Hatchid waifu soul has no memory of him, is inside Baam and probably is in love with him too.
How cucked a poor man can be?

I think she doesn't deserve happiness for the amount of lives she's ruined so far. Rachel is well written, but it would be for the best if she wasn't redeemed when we know her entire MO. If my hunch is right that she's Zahard's bastard daughter from before he signed the contract with the Administrators it'd at least explain why she has a lack of power for now.

>implying Evankhell's chaos dunk wasn't lit as fucking hell

FUG also employs a soul eating monster who has consumed the souls of billions.

>Baam is gonna rape her at the top of the tower.

>Baam becomes Korean Rance
I would be highl y pleased with this ending.

I want Rachel to have Baam's babies and then be revealed to be his mother.
And then it is revealed that Baam is a reincarnation of his father.


zahard give mercy to everyone ask for it
>muh zahard bad,he is a tyrant

first every slayers are thread like gods and have millions of slaves.
second zahard give all his politiccally power to 3 faggots and never really command , he stay all the day to cry in his bedroom thinking of baam's mother.

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I'm still wondering. He is Twenty Fifth Baam, Is Twenty Fifth the day he was born or is he a successful clone that could fulfill his mothers wish for revenge?

literrally a waste of time
in this manga everyone is cucked.

yeon with zahard
zahard with baam's mother,
gustang with blossom
baam with rachel
yingsung with his wife
akraptor with his gf
Reflejo with the zahard's princess
urek with garam

Why tho? For all intents and purposes Rachel is literally who, from what we know she probably was (is?) Arlene's servant or something like that and isn't otherwise remarkable aside from having an utterly fucked up personality.

The big plot twist of the series will be at the end that Zahard is a really cool guy.
Rachel will manipulate Baam at the end to kill Zahard and she will be crowned queen bitch.
At the end Baam will have to stop Rachel.

Is she even an irregular. 1st Floor Guardian didn't label her as such just that she wasn't supposed to be there and probably got in because Baam opened the door.

So she's really just a no one

Technically, she is an irregular because the Tower didn't want her, it wanted Baam. She just took his ticket.

Irregulars are the ones that open the door uninvited. She jumped in while the door was open.

i think zahard,grace(baam's mother) and V(baam's father) story is like snape,james and lily in harry potter.

the boy and the girl were best friends and the boy liked her, then the bully arrived humiliated the boy, stole the girl and made her hate him.

Yes, the door was open for Baam and she went in uninvited. Then Baam opened the door on his own because he's horny for Rachel.

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>raid the nest
>all 10 heads of families and zahard appear screaming the gang is back the gang is back
what you do?

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That would only be true if Snape went ahead and actually helped Voldemort kill Harry. Zahard did kill Baam right in front of Arlene and she had to make a deal with a demon to resurrect him outside the tower.

Use my bullshit axis powers to rape all their butts.

Well considering baam has an instant win card called the blue demon no problem

I wish author didn't fuck up the story after the first part. It was genuinely interesting with all the background politics and mysteries surrounding everything. Now it's just an endless clusterfuck of retarded games and bland MC becoming more and more broken.

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image belive in V propaganda.
remember that grace was brainwashed by V's charm.
V could use baam death as a flag to make other family members to revolt against zahard.
this is why gustang said that V is the greatest piece of shit ever lived because he killed his son

That sounds like Zahard propaganda.

>m i the only one who thinks dowon joining the jahad army was retarded?
I think it makes a perfect sense.

>t. Zahard

I want an axis vs axis fight.

proud of be a zahard fanboy
but V is a bad person i dont know who really killed baam but in other case, image be betrayl by the woman you love, only one moment of rage,zahard repented and forgive everyone.
imagine forgiving the person who stabbed you in the back.

>t. Zahard

We only have one, though. Also he is chilling in a "maybe canon, maybe retcon incoming" dimension with the Idea of Evil from Berserk.
This is how shonen operates. Tank top gives her +30% to the bust size.

nothing beats the power of a tank top

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Ten bucks on her having a mom-tier knockers after the next time skip.

And Khun Eduan said that V was better fit as king than Zahard. Po saying V is a piece of shit because he wouldn't be able to manipulate and control the masses under V isn't saying much.

As a rule of thumb people who want to be in an executive position are seldom the best people for the job.

data-eduan NOT eduan
probably the leader of the expedition of the 13 was V at first and zahard was just a weak manlet, but gradually zahard became the strongest and V lost his position as leader and became jealous.
his souls become so gloomy that the guardian denies them immortality
for this eduan says that V was better as leader because at the time of registration in the data-world V was still the strongest.

Except V was never stronger than Zahard. Zahard was always the self-appointed leader because of his strength. They got stronger and started to ignore the people in the tower, becoming the selfish, corrupt shitheads they are now. The only one who still supported the people was V.

and by they I mean the Family Heads.

>Except V was never stronger than Zahard
how can you know that?
look the difference from data zahard and zahard.
data zahard is very small,ridicolus dress didnt feel like a KING.
V instead is arrogant that when the loser becomes strong he becomes jealous.
and remember the EDUAN and all the 10 head of families fight with zahard against V.
there is a motive, the gustang was a good guy before blossom break with him,in his opinion of v there is the same disguting as a nerd when talking about a bully

>They got stronger and started to ignore the people in the tower, becoming the selfish, corrupt shitheads they are now. The only one who still supported the people was V.

zahard never give a shit about rile the tower, he give his politicall power to the 3 advicers, after he lost grace for him nothing matter anymore

FUCK zahard have soul

the reason he didn't kill a guardian is that he cant. SIU even stated this on his blog.

Kill a guardian mean destroy an entire floor forever and kill billions of people.
Guardians create water and oxygen.
Enryuy knew that very well and even if zahard could do he would never do that

So maybe I missed it but why is there an anti-zahard faction? He doesn't seem to be a brutal dictator in fact he doesn't seem to do anything

>look the difference from data zahard and zahard.
Wow, Zahard centuries upon centuries later is stronger. Amazing perception.
>data zahard is very small,ridicolus dress didnt feel like a KING.
No shit. He wasn't king yet and was still young.
>and remember the EDUAN and all the 10 head of families fight with zahard against V.
Yeah, the family heads joined Zahard because he would support their selfish and corrupt behaviour.
>zahard never give a shit about rile the tower, he give his politicall power to the 3 advicers, after he lost grace for him nothing matter anymore
Yeah, he trapped himself in his room like the crybaby shitter he is because he couldn't get his dick inside one woman. Then he proceeded to kill this woman's baby because he's an actual, true to the word incel.

And don't try to say "b-b-but V propaganda". Data Zahard outright said he would relish in killing Arlene's child again.

>Wow, Zahard centuries upon centuries later is stronger. Amazing perception.
I mean the height, data-zahard was very low tip 1.50 meters but zahard is 2.10 taller than the 10 heads of the family (except hendo look).
data-zahard looks like a nerd middle school student who makes superhero cosplayer not the face of the leader.
>Yeah, the family heads joined Zahard because he would support their selfish and corrupt behaviour.
arie hon is the warriow with more honor in the tower.
gustang and blossom loved each other their only thing was fuck all the day.
yeon hearth was literrally destroyed like zahard caged herself for love.
eduan is a free spirit ,he cannot decide to submiss to zahard if he was a bad person.
ha yurin is like yuri, so for you yuri could join a bad person for profit?
for ari,hendo and perie i dont know.
>Yeah, he trapped himself in his room like the crybaby shitter he is because he couldn't get his dick inside one woman
without live you cannot see it
love is the greatest force of the world,look baam is impossible leave without your love.
>Then he proceeded to kill this woman's baby because he's an actual, true to the word incel.
joke aside inst sure V like a director could made zahard kill baam for bait the other 10 head to revolt.

>And don't try to say "b-b-but V propaganda". Data Zahard outright said he would relish in killing Arlene's child again.
zahard didnt kill baam even in data-world,he could do that in 1 second but didnt do that because zahard is snape and baam harry potter

Didn't the dude in the rice pot say that zahard basically fucked up during revolution?
Think there are also some other mentions of the 10 family leaders getting less and less interesting in "normal" people, the higher they climbed in the tower.
Even in the data floor the special snowflakes basically segregated themselves from the regulars.
Not to mention Gustang's comment about the family leaders and Zahard being big fish in a small pond.

Think the first time people got pissed was when he locked the higher floors up and decided that he's the king of the tower.
Then there's the behavior of the 10 great families that pisses people off.
But I guess it's mostly that people are fed up with the stagnation.

>Didn't the dude in the rice pot say that zahard basically fucked up during revolution?
what mean? that zahard accept blue demon power.(like baam do but later)

>Not to mention Gustang's comment about the family leaders and Zahard being big fish in a small pon
because gustang want advance on the 135th floor.
remember that urek said that he knew how to exit from the tower.
gustang want expand the zahard empire even outside.
>Even in the data floor the special snowflakes basically segregated themselves from the regulars.
was an order of zahard to kill all the 10 family data.

tf is this retarded esl shit

sex with rachel

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Go home Baam.

i like him, jobbers that are succesful are very endearing

Jesus christ, you really like sucking Zahards cock, huh?

>I mean the height, data-zahard was very low tip 1.50 meters but zahard is 2.10 taller than the 10 heads of the family (except hendo look).
Wow, Zahard centuried upon centuries grew taller. Amazing perception.
Arie Hon was the one who told Hoaqin to either sacrifice himself to be part of the Arie sword or fuck off and become a demon (which Hoaqin did). He literally told Hoaqin to use a devil to get stronger.
Gustang is a conniving and manipulating bitch. The only good thing Zahard has done so far is order his family to be destroyed after he betrayed Zahard.
The Yeon family literally almost got the Zigena extinct all for their gems. And when this was revealed to the public, they doubled down on the censorship and wanted Mazino's head.
Eduan is a neutral and apathetic shit. His children even say he is the worst to have as a father. He only cares about getting his dick wet.
Don't know much about the Ha family, aside from Ha Jinsung getting mad that they sold his lover.

I was gonna continue, but your ESL is so unbearable, it's like talking to DBZ spic.

Since Emily it's an ignition weapon it willl probably have some stupidly op ignition like actually being able to collect information that nobody has submitted

Any theory on the big plot twist of the nature and purpose of the tower?

My personal theory is that the tower only exist for a sort of "game setting" scenario were irregulars come, complete the tower, make a wish and then the game is reseted.

Zahard gamed the tower of god making a meme kingdom when he will never complete the tower allowing people to live in it and giving him the power to live as ruler.
At some point Zahard become more and more corrupt and lost sight and purpose for his meme kingdom.

Now the agents of the tower are pissed because of course, punny mortal can get away with gaming a god system, and are helping other organizations (FUG) to help irregulars so they can get rid of Zahard and keep their little ponzi scheme alive.

Taekwon V is better than Tower of Garbage

no i can understand the tragic story of zahard that the author want make us understand.
>Arie Hon was the one who told Hoaqin to either sacrifice himself to be part of the Arie sword or fuck off and become a demon (which Hoaqin did).
yes sacrifies for the family,hoaqin wasnt an irregular, in no way could defaut his dad so he speak truthfull to him 2 choice:
work for me , for your family
or fuck off and find a method to kill me.
then remember that when his daughter pass his text he gave to her a special present , to show to her his love.
then he literrally gave an entire floor to urek AN ENTIRE FLOOR just because he pass his test.
arie hon have souls.

yes because her gf leave him, before this he was a good guy

nooooo the yean family they use animals to make money, think of white who ate the souls of 4 billion people.
yean bad fug good

>I was gonna continue, but your ESL is so unbearable, it's like talking to DBZ spic.
ii am italian master race and is not my fault if english is a shit language

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New reader but I just want to mention that I love all the water/fishing terminology.

then why phantaminum and enryuu didnt complete the tower?

>Implying octopus won't just call the whales and have them Massacre that bitch Baam in the most brutal way possible before throwing his carcass on the remains of Titanic

good job user enjoy the greaster shounen ever.
tell us your opinion about tog and why for you androssi is the best girl.

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Fucking Based

Fuck off dont reply to me subhuman

>yes because her gf leave him, before this he was a good guy
Eurasia leaves him because he threw their daughter in to be a princess despite Eurasia not wanting her to.
>yean bad fug good
Wow, you got something right.
>italian master race
Whatever helps you sleep at night. How's the spaghetti working out against the chink virus?

It's not really that different from a quite plenty of fantasy, non Isekai manga nowadays. Why does people hyped it up as the best thing to have ever existed ?, I don't get the appeal ?

fuck off FUG propaganda
Yas Forums is a zahard place

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sex with Rachel

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Who has the biggest tits in ToG?

Taekwon V is a better Korean icon than Tower of cancer, fucking zoomer

Just stop replying to him, he's the same guy that's been posting in these threads with the same broken English for nearly a decade. He even talked about ban evading in a previous thread.

> phantaminum
dumbass edgelord neet god
> enryuu
even more of a beta than phantaminum

nope i am an axis user is my right
yeap i live near isolated corona virus zone
then so for you kill animals is worst than kill billions of people?
then stop eat meat
look the pic user
the characters, the mistery, the stily
tower of god is unique cmon where a fuck you find someone who call the fighter position fisherman

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I want to forget you exist.

>look at the pic
>the stily

It's fun. And talking down a Zahard bootlicker feels good.
Didn't say anything about killing billions of people, just wondering why you call a race of weak spaghetti that catch bat flu the master race.

fuck off reddit this is a free space
forgot that you have a problem didnt resolve it

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>then why phantaminum and enryuu didnt complete the tower?
They are part of the system, cucked by contracts or arbitrary rules.
Like a game, only players can win or lose the game.
Irregulars act as players.
The problem is that Zahard said at some point "Instead of finishing this game I'm just gonna chill out and enjoy all my meme powers, also I'm gonna use those powers to create a sweet empire and make everyone happy".

Of course the "Tower" is pissed and using its agents to remove the player trolling the game and put other player willing to keep pushing to the end.

Fuck you baam, stop following me

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because my race of spaghetti made inspection to everyone even without symptoms.
other country check only the people with symptoms this is why they didnt find nothing

How much for yellow griffith's pussy?

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I'm pretty sure Phantaminum can do whatever he wants since he's essentially god.

I bet Khun wants to bang her.
Considering that he is form the ten great families, he could probably do this trick while finishing.

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Is the author

I can see the final battle being Baam vs Khun because of Rachel's cunny

>rapes Yuri
Good taste.

No way. Khun is way more into Baam's boipussy than Rachel.

Not him but Khun wants to kill her and Baam wants to have babies with her so their endgames are in conflict with each other.

We were close to Baam finally giving up on her, but she used her knowledge on his mom and past to keep him chasing her.

citation required

I just want to watch the anime

We know Baam, get back to climbing the tower.

I think poisoning Khun was the last straw.

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In one of his earlier works, weren't the towers made by an axis with the purpose of creating new axes? It may not be canon but it may be the inspiration for the tower we see today. I'd really like to see more of the tower itself or how the other towers (if there are any) ended up.

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Making the names easier to remember

Baam Baam
Rachel Rachel
Yuri Yuri
Leroro Leroro
Ship Ship
Koon Aguero something Aguero
Rak Rak
Androssi Androssi
Anak Anak
Zahard Zahard
Hwa Ryun Hway
Lurker Lurker
Headon Headon
Quant Quant
Hansu-??? Hanzu
Wangnang Wang
Yeon Yeon
Hatsu Hatsu


Why is Zahard so autistic? Why wont he let his beautiful daughters to be breeded by Irregular BVLLS?

>Allowing everyone to get a bit of his powerful genes

his "daughters" are actually his brides

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Brides he purposefully set up to never wed because he's still crying about Baam's mom.

I wanna FUCK Rachel so bad bros. Ugh!

well then maybe he should just marry baam

So how long was Bam in that cave/hole before Rachel found him? Did the just lie down there for thousands of years?

>third strongest
Vegeta is not impressed.


Real endgame is Baam, Zahard, and Rachel fighting the outer world God and Baam's mother

Is this what she looks like in the webtoon? Wtf why did they make her cute in the anime

Rachel is Baam's mother.

To attract coomers. But seriously she's fine in the toon as well I would that evil cunny.

She's not always drawn that ugly.
Think SIU just draws her uglier when she does some evil shit or others call her out for being a cunt.

Naah Baams mother could see fate like Zahard and begged gods to bring him back to life

Then she tries to fuck her son.

Or what you'll rape them into submission like their grandparents gookmoot?

Nah, she is intentionally drawn uglier when she does bad shit, she is pretty cute mosr of the time.

>leave this board now.


Imagine the scene where of all the rankers that wants to go up gathering in the 135th floor waiting for baam to open the gates to the next tower, it woild be pretty kino

>anime coming out next month
Dumb weeb

1. I am not Korean.
2. Mods said they are allowed here.
You can report the thread if you want and see what happens. Grow up dude.

T. Baam

Honorary anime dumb gook

The power leveling in this series is fucking stupid, the slayers cant beat anyone notable from the jahad army(princesses or anyone from the 10 families) and SIU shat on Yihwa so much that i am fucking pissed. She should be with wangnan training together to get strong stupid fucking shit wasted Yihwas potential

I think you mean Ehwa op. Hwa Ryun and swordsman have literally almost never interacted

I thought he was giving them some sort of unholy blood transfusion or magical curse shit and won't let them get fucked because then it's like he's getting fucked

>why does the author keep portraying karaka as medioce
Because he is? His only "powerful" ability is like he is some kind of lich that always use different bodies to fight, so he never dies even if he is killed.
Also he is the younger Slayer, so he is a noob compared to others. Even White is, theorically, more powerful than him. He just needs to eat more souls.

At least young Zahard was a really cool guy. He just was your typically 80s/90s shonen protagonist that wanted to fight other strong people to compare powerlevels, but he was not a malicious person.

Read again.

>Yama 100% Full Power jobbed to Yasratcha
To be fair, Yasratcha had the control hax.

Karaka isn't even a ranker is he?

V is trash who killed himself, leaving his wife alone.

outside of the tower is all axis users flying around space and warping the fabric of reality

The tower itself is a gigantic circular dyson sphere

>Baam vs Novik + Ran
To have more battles like that SIU needs to keep focusing on the room tests instead of the politics of the tower.
The problem is SIU already went full into the FUG vs Zahard subplot, so he going back to the basics is way more harder to do than before.

V is the god outside the tower after killing himself his Shinsoo consumed the sky. It's why Rachel hasn't seen the sky despite Mazino saying there was an endless sky outside the tower. Mazino entered the tower while V was alive.

This was all part of his plan to reach the top as he is apart of Baam now so once Baam reaches the top he can steal the wish

He basically looks like Naruto.

One thing about ToG that never gets old is how characters start a conversation with Rachel just to insult her.
Like a completely normal conversation, but then they derail it to insult her, Khun and Androssi are especially good at this.
Always cracks me up a bit.

They are more like idols. The whole "princess system" feels like a mockery of the idol subculture.
Pretty girls that must remain pure, not marrying, nor having a relationship, always devoted to do their work. But in this case, at least they are useful as soldiers.

What? He was a chad.

We last saw him return to the teddy bear, so probably traveling with him, Ran and whoever else was left behind. Gustang has the ring so that plotline can go nowhere for awhile since Karaka won't talk about it without confirmation

lmao, wtf is some ESL subhuman doing telling people to leave Yas Forums?

>Ran and whoever else was left behind.
Dude is definitely doing work for his brother.

Punished Miseng, she was denied her Prince.

>We last saw him return to the teddy bear
Is he still alive? Fuck, so much has passed I don't even know his whereabouts, anymore. I just remember he still was in bed because he lacked the other half-demon, and that's it.

When the little girl left the train, she did so with Casano. Casano and her went to the teddy bear, some time passed and she returned back to the train. More time passed and like a whole other arc and Wangnan goes to see the teddy bear. Its like the last chapter of season 2 or first chapter of season 3.

The other dude went to wake him up not to long ago.
By the way did anyone bother to tell Bam that prince and akraptor are dead?

I hope he figured it out after years of being off the train and not hearing about them

Oh shit, didn't even think about that.
Actually Bam should have noticed that they were missing at the last train stop when everyone but them got off the train.
Guess Bam doesn't really give a shit, SIU still seems to remember though, iirc. one of the fug goons in the cage had akraptor's ring.

Joking about what?

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It’s akraptor’s daughter

Baam thought about all of this when Wangnan told him they'd separate. Right now Wangnan has his own goal.

>akraptor’s daughter
Not that user, but I completely forgot about that.

It wont.

I think it will rely hard on the korean and western markets. I don't know how much Japan cares about it.

Zahard being the last boss is way too predictable. I still think the final threat are the Guardians, or whatever thing that controls them.
And don't forget Headon's plan is still active, and he is like two or three steps above everyone else.

The Tower ranks are not assigned by powerlevels, but they are more like a popularity/influence list.

Zahard is top tier because he is the King, so that's obvious.
Enryu is top tier because he killed a guardian, that act in itself is basically like a miracle.
Mazzino is top tier because he is a self-declared and a confirmed irregular. Even if he has not done relevant shit since he entered the tower.
Phantaminum is top tier because he actually attacked Zahard himself, thus attacking the very status quo like no other person has done before. He is like the most wanted person in the whole tower because he is the most dangerous person to the actual regime.

I don't see any hype for this on korea forum, actually TOG is not even that popular in korea, something like demon blade, MHA is much more popular than tog in korea

Man, you are really funny.

This. Emily is the Alexa or the Siri of the tower, she has only the info that has been given to her, but that doesn't mean she knows everything or that she can't be tricked to give false info.

>Mazzino climbed the tower the fastest

Does Bam have black march?

It is true though, people are too busy talking about Corona rexently. Only this place that giving it the hype

Yeah, you are right. Maybe that was the feat that made him the fourth place.

it’s inside of him with the demon, 2 thorn shards, all the souls white ate, red thyrissa, and now he’s a canine

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What was Headon’s plan? I haven’t read ToG in years

>it’s inside of him

Don't forget the blue demon and the shinsoo pool he stored up.

Princesses aren't allowed to date anyone do you think they're all horny?

Reminder Baam was blessed/revived by an Axis personally and towers were said to be places specifically made to create more Axis’s. Baam will become an Axis at the end of TOG and collapse the tower bringing everyone to the outside world

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I like to believe little sheep boy was actually a princess.

funny what? ask any gooks about tog or any of the popular weebtoon shit like solo leveling and most of them will tell you they doesn't know anything about them. Webtoon is only popular with loud minority white and horny seamonkey

Whatever happened to this guy?

>white and horny seanigger always want to be mangaka but they will never be mangaka so they settled with webtoon, a medium for failed mangaka wannabe and weeaboo
That make sense

Great, so he has, basically, a whole party inside him. I wonder about how the interactions between them could be.

Does anyone know how many episodes will there be yet?

if you want to read gookshit, at least read the good one

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I hope you’re wrong unless they’re like 1 hour long each

>24 episodes
I hope you’re right

One kpop landwhale alone can make 500 million views in just few days by using their viewer bot

fuck off esl gook

>from 03/03/20(Tue)20:57:14 to 03/04/20(Wed)14:59:39
>297 posts
>75 ips
Yeah such big hit right, Yas Forums will be only tog thread okay?

>Evankhell hype
>starts jobbing
>Yama hype
>starts jobbing
>Elder hype
>starts jobbing
>any character hype
>starts jobbing
>only one allowed to do anything is MC who also has a billion destinies, special shinsu, immune against spells and absorbs any special power
This is so bad. It reminds me of chink novel self inserts, even the characters disappear for hundreds of chapters like in chink shit but at least they actually fuck their harem.

Mods already said manhwa is okay here.


This faggot masterpiece soulful normie bullshit again, mods should ip ban this retard

When did Evankhell job? And Kallavan hasn't jobbed.

>ban evading ESL monkey is here
Oh boy

Tell me. I haven't caught up with tog for the past 4 or 5 months. Why in the fuck is baam, a dude who has been personally trained by literal gods to throw fucking black holes, still considered a D regular? The power levels are fucking retarded in ToG. It feels like noblesse, every time the MC gains power, magically it's not enough and some other mofo with the same-if not higher power level shows up. It's an endless dripfed content with no end in sight.

Every fight is either the same or entirely useless. Bam had enough power to level the entire tower but he rarely uses a fraction of it,what happened to the billions of souls stolen from White? What of the thorn?

>Urek won’t be in the anime
Just fuck my shit up

>bump limit reached fuck yeah
Nice, we are reddit now bros

You are doing it on purpose aren't you?

for me it's gandharva x teo. but i respect your opinion
>i loved kubera but from the 3rd season become too confusing
same desu, season 3 have faster pace than the rest and it's even have more thing happen simultaneously than usual. not to mention soul mechanism and human version that's still quite vague
i feel like i should reread but doesn't have time yet

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But I saw all of those aspects in TOG and the fight isn't really that smart either, what actually makes it special ?. Comparing it with actually good old anime is literally an insult to the old ones

Yeah, I and a plenty of people remember the good old days when Korean shits are obscure and there is no shitty modern day Isekai manga/light novel or Webtoon like TOG with their equally obnoxious fanbase


What? What do you mean? Forgive me but I don't understand what are you trying to say?

The one thing that bothers me is
Since when did he care about his master that much?

The master literally wasn't relevant or talked about at all in the past fucking 100 chapters, it just shows up outta nowhere and takes the story down another retarded railroad aaarghh

D-rank regular isn't a power level but rather how high he climbed in the tower.
The souls don't give that much power, at least not for someone that's an irregular.

My friend was banned for post #199896158 for "ban evasion". However it is not ban evasion, as his ban ended yesterday. Please fix mistake, thanks

It's safe to assume that after their first encounter, Ha Jinsung became more and more like a father figure to Baam. I think that Baam has always cared about him, we just never got to see him in any danger until now, so there was no way to show Baam caring that much about him.

The fuck is this shit? What the hell are those retard koreaboo crawl out from?

Does Jinsung not care about Karaka?

He does, but he's probably pissed off at Karaka's constant attempts at fucking with Baam's, and by extension his shit.

>third strongest
Determined by whom?
He has a third rank just because he is sitting on his ass doing nothing.

Are you arguing he should be lower or higher?
Because if the latter then no. He is in no way stronger than Enryu or Phantaminum. Especially Phantaminum.

The funny thing is the "really subpar at best Korean Webtoons" are far worse than the "good old days anime and manga" and in reality belongs to mostly subpar at best modern "anime and manga"

Higher, of course. Enryu gets a lot of cred for killing an administrator, but as far as I know no irregular tried to replicate this feat.
Obviously. He could probably trash everyone in the top-100 at the same time.

He is also an adult who firmly stands on his two feet.

>it's not CGI shit
Fuck yes. Now let's hope that the studio doesn't ruin the pacing.

SIU did say that Jahard could not kill an administrator, so yeah Enryu should be stronger that Jahard. Not that it matters since we probably wont ever see him. Urek is the only active person that can currently challenge Jahard.

Huh. Ok, then.
That reminds me: why didn't Phantaminum kill Yuri?
inb4 he only wanted to fuck and Yuri was the first one sturdy enough to survive the experience

Phantaminum could have killed everyone in the palace if he wanted to, including Jahard, so he probably left Yuri alive for the same reason he spared anyone else. Only SIU knows the real reason. For all we know he may just wanted to establish himself as the strongest without completely ruining the political balance of the tower. Or, you know, he wanted a piece of that ass. At this point this guess is as good as any. And considering Yuri did call him a scumnag, it may very well be right. I mean what else is there to do if you are basically a god.

Headon wants people to challenge the 135th floor, and Rachel has the potential and the pragmatism to get that done.

I like ToG and all, but I wish Black Behemoth was still being translated; BB's character arcs are more concentrated than ToG's, and it doesn't rely on introducing new characters as often to build intrigue.

No, thank you very much.


What is the studio, anyway?

Serious question: since the anime is obviously going to be dubbed in Japanese and not Korean, what translation are they going to use for that? The nip fan translation? I only read a few selected chapters of it, but I can't say I liked it much, something about it is just... too flat, I guess? Hopefully they've hired pro kor-jap translators for the chapters that are getting animated.

>The webtoon will receive an anime television series adaptation by Telecom Animation Film that is set to premiere on April 1, 2020 on Crunchyroll.

>did a number of things not because she had to or even had a particular reason to, but out of malice and because she could
>is strongly obsessed with certain things
My knives-for-brains can't possibly be this pragmatic.

>all the gookboo post got deleted
lol gook

Dialogue is expected to be JP for sure, though I have a suspicion that it'll get a KR dub after the fact (like how anime gets EN dubs).

Why are mods allowing these threads? Move them to Yas Forums or /trash/, retards. Not anime or manga.

So four posts per user?

If her actions compel Baam to break the lock on the 135th, Headon still gets what he wants. The Tower is meant to be fair game for its challengers, so fuck Zahard for subverting its purpose.

I read it for some time, but fucking hell, it's even more frustrating than TOG.
It has way too much drama, and introduce constantly a lot of secondary characters I never care about. I know TOG it's the same, but in Kubera they are given fucking long flashbacks that usually last several chapters and then it's not enough, because after some time, those characters are given other flashbacks or sometimes flashbacks between flashbacks.
Also I never liked how Leez became the punching bag of the story after the first half of season one. Worse in season two.

>SIU did say that Jahard could not kill an administrator


Yeah, Headon must not be happy that Zahard and his pals made the Tower their own playground.
And yes, the original rules of the Tower were fairly simple. Go the Guardian of the Floor, ask him for the test, challenge it, pass it, go to the next Floor, repeat until you end at the top.
Zahard just only added more crap to the whole thing with his Regular/Ranker system.

>Not anime

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I wonder if his tests feature lootboxes and microtransactions.


Because he is Baam from the future.


>secondary characters I never care about
are you one of those people who think leez&co are the only MCs?
and it's actually one of few story where i would appreciates more flashback

Based on what?
Seriously curious since I haven't seen anything that contradicts this.

Can't wait for Zahard to put his hand through Mazino's chest

>ywn rape that bitch Yuri
why live bros?

I need to reread this shit, it's been so long

Your taste is fine, but Hwa Ryun is where it's at.
Also it's a shame that we will never get more of a lizard MILF

I still don't get how 13 month curse works.
So far we've only seen that you shouldn't use more than one at the same time and you're peachy.

This is more a matter of how the contract works.
Jahad can't kill an administrator because he made a contract with them that forbids that among other things, more or less. It's not that he doesn't have the raw power to (though maybe he doesn't).
Whereas, Enryu is an irregular so he isn't bound to this contract and can kill whoever he wants.
Urek doesn't really care about Jahad or Guardians or whatever and simply wants to find a way to exit the tower.

If a user holds two or more of them, the weapons themselves goad their user to ignite all of them (they weren't trolling Yuri for nothing).

Yes, but it's easily avoided.
Just put everything but one into the secure location.

Is the official translation good, or is there some better fan translation around?

Zahard doesn't want that problem avoided. Some bitch suggested to add in the curse after the 13 months were made and Zahard agreed.
This more or less explains all you want to know.

The Company used to fantranslate it (even founded Batoto just to host it), you might be able to find it at a scraper site nowadays. But the official translation on Webtoons is good enough (if you do see English mistakes you can contact the staff about corrections).

I stand corrected, I guess
>As this is something that according to SIU not even Zahard is capable of achieving even if he tries with all his power, this feat marks Enryu as the second most powerful being in the whole Tower, with only the Axis Phantaminum being his superior. However, Enryu is currently inactive and therefore this has left Zahard the top Ranker currently active.

Yes, but what's stopping some enterprising princess to catch em all even with the curse?
It was hyped as something completely unavoidable, but it looks like a moderately big hindrance so far.
Basically it's about greed.
> The first generation of Zahard's princesses were consumed by the evil magic of the 13 months and ended up hating and killing one another
I've only forgotten about this part.
I wonder what it is.

Because no one except Zahard and Enne who told Garam (who then proceeded to tell the gang) knows about the curse.

A Jahad Princess who is discovered to have given or lent her 13 Month weapon has lost her right to exist as a Jahad Princess and will be executed. The conflict between the Jahad Princesses is designed to keep them from completely trusting each other.

Yuri knows now.

>given or lent
You don't have to physically hold it 24/7.
Just place it into the secure vault, like the Nest.

Then if you do that, how would you get any other 13 month weapon when the other princesses will use their own and fight you off to keep theirs?

Anyone could interpret "a 13 Month weapon not in a Princess's hand and in a vault owned by someone else" as giving or lending it, it's all in the legalese.

Same way you've managed to get your first and a second one.
It's physically impossible for a human to hold them all, even if one pulls a Zoro.

Your stupid didnyou forget all the princesses have an inventory the call upon apon at will?

The Rainbow Undecimber is an Arms Inventory designed specifically to store the other 13 Month weapons.

I remember, but how is that different form putting a weapon into a vault?
The only difference is that this one is portable.
Yes. So?

Why would they put it into a vault unless the have knowledge of and are specifically trying to avoid the curse?

Because they saw their rival going amok and connected the dots.

An inventory is still under its Princess user's ownership, so there's no "giving or lending" legalese at play.

Did you also forget that people can control areas of space around themselves? That means a wide enough area in your domain may allow you to "physically" wield all 13 Months.

The princesses are all idiots

Yeah, and now that you connected the dots, have fun with Zahard throwing anything at you to get you executed or exiled (see Enne Zahard).

This series is STILL going on? FFS, I want to read it all in one good

waiting each week for solo levelling isn't fun, don't want to do this again

>An inventory is still under its Princess user's ownership, so there's no "giving or lending" legalese at play.
So that makes it ok to put into the secure location if it's your property, right?
By the way, storing it in the inventory is an ok plan too. Just don't wield more than one at the same time.
Now that's much more plausible.

ugly rachel >>> anime rachel

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Fan translation is better, see it on mangadex.
When it ends you gotta continue with the official though.

I wonder how that cunny tastes like

Anime Rachel is tinted with Baam's viewpoint, I could accept that interpretation.

Baam doesnt even thinks shes pretty

how come he cant withhold his lust for her then

His analytical part knows that she isn't very pretty, but something something shining star.

It's not plausible, that is quite literally what Zahard has done and would do. Even if a princess manages to pull off your plan, the moment Zahard sees her gain traction, he'll do anything to stop her. He never intended any of the princesses to collect all the 13 months in the first place.

That's what Baam says. There are two categories of truths: what the characters say, and what the author says.

Nah, the problem is, Baam has mommy issues. Rachel is the closest thing he had for a mother, or for another human being, to begin with. Rachel was everything for Baam, it was her world, it was her universe. Now, he has met some friends along the ride, but still, Rachel was her number one.
After the betrayal, his world basically shattered. And then, after the FUG fiasco, he started to think that living in the tower world was not the right idea, so (for a time) he wanted to come back to the cave, but with Rachel as his companion, as it used to be.

Why were the 13 months created, then? Why the "Princess System" was created, in first place?

In this particular case I dont see the difference

It was made to give regulars hope and something to strive for while also being completely impossible to accomplish

Because the people were complaining about Zahard not doing shit and staying on the 134th floor. So he set up the princess system so that people think he's *gonna* do something and stop their complaining.

You did read this link, right? Because asking for a reply that the link answers devalues the reply. There's only so many spoilers you can ask for before you'll be told to read the link.

Just super soldiers to serve him and can't rebel against him (see Endorsi and data Maschenny getting frozen before his data version, the real one will have even a stronger force to freeze them)

The characters' view of each other is always biased on a subconscious level, whereas the author's view of the characters has a more omniscient nature.

Okay? But what that have to do with litterally nobody thinking Rachel is pretty. Even baam

Age is literally a number even outside the Tower (most of the character are over 100 years old), so the standards of beauty in that world (which might not even be our "Earth", just Earth-like) can easily diverge from our real-world standards of beauty.

Okay? What's that have to do with baam not thinking shes pretty even though shes the litteral only other face hes seen for most his life.

I see your question now. Chapter 4, Baam tells Black March that Rachel isn't exceptionally pretty, right? Who else could've taught him the meaning of the word "pretty" besides Rachel herself? Baam is using Rachel's definition of "pretty" (who already has her own self-loathing), so this is a case of "Baam and Rachel say Rachel's not pretty".

Baam is able to identify pretty people though.

He heard stories.

This ties into my previous post of , because Rachel's definition of "pretty" is affected by the standard of "pretty" as defined by the world outside the Tower.
The setting's standard can easily differ from our real-world standard. We as readers and watchers are not natives of this world.

Yeah, even when he became the protagonist for a while, we still don't know shit about him before he met Baam. We barely know about his past.
I still want to know why is he called a "Prince of the Red Light District".

Well, shit. All my critical-reading skills get tossed in the trash.
I'm definitely not skilled enough to set up the argument of "the animators are adhering to SIU's direction", so I'll just stop.

His main character status was only valid for Part 2, Part 3 is looking at someone else. I would say be patient, but SIU has a tendency to set up EVEN MORE subplots in the interim.

Because his mother was a whore and his father is King Jahad.

Will anak be pregnant with shibisus baby finally when she show up next time? She seemed to be getting rather impatient with shibisus obliviousness.
I'm expecting her to rape him.

>Part 3 is looking at someone else
Baam is still the main character in this part. Though I wish SIU gave us a different one, even for a few chapters, like he did with Wangnan.

Are the mods asleep or something? What's this doing on Yas Forums?

This. Khun is to Baam what Killua is to Gon.

It's where anime belongs

The only one that knows about the curse is Garam, I'm pretty sure.

Either Enne, Yuri, Androssi or Adori will be the heroine

My bet is on either Enne or Yuri

At some point Baam will be a full grown man and Yuri won’t be able to see him as a kid and if she discovered that he’s older than everyone, combined and x times still older gonna be funny

Enne is a huge candidate because both are kids of 2 irregulars and yeah plot development could happen hehe

Androssi will win

Nah, Hwa Ryun will win the Baambowl.

Is Rachel even redeemable at this point?

>It's not plausible
Anak had two for an extended amount of time and she was fine.
>Zahard sees her gain traction, he'll do anything to stop her
I'm not arguing with that part.
And Yuri.
I don't know about that, but her tits are getting bigger and bigger for some reason.
She will be Rangiku-tier after the next time skip.

Why would she need to be redeemed? She's done nothing wrong.

I won't be surprised if she wins, SIU even considers her to be the most beautiful of the female characters. I'm expecting Yuri or Androssi though, since they feel more like main heroines.
I remember SIU mentioning that the main girl has not been introduced yet not that long ago, that was really weird so I'm wondering if he will change his mind or not.

Underrrated bitch. Needs more screentime.

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They could have all of the series without problem, the problem is ignite more than once at the same time.

Anak wasn't fine. Lo Po Bia Ren took Green April and was about to kill her, then Yuri came in and saved her.

ching bong bing nam ding dong moon?

I hate that stupid lesbian

She needs to have SEX with Rachel

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>Lo Po Bia Ren took Green April and was about to kill her
That was an outside problem. She is a target with or without a Green April, just because she is a child of a lizard MILF
>the problem is ignite more than once at the same time
If I remember correctly, one needs to collect all of them, not ignite all of them at the same time.
Needs more training. She is weak for a Ha.
Funny chupa chups guy would disapprove.

Didn't she die? Or am I misremembering it?

And here goes Rachels complaint about being ugly.
Good enough for an idol, good enough for anything.

Her "brother" died. They look almost the same do you probably mistook him for her

The concept of a heroine is dumb, imho. TOG has been basically a sausage fest for all its run, and all of the women introduced at some point are more or less forgotten after the next arc, or just fall into irrelevance.
I said Hwa Ryun because she has been the most useful of them all, plus the most devoted to his cause. She is not even oficially part of FUG, she is just there because she knew Baam was going to join in, sooner or later.
Yuri is second close, and she could may as well be the other candidate, considering she was the first one to meet at the very beginning. Also she is useful as well, but she is a Fisherman, and more of a tank, and those are more common than Guides in Baam's team.
But for a reason

Does Rachel even like her?
I'm under the impression shes just another tool to her

As long as Rachel's still scheming, her stance on anyone will always be anyone's guess. She's long since proven she'll toss anyone into the grinder just as easily as she'd befriend them, an opportunist at her core.

Rachel doesn't like anyone. She just wants to see the stars or whatever she wants to see at the top of the tower. There is also some kind of thing going on between her and Baam's mom, but there is not enough info on that.

Oh right, I forgot about him.
Yeah I agree, Hwa Ryun and Yuri are my favorites, I'm curious if Baam is gonna get some of the older princesses too, like Maschenny. Also Xia Xia is underrated, the crazy rabbit is pretty fun.

Who's trashed talked Rachel the best?
Androssi? Khun?

>Rachel doesn't like anyone.
She did like Baam, it just so happens that she likes climbing the Tower more. She's like Katanagatari's Togame in this regard; you never know when the affection part segues into deceit.

Khun's been around Rachel the longest to talk smack, and she's been able to give just as good as she gets regarding him.

Androssi's insults are always the most fun but Kuhn always royally shits on her

>Also Xia Xia
Ah yes, Xia Xia of the jewish bunny tribe. To be fair she is there for the money, though. She is a self-declared gold digger.

I personally want to see Khun's sister. She is the only person in the world Khun gave a fuck about and we still don't know about the past they had together. Bonus points if she is the heroine of the story.

It'll turn out very wrong pretty much any way it goes. But hey, good on Rachel to have good taste.

>all the deleted koreaboo posts
Pathetic gook

Yeah, the banter between them is top notch.

Rachel needs the Jin Sahyuk treatment.

If White is potentially remeedable, Rachel as hell is. But that would be boring and predictable, imho.


White will be killed.

White has been turned gay for Baam.

That wont stop misengs revenge boner

Hoaquin should have been killed by his nice brother and taken the form of White by himself.

Nah the cute girl shoulda taken over and fucked baam

But wasn't she like a special case? She was not a normal sibling. Well, there was that other loli, as well.

If Baam fucked White would it be gay, straight, or bi?


SIU said that Wangnan is like fine wine.

Remember that the souls White ate managed to exist as a collective, so Prince's death isn't final.

>and all of the women introduced at some point are more or less forgotten after the next arc, or just fall into irrelevance.
Androssi, Hwa Ryun, Yuri?

>the soul of x girls
>the soul of y boys
It's bi. The exact ratio of bi is indecipherable.

What do you mean nigga? Akaraptors and prince's body is probably still in the train


>If White is potentially remeedable
I see a compromise if he would learn to summon his other identities.

I don't think White ate Arkraptor's soul, Rachel killed him outright. As for Prince, White ate his soul, so him appearing in soul form later is possible.

>Jahad Princess
>FUG's oracle
>descendant of one of the Ten Families
They're not bit characters, user. They'll get another showing.

Hwa Ryun is coordinating an attack in a current arc, user.

Baam's future wife, his Guide and his nee-san.

Why is Urek so fucking based?

You mean Rachel?

holy shit is Androssi overrated, that bitch isn't even pretty

Calm down Baam.

Leave, Rachel. I will hack your Lighthouse.

Remember that the souls are in constant suffering and agony

But Rachel thinks that she's pretty and even said that she'd love her if she was Baam.

Prince's ego (and the knowledge he saved Miseng) will keep him sane (probably).


What is it about manhwa that brings all the ESLs to the yard?

It's mostly just one really awful esl.
But yeah

The translations itself being ESL

Sex with androssi

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I'm pretty sure She started to fear Bam and for some extend hate him after something we don't know yet

And inconsistent as hell. Remember when Rachel was Lahel? When Khun was called Koon? When Androssi was called Endorsi or sometimes Andorthy?

Maybe not related, but there was a scene, in a flashback some time ago (I think it was still season 1) when there was Rachel being held captive by someone and Baam was after her like in some kind of berserk state. That scene was never explained, yet it seems like SIU forgot about it.

When is the first episode airing?

>Lahel, Koon, Androssi
All from TheCompany.
>Rachel, Khun, Endorsi
Webtoons translation.
SIU's own typing of her name into (his understanding of) English.

>you will never lick Androssi's horn
Why even live?

You guys recall correctly, she did also begin to fear his obsessive side after an incident while they were still outside the Tower.

April 1, though I've heard there were pre-screenings already.

Why do we need all the others when there is Urek?

I prefer Lahel.

>What the fuck is Chang's endgame?
We'll never know, because he got sniped dead in Part 3 with Quaettro watching his corpse hit the ground.

Do you think its sensitive

Probably depends on a growth phase.
Very sensitive at first, later - not so much.

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Fucking rachel > Fucking lahel

> find Enryuu and ask him to make a clone to fuck both

She'll get a new buff when she reappears, don't worry. Not sure when Rachel is going to intervene, but now is a good time as any. Imagine Rachel going up to and killing Ha Jinsung.

user when has any of Rachel's buffs made her a problem for more than 5 chapters

>stops pretending she can't walk and stabs Dan's legs
>he's still not as fast to this day
>has Casano take his brother's demon back
>debuffs Team Sweet and Sour to the point they are basically disbanded by this point
>simply through her smarts, even White was too scared to mess with her
Rachel is top tier, always concealing her power level.

>Concealing her nonexistent power level.
Rachel playing 4D chess.

The point of Rachel is that she's even less than an Irregular, because she actually entered through Baam's effort rather than her own. Or more probably, someone let her in. So in the end, she only survives by manipulating allies (which not always work) and dumb luck either to not die or to get useful shit.
Nowadays that fucker is scared of everyone just because of the debuff

What is her power level, a medium-sized brick? You can expect her to show up with some new toys from Po Bidau, I guess.

The Tower presents its doors to the Irregulars it needs. It opened precisely where Baam was hovering over Rachel, because chasing Rachel is the only way Baam can be convinced to climb the Tower.

So the tower opened for both of them.

Can't even imagine being White.
>manipulate wars for hundreds if not thousands of years to collect billions of souls
>confirmed himself to be even stronger than a Branch Head
>still lost to some unknown Zahard Princess even though soul magic is inherently broken due to the fact it can infinitely power the user
Although there's a bit of a plot hole with this because it was supposed to make White so much more powerful than he already was which is weird because he's likely a top 100 High Ranker, so if he did finish the ritual, he would likely have not been stopped by a simple Princess. Then again, if Zahard can see fate, it's likely he set all of this up since no one bothered White until that point and suddenly not just any army or random person shows up. But a Zahard Princess who lives for their father's will. If White never got stomped, he wouldn't have been able to help originally Rachel, but it's Baam now.

It can be seen that way, yes. Where Baam has the strength to open the door, Rachel has the cunning to prompt his strength.

All Rankers and Regulars are vulnerable to Jahad's authority, they will always be caught in the predictive flow of the Shinsu that Jahad conquered first.

Sure but it only wanted 1

That's Headon's statement, and we don't know where his truth segues into his keikaku.

Sure but it's all we ready got.
So I'll take him at his word

>she's even less than an Irregular
Doesn't her set of circumstances make her super irregular ?


See you next thread bros

Did I ever tell you faggots I love you.

I know it will never happen but I love Khun/Baam ;_;

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Well at least you know it will never happen homo

I wish it could but SK is homophobic af and SIU doesn't have the balls to do it. If Khun or Baam were a girl, it would have better chances.

>stabs his legs so he can't walk anymore
>he's still one of the fastest regulars
how can you mess up stabbing a tied guy

Don't worry, it looks like Baam will get at least 1 from each family, since Khun's family all look so similar it's gonna end up feeling like fem!Khun anyway.

Let's be real, Rachel only survives because FUG wants her alive

the animation team disagrees

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Unless Khun is #1 in the harem, then I don't want it.

Anime can fujopander but they won't do anything more. I have been in this shit long enough to know how they will handle it.

Rachel has manipulated FUG into saving her.