Digimon Adventure - Last Evolution: 絆

What killed the hype?

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The new evolutions of Agumon and Gabumon. Those and the fact that it also smells of Tri. Dear God...Tri was such a horrible letdown.

>Those and the fact that it also smells of Tri. Dear God...Tri was such a horrible letdown.
This especially

I at least hope the new evos will have great Sakuga moments to make them worth.

I didn't give a shit about the Tri precedent, the new evolutions are what absolutelly ruined this for me

the evolutions are so fucking ugly, wargreymon is absolute kino and everytime they try to upgrade it they fail.

Maybe because most of us havent watch the movie yet, dumbass.

Do you know what "hype" means?

why are matt and tai so special? Everyone else loves their digimon equally.

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I sure hope so, but I'm expecting it to be as disappointing as the new omnimon form was in tri

Why the fuck was WarGreymon so massive in Our War Game? He's almost as tall as Omegamon

Are Xros, it's sequel, and Appmon any good? Xros felt too campy for me.

Xros is always pure shit
No idea about Appmon tho, some people say it was good

Digimon Tri killed the hype. It was poorly animated, poorly written and poorly paced garbage.

Appmon was bad and with weird gay undertones

Appmon is also bad but it had this and that makes it automatically better than Xros Wars.

Yeah because we know toei and adventure were bench marks for animation.

At least Adventure HAD animation, and not literal static screens with background noise.

Yeah I feel that. I was so pissed mimi's dance routine was reduced to power point. If your gonna have fan service atleast fucking animate the good parts.


imagine having such shit taste

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Why do people who hate Sorato think Yamato be shipped with Mimi, or better yet, think it makes more sense? The criticisms Sorato gets is that Sora and Yamato barely interacted, but Mimi and him have interacted even less. It doesn't add up.

I actually rewatched Adventure a few weeks ago and Sorato kinda makes sense when you consider the fact Yamato and Sora support/eachother when things go wrong for them. Sora even looking after Takeru as an older sister way more than she ever did for Hikari. Yamato and Mimi have nowhere near that level of involvement. The only male characters she's had extended interactions with were Koushirou and Jou, and most people seem to be approving of either one for Mimi. Really, Mimi seems to be the group bicycle. Being shipped with almost every male member of the team besides maybe Takeru.

But yea, never got the fixation towards Mimato. It's basically Sorato but somehow even less convincing.

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Mimi is for me.

Already explained this. Sora is attracted to the darkness in Yamato's heart. Yamato is literally Shikata ga nai, it can't be helped and it would be a pain to leave Sora and Mimi Thirsty.

Yamato has Joe, who is literally the embodiment of Japanese Youths who endure cakes to be a doctor on his own terms.

Agumon really is Digimon's Charizard

I can see liking it if you're a literal child but if you're over the age of 10 then it has nothing to offer you. Not like other shows that can appeal across age demographics.

But the weird gay undertones was what made it great

Mimi was the best part of Tri. That's the problem. The second movie is her trying to save the franchise, she did everything short of going topless and sleeping with Yamato and Tai to motivate them.

This is why she likes Joe. He's reliable and deserves a medal for fucking Mimi because it's hard work. Sho ga nai

Agumon is Charizard
Gabumon is Lucario

So apparently Chaosmon was supposed to be Omegamon's worst nightmare, an Armagemon x Imperialdramon Jogress, and as a big fan of those two I had to give some color to the draft to see how this "Zexmon" would have looked. Thoughts?

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Glorious post.

I'd go even further and say Mimi is the best part of the Adventure universe full stop.

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What was the point of the meku mon saga?

>we never give up on our friends
>out wait never mind lets kill her ourselves lol

Want to know how I can tell that's fake? It's not a 120x120 or 200x200 image.

He grew bigger when he was transforming into Omegamon's arm.

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Xros is fun if you are an /m/fag, but it is far from a must watch.
Appmon had some really neat ideas and concepts, but it was targeted to an even younger audience than usual which really held it back.
If you really want new digimon media you should just take the habupill and play the recent games.
Digimon survive which is supposedly coming out this year us looking real good if you are a classic digimon animefag.

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I am fucking ded.

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>but it was targeted to an even younger audience than usual which really held it back.
yeah, the catchphrase shit made me drop it early on


Was meant for

The modern human redesigns remind me of those cape movies where they're ashamed to be superhero flicks so they make the designs as bland as possible

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She very well might be. I'm rewatching adventure now, in japanese and she has quite a bit of depth. Lesser shows would write her as a flat spoiled brat. While she does have a but of the princess attitude, she genuinely cares about her friends family and digimon. She also knows when shes been wrong and works to correct those mistakes in the future. Shes a good character and shes a cutie.

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fucking astra

Now now user. They're sometimes 320x320!

it was the only season catching that adventure feeling for me and i felt a bit like a child again watching it

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Gabumon wishes he got shilled like Lucario.
Agumon pulls double duty as Pikachu and Charizard

Ah shit, my bad user. Here's the correct dimension, hope you can accept my mistake.

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>I'm rewatching adventure now, in japanese and she has quite a bit of depth.
She definitely has the most significant development arc out of them all, largely due to her development having two significant stages in the Gekomon Palace and in the Dark Masters arc.

>Lesser shows would write her as a flat spoiled brat.
Hello, Saban dub!

>While she does have a bit of the princess attitude, she genuinely cares about her friends family and digimon. She also knows when shes been wrong and works to correct those mistakes in the future. Shes a good character and shes a cutie.
All of which is what makes Mimi so great. She has that unusual nature of being selfish and selfless at the same time. She'll get wrapped up in her own thoughts and sometimes not be aware of what she's saying or doing, but it's not because she's nasty: it's just how she is.

The only other Digimon girl who nears her is Ruki. The rest either got ruined by shit development hi Sora, weren't as prominent or never came close in the first place.

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The scene of Taichi and Yamato becoming digital happened way before the fusion user

Xros wars is nothing like Adventure. It’s the direct antithesis of it. Everyone is a caricature instead of a real person, everyone but Taiki is incompetent, and the heroes are already thrust with a save the world mission when in adventure, they have more realistic goals like going back home or staying alive.

>everyone but Taiki is incompetent
And Taiki is so competent he's basically perfect. The only flaw that ever gets demonstrated is the time he didn't help someone. That's it.

Xros was the series that got me back into the Digimon franchise, but it's not one I'd go back and rewatch.

Blastmon is definitely best boy though.

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Gabumon is much cuter than agumon. I'm surprised they didn't push patamon more hes kinda the round cute one of the franchise most analogous to pikachu.

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I enjoy the stuff with sora and her mom other than that shes pretty damn flat.

Youre not wrong but i liked that here the digimon had their own motive (mostly blastmon) for fighting and not just fight for some random kid that is their magically assorted partner they have to like now no matter what. Dont get me wrong i love Adventure a lot, but some things were weird there too. There is no perfect Digimon Season imo.

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Sora in Adventure is a good character. It's any appearance she has after Adventure where she gets utterly ruined. It's sad.

She's practically written out of Kizuna and it's assumed she loses Piyomon because she didn't want to be a Chosen any longer.

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>There is no perfect Digimon Season imo.
Truer words have never been spoken.

>There is no perfect Digimon Season imo

Eh even in adventure I feel she probably had the least going on out of anyone. I actually kinda like how her and piyomon roles were reversed when they first met in adventure vs the reboot though it did go on way too long.

i rewatched tamers recently and no, its not. it has a very strong start but it falls kinda apart later on.

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ripping-off pokemon again

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>Eh even in adventure I feel she probably had the least going on out of anyone
Yeah, that's true. It doesn't help that while her relationship with Mimi is great, she does get rather overshadowed by her infinitely more energetic friend.

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But Savers exists.

>"Agumon/Gabumon and Taichi/Yamato have become one!"
Yep. Ash-Greninja all over again, but uglier

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holydramon was a mistake

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Yeah the girls got along great together soccer playing tomboy and karaoke master queen an unlikely but great pair.

Tell me about. Why snuff out boob digimon they are easily the most popular.


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savers was a lot of fun but it has some seriously bad parts. i think the only season i found really bad was frontier, mostly due to the lack of real partner digimon. havnt finished applimon yet.

the most perfect things are prob the movies for me

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Im still waiting for ho-ohmon and rosemon jogress

That is a terrible design. That armored pencil skirt is ugly and restricting, and it leaves her stomach wide open

it will be called "ojousamalaughmon"

Agreed but it's easily ignorable if you think of it as Digimon G-Gundam. Having stupid hot blooded action once a while is a good pallet cleanser.

>growing up believing sora and mimi are best friends to each other
>TRI: hurr durr meiko is mimi's best friend

All the wasted potential fanarts.
Just put every female in the remake for christ sake

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Did they do Omegamon again, even after that was specifically requested to not be the solution to the problem in Tri? When they gave Agumon and Gabumon new evolutions I thought they were thinking, "Okay this time, we definitely won't do that."

funny how yolei is the only one who looks like an actually adult. she even gives me a little of misato vibes

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Horrifying and wish it happened pilled.

Meiko is Mimi's plaything, user.

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You would never think Miyako would look older than Mimi-oneesama, but she does. Then again, Mimi is forever childish.

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Tamers is the best and only worthwhile Digimon season, I think. It definitely has the least problems even if you wouldn't call it perfect.

Adventure's worthwhile as well.

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>friendly reminder holydramon is gatomon's fault
if you want ophanimon you need d'arcmon instead

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>it has a very strong start but it falls kinda apart later on.
Fuck off

what a slut

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We could have had waifumons all along!?!

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Because Yamato only wants to fuck Taichi

digimon were bigger in the movies

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And that was bullshit

gay but true

but thanks to fucking gringos, the rest of the world only have that shitty movie they made with footage of the three first movies, totally unffair to the rest of the countries whose dubs were based in the japanese version

if the stupid fucks had waited a month or so they could have had the prequel movie, OWG & DSB all in one "cohesive" mess

instead it made zero sense

fuck you saban

dont be a faggot user

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>"amerifats ruin anime" episode #4651352684561

What do you think of the new Digivice from Remake? What is the best? Kizuna's Digivice or the Remake?

Do you think they will choose which colors for each character? The same colors as Adventure or Adventure 02 or new colors for the characters?

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obviously going to be the same colours

Is that official art?

Aren't kizuna just smart phone attachments?

No. Too big

eeyup, from digimon collectors. bandai know their audience

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They should do something with Takeru's digivice since it's the only one that oddly changes signature colors (from yellow in Adventure to green in Zero Two, tri. and Kizuna), but they will probably just use the old colors again, the only "change" we can expect is the colors to be as satured as in tri. and Kizuna (ei: Taichi's digivice going from bright orange changing to pale orange)

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collectors was full on slut

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>we have sakuyamon regular and miko form
>porn focuses on renamon
furfags ruined everything

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>porn focuses on Renamon
>the superior Bastemon is overlooked

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>Dude, Adventure LMAO!
Yeah I wonder what kiled the hype. It couldn't be the incessant Adventure pandering the fucking hacks at Toei are doing.
Its like this damn franchise lives and sustains itself on my suffering.

>lilimon > rosemon
you cant change my mind

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why would I want to
Adventure Palmon's line is perfect

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funny how yuramon and togemon are the ones that dont fit here

>wargreymon is absolute kino and everytime they try to upgrade it they fail.

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thats renamon and you know it

>an Armagemon x Imperialdramon Jogress
Milleniummon would've made much more sense

Yuramon's meant to be a dandelion seed so there's a slight plant connection there; Nyokimon might have worked better but that's Sora's partner.

Togemon is the manifestation of Mimi's anger, which might explain why it doesn't fit. Makes a nice ride, though. No, not like THAT.

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Among the group Togemon is the "joke" evolution. Because none of the other champions fill the slot.

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Which makes sense as Mimi is the joke character.

Tri proved that they are incapable of bringing back Adventure.

Yeah its basically Ken's own Imperialdramon equivalent with Ryo

Time to put Ryo back in Adventure

Togemon fits in with the other Adventure adults

One of my gripes with Adventure 02 is how much better of a character Ken is than his teammates. It's so much to the point of distraction. This guy belong in a different series all together.

Rei from Appmon was a more extreme version of that.

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Can we get some more boobimon pics from collectors?

>They are similar to Digimon but are related to smartphone apps.

This shit is so lazy, it's like they wanted to spin off in a new direction but realized they would just be called copycats so they called themselves copy cats before anyone else could. It also embodies pic related.

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I fucking hate Steve jobs. Dude fucked over his autist friend and brags about how hes so cool for doing acid. Fuck that guy.

well he's been dead for nearly 10 years

Everyone who cared read the plot and realised it was shit that makes the 02 epilogue look good.

It's laughable how bad the plot is for Kizuna. I thought tri. was bad but wow.

And I'm glad dumbass decided to take alternative medicine for an easily treatable form of cancer

Ken is by far the best character. Well, he is the only good character.

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>Well, he is the only good character.
Out of the new cast, of course.

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>no /ss/ fanart of lilithmon and lucemon
this fandom dissapoints me

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second best duo of the whole franchise

but i like bigger digimon waifus

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And the first?

Megas should always be big, except for MarineAngemon.


Fandom is weird, Angewomon gets shipped with Angemon but has better quality fanart with Ladydevimon,


Because they're both pretty angels and Toei and Bamco shove the ship down our throats.

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Ruki and Renamon.

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Cute happy married couple and Koushiro

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I cant blame them when bandai itself makes yuri tease

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That's gay.

first time seeing Globemon and I love the design wtf
reminds me so much of the Black Ace transformation from Megaman Starforce 3

Too bad the god form doesn't live up to such a solid design

Takari, Koumi and Taito won again.

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Why does Toei still try to respect Kakudou's vision of the epilogue when they try to sidestep Sorato any chance they get? Just retcon it. Literally nobody would miss it.

>friendly reminder takari was not endgame because she never got over her onii-chan complex

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That's just Toei, Bamco gave people Mirei and her dyke digimons.

Globemon was fun

Bamco keeps putting out art like this on twitter.

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while they are making things like this in games youtu.be/4sjhpPBUQps

True and I support this ship.

that just fanservice to make your penis hard, not shipping retard

And onii-chan wants to fuck his rival

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Implying I don't ship two sexy mons who want to kill each other on sight.

That's only in Adventure, there's nothing stopping you from raising Tailmon and Tailmon black or Sistermon Blanc and Noir into loving each other.

How's the film's collection been in japan?

victory is ten times better than wargreymon

All ultimate level Greymons (except War Grey derivatives) have been more of their own thing than "upgrade" of War Grey

Victory doesn't even do the Greymon head properly

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When does it turn green?

>liking a boring green angewomon thats also a jobber instead of cool as fuck dragon
awful opinion even worse than people that pair patamon with tailmon

Just corrupt her and turn her into Lilithmon bro

Those... Those aren't the new evos, are they?

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sorry im more of a mastemon type of person

>liking a pink furry dragon
die furfag

That's not her final form user

Leave Agumon Bond of Courage to me

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keep coping, ophanimon is a shit

Even a pile of shit like sukamon is better than pink furry dragon you got there

You stupid motherfuckers. Digimon fusing with their partner human has been a concept since Tamers. Fuck you.

Be patient, Pokefags are autistic manchildren with no understanding of reality.

I'm going by lore user.

pink furry dragon is canon, keep copeing

this is not a fusion retard, this is a ''bond'' to transform the creature giving it some features of its trainer/tamer, but the bodies kept separate just like ash greninja

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Morphmon is cute!

>Only became a pink furry dragon because of aids kitty
Yes, pink furry dragon is aids confirmed

Gaioumon is peak digimon design. Everything about it oozes of aesthetic.

thanks I love it

>he buyed that retarded theory
lmao ophanimon faggets are really retarded

>Mental connection between tamer and partner digimon is established (Takato had one during his perfect evolution sequence)
>Digimon changing shape to more human-like with more understanding/bond of humans is established (All of the ultimates in Tamers/Kyubimon to Taomon/ most of the ultimate Digimon in general being a man type)
>Muh-muh Ash-Greninja
Because Pokemon copied digimon doesn't mean that if digimon repeats it's shit it's copying Pokemon, how's Greninja surviving the dex cut btw?

>Holydramon Tail canonically has aids cat features
Holydramon's Tri designers bought that theory. It doesn't stop making the pink furry design one of the worst Digimon design though

>he doesnt know what a redesign is and buys retarded theories
>calls it a bad design while loving a literal angewomon green with retarded armor
keep coping lmao

Spoiling the whole movie before the movie.

>comparing the bonding shit with matrix evolution
because yes, wargrowlmon really looks humanoid, those feautures of takato are really resembling

>Redesign is just using aids cat tail on Holydramon for lul reasons
>Implying I like Ofanimon
I hate them both but Furry cancer is worse. Lilithmon is the true Ultimate evolution of Tailmon

>Doesn't know matrix Evolution is also the ultimate evolution sequence where they merge
Die dubfag

>says that when holydramon has been tailmons ultimate evo for years

venusmon is the true ultimate evolution of tailmon

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Go back to fapping to your pink fuzzy dragon shit
Ah yes, I can get behind that

wargrowlmon not but dukemon absolutely does, he has shoes

Ophanimon was ruined by Frontier, she was completely useless in that shit. Her shame will never be forgiven

Ophanimon Falldown Mode was awesome though

the retarded is specifically talking about the perfect evolution sequence and comparing with the bond shit, retard. also thank god I didnt born in murica, so I didnt watch your shitty dub

>Ophanimon Falldown Mode was awesome though
For the 2 seconds it existed in Tri?

she is not really that bad like seraphimon, he is literally a shitmon. specially because ophanimon is not supposed to be a warrior, she is the angel of love and all that shit

Can you formulate readable sentences, I cannot understand every time you murder grammar in your posts.
>comparing perfect evolution sequence with bond shit
I was talking about that the two facts are pre-established (Digimon changing forms to look more like humans as they understand them, and Digimon bonding to humans that they feel the same thing).
Having them use both of them is not a new thing, nor is it ripping off Pokemon. If it is ripping off anything, it's ripping off themselves.

it's not my fault you are a retard

Her scythe was really cool. And her design has a lot more personality than the regular foam green bitch

Seraphimon is also terrible. Should have traded him for SlashAngemon or ClavisAngemon or Dominimon

This is Ryo and Cyberdramon. When they fuse, they become Justimon. Justimon even gains the metal arm and scarf of Ryo, while his head piece is reminiscent of Cyberdramon. Little aspects of each can be found in all mergers. Again, fuck off.

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It's not my fault you cannot even formulate correct sentences.

nobody cares about that gary stu that ruined adventures series and almost ruined tamers

Don't change the topic. We're aren't discussing the merits of a character. We're talking about your stupid idea that Digimon ripped off Ash-Greninja when they've done that shit long before.

Post waifumons

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>hating ryo
how can you have such an awful taste?

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Near but still above

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We don't have enough porn of Ranamon and her cute fat tits

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>No beauty mark her left eye
shit art

Reminder that Hikari is a brocon and sniffs Taichi's underwear

disgusting whore


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That's acceptable.

>Near but still above
I can't agree. Ruki's too cold.

The only ones who hate Xros are buttblasted lucemonfags.

Xros is bad regardless of
>muh power levels

Xros is based as fuck.


It was never good to begin with.

Those are some nice milkers.

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It really isn't. The show loses its way once DKmon boots Nene out of his army and completely falls apart after episode 30. The Hunters extension is a total joke.

>Our War Game is 20 today
Holy shit.

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I feel so old now.

Really cool and pity it didn't happen. Also the very concept of Chaosmon has a lot of potential and leeway for some cool twists. Could be used for many things in fact. The best one would be when the big bad's victory is truly inevitable in any way the heroes can't stop...stop the normal way. And jogressing into a Chaosmon, a Digimon who shouldn't exist but DOES, would be the ultimate Ex Machina and something the villain didn't see coming. Maybe even can be used as the ultimate SCREW DESTINY shtick. Could also be used the other way too.

what a slut

Still my favorite movie.

Is it the best Digimon movie?


>we are closer to the date of the 02 epilogue than we are to 02 itself

The tri art style is so awful, they should’ve tried to emulate the hosoda films

art style doesn't matter if the writing is still shit

Greninja is based
>not even in swooshit
>pokemon of the year 2020

From Adventure 02, even Kizuna is still green, the Takeru's digivice.

So in the Remake, do people think that the Takeru color will be yellow or green?

Attached: takeru digivice.png (531x729, 542.83K)




xros was ok. the xros sequel was even worst than xros wars even the crossovers from other season didn't save that dumpster fire

Hunters showed how little the production staff cared about it.

>Miko mode Sakuyamon and Holy mode HolyAngemon never appeared in Tamers/Adventure

Daisuke isn't bad either, he's simply Taichi up to eleven and that's why the serious and kind Ken works so well with him. It's a shame Inoue and Iori sucked so much because the only characters you could care about in this new Adventure were Daisuke, Ken and the old ones

The old ones except Sora, who was treated just as badly as Miyako and Iori.

Ash-Greninja/Bond-Agumon/Bond-Gabumon type of fusion =/= actual fusions (tamers)
In Tamers the digimon and the human actually combined themselves into one, in tri. and XY&Z they were too cowards to make them fuse so they went for the "they are one in two bodies" route, the monster takes traits from the trainers, their moves are often in synch, they are named after their trainers trait and it's all thanks to a special unique "bond", it's completely different from Tamer's Matrix Evolution

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Always felt like togemon fit with lalamon more

Attached: lalamon.gif (500x250, 278.93K)

And Sunflowmon with Palmon as the opposite.

Absolute unit, way better than its evolutions

who do you believe would be the most adecuate manga autor to remake the entire story of Digimon since Adventure? for me it's ONE, I would love to see all eight digidestined getting the mob treatment.

Fucking this.

WTF are those abominations?

The final forms of Taichi and Yamato's partners, hope you like it

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Another user with great taste.

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Why is Mimi the greatest Digi girl of all time, Yas Forums?

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Green with yellow accents

Because you've never experience the greatness that is Rika, you disgusting old fag

I have though. She's incredibly close to being the best.

She isn't
This, but don't be low and offensive like a pleb
Correction: She IS the best

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You clearly haven't bro, for if Mimi is the then Rika is the entire Milky Way. Her perfection has yet to be peaked

Sorry for having a different opinion.

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Yes. Repent. Even if her feats are actually facts instead of opinions

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>Even if her feats are actually facts instead of opinions
What do you mean by that?

Looks like the Tamers digivice with its bottom half cut out.

Hadn't thought of it like that.

That's a cool way to see it

The very concepts are the same, faggot. It's just like how Digimon aren't exactly like Pokemon, yet you pokefags constantly claim Digimon's a rip off. Fuck you.

>tfw Yamato became an astronaut in that time while I'm still a student working minimum wage

>Taichi became the Digital World's representative at the UN

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>shit quality

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I hate it. They're hideous.

Except Wargreymon is great.

I mean, yeah, but the pandering is still shit

Do you want a 40cm tall Wormmon plush, Yas Forums?

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Does it come with a dark D3?

Doesn't look like it.

I already got a 40cm wormmon if ya catch my drift.

Daisuke is a billionaire from selling ramen

this thread makes me happy :)
but angel nobody man left.
omegamon merciful mode appeared.
he let me run amok on Yas Forums now.
this is his mercy killing.

And Mimi is also a global food superstar. That said, given what we now know from Kizuna, the cooking show could be just one of her many simultaneous business ventures. I can definitely see her having a Mimi "brand", so to phrase it.

Attached: cooking show HD.jpg (1420x1080, 254.48K)

Imperialdramon > Omegamon > Paladin Imperialdramon > WarGreymon > Fighter Imperialdramon > literal shit > BondAgumon

>Im the only izumibro
I feel so alone

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well no wonder
she's shit

>gravure slut

Yeah the kinda seems like it. Shes basically a digi celeb.

I wonder if her brand's just as prominent in the Digital World in 2027/28. I wouldn't bet against it.

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