Black Clover

EP 124 'Nero Reminiscences... Part Two'
It's another recap Episode
Subs in 2 hours.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm not expecting any real discussion or for this thread to be long, but for the anons who are expecting a petit clover or a nice next episode preview good luck.

For those who still haven't read this.

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Thanks, I am still watching for Secre scenes and to see the previews or if there is a Petite Clover. Hopefully there is one.

Why are the girls of Clover Kingdom so damn thirsty?

cute fanarts

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Oh man, that's too cute!

>>Innate attribute types
Natural magic = Elements that exist in nature
- (Fire, Plant, Poison, Light, etc)
Unnatural magic = Elements that are manmade
- Developed in exchange for sacrificing "divine protection"
- (Sword, Glass, Mirror, Picture, Dice)
Irregulars = Rare magic potentially lethal to Devils
- May still be healed or overpowered
- (Dark, Time, Antimagic)

>>Qualities that can be gained by any type
Arcane stage = "Inexplicable powers"
- Attributes that have been mixed with negative mana of a curse/devil
- (Antimagic Sword, Ancient Sealing, World Tree, Blue Briar, Red Thread)
Spirit magic = Spells supported by magical familiars
- 4 great mana spirits but many lesser spirits
- (Bell, Undine, Rouge, Bruce)

>>Skills that can be learned by any type
Mana Skin = Default protective armor
- Prevents injury and magic effects
- Related to reinforcement magic = boosting physical ability
Mana Sensory = Sensing the power of one's surroundings
- Distinguishes power and type of mana
- Range may extend for miles and through obstacles
Mana Zone = Commanding the mana in an area
- Uses mana of nature together with their own
- Allows spells from all directions and inside opponents' spells
Magic letters = Symbols that modify and expand spells
- Created in Heart but not unique to them
- Letters match those in trap magic

>>Techniques tied to specific types
Ultimate magic = Concentrates extreme magic power
- Requires the mana of several mages
- Can be acquired from dungeons
True magic = Commanding the power of nature
- Moves real objects instead of creating them with magic
- Developed in Heart

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Any news on whether we get a break or filler?

We surely won't get a break because the new visuals spoiled the canon materials before the timeskip. It will be fillers.

It's filler
Yami's pets were set free after the Rades attack. They don't want to come home.

Seriously, I've been wondering what happened to those beasts. I will look forward to that episode. The BBs' interactions with each other are always fun to watch.

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Otherworldy influence arcane >>> natural arcane

Yeah see you guys in the spoiler thread on Thursday.

See you, user.

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That's his reaction face when he saw Charlotte's skull and bones tank top gift.

>Yami's face
I wonder who will suffer his wrath again.

It’s an accurate depiction of women.
Go have 100% nihongo blood children NOW.
-Tabata on Abe’s orders.

Please die already from constipation

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What an evil baby boar. Chibi Julius will be disappointed with you.

So, is there a Petite Clover this week?

Yami looks hideous on this pic

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>That Nero being so close to Asta while Noelle is further in the background
What did they mean by this?

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Anyone have the Dante vs asta (you) edit

Noelle doubling down on tsun.

This one?

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More like doubling down on getting cucked.

Why so many recaps? Fucking japs.

I like recaps.

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I didn't mind the recaps so much, especially when I saw Wevil getting shat on again. Get fucked, grandpa. Btw next episode looks fun despite being a filler.

Charlottefags ruined BC threads for me bros.

Dante is so based


Cute and tsunpilled.

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I used to hate tsuns, but for some reason I immediately fell for Noll and Charly.

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Kek. If only this has happened.

I hope we'll get a Petit clover about this

What I hate most about recaps is that there's nothing to discuss.

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Yeah. Last week's episode was bearable because they chaned the OP visuals but today, we got nothing new at all, not even petite clover to share with everyone. This really sucks.

I look at that picture above and imagine what could have been a nice Petit Clover. It really sucks.

If only they didn't do a back-to-back recaps and just showed a filler. Then we have something new to discuss. Well, there's no use complaining now.

Oh well, we're due for an explosive chapter soon.

True. Hopefully the spoilers won't be really really late again that I had to stay all night just to see it amd discuss with the others. Damn that cow.

Fuck it, I tried staying up too but it was too late. If only we could get faster leakers. At least I got a cute chibi artwork out of today.

This is my first time waiting for a cover page, do we get those earlier than everything else?

You mean Setta's fanart? It's really cute. And one of the really rare fanarts where the Lumiere and Julius are together.

We should get it Wednesday IIRC.

I was so happy about that art I almost forgot that this week was a recap episode without a Petit Clover, even cuter because Julius there looks like he could be Lumiere's little brother.

Wait, when was the last time we got a cover page again? And does anyone have a copy of it?

Dunno about that user, Time, Dark and red thread are pretty strong.

What consequences should Asta get from using his powers?

For me, the more he uses his Black Form, the more Amvil is slowly taking control of his body, to the point that the anti-magic would begin to affect him mentally.

Nothing to discuss again

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>What consequences should Asta get from using his powers?
Erectile dysfunction

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>another timeskip soon

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Nice idea. I just want the consequence to be serious enough that we'd actually have be worried, otherwise his having no magic isn't interesting because he lucked out on a superpower lottery.

What was the preview?

I know, user. At least we got news about BC's upcoming popularity poll and cover page last week that waiting for last chapter's spoilers wasn't so painful. But now....
Okay, that's rude and terrible, user.

Black bulls rebuild base but keep fainting due to exhaustion
I'm going to guess we get more recap from each member

Yeah. I ould also see him having more negative emotions to the point that he would behave uncharastically and lash out to his friends. Amvil being quiet and submissive for months is really suspicious for me. Like he was waiting for something before he would act.

ok, what will grey do to help in the fight against dante?

Amvil must have been waiting for this, it's probably going to be fantastic.

Turn into Vanessa and confuse the hell out of Dante by flirting back.

They are actually very strong and terrifying. To think thst I dismissed Dante as an arrogant fool because he decided to wait for six months before attacking Clover and Heart Kingdoms. I am looking forward to what Tabata have in store for the readers in regards to this siblings.

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We're only on the first day of the timeskip.

Villains who play with their prey are almost always the most dangerous ones.

Agreed. Dante is just passing his time playing with the Bulls while waiting for Yami to show. I bet that after seeing Asta's Mirror Meteorite he will become serious for a bit and crush Asta and Gauche.

That's about to be their undoing, that they didn't know how to deal with such a radically different opponent.

I really miss Lumiere.

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Glad to know I'm not the only one.

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Cursed image

>2 recap episodes

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>that Noelle
Holy shit.

We got one during ch211, I don't have the clean version though.

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> The contrast between this and whatever's going to be the cover this time

Thanks, user. So cute

>Time skip
>Asta is now stronger
>Introduce enemy that is even stronger
>Training time skip already irrelevant

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>That smug
Shouldn't be possible.

I really didnt think Tabata would be able to do better than the elves, especially by introducing the main villains so early into the saga

> Captain has the strongest mana zone offense spell
> 4 arcane knights
> 3 True magic users
> Best supports
> Mana recovery
How can the other squads compete?

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Zeno pretty much shocked nearly all of us by fodderizing both William and Yuno, something that nobody expected at all. And Dante seems to be as much if a beast as his brother. I can't wait to see Vanica's turn. I have a feeling that the girl is a psycho. I have never rooted for a villain or a group of villains before but the Dark Triad is making me want to.

The triad are the eye of the midnight sun of this saga the final bosses haven't been revealed yet

>5 of the strongest members gets humiliated in a single chapter.

Meanwhile Mereoleona is the strongest wizard in the kingdom and all she has is basic ass fire magic and 20 years of experience living out in the woods

Why not start now?

What do you mean by four, user?

MB, I didn't mean anything by it.

Okay. You meant to ask why I am not rooting for the DT yet? Well, I am still waiting for Vanica's fight. Depending on her power and attitude, I would start rooting for her and her brothers.

Nice. I want her fight to be as great as her siblings as well!

>I'm not the only one.

Reminder: Asta can defeat Nozel.


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>this brown dyke here must not know I'm giving a gift to Yami
Why not make an excuse to give the gift to her parents? Is her parents dead? I assumed they are.

I think so. In the second LN Nozel called her a fallen noblewoman so something bad must have happened to her parents for her to become disgraced.

>“No, but…… it has skulls……”
I learned something new about Charlotte today.


I wouldn't be surprised if they're dead, but I kinda hope not, because I like the theory that Papa Roselei is a slut who fathered Luck and I'd want to see a confrontation if it's true.

>final chapter
>Asta is in a suit about to propose to Sister Lily
>Noelle and Mimosa are there
>Mimosa is finally tired of Noelles shit and puts a gun to her heard to force her to confess
>Noelle stumbles towards Asta
>She starts mumbling something that no one can hear
>Mimosa fires a shot into the sky as a warning
>Noelle starts to speak a little louder
>Another shot is fired this time into Noelles leg
>Noelle screams in pain but regains in composure
>"I'm royalty you know"
>Before anyone can respond Mimosa fires a third shot directly into Noelles head splattering her brains on Asta

>"I'm royalty you know"
Oh god, I think I just died a second ago.
user, what kind of fictions are you currently consuming?!

user, are you okay? Don't be like decapitanon.

Well, her parents didn't appear when her curse broke out.
Dunno why is Tabata very much subtle towards Charlotte's childhood past.

Apparently every parent is on vacation when anything important happens. That's how none of the royal parents were home when the elves attacked their houses

For the longest time I thought Finral would bree with Vanessa but I forgot finral has a fiance that's engaged to his brother that he loves!
Will Vanessa be forever alone?
Or will Asta man up and claim them all?

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I can't still believe that Papa and Mama Vermillion weren't there to see Fuego in the hospital after he got coma'ed. Don't tell me that they both jobbed to childbirth just like Acier.

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Dante would claim her. She can't say no.

Acier jobbed to a Megicula + Childbirth combo attack.

If Rogue lets Vanessa get taken he's a bigger pussy than I thought

>Herd of cats
>Prone to insurrection
>Smells funny
That’s why

She was probably dead either way. All the royalty gave birth to progressively weaker and shittier children so childbirth most likely took a major long-term health toll each time.

Why would they having a vacation when they know their daughter going to die at 18?
>Ok, Charly, my daughter. We know you're strong enough to break the curse. So, me and your mama has some business to do outside the clover kingdom. Sike, bitch
What a useless parents.

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Lufulu already turned Rogue into his bitch, though.

Weren't they all supposed to die? Maybe they left her alone, so they wouldn't die with her?

>Third saga deals with the Clover Kingdom's politics.
>every single parents of seemingly parentless characters suddenly appeared
>Papa Silva is just an older version of Nozel, both Mama Vermillions already jobbed to childbirths and both Papa Vermillions are working as diplomats to others countries far away from Clover but they now returned.
>there would be arranged marriages planned for the younger royal spawns. But both Mimosa and Noelle refused, saying that they are already in love with someone.
>their fathers asked them to invite the 'men' they are in love with for dinner.
>cue Asta and his stupid face being invited to an extended Royal family dinner.
>both papas get strokes.
>Nozel regrets everything. Mereoleona don't.

We going Vivian backstory in this case, where her parents abandoned her and then regain her status by herself

You're forgetting the BALLROOM.

>Fuming, both papas plan to separate their cute, beautiful daughters from the dirty, stupid-faced peasants.
>they invited every single noble family to a BALLROOM to look for Noelle's and Mimosa's future husbands.
>Solid and Nebra kepr snickering because unlike Mimosa and Noelle they are not being forced to marry someone.
>Papa Silva heard them so he decided to look for their future spouses too, much to their consternation.
>The disgraced noble family of Roselei is also invited.
>the captains, too, and they could bring members of their squads with them.
>Yami brought Finral, who quickly sneaked away to look for his fiancee, Asta and Luck.
>Papa Roselei saw Luck and almost had a heart attack. For some reason his face really familiar.
>Charlotte swooned at the sight of Yami in a black suit.

>Mereoleona is the strongest wizard in the kingdom
Tabata hyped Leona a tad too much. Her on screen feats dont halfway justify that statement.


>Zora sneaks into this ballroom
>for stealth purposes, he removes his villanous mask and dresses normally
>he gets kinda lost, but he knows it's his duty to be on royal patrol
>he seems to spot someone
>he stands behind a pillar to spy on them
>it's Nebra
>Papa Silva immediatly teleports behind Zora, thinking he may have a crush on her
>pushes him forward and tells him he shouldn't be shy
>the "find a spouse for Nebra" keikaku was now starting

Post baby tabata please

Back when he fought against Magna and Vanessa. Before Asta arrived to help them.

Holy based

Threadly Reminder: Yami's a shit

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By having more members.
GD only lost to spade because langris wasn't there.
Dorothy and kirsch can handle the entire bull squad while the rest of the squad supports.
Jack spams so many attacks the bulls can't do anything.
Silver eagles post time skip will have solid and nerba who actually trained and are now semi-captain level.
She considers fuego stronger and the wizard king is obviously stronger.

What the deal with the pig? I've seen it posted for a few days now

That's a mean thing to say, little guy

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Where the fuck is langris? Is he getting raped in prison because he attacked the king?

>As a fellow captain and her 'comrade,' Yami volunteered to take an unconcious Charlotte to one of the guest rooms to let her sleep on a comfortable bed.
>he princess-carried her all the wayy to the nearest guest room.
>Charlotte began to stir.
>Yami was about to lay her down the four-poster bed when her eyes suddenly flew open, meeting his.
>a beat
>she suddenly screamed and accidentally hit her forehead to his, the force of the impact instantly knocking her out.
>Yami got his sensitive heart broken again.

But Noelle's power exceeds her siblings.

It's a meme.
It started when LN 3 came around and Charlotte's confession chapter. Where the boar(Julius' pet) and Char adored each other while Yami cuck himself

Will Secres body grow or is she forever cursed loli?

She ans Asta are cursed manlet and womanlet couple.

But she's not a loli, user. She's physically 17-years old with a teen's body. She's just lacking in the chest department.

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Kek, but wouldn't Papa Roselei get mad when he sees his precious daughter being taken away by a filthy and smelly foreigner?

You meant sensitive skull? Char loves skulls. Moar, user

Will they breed and spawn satan?

He was too shocked upon seeing Luck to react.

>By having more members
Quality > Quantity
Was btfo by Asta as soon as he went black and stopped guarding the crystal.
Asta already knocked out Kircsh, negated his best spell with ease and Dorothy is only mid captain tier. Also charmy could absorb the creation spam.

>Papa Roselei was trying to hide
>that weird smiley kid from the Black Bulls had his eyes set on him
>"I've never seen you, you seem strong!"
>Papa Roselei needed protection
>surely he could hide behind Charlotte, why would that kid run up to a captain?
>as he was looking for his daughter, that foreign and rude captain took her away
>why was she unconscious anyway?
>Papa Roselei's escape continues
>Asta feels he saw this scenario already, as Papa Roselei ran away just like Charlotte

>Noelle and Mimosa, both dressed in their best gowns, were both being hounded by a crowd of young noblemen who all wanted to get to know them.
>they were quickly getting really irritated but they can't do anything because both their fathers were furtively watching them while pretending to hold a conversation with Augustus.
>Fuegoleon arrived and seeing his cousins' distress, made his way to the crowd and politely ask the two to accompany him for a bit.
>The three of them made their way to Asta, who was busy shoving food to his face while Yuno looked like he was about to expire next to him.
>Asta noticed the three and smiled, greeting them.
>Mimosa and Noelle suddenly got conscious of their current looks.
>"Noelle, you look really pretty! Mimosa, you too! Want some roasted duck?"
>The cousins blushed.
>"Why don't you invite one of them to dance with you?" Fuego asked, smiling.
>Asta blinked.
>"What is a dance, Captain Fuegoleon?"
>Yuno decided right there and then to officially disown him.

>Fuegoleon patiently explained what us a dance to him while Noelle screamed internally in frustration and Mimosa grimaced.
>Asta tilted his head. "So that's what dancing is! I get it now! Thank you so much, Captain Fuegoleon! Hey, Yuno, want to danc—"

>Papa Roselei runs away like Charlotte

That's why the quantity supports the qualities and both yuno and langris were missing in the triad attack.
New langris is better.
Kirsch also got better and dorothy is top tier.


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But what about Augustus? The original royal matchmaker? And Damnatio?

based as fuck

I just realized that thanks to the Dark Triad, the possibility of us getting a Ballroom Arc became really small.

Damnatio pushes away every girl because none of them have justice in their heart. I'm sorry user, but he is too much of an autist.

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Womens very nature is corruption.

I already expected that. But can you imagine an arranged marriage between him and Lolopechka?

Is Augustus virgin?

I came instantly when I saw this pic.

Don't stop believing, Clover is almost guaranteed to be the last saga/arc of the series, considering Asta's goal and all. We may even have a ballroom arc in celebration of our victory against Spade.

If they arrange a marriage for Damnatio he will comply, but he won't stop making "that face".

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user, he has a harem. He's definitely not a virgin. I don't know about Nozel/Fuegoleon/Damnatio, tho. Those three could be too autistic to lode their virginities.

Well, if he keeps making that face I'm sure that soon Julius will save him from that arranged marriage.

I love this

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Goodnight, anons.

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'Night, user.

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I like Charlotte but damn you're right.

>beating Rhya and Vetto solo
it's a great feat to me

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Yuno confirmed a whore

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>Rhya the elf doughnut
>Great feat

So Asta is related to the Dark Triad I'm guessing.

You mean Gordon?

>all have black hair.
I dont think so

Asta and Yami are isekai characters

Is the elf arc finished in the anime?


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>You mean Gordon?
The only meat asta eats is yunos so if gordon also eats yunos meat then yuno is a fucking whore

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Wheres secre??!!!

Literally too good for this world.

She will join after this arc.

Why after?

Kirito 2.0

Because more things will happen...
And this girl will join too.

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Vacuum that carpet first.

I was gonna say the same thing but decided not to


I wear black socks often, but yeah I should vacuum anyway.

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We better get more merchandise, I didn't buy this for no reason.

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Wait till the knock off White Asta figure comes out.

Why would we get knock offs now, it's been five years. That might be nice though.

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Based, I really hope we do.


I'm really pleased with the price too, I almost bought the double pack but I really didn't need two of what was basically the same thing.

I bought the black bulls robe too, not even to use it unless I happen to go to a con or something-but but so Shueisha gets off their asses and actually makes more BC merch.


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I don't buy stuff like that, the most I do is buy the volumes, but I do hope people get what they want.

Where did we go so wrong bros?

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Maybe as an experiment of theirs, which caused his no mana.

Bro youre not supposed to show that


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I want Dante to fuck me

What's the story on Vanicas eyepatch? Best story gets a prize.

She is megumin
What do i win?

Female Kenpachi

Gotta update this eventually

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My eyes hurt just looking at those.

Got it poked out in a fight against Acier.
Acier was cursed and then she decided to have one last baby since there was no way to undo the spell.
She died from childbirth instead of the curse as a fuck you to vanica.
This will lead to noelle having some devil mana or otherworldly mana or trait since acier had her while cursed.

Why do Zeno looks so shy here? And lol at Dante's face.

Papa silva = traitor
Papa vermillion - former wizard king
Asta's Papa = amvil
Julius's son or daughter = bull's vice captain

I'm still of the opinion that vanica didnt have megicula when acier was alive

her penis destroyed the eye

Me too. The Dark Triad must have contacted Megicula after she cursed Acier 17 years ago. Okay, but where is timeline user? He needs to update his timeline.

It's not even an opinion it's basically fact.
I remember the triad was talking to zenon about how he was adjusting to the devils power.
So I think the triad has not had them for too long

The Dark Triad overthrew Spade months before Acier died.
Devil powers and disciples were apparent.

These should all be reversed
Baval was possessed by Wevil in the Vermillion house.
Papa Silva was famous enough to be married into the royal family.
Amvil is clearly effeminate.

You know i comepletly forgot that conversation

It means I miss him too.


Jaxblade is that you my boy?

Nope, just your average user. Sorry to disappoint.

Aight that's fine, get Yas Forums user.

So, who has the highest chance of being booted out from this Top 10 in the next popularity poll?

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Amvil is otter mode, the opposite of asta who bulks.
This will be the key in their fight, lean muscles vs ripped muscles.

Probably Mereo as she hasn't been up to much lately.

That's fair. I also think that her ranking will drop, too.

Mereo will be replaced with Nero, mostly because of her recent anime focus, Jensen could take Gauche's spot. Dunno about Luck, but he could be replaced too.

It's too bad, but characters who are in focus just stand a higher chance.

>Papa silva is Dante

Cute and funny

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What was the correct option here?

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Fuego's. Because no way in hell baby Leo would survive a jump down that Abyss at all.

Im gonna drop it here
there is no proof that leona was trown to the abyss when she was a baby so that means she is not that powerful of a warrior
*dabs his way out*

Then let's throw both her and Yami down the Abyss and see who can climb up the fastest. *yeets myself out*

Leona wasn't thrown into the abyss. She jumped.

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>ib4 Acier was the one who threw her down the Abyss.

Did he actually deserve to get Salamander or did Mereoleona just tell it to fuck off when it approached her first?

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Salamander chose him, not Mereoleona. Where did the idea of Salamander ever choosing Mereoleona came from anyway?

The fact that Leona was clearly more worthy of having Salamander

Says who? In what way?

The only reason that Fuego is even a magic knight captain is because Leona refused the position. His entire life is just getting hand me downs from his sister.

Because Fuegoleon said so? You really think that he wouldn't work hard to be worthy of his position at all?

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>tfw you can't wait for the cover page and next chapter
I hope that Noelle will be on the cover page again like last time.

It's the 5th anniversary, so I'm guessing the cover will have Asta, Noll and Yuno.

Looks like he's about to go on adventure to commit treason and assist in the genocide of all humans.

I really hope so, user. I would love it.

Good. Fuck humans.

I want to adopt this little guy.

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Looking on the chink streaming site bilibili and they sure are obsessed with MAL ratings and funding of the anime.
From 3.6 to 9.2 on MAL apparently which is amazing.
It looks good and they wonder if the staff robbed a bank.
It looks bad or mediocre and they say the funding is cut.

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>It looks good and they wonder if the staff robbed a bank.
My sides. Those chinks are hilarious.

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Do you think all of the captains will be mobilized vs. Spade?


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I really wanna know who is that guy under the hood.

I want to kidnap Shotachrono and spoil him rotten!

>just watched the diamond country attack for the first time
>mask guy summons a fucking massive tree in middle of the city
>eats up like 50% of the city
How many civilians did he kill and how much money did he have to pay for all those destroyed buildings?

He summoned the giant over the village, user, not in it. Nobody was hurt.

I've been waiting on the whole back row

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>d-diamond is weak
>WK, 3 captains, several semi-captains, lots of other high tiers sent
The only one that could have warranted that attack was diamond since spade never attacked for real and heart is neutral.

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Was it even said if the invaderes were Diamonds or Spades?

They say it was Spade

Has it already been revealed that Asta is the kid of that demon and Yuno is the kid of the wizard who killed the demon?

What went wrong?

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>Asta is the kid of that demon and Yuno is the kid of the wizard who killed the demon?
No and Yuno's stuff already got revealed and he's not that.
Nothing he's stronger now.

Nothing, William resorted to emotional manipulation and it paid off, just like against Julius.

I like Fuegoleon and all but why the fuck he would willingly walk into a trap again?

It didn't say who it was, the one in the award ceremony was something else since golden dawn isn't there

His Hot Blooded Vermilion blood.

He thought he could handle whatever was there, but the sight of a comrade made him doubt and it cost him an arm. I still wonder why he was in a coma for so long though.

He didn't really walk into it, I honestly didn't think he could've evaded it and just accepted it. Also these >I still wonder why he was in a coma for so long though.

I really wonder how William and Fuegoleon's reunion went.

Magic king Fuegoleon soon, right?, julius can't hold that title with his current body

Julius would surely retire. Not really sure who will be the next Wizsrd King at this point. Who knows, it could be Kaiser.

>Fuego is angry
>Julius is tells him to calm down, and he'll deal with his son
>Fuego is like But
>Yami tells him to trust Julius and if William tries to do something suspicious he'll cut him down himself.
>Fuego's like after I burn him
>Sad William Face

It's Sekke, pay attention anons.

do we know when the filler ends?

>Sad William Face
I would have backed down at that point.

>julius can't hold that title with his current body
He just needs to kill 1 person and then he can time-thanos himself back to normal.

Not yet. We should wait for the following episodes' titles to know.

Filler doesn't end.

I don't think that's how his magic works, user.

He "stores the time remaining in the lives of those he kills".

Next episode seems to be a self-contained filler episode, and I don't think they'll add much filler pre-Heart, after all, they teased a lot of things in the new op visuals. I think we're getting just a few episodes in-between the plot relevant episodes like Charlotte's or Gordon's, and then a full filler arc in Heart.

As long as we get mid-time skip filler, I'm ok with that.

Will Gordon learn to properly speak at some point?

He can whenever the plot needs him to, or it's meant to be 'emotional'.

>grey revealed as a girl
>embarassed to be seen in her normal form
>stops being in a disguise all the time after being revealed
Sure seems like the character was completely changed since it first appeared

In the anime he doesn't need subtitles anymore, so that's an upgrade already.

Well, she started opening up to her squadmates after that. She's still very very very shy to others outside their squad.

I wonder if this is just a character trait or it's plot-relevant.

I think it's plot-relevant, after all, Tabata went as far as to state Grey isn't even her real name.

Attached: Grey.jpg (634x788, 129.01K)

Perhaps her true name would reveal that she's actually some kind of race that changes appearance? That or it's a deal where true names are important so she's been going under a different name all the time.

Or shes just the daughter of some famous nobility or criminal

>some kind of race that changes appearance?
That'd be cool, kinda like those magical beasts from HxH. She could also be some kind of fugitive from another kingdom, or even from other unnamed country like Yami's Land of the Sun, and her name could be a giveaway just like Fanzell being a renowned Diamond teacher. There's one or two anons who think she could be some sort of spy/traitor and that's also interesting, but oh well, she'll be relevant when the time comes.

The fat guy that Grey transformed into is the actual vice captain.

Imagine if she really was a spy, haha. But yeah, her name is likely something that people will leap on when it's revealed and it could potentially be something that spoils a future plot point?

>Julius > Char > Fuegoleon > Jack

I like how Leona just bailed back to wherever the fuck she lived the moment the royal knights were done with their job. Like she had something way more important to do

Living with nature is important!

>suddenly out of nowhere Fanzell gets forced into the past story
Ebin story telling

What's her magic? She's hiding something right?

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Baby magic.

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Does Fanzell have some cloth creation magic or something?

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Good. Leona was a mistake.

No it's the anime doesn't know what it's doing episode.

>Leona was a mistake

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>Leona was a mistake
But why?

>Leona was a mistake

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>asta fighting the beast mage
>flying through the dimensional door things
>with anti-magic sword out
Shouldn't the sword break the dimensional doors on contact?

The outer ring/border of the portal are magic. Not inside.

What is the inside then if not magic?

>all these enemies attacking bitches forest
>don't get Finral to report to Yami and get backup
Why are they so dumb?

Ass magic

Why?The Witch Queen would just attack Yami if she saw him.

They could bring other strong mages with them too, I doubt the bitch queen would be against some more help

>I doubt the bitch queen would be against some more help
Kek,she would be user.

Attached: Witch Queen.png (715x619, 373.64K)

She literally healed astas arms and had him and a few other men help defend the forest

Witch Queen would love to get dicked by Chadasta

Is Asta literally Naruto?

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No. Why?

>has demon inside him
>can use it's power
Can't wait for him to make friends with it

>inside him
What year is it? Felt like I went back in time.

Not inside him, user. Inside his grimoire. Also, it's a devil, not demon.

>Not inside him, user. Inside his grimoire
Same shit

>it's a devil, not demon
Also same shit

You are definitely not paying attention, I see.

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I wonder what her reaction upon meeting Kirsch would be.

This gives me anxiety


>Yuno becomes god king of the card empire
>Asta becomes a priest and runs the orphanage with Sister Lily after his devil is killed and he has nothing left

I need to see Langris lose his shit over his brother's womanizing ways soon.

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Cute. May we meme slut Papa Roselei into reality.

Tbh that's one of my favorite theories. I really hope it's true.

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Me too.


I need more Secre in my life

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We will get more

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That makes two of us.

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What you guys think about this?

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It is good but there's too much red, especially Dante's clothes.

Amazing coloring, the constant red aura on Asta is a bit distracting though, I would've waited until the cover and lcp to see if they reveal Dante's official coloring or something. A great effort nonetheless.

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Noelle wanting a 3 threesome?

¿Thoughts on the next episode preview?

I'm feeling optimistic about the next episode. It looks like it would be fun and the art and animation both look good. Though I fear that the Bulls may be reduced to one-note characters again because it is filler.

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>Though I fear that the Bulls may be reduced to one-note characters again because it is filler
That's likely, but I think Gordon could be more interesting now that he's more confident.


This is a metaphor for all the girls in this pic lusting after the big black cock (represented by Asta's sword).

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What is he blushing for?

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Anyone want some hot milk?

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That event is quite a while ago, but I think he met Noelle on a mission, they fought together and blushed when he told her to be careful on her missions.

Aww. Thats so cute. I wish we get to see more deredere Nozel in the manga.


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Why are the male elves hotter than the females?

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Excuse you, Charla is the hottest elf. Well, Licht is hotter than her but that's because he's Licht.

That's a really angry Nero.

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So, I rewatched episode 96 and I have a question: what happened to Patry's mom? Did she die before Lumiere and Tetia met the elves or during the wedding? If she had been killed during the wedding like her son and the other elves, then why wasn'st she also reincarnated with them?

I mean, episode 95, not 96

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she's so cute

Where can I find me a petite goth girl?

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I'm sorry, user. But perfect girls like Secre don't exist in real life.

Sounds like a Hollywood ending. No thanks.

Black Bulls = Japan getting blacked

She's not important so she wasn't shown, just like licht's parents.

Well, that's fair.

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Huge dick

Nope. She's perfect.

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user just accept her grotesque huge smelly penis


I want to taint her bloodline with my commoner penis.

Not all elves had humans to reincarnate into in Clover
Their whole plan was to expand the spell into the other kingdoms and revive more.
She's in the attack flashbacks too

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Oh, okay. Thanks for the info, user.

the other location

>bandits are good boys
>they had no choice but to steal and kill

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Next wizard king.

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Look at this looser

Poor Bandit A...

Julius can return to his normal form by killing a person to get some time stored up again and then aging himself forwards.


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