
Will Denji be able to beat super sonic lesbian?

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Can you repeat the question?

Been here since shadman at least.

I'm still kinda sad they had to go and kill off the bombwoman.

þis but unironically

there's no way dude. unless he either gets bailed out by someone else. or he just outright becomes the CHAINSAW MAN. i mean like he fully turns into a Chainsaw Demon Man thing like Reze who had the bomb head but with the addition of all that other shit.

She was tasked with just taking him alive, right? So I'm going to guess she is going to capture him. Everyone else was tasked with killing him.

I don't pay attention to whatever you're getting autistic about and that image is hilarious

I don't know


How much loyalty does Power have to a particular human side? We know she fears Makima, and rightly so.

Although if it meant keeping Denji, I think if Makima were there she would be willing to trade Power since she treats them all as pawns anyway.

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nigger this is the fate of all shonens now

Will she get an happy ending?

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everyone will be happy

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you mean would makima trade power's life for denji's (or really for the chainsaw heart)? yes without hesitating

Yes, as my wife

No. She will die. Aki will die. Angel will die. Power will die. Denji will be forced to kill Makima, then be left alone and unloved in this world until he finds Beam and they live together as bros 4 lyfe

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Makima is the Death fiend. She will kill Denji. Denji will find her in Hell for the rematch.

whatever happened to that tall guy who was always with kobeni?

he got shot in the fucking head user

>poder violado
Its 'violada'
If you're gonna spic speak get it right

on the train?

No proof

Denji has revived from being dead multiple times. Shadman as well. Both in human and devil forms. Cut in half vertically, and horizontally, limbs destroyed, or reduced to a torso and head. Complete loss of blood.

She's in Makima's pleasure dungeon with the rest of the captured devils. To be brought out if the plot requires it.

in the same attack, but elsewhere. he took a bullet for kobeni

He died protecting her. But then a mysterious devil fiend in a mask who looks to be the same height just so happens to be her "new" partner.

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we dint know man, i thinknshe died because not only reze stabbed in her heart using angel's special weapon. makima also specifically said "kill reze". and i'm sure makima knows hybrid's weakness, so when she said to kill reze. she really meant it

but why would makima keep the whole person and not just remove the heart, the actually key part. the bomb devil might show up again but i wouldn't hold your breath for reze.

Next you gonna say that "la creatura..." is not correct Spanish?

And? It is funny. What's wrong with it, Mr. Sperg I. N'Cel

Yes, but only after she retires from devil hunting and will go to the only other profession she was qualified for.


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t. esl

Toilet paper saleswoman?

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If pochita was killing all the devils in hell who killed pochita? Why would the gun devil need his heart if he was the one responsible? Or is whoever did it trying to keep pochita alive and contained in the real world so they don't get chainsaw massacre'd in hell?

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Pochita killed himself in hell to chase the gun devil.

I wonder if we'll ever see the brother


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Where's this from?

Yes, by Violence.

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Why would a devil want to take over a human body?

Doesn't need to, Quanxi's secretly working for Makima and this is just a way for her to take out the non-fiend devil hunters

volume 6 preview

I hope there's a domestic abuse thing which lead to arai beating the shit out of his dad via VIOLENCE which made him a good candidate for turning into a fiend or something
same way power probably got her body because the girl cut her wrists and got scared of the blood (it's my headcanon but it just werks)

No idea, could be for any reason. My bet is that contracts are a way to gain power and that without them a devil loses power, therefore by possessing a corpse a devil freezes themselves at a lower base but without the risk of completely losing power.

devils have a love-hate relationship with humans

How often does Makima make Power wear the nurse outfit?

>A sample of the 6th JC purchase bonus "Clear Stand with Power Dress-Up Seal" to be released tomorrow, "Chain Soman", arrived at the editorial department, so I assembled it.
>Cu ... cute.
>A power-chan, drawn by Tatsuki Fujimoto, who is about to start talking.
>Please try GET by all means. ️

I guess even the worst girl has some uses. Good for Lin and Fujimoto if this works

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Yeah, shit cover though. Needed to be boosted by an actual best girl.

Why is Rin's iMac upside down?

the cover would be good if it weren't for that ms paint tier drawing of reze
fuji needs to step up his art game, he's slacking recently

it's Mac reflection in iPad Pro

Now that's based. My favs in the current jump +AA.

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hope it do be like that

I can't acknowledge anyone who Best Girls her

Not often since she is busy, but you can bet that anytime Power steps out of the line, she'll get put in that outfit and thrown in the rape dungeon

>Rezefags cope

you think a tattoo artist could pull that off?

you've probably made some poor life choices

You're probably a faggot

Anyone got full tierlist?

F tier- user(anus explosiba)

In the previous thread

So any more guesses on how Quanxi will job?

Someone else joked that maybe when she turns around we'll see that Angel's sword is stuck in her.

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would bang

the whole point of the powerlevel chart meme is making fun of illiterate spics that are into stupid powerlevel charts unironically

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Quanxi will try to add Power to her harem, thus giving Denji an opportunity to fight her while the others support him with their devils

Man, I can't find any copies of Chainsaw Man on Amazon at all. I can find all of the Fire Punch volumes though. Am I just fucked because I'm in Canada or something?

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JP books? Use or cdjpan.

You know, that's the thing with tattoos, they can't just be pulled off.

read the manga

Oh right, I'm a fucking dope. Thanks user.
I'm mostly getting it for that Power stand.

She's petite, cute and is a huge dork. What's not to love?

I thought only certain brick&mortar bookstores in Japan have the stands

You have to buy in a bookstore from Japan for that.

That sucks, but oh well. I owe it to Fujimoto to pick up physical copies anyway.

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Would kobeni be a good prostitute

The volume 6 raw is in the mega by the way if anyone wants to dump the extras. Busy atm, dumping WT chapters.

Is this a theory with the nips too?

Can someone dump the extras?

Does the back cover not get included in the digital version? Because that would be real cringe.

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Yep. This is from the physical preview in s-manga.

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very cute :)

Sasuga Fujimoto

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did he just reverse the page? Based

Also added the cut arm in the third panel.

Any juicy extras this time?

so Power is really that flat

Nothing because the volume has two 23 pages chapter, sadly.

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you're a nigger if you'd tattoo anything related to manga on your body

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Why though?

You have to appreciate the subtle touches Fujimoto adds

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Would you save him?

They added Angel's weapon and the reinforcement literally-whos in the poll.

It's too late, the car will win

no, eventually only makima and denji (who grew into a massive cosmic chainsaw that keept the planet alive untill entropy happened) will remain floating in space, they will fuck and become siblings

imagine if makima makes aki or kobeni the bomb, the drama would be cool

Nope, Yoshida will beat her ass. For some reason he's become my favourite character evem though he only killed a pasta bro off screen.

>socks and programming

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Maybe to men with rape fetish who get off to her shaking and nervousness

huh? in the edited one it's first her left arm that gets cut, then it transitions to the right one

Halloween has some kinda mind control powers, screenshot this

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I still can't believe Pochita is fucking dead.

>implying it won't be Aki and Denji surviving to the end

It's Violence.

mmm poder violado se me paró

I didnt think he could beat reze but he pulled it out

Doesn't seem he should be able to though. She seems faster than kishibe.


Wrong eye, future resides in the right eye
I know both eyes widen with future sense, im still neurotic about it though

why so many pochita in the omakes recently? The same happened last time in volume 5

fuck that shark


That's how it released, got fixed for the volume by just mirroring the page.

it's wrong but it's fun poder violado is reddit

best girls always dies

so pochita is chainsaw's devil form. how the fuck did that thing become so scary to other devils?

I miss her so bad bros...

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How do you even screw this up in the first place?

Nop, this is from us, some dude in the violence chapter weeks ago post that idea

the fact that Makima stresses the point of bringing back the corpses of whoever is killed in the Quanxi and Santa clusterfuck this arc makes me think she's planning to make more devilmen. I'm hopeful Nakamura can still make it after getting his head removed recently.

Lost a lot of power because devils feared him less after dying, perhaps.

More important question, will he mature more as a protagonist ?

Makima is the woman devil that's how she can make Denji so damn horny

Majima is very physical with him, direct, and doesn't fuck around. If she says ''I'll suck your dick, Denji.'' She is gonna do it. I am guessing Denji likes that about her, also she made him her dog, you know Denji is a huge ass sub for that alone.

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There will be an arc later where all the previous characters with unresolved fates will come back to help Denji.
Madoka (the other dude who survived the shooting), Snek, Shad, Reze, whoever ends up with unknown status at the end of this arc, and even Himeno comes back, after its revealed that with Ghost killed, she automatically came back, but was on vacation so far.

If the person is not important, she could have just extracted the Devil core, and let Reze live in peace, which Makima totally wants, so I guess she needs Reze too.

>How much loyalty does Power
None, just there for sucking Denji dry.

Gun wants an army of devils on Earth, so he needs to send Pochita back to start killing devils in hell again.

Aki and Angel will go berserk trying ro protect each other and Quan wont tsand a chance.

How much more do you think he should mature? Compared to how he was when the story started, right now he's fine: he learned that sex isn't everything and to respect his job and coworkers. I guess he should try to find hobbies and friends outside of devil hunters.
However going too far on the maturity scale would make him lose a lot of charm as a protagonist

What's behind the door in his dreams

Nega poochita.

these threads

The ultimate artifact of power: the BBC

I'm not Lol.

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is this even being tled anymore? there havent been updates in ages.

woah, no way...

Violence will brutally murder her when his switch is flipped.


Nope, I heard its axed because no one reads it in Japan, and the only people reading it outsido are the people in this thread.

Nice trips.

That's crazy.

Chainsaw 2

You DONT open the door. That's all.

she's coming back soon in the anime i hope

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Remastered Limited Edition

did you get a Corona-chan visit?

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based frenchfags

Autumn Fastriver


where is Power ice figurine?

It will open on the last chapter. Inside is an enormous but empty cinema, in the middle there sits a weird guy, watching the movie, completely enthralled. The only movie ever played in there is the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. When Denji walks closer, he immediately knows who he is, albeit he doesn't recognize him, or even ever met him. That man is Tatsuki Fujimoto. He explains to Denji that he still loves the movie, but wants to move on, and asks him to change the movie, giving him a reel with the note: Bram Stoker's Dracula.


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That's the thing, after he was done with food, friends and boobs, he is now left is a somewhat blank state. Now he needs to find a bigger goal to pursue, just chasing after Makima's attention won't cut it anymore.

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he wants to go on vacation in enoshima, i'd say that's a pretty big goal


Ohshit she contracted the candleja

I think a woman sang the PV song, as in she just chanted chainsawman whilst a band played

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Imagine Kobeni with Billie Elish hair

whut? isn't the edited one the one with english writing and the original the one with japaense?

TL is based on the magazine version. The volume version comes out later, so they are usually not translated to english, unless it's offical translation. This is the magazine version (TL'd) vs volume version (japanese)

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The sniper demon?

look what i bought

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you bought a human?

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im sure there are better power images to make a shirt out of

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probably off a chink copyright thief running twitter research algorithms but ok

You posted a worse one

Yeah, Your're right

Littlecrimson Eastmountain

you should have take a japanese

>I think a woman sang the PV song
do you have a link
easy paycheck

i see

the sound quality is awful

Fucking frenchs

why are you mad?

enjoy your corona

Power watch out, this guy will take the nobel prize from you

Later on during the Enoshima arc we get insight into Power's corpse, her life and her relationship with the blood devil



Spoilers when bros?

In 5.

Nah she's just really good at being a hype machine

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>want to read chainsaw man manga
>mangadex links to a website that is missing chapter 4 to 50 something
where do I read chainsaw man? i can't find it anywhere

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They have always been there since volume 1. Every chapter gets one or two.

He only wants to go because Makima's going.

assuming all of quanxi's harem doesn't die with her who gets them after the fighting's done? Makima, Power, Spider?

No one, remove those bitches.

The word Poder is masculine though.
t.spaghetti ningen

Come on we all know Makima is evil

Is one of Quanxi's harem girls also a blood devilman? She has the same horns as Power

Power has a soft spot for Denji and will eventually fuck him

Yes. He will use his cock to defeat her and her lesbian pack. You can't beat the cock.

Could you beat my cock?

The day chainsaw dick happens I will buy all the volumes of the manga with girls on them

kicking off the unplanned parenthood arc

so what can chainsaw actually do? i thought maybe he could use his leg chainsaws for mobility, but i'm having a hard time seeing him hook his chains to buildings like beam described.

Chainsaw dick

well first of all he CAN do that because the previous chainsaw devil did it, so that isn't out of the question
the main appeal of the manga however is that denji is literally a chainsaw man which if you removed it from the context of the show is, in itself fucking insane which is why fuji hasn't added anything other than blades to denji yet
however, it's implied that the chainsaw devil himself was up to no good cutting people down in hell along with the whole door thing so he could also have dimension travelling powers due to being able to rip and tear to the extreme, but for now fuji seems content with denji just being a literal chainsawman (which is his entire appeal, he's a rugged kid with a simple brutal power)

her dying early in the series sets up potential of her coming back if we ever get a hell arc

>gets sent to hell
>sees all of his dead friends
>sees Reze being used in a devil orgy
not like this...

Yes. I can beat your cock with my cock.

>The day chainsaw dick happens I will buy all the volumes of the manga with girls on them
Yes, "Denki cleaves the girls with his chainsaw cock". I like it.

probably only the devil reincarnates, not the person it was merged with.

I hope she leaves the division and has a happy life supporting all her siblings by working hard elsewhere

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Not gonna lie but I think that would work perfectly with timing a chapter about how devil fiends came to be.

Like devils are able to 'smell' the strench of fear that a corpse once had in life. Devils taking over the body and being the anthropomorphic version of a dead person's fears sounds like a fucked up thing Fujimoto could write about.

>He thinks corona, a virus, can survive in non-living organisms (clothing) for that long

Ntr devil no!

The more I see these Pochita extras, the more I believe in the Pochita RPing as Denji theory.

10 days.

why was power so excited to drink denji's blood? bat said it tastes like shit

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maybe bat was just a snob

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Wolf was disgusted by denji-esque sword boy too

It taste good enough for her that she sneaks into Denji's room to drink some every night

she's a blood devil + she gets to annoy denji

devils and fiends might have different tastes since one uses a human body. And/Or Power might actually like Denji and that's one way she can express her feelings.

I don't remember a fiend tasting a hybrid's blood and verbally disliking it, but I do remember a number of devils not like hybrid blood.

Odd how she takes care of her teeth but neglects to bathe or flush

a fiend is for all intensive purposes a devil

she takes care of her hair too, seems like she just doesn't care about things that only bother the humans around her.

Not him but ordering clothes from china often takes more than 10 days. Like a couple weeks

I wouldn't mind doing it if raws were posted when it came out.

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>intensive purposes
there's a lot about fiends that we don't know. they have some major devil traits but there's also stuff like violence remembering what he thinks of as his former human life, so it's not that cut and dry.

Is using Kon a sign that you'll die soon?

pretty much

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I'd be suprised if Aki ever died though. I feel like he's similar to Agni in that we'll see him suffer for eternity. Future knew this, and got in his eye to witness the wild ride for himself.

i don't want aki to die, but if he doesn't that means angel is probably going to die instead. feels bad

>I feel like he's similar to Agni in that we'll see him suffer for eternity.
Inb4 Aki never actually dies he just gets cursed with immortality

>"hey you get to live forever!"
Terrible fucking "curse," my man.

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I bet that's why Curse Devil half assed it so hard

Angel is going to put extra life into him

Nah, notNiggastream is still doing the series, though late.

how is her pet still alive

not fat enough yet

Denji and Aki take care of the cat

Power takes good care of it. Proof that she will make a good mother for Denji's children

she will eat them for sure

>she will make a good mother for Denji's children

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and he will never see them

So would denji for a few bucks

I want old man aki to desperately try to kill himself while being forced to watch denji’s brood he had with power AND makima, at least two dozen idiots constantly pestering “granny aki” while his dad rides uncle beam in the distance

i hope they will choose a better artist this time

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This is how I know you do not speak spanish, unless you're being ironic.

the big bad evil who turns out to be connected to Pochita

Possibly, but you definitely can't.

I'm thinking maybe Quanxi does lose. But then one of her fiends revives her somehow.

I hope they bring her back as an even dumber fiend, who they still "Follow". But mostly boss around and bully

i prefer the old one because the flow is easier on the eye. he probably only need to re touch the first and second panel. bomb at left and aki at right, we see from aki pov from right, and bomb attack swings right.

>want an army
Why thought, he can literally kill millions in an instant, what's his end game?

He needs bitches on his dick, and hoes in his arms

just a reminder that makima contracted the height devil
splat splat

I think that it's gravity devil

pretty sure it's bungee jumping

yea but people say they are afraid of heights not fucking gravity

do you think he'll look like him

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My uncle is afraid of gravity, he thinks that when the magnetic poles change, the gravity will change and all will die.

Makima is gun demon confirmed.

I havent thought about it before but a War Devil would also be quite strong
And probably would look quite metal as fuck

I dont get it

Coronavirus devil fucking when bros?

>stone devil
Who in this world is afraid of fucking rocks man?!??!

Miners and Hikers

Middle Eastern gays.

I can totally see Fujimoto adding a virusesque Devil like "Japanese Flu-Devil" in light of recent happenings

Also, islamic women

I think rin would veto it
It would be like Fire Force and Kyoani all over again


Cavemans, wendingos and James Franco.

Spoilers today no?

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Where I can find these funny tier lists, half english half latino? Series, and anime or no, doesnt matter.

Dragón ball super

where is Power?

I know were the mem come from. But where to get tiers?

I like how they hinted he can do mobility on the chainsaws and he was like, OH! you mean ride a shark.

Between Denji and Beam.

Food for thought: Beam's phasing hard counters Quanxi H-Hayai.

Does it need updating?

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Nowhere, you simply take an old spic power level chart and change the characters . Currently jump battle shonen and romcom are the threads where you are most likely to find one

>taking it seriously

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At the end of this arc

Because she likes Denji of course

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Snake devil should be high tier for OHKO Ghost Devil(low tier)

Also put the eye patch girl without one of her arms for the lulz

Something in chapter 26 that's bugged me for a while is that all the train seats suddenly look really empty in this panel.

There's also never any testimony from other people who were in the carriage, even though Makima told a pretty blatant lie about not getting shot.
Did she consume everyone else there to revive?

In the last panel of the chapter there are a lot of people running behind her but I don't know if those are from the same carriage.

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it's almost like everyone ran because people showed up with guns

nice dumb couple

In the page immediately before this one you see people still in their seats.

I guess this theory is based entirely on how empty the carriage looks in page 15; people were ducking down but surely you'd be able to see at least parts of them? Especially in that seat to Makima's left.

I would imagine everyone got the fuck out of the carriage as soon as people started shooting
The police likely wouldn't have a serious investigation that involved witness testimony if the Bureau or Makima didn't want it. They seem pretty in charge of things

>It's a good thing I have this programming job
Every single time

needs to either have cannon fingers or be able to do finger guns and i will believe it

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cute bombgirl

or canon arms like Cobra

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Angel devil makes me have a big huge fucking grin in my retarded face

Oh my God, They killed Denji !

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you bastard

la madre de denji (blanca)

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kiss power

If you insist

in the BUTT!

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her hair are too long

el corona ching chonga

This is HOT.

Threadly reminder that Power doesn't flush,she's a scat girl.

Pawa after seeing Reze kiss Denji

but she's still cute

power legitimately cares a lot about nyaako, there are multiple flashbacks of it even

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thats a lucky neko

That's my guess too, makes sense considering no one gives a fuck about Denji, they want his chainsaw heart.

>the cat is more clean than her
poor kitty

so real answer yeah, but it would be very effiminate. Unless you are 9/10 min cutie fem boy OR hyper chad it would just look bad. Now taking simple imagery inspired from the manga might be fine depending on what it is. no not the cord

>Nakamura (Cartel)
Ok, this one got me

So did the soviets just give her corpse to the bomb devil or was she a hybrid like Denji?

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do svidaniya bella

Cute soviet.

>president POWER
honestly based

camarade Bombette

Full-powered Pochita. Or if they wanted to really go for a nonsensical twist, the gun Devil.

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It'll be revealed that it's been Pochita piloting the body all along with Denji's soul basically being comatose in him

For me, it's Makima (Forma mommy GF)

I guess she can’t control the blood rushing to her cheeks

>no dog chainsaw
thats not a good cosplay