
180 spoilers out

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why was the previous one deleted? it was going normally, when suddenly deleted.
Anyways.Haysack best girl

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>Release day chapter dump thread get deleted
>Weekday Linofags bait thread hit bump limit despite multiple people report the thread
I honestly don't understand Mod
Fuck them.

Mods being fags.
Hayasaka best girl.
Can someone dump the chapter again please

was that the one with the Chinese meme-riddled translation?

A better one got dumped a while ago.

I guess there just wasn't enough Linobait.

Tsubametards are so dumb thinking she will win while providing no evidence but headcanon instead. Absolutely sad.

Based mods, they have patrician taste

Fuck off mod.
You will never become a real woman.

Probably because the OP last time was shitposting.
>What killed the hype?

So are the Linofags bait threads last week
Nice double standard

>What killed the hype?
oh, that kind of faggotry

Baits and shitposting are different. Though I never read any posts about lino and Isigami

One's a stock-phrase shitpost

The other is about a character you don't like

>Slowly again devolving to unrelated-to-this-chapter-shippingfaggotry and baiting like this retard

Come on mods just delete this thread as well

>I never read any posts about lino and Isigami
Neither do I. Those are delusions of shipperfags

Considering they did the traditional trip to Kyoto, what would you guys say would be the equivalent of that where you live?

So Hayasaka really did kill this manga, Huh.

No, you faggots did. Thank god Yas Forums will never be the defining factor on whether a manga stays relevant in Japan.

These threads always go to shit whenever Ishigami's love life starts taking any focus, and not because Ishigami is a bad character (though he's far less entertaining than he used to be), but love-triangles and/or harems always bring in the worst fans (or the worst out of fans).

Still sells worse compared to better romcoms like say, Toubun and Bokuben.

He hasn't been in focus for two weeks. This didn't stop the haremshitters from dutifully poisoning Kaguya threads all this time. All future threads are going to be tainted now.

>both now literally worse than Nisekoi
>b-but we have sales!

>necro-dumping your dead thread from page 9

>He hasn't been in focus for two weeks.
He doesn't need to be in focus, we already know his relationship plot has been set in motion, and we'll be seeing more of him soon.
Iino will probably also come to realise she has feelings for him, in the near future.

That's more than enough fuel for shippers to linger around these threads for a couple of months. These guys only leave whenever the story makes it clear it's going to be focusing on Shirogane and Kaguya - and even then some of them still keep lurking these threads regardless.

Yotsuba killed the manga.
Uruka killed the manga.

Trip to Vienna or Berlin probably

>Implying this OP isn't shitposting
What's wrong with mods? At least the previous one was related to the current chapter

Just so you know, both mikofags and anti-mikofags are annoying.

>thread will be perpetually stuck in Limbo until bump limit
You couldn't just let the thread die. What's the point? Just wait 'til quality raws or fanscan TL comes.

Stop necro-bumping your dead thread
Falseflagger samefag.

I guess Eilat

S2 info


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All that teasing. Kek.

>dead manga
>deader anime

>Old principle playing pokemon go in the background

Whose name is ?

I know this is bait, but Kaguya sells way more than Bokuben. At least think a little before shitposting.

I'm surprised to see Osaragi in that poster, with Hayasaka so far away she looks way more important than she actually is. She does appear a lot in what will be covered in season 2 but still.

still no new info about how many episodes it will be?

Well at the very least Bokuben had a perfect ending before their mangaka had to resort to filler and forced drama.

Where's Tsubame??

She's not endgame ;_;

Well, she only gets face revealed at the end of sports festival I think?

She's almost completely irrelevant in what will be covered in season 2 and she will only have her face revealed in the last episode, of course she's not in it.

just expect it to have 12 or so. S3 is pretty much confirmed anyways since it has you know what

What part of the teaser are you talking about? I can confirm most I've seen are season 2 only.

I'm not talking about the teaser. I'm talking about the content that S3 will have.

Why not a 2nd cour instead?

The sad part of the would be final episode is that it has no way of ending with the kiss and instead has to cover the retarded ishigami hook.

I've never heard of an anime where 1st season has 12 ep while the 2nd has 24

I mean that since the third season will be so packed because of the heart festival, it is too good to not make another season for it, and it will surely make lots of money

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There are a bunch of skippable chapters.
It can be done.

Third season is the better place for a 2nd cour. Thay way, it doesn't have to rush too much, and it can end on Christmas kiss.

It's highly unlikely but a movie after S3 is possible

S1 had 20 and S2 had 12

Oh shit yeah...we may get Arsene and Christmas kiss in a 2cour S3. Holy shit.

Yeah, Ice is best done in one sitting rather than on a weekly schedule.

I meant the other way

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Ice would be the single worst episode in the whole anime
>segment one: Kaguya is a cunt
>segment two: kaguya is a cunt
>segment three: Kaguya is a cunt

>A movie about Ishigami's love triangle

That would be about the Iceguya arc though.

Well...no? I don't know I don't give a fuck, I just want more Kaguya.

I see it working well. Do 142, 144 and end on 145, to create a dramatic cliffhanger.
Also Ice is good you plebians.

>the youtube link is blocked in my country
Never understood why Aniplex does that, you need to go out of your way to filter potential overseas costumers, it is kinda pointless.

Considering how Ishigami and lino doesn't have a conclusion in the upcoming S3 (I hope S3 happens), the movie will most likely cover his story rather than Iceguya. Welp, S4 is the best possible case either way.

Exactly. If they're going to show the Christmas parties, then they should just condense it into a movie, ending on "New Game".

>Also Ice is good you plebians.
You having a boner for kuudere cunts doesn't mean she was even remotely tolerable until Aka toned her the fuck down later in the arc.

The problem is a 3rd season is not guaranteed, no matter how popular the manga is

>Ishigami's love triangle
There is no love triangle except the one made up on your head though.

>the movie will most likely cover his story rather than Iceguya
>the movie should cover side character plot instead of the far more popular main couple
That's just delusional.

Why would they waste their budget on Ishigami and Iino?

Introducing lino ruined this manga
Remember how comfy it was when she didn't exist?

Fuck off anti-mikofags. There are no mikofags at the moment so stop your shitposting. People will most likely want to have a conclusion for lino and Ishigami's story too after S3. Kaguya already had hers. Use your head once in a while

She didn't ruin anything, however you ruined the threads with your repetitive shitposts, fuck off.

As if a movie would be enough for that when we aren't even close to their conclusion. S3 wouldn't even give a conclusion to the main couple anyway unless it's two cour.

Use yours, who in their right mind would finance a MOVIE about a side couple without the far more popular leads?

>the far more popular leads?
user I ...

>he actually thinks Ishigami and Iino are more popular than prez and kaguya
Kill yourself.

The manga will most likely have covered his story enough for conclusion after S3, let's say next year. It's enough for a movie. As I've said, movie and S4 are both unlikely but S4 could solve your problem
You haven't even seen S2 nor S3. how could you say that that couple will not get attention? As if the mikofags here are not evidence enough.

That's impossible because it won't make them money. They'd rather make a movie about Chika eating ramen than that

Fuck off to your toubun general, you roach.

>movie only a small, dedicated audience would watch
>movie with much wider appeal because it starts the main leads

Don't go posting facts around here, those retards don't like them.

This level of delusion...
A very vocal minority on an anonymous board doesn't matter

Miko is far more popular than kaguya and the prez

This manga should've been about Miko from the start
Who gives a fuck about the other student council members

I only stated my opinion herebut if you people still won't give reasonable arguments, then I'll just take your replies as shitposts. Just dont compare me to these fags Also, sorry for bringing the mikofags back to the thread

>won't give reasonable arguments
>popularity of the characters involved isn't a reasonable argument

>T*ubun schizo false flagging

Prepare to be banned faggot

>s2 and 3
>both barely have Miko content after she joins the council
And keep being delusional about how popular they are compared to the main couple.

Why include me there? Everyone knows Miko is the most popular character in the manga,just check japanese twitter once in a while

Subject F needs to get her tits out for the lads.

>all these people baited by a obvious falseflag
Is there a single user that still knows how to use his brain here ?
That said, some people here really underestimate how much interest people have in Ishigami's love life. They definitely aren't as popular as Kaguya and Shirogane, sure (Ishigami isn't that far away from Shirogane though), and there is no way a movie focused on them would ever happen, but that fanbase isn't small at all anymore even in Japan.

>Can someone dump the chapter again please

Attached: Kaguya Ch 180 - Pg01.png (1200x1749, 1.54M)

I've never said that they're more popular but even normal kaguya fans will still want more story about them rather than kaguya since she already had her conclusion. Though I've said normal kaguya fans, it doesn't include fags like you

Or you can give them more prezxkaguya content, which is the option.
I'd take a whole movie of prez and Kaguya just doing retarded romantic shit than ishimiko's drama.

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We're talking about a movie. I'd rather have a S4 if I want more kaguya content

And if we're talking about a movie, you give the majority of fans what they'd want, main couple stuff.

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So you want a movie where nothing happens ? That's a guaranteed flop regardless of the protagonists

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That was basically the live action movie though.
Obviously that was carried hard by the actors but it got good reviews for some reason and actually made money.

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Again with the "majority of fans". Even normal fans would rather have a conclusion for Ishigami's story rather than the episodical chapters of kaguya which already have her conclusion in S3

>rather than the episodical chapters of kaguya which already have her conclusion in S3
At this point in time, I'd rather have episodical prezxkaguya chapters than ishimiko stuff in the manga.

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>episodical chapters of kaguya
>with Kaguya and Pres moments

Hell yes. There's a reason why they're one of the top 10 romantic pairings in Japan across several polls

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A sequel to an anime and a stand alone live action movie are different things. Besides stuff do happen in the second half of the live action movie, we can't call it uneventful.

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As I've said here , S4 is better for the episodical chapters of kaguya

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And you could have a movie about the actual meat of the relationship, instead of literally wasting it on side characters.

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Honestly, the Kaguya and Prez moments are getting a little boring since they started to date. These chapters are cute for sure but they are nowhere near as funny as they were when they were at "war". Some cute stuff once in a while like we currently have is good so I'm not complaining but I can't say that I would enjoy it if we only had that.

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>meat of the relationship
literally nothing of sort happened. And it's episodical. I'll just stop here shitposter-kun

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Maybe because they've had like two chapters together since they started dating, which is awful in itself.

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So you want an Ishimiko movie, who only have together the christmas party, but you can't make a movie with future prez and Kaguya develolpments.

>that memory mix up


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I honestly I can't see how a Ishigami/Iino/Tsubame movie covering the Christmas party would work. It can't work without Ice because Kaguya goes shopping with Ishigami, and later when Kaguya confesses, you'll find Ishigami and Miko in the mall too, which leaves you wondering what happened between them. Ice has to fit somewhere as a prelude to Tsubame's party. Plus Ishi's winter vacation does not have enough chapters for a movie.

Honestly it doesn't even fucking feel like Kaguya and Prez are in a relationship, Even compared to Ishigami and Miko who as we all know have the best chemistry in this manga.

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I never said I want it. I'm just thinking of the more possible outcome for a movie
I've said here that next year, we will most likely have enough content to cover his story. Also, what we're debating (or at least what it seemed to be a debate rather than shitposting) with the other guy is what's more possible for a movie. S4 is the best outcome for all sides but it's unlikely compared to S3 since S3 has a good conclusion

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>more possible outcome for a movie
And you understand the more possible outcome for a movie is something starring the main leads of the series, right?


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There won't be any movie at all

Has anyone around here actually watched the live action yet? Seems like it's one of the few adaptations that could work in 3D.

Kashiwagi has tits on par with Fujiwara now.

she's pregnant

>IshiMiko movie
Please read the manga before coming to the threads to shitpost.

Few people have seen it here. It's still a LA so it doesn't work for a western audience. It's likely to get a 2nd movie though.

Must be because of the pregnancy.

Pregnancies don't work like that. It's been a month since the conception. Not only her breasts haven't started to grow more yet, she probably hasn't even noticed, depending on when her menstruation should have occurred.

No pregnacy for Kashiwagi. With Tsubasa the family tradition will be broken.

It's just a joke

>midgetfag OP
>click inside thread
>thread is cancer as expected
Okay bye

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You guys think Kaguya is actually going to come out and say that she needs her around because she's family? I'm assuming that will have to wait till the future.

This arc is probably leading to that. Prez has noticed she's worried so I hope they talk.

I imagine Prez will be the one to convince her to let Hayasaka go, given that he has a much better understanding of how rough the job has been for her.

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I hope you have a great day too user!

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I bet her heart is cold too.

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>first episode in a month
Very nice.

That doesn't even matter when Kaguya as a whole franchise is far more relevant than either series. It has successful anime and live action adaptations on top of 2 spinoff manga.

Is it good or bad for, say, handjobs?

>successful anime and live action adaptations
Fuck off, have you ever heard any normalfags talk about it in a coffee shop let alone any loser fucking dweebs at work or school?
Of course not but speaking as a teacher I always hear my students talk about which quint is the best or how much they love tanned girls.

>2 spinoff manga
Who even cares?

Imagine having a normalfag students.


Mikofags are proving yet again mentally ill

>Of course not but speaking as a teacher I always hear my students talk about which quint is the best or how much they love tanned girls.
... And then everyone clapped?

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The 4koma is very good. Doujin is meh but it has its moments. Sad thing is that I've laughed more in a volume of the spinoff than in 5toubun's entire run.
Romcom my ass, even Seo manages to be funny once in a blue moon, which is more than what I can say about Negi.

Good, your balls produce the most semen in cool temperatures

>Sad thing is that I've laughed more in a volume of the spinoff than in 5toubun's entire run.
5toubun didn't had romance or comedy

5toubun is insanely popular in Japan, Kaguya can't come close to it

Yet Kaguya makes more money than it.

>makes more money Kaguya
Wrong again, Kaguyakek. Negi is making bank on "Marry your Favorite Quint" certificates.

Yet oricon tells a different story.

I bet Aka would fuck Negi up in a fight

>literally bring up "Marry your Favorite Quint" certificates
user...are you actually taking me seriously?

You mean pre-miko days?

>"Marry your Favorite Quint" certificates
This is a joke right ? People are not dumb enough to pay for this kind of thing ?

You underestimate waifufags

Not at all. This is from a CR article. Just imagine being able to marry your waifu for 1500 Yen.

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user, I...

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Meaning, if you marry Yotsuba you get cucked or does Futaro cuck you?

This is sad. You can't even buy this as a joke.

i want to kill myself

Some things I missed scanlating, but now that I found Korean scans (assuming they're accurate) I can understand it
I erased the top text of the bottom panel, basically said
>Fellas we haven't seen in a while
Small text for Saburo's basically:
>Let's raise our spirits and go
Small text above the girl:
>Get readyyy

I want to marry Ichicute

wow that's pathetic. these sluts are very cheap

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I still don't understand the plan.
Did she think most people would pick France?

Kaguya won't have a similar event because the girls are ugly and no one wants to marry them, and the manga is unpopular compared to 5toubun

She wanted to use democracy as a pretense to get people to vote somewhere overseas but it backfired

she has 3 iq

>this sounds like a couple going through a break-up.
It really is. It's so on point it's scary.

>she has a 3 digit IQ
if you still didn't know, yeah

Fujiwara is even cheaper
She'd give her body in exchange for a board game win

>fanservice chapter
Can I believe it?

My instincts tell me it's a bait

Last time I heard that Fujiwara likes it forcefully, but I'm gentle and I can't really be that forceful to the one I love so I'll do it like this: hug Fujiwara from behind, the tightest hug that I could give her while propping her breasts up that her uniform's button would pop. And as I do this I'd nibble on her ear and kiss her neck while I cup her Fujiwaras. Then I'd turn her around, pat and caress her ribbon and kiss her for two minutes while this time holding her perfectly toned ass from cycling and slowly raising her left leg which would lock itself on my right leg as if it's a leglock. Then we would continue on Prez's table.

Hayasaka, lay down you рhone. You're still a maid and your mistress needs you.

Ishigami-kun, it's rude to browse your phone during a date

H-how did you know..

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Now that the dust has settled, what killed the hype?

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It's not like we haven't gotten some before

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yeah that would maybe work if students didn't talk to each other. Usually however someone from masses emerge who comes with an idea and convinces others.

>tighty whities on highschool
wtf ishigami

At that point she wasn't thinking of the trip, she was just trying to flaunt her skills in front of the SC.

if Maki is there where are those two dumbs?

With their class. They are in 2-C.

Stalking Kaguya, probably.

heh too bad he will and his pals will oggle JKs in 10 years

another "boys had fun".

what did he whisper to shirogane?

Tsubame will never see this sculpture of a perfect body, mark my words

Almost like the author experienced it many times.

Miko will see it on top of her soon

Or he observed it happen many times

>nerdy, brief-wearing wimp Ishigami
Of course she won't. She'll see the body neo-Ishi worked so hard to sculpt with calisthenics and fish food. Just for her.

Hayasaka filler

No, in the end he will be Iino's. Screenshot this.

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I wish annoying bitches with zero self awareness would get punished more.
Like Maki.

Oh she'll get that too. She'll grow and learn, you'll see.

Yeah, meanwhile Ishigami will achieve his goal and date Tsubame, which is what he actually wants.

Why does it feel that lately our threads are overrun with Toubunniggers? Don't they have their own containment thread?

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yes he'll get date, but I don't think future with her

They are butthurt it ended like a true shitfest despite best girl winning so they expand.

Does Shuchiin have class reps?

Mikochink? Mikospic?

This trip makes me think they doesn't, considering prez was doing the generic class prez job.

The "horny friend that wants to spy the girls bath" is a tired trope. But I'm sure Aka will surprise us.

>it's Kaguya being unable to supress her lust while prez is actually prim and proper

I'll take all 5.

Fujiwara better have inverted nipples.

Is democracy the biggest meme in history? All it does is make things worse.

So it should be obvious that the kino group photo arc will be the the final episode of S2 right?

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Cute tits Iino.

>No Maki
I sad

Hopefully, only issue is the length. We already had to skip chapters to reach fireworks and fireworks to photo is even longer

Ishitgami ruined this manga. He killed all the hype. These threads are fucking dead.

>The illusion of democracy of choice
Wtf! Is this a brexit reference?

Remember when this manga was good?

I prefer a slower thread than constant shitposting like other haremshit generals.

Praying for 24 episodes for this(plus skipped chapters). I love Ishi but his chapter is not where I'd end a season on. It worked in the manga because we had another chapter to look forward to next week.

My Hero Academia did.

But in terms of romantic comedies, none that I can remember.

The chapter epilogue shows him buying boxers.

You could have a S2 end on the cell phone mini arc. It wouldn't be hard.

the photo chapters are pretty self-contained, they could do the sports festival then skip forward to the photo part, like how they pulled the kaguya helping Ishigami study to be earlier

If it's going to be 12 episodes it would require cutting out even more chapters, which isn't going to work when this story is heavily dependent on continuity and foreshadowing. They've already messed up Ishigami's studying to make it seem like he went back to playing games after Kaguya tutored him Why do you think they're already going back to chapters that they skipped the first time? The cell phone chapters especially only work if you can recall all the moments when those pictures were taken. I'm not a fan of them making decisions on which chapters are "worthy" to be adapted because that's what led to people now judging ones they don't like as filler.

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There are tons of expendable filler materials anyway.

Animeonly here, is fujiwara really a lesbian or is it just a meme?

No, she's pansexual

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Why did you save this shitty meme translation. There is no "for the time being".

Aka is saving their trip shenanigans for the 4koma.

Yes she is

This chapter was so boring it almost put me in 4 comas!

>The cell phone chapters especially only work if you can recall all the moments when those pictures were taken
But all of those moments happened before and during the sports festival

That's the best depiction of Miko. I remember when we used to make fun of her but also like that she was cute and smol.

She is a saррhic raрe victim.
Fully exрect her to рlay this card some 15-20 years later during elections.

Poor Hayasaka, living a quite life with her saved fortune and then a politician goes and #metoo her.

Tsubame is too old for Ishigami. He needs to be with a girl his own age.

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The fortune is also imрortant, too. You need a lot of money to suррort your election сamрaigns.

Devilishly clever, F.

Kaguya's head looks weird


Cute chapter

Ishigami x Fujiwara = endgame

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It's going to be the guys, isn't it?


10 years later, Maki will still be a third wheel.

She's still cute and small.

Like a rabid chihuahua.


We've already had panels focusing on Hayasaka unclothing for a relaxing bath, so ir's the most likely time.

There's also a lot of steam, so I expect to see literally nothing other than some occassional leg, with the boys comaining as Ishigami did in the side chapter

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Bend over, Ishigami.

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And you know just the girl, right?

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You guys can't imagine how many anime girls I'd like to get a prostate exam, Miko included

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>tons of expendable filler materials
No such thing in this manga

I never knew there was something like that. Nonetheless, I don't think kaguya is that popular enough, nor is it normalfag bait enough to get 2 cours for S2.

Romcoms and SoL rarely have more than one

>Your mood swings more than kids in a playground?
What was the original joke here?

Kaguya franchise made more money in 2019 than MHA.

Something about Bokuben

So I guess Aka didn't get the budget to go to France for "research" so he had to make them stay in Japan?

God, Kaguya is a bitch

I've yet to see a romcom that actually sends them overseas. It's usually either Kyoto, Okinawa or a ski resort.

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Would you like me to break the other one?

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I think they did a trip to France in Masamune-kun.

Kaguya doesn't want to feel like this is the beginning of where Hayasaka drifts away from her but it still feels like it

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Just break up already.

Masamune: France
Jitsuwa: Thailand

Are you a newfag? Of course not.

I cant wait for the real Jamal kun showing up!

Can't wait.

Has Aka been writing about these different forms of friends' support on purpose?

Ishigami's case: StuCo learn about what he did, investigated the case and found enough evidence to show he wasn't guilty. However, he didn't want that info to become public and they acquiesced not to publish it. They also allowed him to carry on with things as he pleased, but pushed him in the right direction whenever they could.

Kaguya's case: Hayasaka was pretty much Kaguya's Doraemon, helping Kaguya out on whatever Kaguya requested her to do, and gave her advise on as much as she could. However, she left Kaguya to ultimately make her own decisions, and to face whatever consequences those decisions brought upon her. Lately she realised Kaguya has grown enough that she can be left alone, and she's bowing out her Kaguya's sake and for her own sake as well.

Iino's case: Osaragi has been Iino's friend for a long time. She knows very well that Iino has grown in a rather lonely household, and this has affected her in several ways. She also knows like working really hard, even though plenty of time her work goes unrewarded. She probably understands Iino better than probably Iino herself. However, in an attempt to what she probably seems to think is protecting Iino, she hasn't allowed her to grow up. Recently, she's gone as far as to act without Iino's knowledge to meddle in Ishigami's date, because she thinks Iino will realise soon she has feelings for Ishigami and if she gets rejected she'll be hurt.

I thought it's a rather straightforward (but well executed nonetheless) setup...

How will our girl Kaggers save both her relationships with Hayasaka and Prez?


Hayasaka doesn't deserve Kaguya.

Aka is going to sacrifice any possible romantic moments in Kyoto for drama, so nope.
Like so many authors he's so fucking allergic to showing a couple act like a couple on a constant basis.

But the couple is Kaguya and Hayasaka here, as clearly stated in this chapter.

Miko Lino

What is Kaguya going to do for Miyuki's birthday now that they're dating?

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Pay for his tickets to stanford considering they are leaving around then?
Marry him?

4 pages

Nothing because Hayasaka will act melodramatic and ruin his birthday just like she ruined their fucking date last chapter the fucking bitch.

Their date is supposed to be on the second day.
But she will ruin that because god forgive we get some actual romance for the main couple.

>Trips create unique social atmosohere
Yeah, we know that.

What will each character name their firstborn child?

>we get some actual romance for the main couple
did you skip from end of animu straight to the current chapter?

Yeah, there's been so much romance between them since the confession, llike the call chapter, and the Kaguya being needy chapter and, well, nothing else.

kek this ain't 5whorebun we'll have romance.

Kaguya has had worse romantic chapter then even fucking Bokuben.

Aka is creating obstacles and making characters do ooc shit just so he doesn't have to show actual romance
>they have to keep their relationship a secret (even from their closest friends)
>Shirogane is too busy with work he can't go on dates (oh no he can't take a day off)
>the family servants are spying on Kaguya (this wasn't a problem before)
>Hayasaka drama (good timing. She couldn't inform her before for some reason)
>Kaguya ignored Shirogane because she's too preoccupied with drama (if this isn't the most ooc shit I don't know what is)
>unfortunately they have to cancel their romantic date or just spend it talking about poor Hayasaka

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Aka probably got super fucking pissed off at people saying
>Justice for muh hayasaka
So now he is going to try and give her some fucking forced pity part arc and in turn completely ruin a nice romantic date that he has been building up for 10 chapters now.


>all this Hayasaka falseflagging
Damn, you guys are trying at least. Hope you snag a retard and maybe restart life back into the thread.

>An opinion I disagree with is falseflagging because I fail to give counterarguments

Sure thing, OOC poster.

What is a spoiler and why do you read them?

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I hope Aka is paying you well for your efforts

... this thread is especially awful. i hope my post will be last

What is a spoiler and why would you read them?

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get raped

Nice pasta

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Has Chika put those good tits to good use yet?

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Aka art seems somehow different

Calling him by his first name and lap pillow

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Keep it up, guys. It'll be a day and half without reaching bump limit. Let's aim for two days!

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This will be the best episode of this season right ?

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Imagine if Kaguya's family really is from the moon and is why they are so powerful


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They'll probably rush it to the double confession

that chapter was so kino

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I don't get why Japs would want to come here unless they wanna see Prince Edward Island cause of Akage no Anne.

Literally the last good chapter before we were plagued with filler hell.

It's gonna be a giant callback to the Tyndall Effect extra chapter

Literally everyone is aware of Paris syndrome by now, so Paris doesn't work as a dream destination anymore. That's why Japs look elsewhere.

>They have to keep their relationship a secret. (even from their closest friends)
Their closest friends, like Kashiwagi, Maki and Ishigami already know. Fujiwara is a blabbermouth when it comes to romance. It's dangerous to tell her.
>Shirogane is too busy with work he can't go on dates.
You've seen Kaguya's schedule. The problem goes both ways.
>the family servants are spying on Kaguya (this wasn't a problem before)
It's always been a problem since Kaguya always knew she was being watched. Both in the mixer chapter and the cosplay chapter before the school festival, she's concerned abou her family somehow discovering she's disobeying. Kaguya has always been paranoid.
>Hayasaka drama (good timing. She couldn't inform her before for some reason)
They literally explain why this chapter. Kaguya has been on cloud nine since she syarted dating Shirogane.
>>Kaguya ignored Shirogane because she's too preoccupied with drama (if this isn't the most ooc shit I don't know what is)
Her only ally in the mansion is leaving. It's like you completely ignored how much Kaguya relies on Hayasaka. As much as she loves Shirogane, it would be OOC from the person who said "I keep everythig I treasure close." to just let her closest ally leave without a fight.
>unfortunately they have to cancel their romantic date or just spend it talking about poor Hayasaka.
That's your problem. Kaguya has always been childish and selfish regarding those she loves. It's perfectly in character for her. Also it's not poor Hayasaka, since it's Kaguya the one who's getting left behind.

I hope he doesn't go the "spy on the girls bath except it was actually an old men bath" sub trope.

don't reply to trolls

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god no
that would be twice the pace of first season

>everyone who doesn't like how the manga is going or the blatant lack of prezxkaguya chapters since they started going out is a troll
Not my fault Aka is basically k.eeping their chapters to once per volume

I don't agree with some parts of what's been said but let's not deflect criticism or pretend there's nothing wrong with the latest chapters

we get a chapter per week, there's nothing to worry about. not every chapter needs to be about kaguya and prez

>or pretend there's nothing wrong with the latest chapters
because you really need something to go wrong so you can shitpost freely, right?

>we get a chapter per week

Lets not act like this is consistent nowadays.

user, December and January were special cases of official breaks coinciding with Aka's. Don't tell me you're that ESL who thinks Aka taking a week off counts as a "biweekly break".

Is any kind of criticism considered shitposting now?

Being fair lots of shitposters here like to disguise their bait as criticism, personally I can agree that there's been less Shirogane/Kaguya fluff as I'd like but I don't think the recent chapters not being that makes them bad in some way.

I've started watching the anime, why is it so good?


No one said every chapter has to be about them. But this is the problem with most romcoms, the author either ends the story with the confession or resorts to drama to avoid writing actual romance scenarios

They literally had an entire post-confession arc that actually goes beyond typical rom-com fluff, what more do you guys want?

There's a difference between arguing with arguments and baiting. Even if it's not your intention, which I doubt, that was an awful way to voice criticism. Words like drama and OOC are buzzwords if you can't properly support them.

There is an argument to be made that we've gotten less fluff recently but I think that has more to do with the amount of characters, comedy and plot progression being juggled than wanting to avoid writing romance, just seems needlessly cynical to think that. Anyway does this even qualify as the kind of drama that makes people upset?

More focus than we've got recently would be nice but it's not the biggest deal to me, Kaguya has always been good for more than just main couple imo.

Is there a new PV?

Kaguya'a character song had some new stuff.


Who wasn't expecting drama? The thing about fluff is that even fluff usually needs some structure underpinning it. In the beginning, it was the "war" premise. Not all chapters leaned on that, but the exceptions generally weren't fluff. Drama is pretty much inevitable in this vacuum.

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Fuck we are reaching the peak of the manga

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We're still two and a half seasons away from Ice though


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What is good about it?

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My wife maki

El observador de estrellas >>>>>>>>>>>> princesa de hielo

Where would Japanese tourists go in America anyway?

>being so happy because she touched Kaguya's uniform.
Erika really needs help. Thanks for the HQ raws user.


Karen misunderstood, didn't she?

Right now the B plots involving Hayasaka and Ishi/Lino/Tsubame are very interesting too.

Oh my sweet summer child.

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Good old days

Going to the city Zoo, or if you're in a private school there's an upper tier like going to an big waterpark. If you're rich enough you go to an graduation trip to some turist city in the south with contact with the ocean.

Why is Kaguya such a selfish little shit?
There have even been multiple occasions where Hayasaka's cried because her mother failed to show up for something and she never gets to see her since they both work full time yet every time that happens Kaguya just thinks she has a mother complex and finds it funny.
Hayasaka even outright calls Kaguya a selfish brat during the rap chapter and even then Kaguya can't get it through her thick skull that she's being a selfish bitch.

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Rest of her rap

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This, idk what Pres sees in her but I'd rather marry Iino or Fujiwara or any of the other girls than Kaguya

Kaguya is still a Shinomiya. She went from heartless bitch to entitled brat, which is considered an improvement, considering how awful the rest of the family is.
This definitely doesn't justify her attitude, and she herself understands she's not a good person.

Isn't this why we're having a Hayasaka arc?

Hayasaka, stop shitposting and go to sleep. You have to wake up early tomorrow

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Kaguya is basically a brainwashed kid, why doesn't Hayasaka blame the adults or her own mom who doesn't give a shit about her daughter working to death?

She has been like that all her life. For her that's normal, and probably her mom has even more responsibilities.
You need to be an outsider to understand how fucked the whole situation is.

Not anymore. Enjoy handling the main family on your own.

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Kaguyabros... What happened? Our manga is no longer relevant

I just wish these toubun shits could fuck off. They ruined these threads.

Be a salesfag somewhere else please.

I just read this whole series in like 3 days. What did I think of it?

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Toubun wasn't even mentioned here. I think we all know very well who ruined the threads

Shitposters? Previous threads showed that the salesfag was a diehard toubunfag.

I mean, by that same logic Hayasaka is also a brainwashed kid.

Bokuben? more like nikubenki.

no leg locking for you, ill saw off fujishit's legs


succ sum dick

da neck

This is how you write good romance. Take notes Aka

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>good romance

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