Traps are a delicacy that can only be appreciated by men of taste and culture

Traps are a delicacy that can only be appreciated by men of taste and culture.

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Other urls found in this thread:




Hang yourself

>only be appreciated by raging homosexuals

>dude just draw a girl and add a penis and call it a guy lmao lol
tired of this shit

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Traps are the best.

Attached: I5ClTeNIq99Kraasfqx3c0cV.png (1003x1417, 364.24K)

It's even more redundant in modern anime because it's used as the only defining trait of a character

Some are much better. Felix is a good character who is also a trap.

Attached: __felix_argyle_re_zero_kara_hajimeru_isekai_seikatsu_drawn_by_pilokey__564ee0746acf5535f005c2f70af6a4e1.jpg (1300x1708, 999.13K)

This but with shotas:
>too taboo for trap-lover normalfags
>too young for most fujoshits
>not gay enough for most homofags
>only those with the most refined taste can enjoy them

Attached: 1549816974518.png (1200x1600, 912.19K)

Interesting opinion. personally, I'm not that much into them, though I can make exceptions for the sper rare eternal shotas. Sadly, they're not as popular as eternal lolis.

An user with taste has entered the thread.

fantastic taste
added bonus if it's kemono

You are just as cringe as any other deranged trap lover.

What if its a cute kemono shota getting fucking by another cute kemono shota except he has a huge penis and ballsack?

I just like all kinds of men. Traps, shota, twinks, bara, old men, normal guys, and guys gender bendered into girls. As long as they're not fat.

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Hideyoshi is not a trap though.

>kemono shota

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very, very good

Traps are for men with big penises.

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Traps are for shotas with big penises.

Shotas are for men with big penises.

Attached: 65f384055ebe5ff02bd8eda5eaa7ba84.jpg (606x1000, 457.36K)

Shotas are for shotas with big penises.

but that's a hideyoshi

Men are for shotas with big penises.

Shotas with big penises are for men with big penises.

Men with big penises are for futas with way bigger penises.

Just have trap shotas.

Only if the shota isn't a boyish retard.

This but replace the men with shotas.
Futa on shota is Elder God of creation tier. Bonus points if they're mother and son.


This but the futa needs to have really big balls.

it's amazing how two similar tropes like traps and shotas cater to completely different audiences. traps please straight men, shitas please pedos

Fuck off homos.

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>thread talking about traps and shota
>but Futa is what's gay

Attached: 1558557235773.jpg (601x625, 73.23K)

Nice try but most traps are borderline shotas.

Is this your way to admitting you just like cocks without sounding gay according to your fragile ego?

Just admit you enjoy a cock up your butt or mouth.


Let me correct you, traps and shotas are gay in a good way but futas are gay in a bad way.

I hate that most traps fall into the trope of hating how girly they are/getting hit on by guys and doing nothing about it.
>have long hair with clips and have an extremely thin feminine body
>"STOP IM A GUY!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Hideyoshi's bullshit was the worst.

Fucking a trap is not gay, being fucked by a trap is what's gay.

Everybody knows that.

That makes things even hotter. Rape is nice.

that's because they're tsundere and deep down like it

>TFW Astolfo and Felix are the best traps with the best stories and character developments

Really makes you think, there is hope for this troupe

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only in the mind of pedos and fags (often the same people)

You only think futas are bad because you're scared of being dominated by them (something almost never happens with traps and shotas). Grow a pair and fuck them into submission like a real man if you don't want them to do it to you.

no way fag

I honestly don't even care any more whether there be a penis down there or not.
Pic related is just the perfect body type.

Attached: O_lain_who_art_in_heaven.png (831x622, 206.58K)

The thing is that most of the times these traps are underage (Well, not for the Japanese tho) and they are like women. Traps are no eternal, they'll eventually lose their beauty and appeal, and thus leaving that man (Extrap) alone with depression and desires to kill himself. The final solution is for them to get a nice wife (Procreate and have potential traps) and forget all the fag things they did in the past

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Isn't that the same thing with everything else?

Actual good anime with good traps?
Besides Baka to Test?
Love Astolfo, but Apocrypha was fucking terrible.
I know there are traps in other stuff, such as Felix or that one in dxd, but their series are shit and they aren't on screen enough.

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Tell that to all the 50+ yo fags that were selling their bodies at a young age. It's a sad reality, but... Anime and manga is not real, so fuck it. Keep on rolling delicious traps

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Reverse traps are far more patrician

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I self-insert as the traps/shotas getting dominated by strong men, naturally.
Futas are mostly disgusting women with big dicks.

traps reach their peak much earlier, they're rarely a thing after 18

Eren's way better written.

Attached: eren.jpg (378x917, 295.7K)

Just like every other "cute anime girl".
Lolis are of course even worse.

8man's show.

Traps are the worst qualities of a man and the worst qualities of a woman while tomboys are the best qualities of both.

I know this guy that when he was in his 10-16 he really was something else. After that he just looked like one of those of gay guys that cut hair.

MFW the trap starts becoming bald

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attractive girls do look good in their 20s and sometimes early 30s, traps do not

No thanks. Couldn't even get past the first episode.

>guy in doujin starts sucking off the trap

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>girls do look good in their 20s and sometimes early 30s

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That's the truth that kills the crnge trapfags.

What, are you trying to marry the trap or something? Once they get too old, just find another one.

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Imagine being like this faggot

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They just don't look like "cute anime girls" any more, so if that be what one's after, one is still lost.

See? This is how pedos think. The kid gets old, and just move on to another one, while the person gets to suffer from despair for the rest of their lives. Same thing with traps, since most of them are underage

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Welp, not my problem.

hot is better than cute anyway

But... Let me add something, and I'm Gonna say it again... Manga and anime are not real so fuck it. Just... Don't do this shit in real life

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Maybe so, but that doesn't change that whether the "cute anime girl" be male or female, he will age out of that look most likely.


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Only when they're like pic related.

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Nice. But there's not nearly enough shotaojis.

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Alright, let's hear it. I'm a fucking fag, alright? And anime is to blame.

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made me reply

Silly imbeciles, anime girls and boys don't age (unless the plot demands it). You can enjoy them without problem until your inferior human body and mind collapse and die.

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Rember when the trap kid got to fuck the main girl in ERASED?

My last lingering thread of heterosexuality.

Astolfo and Felix suck ass and are only popular because they are traps

This. There are much better traps out there.

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I love shotas. Got into them through traps. I was already a lolicon though so that's prob why I liked the younger traps.

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traps are for normal or masculine men with big penises such as myself

shotas belong in the trash

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forever young

Only reverse traps.

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Cuntboys > dickgirls

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Is that Kasima from Monthly Girl's Nozaki-Kun?

The only proper answer.

Attached: mpv-shot[CH]_Himegoto_EP02_[748194b7].mkv0003.jpg (1920x1080, 158.23K)

Kashima is hit or miss, sometimes she's drawn like a cute boyish female, sometimes like a full-blown otome bishonen

this is the ideal gay bottom

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>Traps are a delicacy that can only be appreciated by faggots.

Imagine a +20yo RUKAKO... yuck...

Attached: 72073297_2560467454013941_3863997598081221708_n.jpg (640x640, 105.38K)

Is there a good tranny actor that could be Rukako in the American Live Action adaption?

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I don't even deny it anymore. I'm a fag and I love traps.

I'm still in denial. I love traps, but I'm straight.

Actually traps are gayshit for homos.

Yoshi is best trap. Especially in his normal clothes. Something about the less flashy appearance, than other trap characters, makes him so cute.

Brown traps


Attached: brown_boys.jpg (706x1193, 287.21K)

My penis recognizes this one.

Trap shooting exists for a reason


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asian traps do

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based and truthpilled

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wearing 10 pounds of make-up sure

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Attached: 1575278030438.webm (1280x720, 1.07M)

Reverse image search, remember to utilize archives as well. You're not the first person who asked where that image originates from, and you won't be the last

Junyuu Surussu!

Attached: akaeboshi-binto-junyuu-surussu-kuro-gyaru-otokonoko-mama-2.jpg (950x1364, 426.41K)

I found it already but thank you nonetheless

Attached: Moyashimon 2 tales of Kei.jpg (2776x1004, 890.93K)

Attached: 175_img_033a.jpg (742x728, 122.61K)

PERFECT waifu.

Attached: _005.png (1219x1724, 566.48K)

Attached: _017.png (998x435, 193.23K)

Source? Couldn't find it with reverse image search

looks like josou seme trash

>josou seme
Actual homosexuality

No, it's drawing a girl with a body that could plausibly have been male and calling it a guy, otherwise known as drawing a guy in female clothing and calling it a guy.
These dudes are flat as a board and have slender hips.

Attached: ZnJPOad.jpg (1600x900, 130.68K)

Smug seme powerbottom's are god's gift to eather.

Attached: kaname.jpg (477x640, 46.07K)


They pretty much all are these days, put almost any shota in lewd girly clothes and you've basically got a loli with a dick.

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i'm straight but i would fuck this dude's ass doggystyle holding his forearms and forcing him to cum handsfree

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>and are only popular because they are traps
While this is mostly true, you must admit they are rather cute and their sheer cuteness alone attracts many.

It's almost like human beings don't develop secondary sex characteristics ere the come of puberty, and that any parent of a boy with long hair can tell you that their child is constantly mistaken for being a girl.
Cute girls exist boundlessly.
Personally, I preach the gospel of Locon; his characters have a more interesting personality and they're often deliciously smug.

I want to FUCK Hackadoll 3

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>dagashi's moyashimon works
Top tier. Easily some of my all-time favorites.

Well, lately many shotas are girly shotas that don't even need to crossdress to look like girls.
Just look at the most recent Pokemon shotas, many look girly even when they aren't crossdressing. Japan is definitely producing more cute girly shotas than ever before.

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True. 14-18 is the prime age for being a trap. After that, you should morph into an acceptable member of society in order to have a non inconvenient life.

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>most recent Pokemon shotas, many look girly even when they aren't crossdressing
Really? I haven't been following Pokemon lately, can you give some examples?

I wish Yas Forums had shota threads. I'm mainly lolicon but I'm also an aspiring shotacon.


Was this better than the first douj?

Where may it be found?

panda panda panda i got broads in atlanta

Nhentai. Find first then go to artist

Is this the way to spend charity time with your bro?

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-02 Izumikun - Page 28 » nhentai hentai doujinshi and manga.png (967x698, 520.94K)

Doesn't help much if one not know who the artist is.

Artist draws assholes like a champ

This is the latest youngster from Sword & Shield. He's looks quite girly, specially when compared with its past generation counterparts.
Then there's Allister which many people thought was a short-haired loli at first.
Bede is effeminate as fuck too (more like androgynous) and he's a rare fairy-type male trainer. Though, while still not crossdressing, the uniform he uses later in the game also just happens to be colored pink and baby blue and his hair is white. Quite interesting choice of colors considering everything else.
The newest anime have Gou as Ash's companion which was intentionally designed to be androgynous and he does look girly at times.
Japan's pushing girly boys right and left, I tell you. I mean they always did but more so now.

Attached: SSYoungster.png (400x340, 125.48K)

Traps are the future

Thanks, love.

Pic related is Ash/Satoshi's new travel partner.

Attached: 1566599274733.jpg (1971x1554, 500.18K)

What a cute girl!

Indeed he is.

Attached: 1575485857137.png (531x774, 194.28K)

that is gay but not a lie.

This gen Game Freak really wanted to please shotacons (and fags in general, all of the male NPC are /cm/ material) by creating cuties like Allister, Youngster and Pikaboy.

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Attached: AstolfoAstolfo_14.png (1387x1217, 1.45M)

>he didn't see the elder-god creation that is future Rukako in SG;0
was the only good part of that shitfest
Tarzan looking good too, I'd say. Needs more fanart.

The feels; this normally never happens.

What man would possibly care whether it be "gay"?
"gay" is something invented by Abrahamic religion and psychiatry: the former, the elder excuse to control what a man does, the latter, the newer.
He is but surely a weak man, who believes in, or cares for this so-called "gay".

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I only like traps when its with a woman. Just the fact that the penis is there turns me off when the partner has other penis. A trap fucking a woman is hot because it looks like two lesibans but its still straight in the end, like despite the appearance of a sissy the guy refarrirms his masculinity by still fucking a girl. Double points if its trap x tomboy

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>Traps are a delicacy that can only be appreciated by men of taste and culture.
I mean, first I was all about the traps and feminine penis and shit but then I fell down the rabbit hole of of josou seme and the thought of getting slam-fucked by a feminine girl really gets me cranking.

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For me, it's Yuuko-chan

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I wish this artist didn't draw super strange feet, they're like Ayylmao hands

Bless Yuruyakatou

Haven't read that one.

Wish CZ's all about femboy would get translated

Absolutely patrician.
Shotas are heaven.

Is there even doujins of this anime? I expected it to blow up but looks like people are picky when it comes to traps nowadays

There isn't much cause Himegoto is shipped with 3 girls, straight traps are a super small market.

I want to karate chop his neck

>Haven't read that one.
Standard Dibi fare, though it's surprisingly vanilla. None of the usual torture.

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is the difference between trap and futa simply that the futas have a vagina?

>Fucking a man/boy isn't gay.
>Homosexuality is defined by sexual intercourse involving two males.
I see you're in denial.

Why are you so afraid to admit you're a raging faggot?

Fags you mean

Tall traps are so good.

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This one good?

Did we ever truly decide on whether traps are gay? I know this has been a burning issue for Yas Forums for years.

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homosexuality is too broad a term. Adrophiles like men Gynephile like women. Only gynephile like traps but not most andros. tldr futa/trap is a hetero fetish.

Shimakaze feminine penis

That they have female secondary development, like breasts and wide hips.

I mean I've seen plenty of futas with small breasts and hips. Since that is my preference. I guess I just ignore the rest.

Still I feel like saying secondary development is too much, they do have some, they aren't lolis.

Any trap who isn't in this guide is not worth your time.

Attached: guide to traps.jpg (2686x3367, 2.63M)

Does anyone know the name of the oneshot where a college student wakes up dressed as a girl and believes that he's actually turned into a girl? I've been trying to find it again for a few years now.

There is the alt BL ending but to my knowledge it's sadly never been scanned.

Alt BL ending? More info please
>inb4 reddit
It's the only place that has it.

Why couldn't hachimitsu scan this too lol

He's not interested

Attached: 001.png (992x1403, 425.99K)

Oh you asked her? Dam . She did the whole series I thought

Depends on whether they have "small breasts" or are "flat" in the way a male is.
If they're flat, what makes it anything else from a male?

Real men are not flat.

Attached: p7682qEdIe1rdkocp_1280.jpg (1280x1256, 423.44K)

no thanks

There's real differences in male vs female bone structure.
However most traps are meant to appeal guys so it's basically just draw a girl with a penis and call it male.

And this is why liking breasts is a form of homosexuality — it's just a gateway drug to bara.
That would mean that they have breasts and wide hips beyond what a male could plausibly have if not suffering from some hormonal disorder.

>even barafags are straighter than trapfags
Is there anything more homosexual than liking traps?

Anime Traps and girls have almost the exact same body. The big breasts and hips is not a human universal for women, I live in a place where most girls are like 154cm and have small breasts and hips.

Also most traps in anime have the bone structure of girls, narrow sternum, narrow shoulders, thin waist. It's not just about being thin and flat. Which is why very few fembois irl can pull it off. Also anime trap faces are female while fembois have some male characteristic.

As far as I can tell anime traps are girls with dicks. Real life traps are feminine boys.

>draw a girl
>call it a boy

It's shit.

Real traps are hard to find

>Also anime trap faces are female while fembois have some male characteristic.
Most anime males and females have exactly the same face.

they have smaller chin, bigger eyes / eyelashes usually

You mean by men who taste semen and have a culture of getting pozzed at gay bars.

Ah, a fellow man of culture. Shotas are really cute.

Anyone else really like it when you're genuinely unsure whether the character in a picture is supposed to be a boy or a girl?
Some boats are pretty good for this since people keep drawing them as traps.

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Don't be ridiculous, traps aren't hairy enough for those people.

This. I like cute boys who look like boys.

Yeah, they have the same body as , which is rare design for a female character.

>no Kaname-kun from Locon
shit tier.

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>tfw no kaname bf

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I'm scared how much hotter traps are than girls. I ave trouble getting it up with my gf at this point. Her big tits never did much for me but now they just get in the way and look wrong.

Would you a Jenny Flowers?

>too young for most fujoshits
Inazuma Eleven fandom is fujoshi central.
>not gay enough for most homofags
Shota is banned on /y/ but people post it anyway because homos can't live without dem bois.

>josou seme
Best tag ever invented.

Faggots should be crucified. Long live the loli!

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pedo's get the bullet too

by degree of the peoples committee and comrade general stalin, traps are declared bourguise and gay.

A bit late but here

>shotatard pretends to be a healthy person just to get back at me
Ha, won't work

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I for one love both traps and lolis.

>Delicious brown traps
The real endgame

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>josou seme

Attached: Geh.png (373x177, 85.66K)

>Traps are a delicacy that can only be appreciated by men of taste and culture.

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I just want my 2D traps to have sex with 2D girls.

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How did he get shorter?

Ok, so what exactly is the seperating line between a character being a trap and a character just crossdressing? Like, at what point does a character that crossdresses truly become a trap? How many repeat happenings would need to happen for it to apply?

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how do i stop fapping every fucking day

>what exactly is the seperating line between a character being a trap and a character just crossdressing?
This line only exists in your head and protects you from being gay.
If you want, you can fap to burly men in girly clothes and call them traps, thus staying straight.

Mi negro.
You should get tired eventually. I used to be addicted, yet nowadays I fap usually once a day, twice at most. Sometimes I do it only 3-4 times a week.

>I fap usually once a day, twice at most.
nigger thats my state now
normal people fap once 2 weeks or something

based retard

dumb incel

>blue dude from utena

Normal vanilla trap porn doesn't work anymore I fapped so much to submissive traps I can now only fap to dom traps

>implying you are not cut from the same cloth as "homofags"

Shota traps are the absolute best.

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Hideyoshi's the only trap I've ever fapped to.


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Yeah, if they get laid. Which we don't.

>normal people fap once 2 weeks or something
And i thought fapping 2-3 times a week was normal

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>Used to fap to sub traps getting dommed
>Now Josou seme is one of my go-to tags

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men are better at everything except at being men

Boyish trap > Draw a girl, call it a boy

Attached: Gay.png (1107x1600, 506.06K)

>no idea, it was all a huge mess

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>modern traps all look pubescent
Where are all the characters where trapness is just an incidental character trait?

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>only be appreciated by men of taste and culture
Weird way to say faggots.


How do you feel about genderswapped female-to-traps? Should it be utilized more often in shows?

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I think it's very underrated.

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This is a pretty great thread to spot all the newfaggotry on Yas Forums, keep up the great work OP.

Underage traps are the sexiest

>Implying that most Trap fags arent pedos too

>you can't get fucked by Iori in this game
Such a disappointment

Trap hooking up with tomboy.

I thought they were essentially the same thing. A trap just looks cute and feminine enouogh to trick you into believing he's actually a girl

MEN attracted to female-looking traps are straight and never pedo because straight men can never be pedo, only bisexuals and gays can

of course bois who consider shotas like Chico from Boku no Pico traps are pedoes (they're also gay or bi)

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you posted a transexual not a trap retard

Fuck traps

>Female cousin got butthurt when realized that pic related wasn't a boy

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Sauce? Sauce nao a shit

Real men like boys who look like boys.

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That is right OP, indeed there is nothing wrong with homosexuality.

>he doesn't want to be a cute girl

Attached: trapshuh.png (1209x532, 459.79K)

>durrr pedo bad
>posts the anime girl that made everyone slowly convert to pedophillia

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I've gone far enough down the rabbit hole I'm can deal with straight up fujo yaoi as long as it's josou seme.

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Fuck off back to Yas Forumseddit.

> Once they get too old, just find another one.
Works for Leonardo DiCaprio.

Why didn't Kenshin just rape him to assert dominance?

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>posts Nadia with lighter skin

no,you are just gay

Autistic people tend to have an inclination to like anime.
Trannies have a very high tendency to be autistic.
Do the math.


Attached: traps are gay.png (2092x1656, 2.13M)

>josou seme
Even normal yaoi is less gay than josou seme

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why are tomboy niggers so insecure acting out likes theres some sort of competition between the two if that was the case traps won a long time ago

this except the last part
imagine not liking both

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I love Binto.

I like both I just cant stomach shitposters who try to incite imaginary wars between the two

You mean fags?

Based fuck traps and fuck tomboys

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Traps are not gay. As a heterosexual male, anything that makes my cock hard is a woman, traps included, because I am not a faggot.

Cope. I win again.

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Absolutely based and hackadoll #3 is the best

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what a great thread

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Why not Trap x Shota

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>>not gay enough for most homofags
Most pedophiles are homo though.

At times I'm worried about how degenerate society is becoming, then I recall that all of you will be burning in hell when all is said and done, so that mitigates the anger.

>no homo'd his male friend

Crim is honestly the best part of Ishuzoku Reviewers. I also became a faggot through anime.

What's the proper way to respond to a trap teasing you?

Violent sexual bullying.

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You destroy them.

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You fuck it hard. You must teach the trap to not mess with you by fucking it silly.

It depends on the situation, but my favorite is to rape them and make sure they don't enjoy it.

Rape. Otherwise, the teasing will never stop.

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>and make sure they don't enjoy it.
What if they're an extreme M?

Then I remain calm and just tie them up with no other stimulation, so that they learn I don't tolerate brats.

Porn "characters" don't count, buddy.

Boku no Pico 1 is the only good one, the brown-haired shota ruined the series.

Even Boku no Pico 1 is flawed as fuck, the male sucks off the trap is unpleasant

>josou_seme + sole_male
This is the perfect combination of tags and nobody can convince me otherwise.

It has a nice theme though

But masos like denial play.

I don't see #3 on that list.

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You heard me, fucko.

Only some, they do like that, then I just revert to If they like both, I engage exclusively in jerking them off gently, since they have particular fetishes, they'll want to engage in those instead rather than whatever vanilla shit I actually subject them to.

>>not gay enough for most homofags
wrong, because you are a homofag

nowhere in that post it is said otherwise
and he did say most, not all

Just at this anthology, tons of great shots stories.

shit you're right. Implying that homofags could have refined taste threw me off

My favourite ones are chapter 2.1 as a oneshot and all the Emiri ones for longer stories.
Twitter trap manga which recently got serialised, pretty cute.

I love cute boys so much, shame there's a shortage of translated content. I wan't boy love, not man love god damn fujoshits.

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Were you guys unhappy with Needless's ending?
I liked it.

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>trap becomes female


Fuck it.

Start crossdressing and outdo him in sexiness.

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That's brutal.

Become a fellow trap and start teasing him.

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Whats with all the yogurt

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But this is a Hideyoshi?

B-but she is strong!

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I wholeheartedly agree
I wish I was a shota

Yeah, except...

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Dude i geniuenly like Astolfo as a person as well as want to bury my dick in his boipussy

That is an angel and angels have no gender

That's Naga Ichi, I can tell that much.

Dangerously cultured individual


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japan has fucked my life

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Lel only a kid has a body like that this is just crossdressing shotacon shit

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Between anime and imageboards, yeah I would probably be in the same boat as you on that one

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Why? Being gay is a good thing. Don't let anybody make you think otherwise, user. Don't be a sheep.

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Yes, and they are definitely not gay.

>but futas are gay in a bad way.

I demand more trap pics

Attached: feels good.jpg (300x303, 6.59K)

FUCK traps.

tenderly, and if not, make sure to comfort them after getting rough

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beverage brewed from Kei's gay coomies


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Proneboning him isn't gay, right?

>you will never wake up to this

Life is suffering.

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As long as you push him down into the mattress really hard with all your weight and groan loudly into his ear while you slam his tiny butt, its not gay.

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I want to commit a sin with that boy.

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The King in Yellow

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What's your opinion on smug traps with big butts?

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Shy traps>smug traps

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shit taste


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Why is this thread even still up?

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Why wouldn't it be?

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