Shadow Mistress Shamiko

Shadow Mistress Shamiko

or Shamiko for short

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Other urls found in this thread:

No its Shadow Mistress Yuko, or Shamiko.

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Only real one has shamicock

I want Monmo to fuck me

Why are demon/devil/vampire/succubi girls so top tier?

I love my Shadow Mistress

More like Shamiko IS short.

Horns and fangs are cute.
All there is to it.

Anyone else listen to this show when they fall asleep? I've been playing it every night for a while, for some reason it helps me get to sleep real quick.

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what does shamipee taste like

Monmo voice is relaxing

Wasn't that spanish guy going to translate the stuff from that facebook page?

Shamiko pinning down Momo with her shamistrength to the shamiground.

Shit devil, shit show.

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user no

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Shadow Mistress Ryouko

or Shamiko for short

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>shamiko with her conjoined twin mikan

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My wife ryoko is so cute

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Like GNU is Not Unix?

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Probably not since you're so easy to incite and that's what this guy wants, attention.

why does art featuring anything other than the Sanctioned Pairing cause this guy to get so fucking butthurt

Is yuri accepted in Mazoku's society? Will a marriage between a light clan and a dark clan be accepted? What will be the future of Monmo and Shamshami?

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Why can't Yuta fuck his fellow A.I.?

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You know why.

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This kills the mazoku

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GNU's Not Unix!

sorry user it is you who is the shitposter

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futa mistress yuko

Horns, tails, different skin colours and the tendency to drain your balls dry.

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My gf

in your dreams momo

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TIps on achieving this body type?

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Looks too cool. Sakura is a shamiclass dork through and through.

Be an autistic peach

Diet and manboob reduction surgery.

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Mikan is quite cute.

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apparently exercise but have a poor diet

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it's a funny crop

Because they're all sluts, Shamiko included

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You're not a slut if you want to have sexual relations with your future wife.

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Shamiko is pure!

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but you're the only one posting about it

the only person epic meme shitposting here is you, user

She should date shamiko

that would be cute but Momo would kill herself and that wouldn't be cute
I can't see anybody dating anybody else in this manga

>I can't possibly be wrong, this entire thread must be the work of one man who wants to ruin everything forever

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Just post more shamicute, its not like anything meaningful will happen in this thread

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As pure as a shameless SLUT can get

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ah, Shamicute

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let Lilith sleep

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What does Shamiko's tail taste like?

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Mikan best girl

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Post bugsenzo

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where is shami being taken to?

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momo cave

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Just ignore and report him for being off-topic

I say it again, Momo keeps getting NTRed by Mikan that its not even funny anymore

Is chapter 58 the last one that got translated here?

If so I'll download the raws, start translating when I get home and post them either this night or tomorrow

he said if there was no new chapters from sunrise arrow, but then there were 2

Oh yeah I forgot that they did the snake chapter. How about if I dump my chinese whispers this Friday?

How about we create a stealth thread next time?


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I keep seeing fanart of the magial girl and the devil girl on twitter. Didn't this show finished airing months ago? Why is it still popular? Should I watch it?


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It's still popular here because it appeals to a certain audience that likes to have many threads even after something finishes airing. Not that I'm really complaining.

>a certain audience that likes to have many threads even after something finishes airing
You mean autists?

Shamiko is my cute autistic crocs wearing husband (female)'s cute girlfriend!

I was thinking the people of /u/, but close enough.

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That wasn't an actual new chapter though, was it? I think it had already been TL'd by a kind user.
Please give us new translated chapters user, it's been weeks.
Please do, it's better than waiting for the Reddit group, and anything too major can be corrected anyway.

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Please read my post, Daisuke!

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more like Daisukissmyass

Black licorice



Is there enough content for a S2 yet?

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Getting pegged by monmo

There's enough content for multiple volumes they just haven't been translated yet.

>tfw I posted pretty early in the thread he read but my post wasn't even shown in the video.

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S2 can cover all the way up to Shamiko meeting Sakura.

I'd be willing to bet that Seiko & Joshua broke the 'color' barrier long before Shamimo did.

Shamiko is a failure

The only failure is these threads lately.

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>mfw he read my FRESH PEACH WHEY PROTEIN post

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>Why is it still popular?
Because it is good and the manga is still ongoing
>Should I watch it?
Yes, if you like cute girls

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>stick = rocket launcher

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If its long and you can hold it then its a stick

Shadow mistress Shamiko or Shashamiko for short?

>Why is it still popular?
It's good, the manga is still getting translated (well, in theory anyway, hopefully someone does another chapter or two in the threads soon) and the fans of it are very.... Dedicated? Not sure that's the right word but it's close enough to what I mean.
>Should I watch it
Yes, it was the best show of last year but because it wasn't being shilled by CR/Funi it thankfully flew relatively under the radar here.

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shammi for extra short
sha-sha-shammy for when her spaghetti is slippery

so does she, peachlet

Would (You), yes (You) make Shamiko a Shamommy?


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for moeshit this is all surprisingly coherent

>for when her spaghetti is slippery

it has hella soul and deep lore and it's much better than Kaos' show and Shammy is Kaos Demon+
it also doesn't do anything particularly new BUT does things RIGHT and the animation is decent, which is rare in Reiwa 1

Wow, rude.

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Bro, the way it's going to go is the way it's already going. You're not very experienced with this type of manga if you don't understand that.

user, I...

This is oddly hypnotic

Actually Ito is my uncle and she sent me the drafts for the next chapter and they all get faceless white dress shirt with long pants and black hair boyfriends.

I don't believe you.

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>[just] a good friend

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Is that supposed to be proof? The fact that she remembered her birthday is proof? Despite an entire chapter being about Momo forgetting her birthday.

only lovers and dramafags care about birthdays, and Momo is no dramafag

>I wonder why my good friend invited me to dress up and go to a super fancy restaurant with just the two of us. is it something important? haha.

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There's entire levels of irony to this, because yes Shamiko did only invite Momo because Anri told her to and not due to any hidden motives.

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Shamilester has her own issues.

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Party time in the gosenzu room

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So S2 this year?

so is the Gosenzonahole confirmed to contain powered Lily? p. fugged lad

No S2s, only death and coughing.

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forgot pic

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They said in an early chapter that the Gosenzu statue is like a LAN that connects to her dimension or something, its something that keeps her tethered to the world, but she's not inside the statue. If the statue gets destroyed she gets sealed in her dimension forever without being able to look out anymore, since nothing ties her to the world anymore.

Its very likeable

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Ki Ki

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What if she, like, just got drawn into a different but similar looking statue? One without the horns?

Girls definitely do that, though. Momo also doesn't have a lot of friends, so it makes sense that she'd take Shamiko more seriously.

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the offer to be her vassal is pretty implicit in Shamiko becoming Momo's housewife in exchange for her loyalty, and Ancestor urges her to use her power of seduction

>Momo sees Shamiko and Mikan on a date a day after introducing the both of them
>Just makes some lethargic excuses and finds a way to quickly escape the situation
Why is she like this?

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Stop. Stop engaging.

Ryoko looks cute but I dont like her evolved art that much because she covers her legs. Thank god now the game allows you to change between evolved and pre-evolved designs.

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Since when Momo and Mikan are allowed to enter Lilith's dimension?

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Why is Lilith a slav

The best of friends

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you sound really triggered

Momo's just a Yas Forumsitzen from a broken home, it makes sense that she'd be won over so easily by a domestic demon. Between Mikan and herself, the alternatives don't look so great.

>Ancestor urges her to use her power of seduction
She's basically a succubus in everything but name, though. It's also Lilith saying that, so you can't really take it seriously.

Shamiko goes for it though, and only Momo's inability to believe she would be allowed to have nice things keeps her from taking the offer

Shamiko's lust for Momo's belly is noted elsewhere, and direct parallel is made between those two and Seiko/Joshua. If it is yuri baiting, it is as close as it can get to canonical without going over the edge.

>She's basically a succubus in everything but name, though. It's also Lilith saying that, so you can't really take it seriously.
That's why you take it seriously

She's a seduction demon, its one of her clans abilities. Even though it failed she did try to seduce Momo using her cooking and promises of cleaning for her. Shamiko doesn't know about sex or anything, so she wouldn't tempt her with anything like that. We know her mom lies to her whenever she has to tell Shamiko anything uncomfortable, and she especially lied to Shami since Shamiko was a weak child who could barely live until last year. Chances are shami was never given any sort of sex talk. They also don't have a functioning TV, they only have old video games.

i'm not him though

Anything overly lewd is probably on the list of topics Gosenzo isn't allowed to talk with Shamiko about under a threat of getting drowned in sake. Not that Gosenzo has any firsthand experience to share.

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What's to stop her and Ryoko browsing the internet on their laptop and running across a shady porn site?

They only got a computer just recently. Momo probably put a child lock on it in order to protect Shami.

Why would anyone at all believe you when you're so blatantly lying?

It's sad, but a shady porn site can probably give Shamiko better relationship advice than Lilith.

they're supposed to seductive nitwit

shamiko is soo fluffy

Too cute

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>One of Shamiko's curses is supposed to make her have bad luck with dogs, so she doesn't get along with them well
>Yet she gets along well with Ugalla, who is basically a dog
Explain that one Light clan fags

Suddenly your curses don't seem so great.

So cute, and yet potentially the most dangerous character in the story.

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>Is that supposed to be proof?
how about the pic of shamiko and Momo above the pic of Joshua and Seiko
if that's not foreshadowing I don't
know what is

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I am hoping that Mikan shopping for school clothes for Ugalla means Uga/Ryo interaction is coming this year.

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Ryo is already potentally the most dangerous character as she is both smart and not burdoned by an eccentric personality. If Ugalla decides that Ryo is the job she is looking for, imagine how much more powerful Ryoko can become even if she never gets horns and a tail.

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Ryoko is even more of a demon at heart than her big sister, and doesn't have the horns and tail to give it away.

What makes a demon? Is it the horns on their head, or the evil in their hearts? If it's the former then shamiko is the greatest demon so far, and if it's the latter then all magical girls are more demons than the demons

What type of horns do you think Ryoko would have if she had more demon blood?

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Little Devil, obviously.

but then what did Shammi mean in?



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Ryo is outright brilliant
-Saw right through Gusion
-Plays Momo like a damn fiddle
-Offers sound advice to Shamiko
-Distrusts the light clan
-Figured out what happened to Sakura

Shamiko is great! She's like if you took Kaos and removed all the fucking suck from her (which is a lot because Kaos blows ass).

The autism lab

Shamiko is not a defeatist
Kaos is a massive defeatist

Are there translations of the event yet?

Death Stranding delivery work
>carrying heavy burdens over long distances
>solving complex logistic problems
>going through haunted areas without getting your soul ripped out

Can't imagine a job Shami would be worse at.

Now if only I could actually roll her...

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obviously the cute little oni nubs

Fuck mikan!

Do I have to beat the event? The boss is way too hard.

No, if you can beat the boss then just grind a for a few minutes one of the other event quest that drops the event items. Also dont forget to grab another event character from the friend and randoms list for those sweet extra drops

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*can't beat the boss
I'm too drunk so i'll go to sleep

They should all just have a big orgy desu. That way every shipper can be happy.

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So as Sion is revealed as Gusion, is Anri confirmed assassin?

Do you think Shamiko is confused about how babies are made after Mikan became a mama?
i think Momo and Ancestor should show her the natural process, some hands on learning if you will, shamiko is a slow learner afterall.

Anri is Satan

So we got Metatron, Zikiel, Azazel, Satan and Gusion. The town they live in literally is named pandemonium.
What's next?

Shamiko is an exhibitionist.

Would you rather cuck monmo, or shamiko

If you cucked Momo she'd kill you out of anger, if you cucked Shamiko then Momo would kill you then herself because she'd feel so guilty.


Don't underestimate the powers of the Dark clan

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>check one of the kirara fantasia wikis
>found one that it has all the battle grunts
>clean rips of Kiki kanri, "dont think this means you've won", awawa and many other shamiko noises
I'll download them and listen it while I go to sleep from now on

>they even have a card editor
Fucking sweet

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It's Yuuko! Shadow Mistress Sha... Y U U K O!

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is this the only one of these? you can't mix and match any two characters?

This'll be my new wallpaper

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>thin books
Please stop trying to translate.

>tfw you will never spend eternity with Gosenzo in her comfy space


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good night

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source image?

what are those tissues for?

back to where it belongs


Now this is mood

Do your best Shamiko!

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FUCK Shamiko

Which one has all the battle grunts and card editor? Is it one of the English ones or one of the Japanese language ones?

But it's entirely correct, everyone who's going to read that is well aware of the connotation behind the term used, Ryouko wouldn't be saying "saw that kind of thing in all those yuri doujins I've read".

Please don't engage the troll. Thank you.

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Kill me Shami

Momo getting in trouble with the cartel after interfering in a hitjob!
Momo taking down said cartel after they start coming after her!
Momo creating a power vacuum in their leadership!
Momo indirectly starting violent gangwars!
Momo shattering once peaceful places and making hotzones even worse as new gangs form to take advantage of the situation!
Momo plunging large parts of Mexico in violent internal struggles!

Now that Ito is back I hope she moves on and gives us more Ryo content. Unfortunatly I don't think she has been in enough yet to justify a Ryo-chan's Daily Life spin off manga at this point.

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Oh I didn't realise it was that guy.

>thankfully flew relatively under the radar here.

What? Kirara shows are pretty popular here you dummy

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I mean in the West in general, outside of Yas Forums it was basically unknown because it was streamed by Hidive rather than one of the more popular services.

We do not accept Lilithdollars here.

My impression was the series has exploded in popularity during the last few episodes when people discovered it has an actual plot progression and character development (told ya so). Its current mangadex stats don't look bad at all.

When Shami finally loses it.

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>there's no _p1.png
Every time

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You can still wait for it.

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Why is momo hanging around that lewd fox? she's a bad influence!

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Isn't it Shadow Mistress Shuuko?

nvm it's Yuko

It's Shadow Master

My girlfriend

Who is Kaos?

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You ever fall in love with a show because they show little bits of details and everyday life of the main characters like how uncomfortable demon horns are especially if you suddenly got them?

Also this is the only Magical Girl Show (technically) that actively show the characters actually training and not just get a boost of power by doing nothing.

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Happy birthday Momo!

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What does Shami get Monmo for her tanjobi

No because I sleep on my back like a normal person

Sleeping on your sides is a bad idea

We are talking about a person with demon horns here... "Normal person"

Having horns doesn't change how her body works, it actually just makes sleeping on her side even worse. A real person sleeps on their back

>90 percent of replies are just "Monmo"

Is it really today?

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A "real" person also tosses and turn before in their sleep and not just sleep motionless like a cold emotionless robot.

no, that only means you gotta shitty mattress
only time I ever toss and turn is when i'm trying to sleep on anything but my back

momo's birthday is the 25th

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today the peach festival

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Do you understand that there are other humans or other creatures beside you out there in the world or do you think everything feels and acts the same way you do?

Yuko have a shitty mattress and the author decided that she sleeps better with a donut shaped pillow because her horns bother her.

Are you again going to argue that everything revolves around you?


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Its actually Peach day but close enough

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then sleeping on your side is the most normal way to do it. i'm stomach position

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My husband (female) looks so soft bros...

How do we stop this sexual predator?

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Monmo has the weirdest fetishes

Light clan submission technique?

user... she's a welfare unit. You can get her by just playing the event.

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Why doesn't Momo just be direct and confess to the dumb demon?

she's afraid of driving her away and being alone again

Pretty much this



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I love this artist

Momo, you have to stop.

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>no best shamiface

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Post big Shami horns

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I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Shamiko, is in fact, Shadow Mistress Yuuko, or as I've recently taken to calling her, Yuuko plus Shadow Mistress.

Shamiko is not a demon unto herself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning Mazoku system made useful by Ryouko, the ancestatue, and vital weight training comprising a full Dark Clan descendent as defined by Izumi Itou.

Many momoiro magical girls are in love with a modified version of Shadow Mistress Yuuko every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of Yuuko which is widely used today is often called "Shamiko", and many of its users are not aware that she is basically the Dark Clan, descended from Lilith.

There really is a Shamiko, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Yuuko is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the Dark Clan's monthly 40000 yen to the expensive cellphone that she buys. Yuuko is an essential part of a Mazoku, but useless by herself; she can only function in the context of a Crisis Management transformation. Yuuko is normally used in combination with the Shadow Mistress Crisis Management transformation: the whole system is basically Yuuko with Shadow Mistress added, or Shadow Mistress Yuuko. All the so-called "Shamiko" distributions are really distributions of Shadow Mistress Yuuko.

Attached: cap_[Erai-raws] Machikado Mazoku - 07 [1080p]_00_05_15_01.jpg (1920x1080, 201.33K)

She should.know that won't happen.

Are Mahous Windows?

Attached: 1535546095515.png (253x217, 13.49K)

Goat is Not yUuko


Attached: i am mazoku girl.png (239x309, 195.63K)

Attached: Shamiko joker.jpg (1280x720, 126.21K)


Would Momo kill me if I tried to have sex with Shamiko?


Yes. Next question.

Wasn't there an anime about that? About a magical girl killing some cartel guys in Tijuana?

Spec Ops Asuka?

No. But she would kill Shamiko.


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Yeah that one. Its fucking weird seeing my city in an anime

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Go back.

>not 4k
redo it you pleb

I love you both.
*Eats dead skin from foot*.

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I dont understand

Does Momo love Shamiko?

Momo's heart is dead


>he doesn't understand what sorry Shamiko means
>17 years since moot founded Yas Forums

Why'd you quote me though

Shamiko revived her heart

Attached: 76215704_p0.png (768x1024, 865.15K)

fuck mikan


Momo is in the boot of my car lads. Have to take her home to where Shamiko is waiting now.


I was expecting corn.

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-03-03 22-41-30.png (348x290, 155.92K)

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Sex with mikan!

Straight from the tap.

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Attached: Screenshot from 2020-03-03 23-30-45.png (393x391, 236.2K)

how can you say you love shamiko if you won't even eat her poop

So this is Fresh Peach Heart Shower.

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Was there a thread where the raws of the latest chapter got posted?


The voice clips without context make my little mazoku the big mazoku. These girls are all so great.

Attached: the crew.png (1500x1250, 1.82M)

At least for me, some of Mikan voice clips sound so lewd

Attached: みかん.png (1280x720, 1.04M)

She's gonna overheat drop the control rods!

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I want a dose of some of that vitamin cunnny

Ponytails > Twintails, especially when there's Shamitail.

I asked because someone on /きらら/ uploaded the new Kirara Carat issue. Should I dump the chapter now or wait and start a new thread when this one gets archived?

Just post now and repost later mi hombre.


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>Didn't this show finished airing months ago?
>Why is it still popular?
Because it's got fun inside jokes, a wry sensibility to its satire and Shamiko is very moe.
>Should I watch it?
I dunno, it's pretty funny. You don't sound like you have much of a sense of humour.

Attached: p-0057.jpg (1350x1938, 696.34K)

>low key tummy touch

Mikan is pure sex.

And this is the last page.

Attached: p-0058.jpg (1350x1938, 703.94K)

where is all this clean audio coming from?

Its from one the Kirara Fantasia wikis, just select a character and go to the voice tab.

You can also explore the assets and download the backgrounds, audio and other shit from here

>Gosenzo with glasses


Good night

Attached: zzzzzzzhamiko.png (2000x2000, 252.96K)

>let me in mazoku

Attached: p-0058_1.jpg (65x162, 6.39K)


Attached: file.png (201x223, 45.09K)

Lilith is so fashionable
yeah I saw that it was good

sugoi jaimpu

no scars?

it's not the real Momo

>tfw bought a bunch of vitamin c tablets as corona prepping

>no voice tab for nene
>no voice tab for kaosu
>no voice tab for haruka or kanata
Fuck this

My heart

Attached: characard_35041000.png (750x1000, 380.28K)

>she doesn’t look particularly happy to be eating whatever the fuck that is
Further proof that pankeiki >>> othershit.

Attached: 4A17E273-3996-4B50-A6EA-851E055BD105.jpg (720x1093, 552.99K)

>Shamiko worked up over her husband getting a compliment

where was Momo keeping all that stuff anyway

Someone's going to get forked

imagine falling in love with a goat

Shamiko is not a goat
she is the GOAT

Attached: __yoshida_yuuko_and_chiyoda_momo_machikado_mazoku_drawn_by_sako_yurika__d228d3cf5b0a17e0fb5ab0b06639bd2c.jpg (5922x4092, 2.63M)

dork goat

Calm down dumb Airplane Yukari

she's a sheep

At least looking for them in the assets folder is fairly easy

>That c96 doujin where Shamiko awakens as a nudist demon still hasn't been scanned
It hurts.

Attached: A6EE7230-1B88-4A7F-AD0C-D4EE2C61E1CF.jpg (758x692, 94.74K)

Died thred

Attached: IMG_20200303_120428.jpg (700x524, 100.09K)

what's it say, dweebs?

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Monmo is an evil groping demon

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>The inside of the cape has a small hammerspace, she stores the sword in there as well.

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my ancestor :)

Attached: lilith cute.jpg (850x1045, 151.36K)

New translated chapter when?


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This series was awful. I am addicted to kawaii and I couldn't even finish this.

Are you not going to post the second one? Then I will

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Where can I get a Shamidoll?

3D print one



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that's it I'm gonna read the spic scans fuck sunrise arrow

I can't believe those niggers killed Shamilator

please give us chinese whisper translations in the threads, it'd be better than waiting for the R*ddit group to translate it and Shamilator is dead.

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