Miru Tights

Meanwile, this mole bitch seduces the MC when Kouhai-chan cries alone. How should she respond?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I really hurts that Yomu does H rarely and instead jumps on the tights.


>How should she respond?
Break in, shove mole off the bed and take MC by force in front of her.
But she won't. She doesn't have the willpower.

You can choose only one of the above
How does this whole being a massive gay thing work for you?

It seems like the darker the tights, the lewder the girl. Sensei was a sex bomb but kouhai is too pure and shy.

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can we make a kouhai chan monday like tawawas?

Skin cancer isn't sexy

No because not all Monday images are kouhai themed.

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Fuck off retard

is it over for /our/ girl lads? is not fair, she just want to be loved too

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she tried her best bros

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but it was too late

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she doesn't want to give up

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no she can't win, she just can't fuuuuuuuuuuuck

but in the end

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thottery won't be permitted

I love you, Yas Forums.

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why it had to be like this bros

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>underboob + mole
I will now watch your show.

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I don't like how he render pantyhose. Fight me

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this is actually senpai's nightmare

w-what do you mean no, please sir i am scared

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Good for her. Her design is 20x better anyways.

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she is pretty ngl, i would like her if she wasn't in the way of kouhai-chan, i just want my girl to be happy

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>he judges women based on their appearance
Eww, it's not XX century anymore

>dreams of getting pounded by her crush
>coworker comes in and seduces her crush


the mc is a fucking faggot

The best I can give Kouhai-chan is five (5) headpats and one (1) "good girl". That's my best offer man

are we the kouhai

stop being rude, she is not fat, she is very sexy and horny
shove them up your ugly ass then, i'll do it myself

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Miru Tights threads made me want to buy a pantyhose, what do?..

Wtf where did this come from

Depends. If you are a girl: wear them. If you are a boy: fap with them


buy them and post tights

please stop hurting the kouhai, don't turn this into a hardcore ntr and have the mole girl sending the kouhai pictures, she already suffered enough

What I don't understand is why do you guys call this NTR. NTR is cheating, sometimes forced cheating, but you can't cheat on someone who doesn't belong to you to begin with. Explain yourselves.

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NTR isn't necessarily cheating. It's having your loved ones stolen by sex. There's tons of porn out there with "childhood friend I want to confess to gets dicked" or even "my mom gives up on being my mom because of the dick" that are all NTR.

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy?

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i am not sayin its ntr, i said that i hope it doesn't become ntr by having the mole girl sending her picture of her being with the mc, i know technically it wouldn't fall into a ntr category but its close...

Is she watching them from the window ?

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please no

I remember a chart going around explaining the like four different types of NTR. Dont have it tho.

I could use a chart like this, for scientific purposes of course

I only found this

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Can't read nip boss. Guess I'm shit out of luck

Is there even a slightest bit of hope for season 2?

I can't read

Buy them. Tights are super comfy, I wear them every day.

I hope this isn't just the kouhai's imagination but actually the real thing.

Where are OVA stiches?

A season 2 of kouhai Chan suffering is not good, I don't want a season too just to see her suffer unless she has even the sligthiest chance of getting what she deserves, either by getting sempai or finding comforting love in user, aka me

That's not the kouhai, that's the mole girl hitting on kouhai Chan crush

Unless you are hoping she is getting cucked for real you fucking monster

yeah I know that
It's just that kouhai usually imagines herself getting it on with her senpai so I don't want this to be also be a mere delusion of hers but actually happening in-universe.

Hold the fuck up, are you telling me there exists a spiritual successor to Miru Tights starring OL cakes? Name? Right the fuck now if you please

It's hard to believe but it still called Miru Tights

Hmm? I though the user meant a season 2 of the image set if kouhai-chan, sorry for the misunderstanding

Yeah I was referring to the anime. Not sure about the first user though. But I wouldn't mind more Kouhai-chan either.
And now you have me horribly confused

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the end game is this guy banging both chicks at the same time

fucking slut

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Superior girl wins

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I want Kouhai-chan to do this so badly! Claim what is hers!

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Legend says that if you look at guy long enough, you may see another girl stealing him from you.

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>you'll never get 2 christmas cakes vying for your attention at the office

I want to smell the feet of a Miru Tights girl.

Maybe you should try getting a job.

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Season 2 when?

I have a job I just don't work in an office and in a very male dominated field

This doesn't work. I have a job and there are no cakes here, cute or otherwise.

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I just finished watching Miru Tights yesterday. It's really too bad it was so short, I would've liked it to be longer even if it were just some SoL instead of being essentially 99.9% focused on tights.

I have a job in office but most ladies here aren't cakes but married 40-50 years old. However, the only girl in cake age (she is 25) doesn't seem to have any cake qualities, she looks and acts like a teenager. Quite disappointing.

What the fuck? Why do I feel so cucked even though I'm a man? I just want Kouhai-chan to be happy bros...

The source material was oc artwork done over many years and the artist never expected it would get an anime. There was lack of source material to work with sadly. You could tweet the author to collaborate with a writer and create a manga, dating sim visual novel, or light novel. The disgusted face while showing panties, has a manga now for example

>The disgusted face while showing panties, has a manga now for example
Was that by the same author, or are you just saying that they were both similar in concept and as such Miru Tights could have a chance too? I haven't watched that one.

Different author I think. Though there was a collab on twitter between both series involving a lot of drawfags.

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We can all agree that he is the greatest artist of all time, yes?

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Second best.

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>Different author I think
Yeah I see. Hopefully this gets more attention. The art is certainly amazing and I'd love to see more of it in story form too.

He's good enough to apparently get an anime out of mere artwork and no story, so that certainly says something about him.

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Are these just tawawas with tights?

He had made a hentai doujin in the far past but it is rare since majority of his releases are artbooks and many of his artbooks are unscanned. He does not put everything on pixiv after all so the boorus do not contain everything from him. Miru Tights deserve a sequel or remake with longer episodes but it is up to the artist to help achieve this goal. Personally I feel this artist could create a true Amagami SS successor

I was going to mention Tawawa but Tawawa's artist has a long history of making doujins with dialogue and Tawawas were not necessarily artwork with no dialogue so it was easier making anime episodes from Tawawa compared to Miru Tights

Tawawa = boobs ; Miru Tights = feet and tights ; Tawawa's author does not really show off feet

>That BD special episode.

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there's a story to miru tights? is this like tawawa?

No one man should have all this faggotry

Normally I could fap to this, but not with this context.

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These girls only exists in fantasy...;_;

>Personally I feel this artist could create a true Amagami SS successor
He has plenty of potential for sure

Buy the cheap packs of pantyhose from your local drugstore or Amazon because you will definitely tear them when putting them on for the first time. They don't go on like pants - you scrunch them all the way to the toe, slide your leg in all the way to the knee, and repeat for the other leg before pulling up the gusset. If you ever decide to go for the expensive ones, invest in a pair of hosiery gloves to save yourself from ruining $50 Wolford pantyhose with a single fingernail mishap. It's all worth it, though - not being able to stop yourself from rubbing your legs together because they feel like literal silk is the best thing ever.

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Seconding about the gloves. I've ruined my fair share of hose with fingernails. Thankfully I wear tights/hose enough that it's kinda just like a normal expense for me at this point, but it's still annoying. And if you're only doing this for the fetish I imagine it'll be doubly annoying. I should also mention that if you're getting proper pantyhose (30 denier or less) you'll need gloves, but if you just want to get tights (anything thicker than that) gloves aren't really necessary. If you need recommendations for either from amazon just ask, I'll hook you up. I'm not kidding when I say I've bought many many pairs of all manner of hosiery.


I wish there were a continuation to this episode.

wait this is a show?
i thought it was just valentines meme images

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there is a plot in all those images, most are already in this thread.
this one always makes me mad, i know sempai did the right thing of not taking advantage, but not only it looks like the thought didn't even cross his mind meaning that he is that intrested in her and she obviously wants it, fuck everything, why am i so invested on a image set

i want her to get a good end too
i take it as he's just a fine upstanding gentleman

Are the 70 denier pantyhose from Cecelia de Rafael and Oroblu any good? I want to try them as a substitute for thick tights but they look surprisingly thin in the pictures online so I'm hesitant that they would be warm enough during the winter.

Also, what's your favourite colour/denier combination? 40 denier nudes have always been my sweet spot, especially if they're shimmery.

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This. This is it. I have finally found the sexiest composite image on the entire internet.

all the women in my office are in their 50s it isnt fair

I can't really find this one on twitter. Was it deleted?

Why do moles make the mentally ill, roasties and faggots angry?
Is like they are intimidated by sexiness

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i like them

I haven't personally tried either, but I've heard good things about oroblu, though if you're the user that was looking to get your first pair I wouldn't be spending 20 bucks. And yeah those definitely don't look like their 70 denier... Though it says their compression, so maybe that has something to do with it. They're so tight they get stretched out to that sheer? I dunno.
If you're looking for tights just get tights, unless you still want more of the pantyhose look/feel. With your talk of needing something warm you make it sound like you're gonna leave your house in them...
My favorite depends on my mood honestly. I err towards black cause it's cute and easy to wear, but colors can be fun depending on my outfit. Not a huge fan of nude, though I wanna try the 90's shimmery nudes + shorts look come summer. Gun to my head? I'd probably pick either classic black sheers or black 50 denier.

They cost 100, user

How do you call this type of swimsuit with multiple strings?

I've been buying them for some time now but still end up tearing through them fairly easily; I do have a fairly large collection at this point but I really don't wear them with anything else. The real challenge is coordinating outfits. Heels with a pencil skirt and dress shirt is the obvious one, but aside from that I draw blanks. I guess versatility is the biggest advantage that black has over nude, but I'll admit that the latter is my bias on fetishism alone.

You can get them on Amazon for about $50 per pair! Canadian, at that.

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i got no hope left bros, how can kouhai chan even compete against that semen demon, is not fair

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yeah that's fair lol. I figured as much. With how much I wear them, tights/hose have normalized for me and I don't really fetishize them anymore, but that's definitely why I liked black sheers originally. And is that with the gloves or are you a different user?

>Kouhai getting bullied by older sexier bustier and semen demon OL

Yeah, this is gloves user. Honestly I feel you on pantyhose just becoming a regular article of clothing once you've worn them long enough. I still love seeing girls in them, though, but it's uncommon to see them outside of business in North America because nobody here knows how to dress properly.

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this is a series? i thought he just did random pictures.

And you're still ripping them? Or is this just with normal wear and tear.
Yeah... It like almost kinda bummed me out when I realized it lol. Like I lost a part of my identity. That's why I like hanging around threads like these and talking with anons about tights, makes me feel like I still got it. Though I wear it daily cause I like wear it wear it, can't imagine how much you wear it if you're only doing it for the fetish and it's starting to normalize for you.
Yeah I agree. I think that's part of the reason I don't care for nude hose. I don't really see anyone under the age of like 50 wearing it so my brain doesn't associate it with being cute.

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Yeah, I don't always use the gloves and my fingernails sometimes catch the nylon strands as I'm handling them. Really gotta start taking care of pantyhose, especially now that I'm not wearing the cheap brands anymore.

I do know girls who grew up wearing dance tights for ballet and they hated it. Fetish aside, tights are basically just a fragile sweat sponge so I can see why people don't like them. They're still one of my biggest fetishes but wearing them on a regular basis did remove some of the magic.
discord cousin do you have it

>Yeah, I don't always use the gloves
oh, well that'll do it. And I feel you. I like brush my hands over them lightly and SOMEHOW my fingernail catches and I end up with a snag. It makes me so mad. Honestly part of the reason I stopped wearing them so much in favor of regular tights.
Yeah that's the sense I've gotten from other girls. I think the fact that i got to skip being forced to wear them when I was young helped me appreciate them more, even outside a fetish sense.

I was literally just about to ask cause I should head to bed.

Do You Like Worms?#3476

send a cap with a (you) so I know it's (you)

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Hey guys, it's me, that user who posted here about buying tights yesterday. May I join you?

God bless you tights anons.

I am now conscious of what I'm missing out on and can never experience on the daily.

Don't you all try clipping your fingernails maybe

Wait there is a season 2 of miru tights?

In sense of anime, no
In sense of new set of characters, yes

So is there a pixiv account or something? Or Twitter?

Yes and yes

What other show has released a BD with English subs?


You have no excuse not to support the show.

explain the appeal of seductive and thirsty older office ladies to me. i would rather the younger, more vivacious, and probably lewder one.


Personal taste.

Did they show up?

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What do you mean what.

Didn't know this. thanks. bought it.

It depends. There are lots of ikemen characters with moles, swords and Deermud were huge panty droppers and everyone likes pointing out their moles

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Left looks like a murderer.

you can sign me up for some murder in that case

Me too.

She is just a goth or something.

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Ren's new colleague at the diner?

Does she have a name?

I don't think so

She actually got cucked? That's hilarious.

Is Yomu a female mangaka?

>be Yomu
>draw the cutest kouhai-chan in existence
>her life is suffering
but why?

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I kind of felt bad, but then I remembered there's so much regular NTR shit that the opposite is a nice change of pace.

I have a soft spot for kouhais who are trying their hardest and doing their best. They should be pampered, not left to suffer.

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I have a soft spot for nice legs and cute feet but the other girl took the initiative, so.

Wait so the Miru tights anime was based on stuff done by Yomu? Like the Tawawa anime? I had no idea, I thought he just posted art pieces of random girls.

His art pieces were mostly about three girls and their teacher, so they figured out how to make it in anime.
Tawawa, however, at least has manga chapters twice per year.

Fetish reasons.

Is it me or not all his art are in his pixiv?

I am so glad I learned about this blessed adaptation.

>the depressed, overworked salaryman gets to bone the qt JK in the end
This is my kind of wish fulfillment.

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>His art pieces were mostly about three girls and their teacher, so they figured out how to make it in anime.
I feel like that's more uncommon and surprising than it just being original or already based on a work. Neat.
>Tawawa, however, at least has manga chapters twice per year.
Yeah but those weren't adapted into the anime, besides maybe the first one? By the time the anime was airing there was only like 2 released at most. It just took the weekly chapters "narratives" and expanded them a bit so they could fit into 12, 4 minute anime episodes.

I must watch this.

>5kg of tits
>and the salaryman gets to climax balls deep into that
It's the best.

Attached: Getsuyoubi no Tawawa - 07 (BD 1080p) [DKnt].mkv_snapshot_00.24_[2020.01.28_21.45.28].jpg (1920x1080, 216.81K)

You should both definitely read it as well. There's a pool on Danbooru with all the weekly pages with translations of the tweets and translations of things in the images. Then after that, you can go to Mangadex to read all the volumes he's released of which there are 9 + 9 small chapters that came with each.

A lot of it is missing on pixiv. Use twitter or a booru.

Thanks. I wish there was an album tho.

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>There's a pool on Danbooru with all the weekly pages with translations of the tweets and translations of things in the images.
So the one in Dex is just a compilation of the ones in booru?

So I love flat chests. I've never been a fan of cowtits. But despite that, Tawawa is a masterpiece that deserves accolades.

No the ones on Mangadex are the volumes he releases at comiket. I say "volumes" but they aren't your traditional manga volumes. In reality they're each just a usual length manga chapter (20-40 pages, varying) focusing on a different pairing. Each volume also compiles all the weekly pages he's released since the last one (around 30 ish usually) and has some words from Hiseki in it too. There might be other stuff that comes with it but I'm not too sure on that.

Yeah so..it's a compilation of the weekly art he does with extra things...right?

Just read it and figure it out

It's more a chapter about one of the pairs while also being a compilation. He also releases an extra "+ alpha" thing with each volume, which is just another shorter chapter than the one in the main volume. But yeah, what this guy said.

Ok thank you.

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>tfw all males in college and uni
>all males in my former job
Not him, but I have the bigger chances to adopt gay shit than get some cake.

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Yamamoto is good too.

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My girlfriend loves yomu and miru tights, so she fully indulges my tights fetish. It's a wonderful life.

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If you're still here, feel free

You lucky son of a bitch. does she let you lick her feet? Are you into that sort of stuff?

Here, but I have no idea how to hit Do You Like Worms?#3476 on Discord, search gives nothing

That sensei episode man

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I'm not into feet licking, nah. She had an ex who was really into foot stuff so it's more of a turnoff for her. She's more into dressing up to please, but we both love tights so much, it's a great overlap. It also means she is constantly teasing me in public if she is wearing an outfit with tights.

Try just like directly adding me? It should work, I've been added before obviously.

>I'm not into feet licking, nah.
Literal homosexual.
I'm still super jealous.

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>pantyhose is under the swimsuit

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I just never got into it too much i guess. Feet are only a thing for me when i'm REALLY horny. Usually while fucking i'll grab her feet or something if they're on my chest or shoulders, but other than that they just don't really enter my sphere of horny.

fuck off normalfag

Surprising you guys go for the high denier stuff, I'm usually in the 5-10 range. I also do like a slight roughness to them, there's these CDR's called Marfil that feel amazing when you rub them together. Think it stems from the 3D lycra and 70/30 nylon/spandex ratio.

Is it all tease or is there anything explicit?

Why are moles so great?


Cakes aren't real, user. They only exist in anime.

anime is real.

Sometimes tease is all you need.

does he do porn? If so then sure

Used to, not so much anymore

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It's such a great combo

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If you're going to put the tights under, might as well go wear a leotard instead. Pantyhose over the swimsuit should be the default.

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But the appeal is the sexiness of a one piece with the sexiness of tights

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Miru Tights will never happen again.

>Miru Tights will never happen again for the first time
ftfy I wish we could go back

It's impractical.

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God, Homi was so fucking stupid. I love her.

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This really is the superior fetish, the one to rule them all

This gets progressively more confusing at an alarming rate

25 is cake age? I mean you said yourself she still acts like a teenager. I figure most 25 year olds are just teenagers but less rude, socially.

25 is cake age. Some madmen are trying to argue that it should be 27 these days, due to how societal and social structures have changed over the years

yes, they are christmas cakes, virgins past 25. which only exists in anime

Being a virgin isn't a factor in being a cake. The whole point is about being unmarried after a certain age

>virgins past 25
lurk for two years before posting

Christmas cake is a virgin, a cake does not have to be, but both are past 25

>25 is cake age
Seems a bit harsh if you think about it. Where I live you'd only finish your higher education at like 22 at the earliest with 24-25 being pretty common, depending on how far you go (I got my Master's degree at 25 and I didn't repeat any years or suffered other delays). Is the Nip expectation that girls should marry while still in school or immediately after if they choose to pursue higher education? Doesn't seem like there's a lot of time, if any, between finishing your education and the cake cutoff line, some serious relationships can last for years before finally getting married, if they don't fail before that.

100% serious when I say most women shouldn't even bother with post hs education and should focus on getting married.

You have to remember that nips have a long history of arranged marriages. And traditionally women didn't go for higher education but became stay-home wives either straight from marriage or at the latest after the first child was born

Not so sure about that, or what it's like in Nipland, but if I look at all my friends who are either married or in serious relationships I don't think there's a single couple where the girl is only HS-educated and the guy is at least university level. There's kind of an expectation to push on with higher education after high school and there's at least a stigma (not sure exactly how true it is or not) that those who don't are dumb and/or not competent enough to do so. HS-only girls might have fewer chances at getting men they'd be happy with.

Yeah I guess this does make sense, didn't think of arranged marriages.

The fuck are you talking about? Cake is just shorthand for christmas cake.

Attached: 1549141079083.png (1073x1500, 1.47M)

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Attached: 1561402269067.jpg (1287x1800, 166.73K)

god imagine the tenderness
few things arrouse me as much as the warm of the thights after wearing a pantyhose all day
10/10 would nap on those thights

Attached: 78396448_p0.png (708x1000, 449.7K)

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Holy shit, sensei is short.

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I think Yomu has a thing for moles.

Attached: 1563089445056.png (718x540, 174.03K)

Attached: 71725036_p0.png (858x1200, 720.13K)

because my life is suffering

s2 when


Attached: EKSaHNdU4AAb9rc.jpg (1287x1800, 174.74K)

>mole on tit
fucking gross

just suck on it, bro
like an extra nip

That's a pretty gay thing to say.

never talk to me again

>t.kouhai chan
girl you know i love you but you won't get nowhere by trashing her, work on your relationship with sempai or better yet, me

>this thread is still up
fucking increadible

get in line, fool

By Allah, behave yourself or i will give you a taste of my pantyhose!

When lurking goes wrong.

i have waifu'd her since the beggining

The power of tights.

Attached: tights_037.jpg (671x800, 53.55K)

damn he's fucking based

Why the fuck are you posting plastic yellow roasties, you mentally ill incel?

she loves white men!

Attached: 46a807ea88ca898ae89be84942bffd42.jpg (1073x1500, 250.92K)

Oh for the love of fuck, please tell me queen of hearts isn't a thing now. The whole queen of spades was a bad enough meme already

Attached: DgfeaTCUcAMrcMX.jpg (1152x2048, 189.18K)

Anime girls that are acting like real Japanese girls?

Yua is a whore

In most developed countries you're looking at many more people looking towards getting married around 30 due to university and career obligations. Japan isn't really much different in this regard. Christmas cakes are just a bit of an old meme where the number isn't the flexible because it's not like we can make Christmas the 30th of December instead.
That said most people will probably still consider it a little bit strange if women have NO relationship experience at all past 25 so it still works in that regard.

Attached: abcfd044a4c6540d613371c1a9cd7cca.jpg (4857x6960, 2.37M)

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>be a cute busty but shy young lass in your school
>you have a crush on this stud
>daily you hear him pounding the older homeroom teacher that you have in the infirmary
>move on and graduate
>be a young OL
>have a crush on this stud officemate you have
>during drinking sessions of the office you see an older busty and semen demon OL officemate ogling at him
Does Kouhai deserve this suffering at all

Attached: sad emo monkey on life support saying it's okay.jpg (224x224, 31.43K)


>dirty ass feet

Attached: 1580064421372.jpg (640x640, 35.5K)

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Who is the artist? I need to look up the tags on a booru so that I can download all the images.

Attached: D4JiGZ-UYAEJwax.jpg (1287x1800, 156.34K)

God i wish i can rape this retard homi

That's just shading. It's not dirty feet.


Attached: 8d649931f0035c6800334a2b71dec068.jpg (740x1047, 481.22K)

Yeah, thanks. I found the artist already by looking up Miru Tights. Should have done that before asking.


Attached: DHtXBVIVoAAKOd1.jpg (643x900, 62.13K)

Attached: DRSKA2MVwAA5Knj.jpg (1463x2048, 246.88K)

>"I'm here to NTR your waifu, get ready to become male:mindbreak you little slut"

Attached: [Judas] Ishuzoku Reviewers (Interspecies Reviewers) - 08 [UNCENSORED 1080p][HEVC x265 10bit][Eng-Subs].mkv_snapshot_15.42.404.jpg (1080x1080, 120.22K)

Yes you should, but now you know

Attached: 1580366497682.png (1350x1920, 906K)

chipmunk looking ass

Did episode 13 come out? Was it good? This show kinda dropped out of my radar when it ended.

Yes and yes. There is an unsubbed version in pornhub at the very least. Couldn't find any good torrents last time I looked

It's cute and that's it.

Attached: yua.jpg (1287x1800, 228.23K)


>thread is STILL up
Tights are too powerful

Attached: 3364181d73d57a08b0749266b9570b99.jpg (732x1064, 124.14K)

Attached: 18b5f18fc9bf4af19da9ab1d3ba06243.png (1300x1818, 2.27M)

Homi is the best Miru Tights but I want to marry Ren
Yua can go and lesbian finger herself

Attached: EIe8y-jVUAARcA9.jpg (1287x1800, 209.98K)

full BD subs are out, ep 13 is extremely worth it

You're retarded and delusional. Take your shit bait elsewhere and don't forget to take your meds.

kouhai is too pure and innocent
senpai seems like a cheating thot

Attached: 1524463772702.png (1280x719, 584.25K)

kouhai is the best kind of girl, she is shy and cute but deep down she is extremly sluty but for just one person and dreams about his cock loving heri wish that was me

Attached: 984561561.jpg (800x1153, 109.98K)

Attached: 1578693138764.jpg (1342x1483, 219.62K)

You have to go back.

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What is source material of Miru Tights exactly? Just twitter art like tawawa? Where I can follow?

Either read the thread or spend 10 seconds in google

god imagine the smell. like coffe and detergent

>me on the left

>me on the right

Why can't I sniff their feet bros? If I ever go to the electric chair my last request will be to sniff a Japanese schoolgirl's tights.

Attached: 1583340967936.jpg (736x590, 91.04K)

I'll settle for one

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Moles are disgusting

>the way the ribbon is digging into her flesh

Attached: 7fa.png (600x562, 219.15K)

Himuro is amazing in her own right.

Hold up, if we go by this logic does it mean that Homi is actually the sluttiest of the three? While Yua, who is whoring herself on twitter, is actually the purest?

Attached: 74816147_p0.png (858x1200, 873.93K)

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Remind yourself how she acts with her brother.

different girl
Homi is a naive girl who unknowingly seduces her brother.

Ren is good hardworker girl
Yua is ethot slut
Homi is retard
and i love her

Fuck, Marry, Kill ?
Homie, Ren, Yua

Attached: clumsy_homi.jpg (732x1024, 59.26K)

>Ren is good hardworker girl
That's why she has the smelliest feet and is 100% wife material

Best wife is retard wife user

>wanting to kill any of the Mirus

Attached: EIX09H4XYAAfcAU.jpg (1464x2048, 289.48K)

>fuggin' gf while she thinks about somebody else
>gf gettin' boinked by somebody else while thinking about bf
>bf pimpin' gf
>bf forced to watch as gf is doinked forcefully
>bf attempting to stop rabid men from banging his slutty gf
>bf now wants to watch gf get doinked, but his friend thinks it's self-destructive behavior and tries to stop him
>bf attempting to stop rabid men from banging his slutty gf x2, but now he's being mocked as well
I think that's spot on. I went to college

The first three are the only not memey, they are Netori (you are doing the stealing), netorare (you are getting your gf stolen) and netorase (you willingly get your gf stolen)