I don't quite understand why Yas Forums can't wrap its mind around this token, because it's so fucking simple

I don't quite understand why Yas Forums can't wrap its mind around this token, because it's so fucking simple.

It's certificate of deposit and financial instrument. You can send it and receive it. Just like bitcoin, except there's an actual product: you can lock up your coins for some period of time (akin to a CD). People who don't lock their coins pay some fee in form of an inflation tax. People who lock up their coins pay less of a fee or even see a bit of an increase, depending on how long they lock up.

That's it.

How much is this worth? Simple: it could be worth as the CD market that it correlates with, and how much people use CD's.

HEX has a few thing going for it:
- The locking mechanism might help prevent panic dumping
- It's in the Ethereum ecosystem so it can automatically be used in all protocols that support ERC20
- It's grabs people's attention, if only because of its extravagant creator ("there is no such thing as bad publicity")
- Asia is still sleeping on it. Imagine if they ever FOMO on it.

Attached: EWoSR77WoAA1E_t.png (680x644, 615.14K)

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fuck off Richard

0.01 soon

All these words for a ponzi. Just get out in time and don't spam so much.

I'm planning to sell it at 0.01

75% not staked - can be dumped any time. lol at CD

Imagine falling for this fat man's scam. Btw, his Rolex is fake.

LINK is never hitting $5

Why is it a scam? Another angry pajeet.

Because he didn't get in on hex and is stuck watching it moon while holding some worthless bags

Absolutely agree fren. A fucking idiot without any reasonable arguments. When are you to planning to sell it? What's your price target?

Will sell some at .01. Then I got a suicide stake ladder set up for a few years to see what happens.

I'm not so sure about holding it for a few years, but good luck with it fren. It seems too risky for me.

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>i am an ICU nurse. We have 3 very critical Covid 19 patients that were on ventilator. We did a ten days trial of Remdesivir on those three. We monitor them very closely. Especially their liver and kidneys. So far their kidneys are okay. I was a little concerned with a little spike in their liver enzymes but thankfully it was temporary. Nothing serious. So far two of our patients got off the ventilator and are doing great. The third patient just finished her last dose tonight. We’re hoping she can come off the ventilator soon. I’m hoping there are no long term effect on the body from Rem. I think Rem is very effective. I do think Covid hit obese ppl the hardest. That’s why westerners get hit the hardest. Also two of our patients are pastors. Stay the F away from each other for a while folks. Btw I do not invest in GILD. But I thought I share my little experience with the Rem. I do hope you guys go up to $100 though. You folks deserves it. Thank you for reading this dumb post.


Attached: 096.gif (800x371, 192.73K)

>NooOOOooOOo you Can't just MAKE MONEYby making money it must be a SCAMMMM

Attached: 1588100082891.jpg (640x590, 180.79K)

First you have to understand, it does nothing. Its not a CD in the normal way. You dont have to stake or can end your stake early with a penalty, which doesnt actually matter if you are ahead in gains. Only 75% are locked, so people just wait on the sidelines to dump at their will. For a CD to be successful, the "end stake early" shouldnt be there. It lives and dies of people fomoing in. Its a ponzi, without the "running out of money" part. Uniswap helps a lot as liquidity pools never dry up, as richard funnels the eth from AA back into the liquidity pool. by the time the AA runs out, the network effect should be huge enough to sustain future gains. if not, it will collapse at least on the big pay day as everyone and their mum will cash out their 100x , so you better sell it before then.

Fucking scam bullshit.

Swapped my LINK directly for HEX this morning


Went so easy, no b.s.

>The locking mechanism might help prevent panic dumping

So it's a centrally controlled database


You know your ponzi is fucking shit and a failure if you're desperately shilling and spamming threads on Yas Forums.

How many of these do we get per BTC? I havent claimed my hex yet

Can't wait to see all of the brainlets crying after they watch their chuck-e-cheese tokens plummet to zero whilst they are locked away for the next 6 months.

Trash coin

on day 1 you'd get about 12k hex for each btc you had. now it's 40% less. each day that passes the free claim reward goes down

Just a Ponzi scam, that’s all it is.

.00000049 BTC. Constantly shilled Reminds me of the Hydro pump. They have good tech too.

Have you guys heard of the trick to get 10% bonus hex from the adoption amplifier if you just visit Richards site getyourhex .win first then enter the AA? It basically guarantees you can sell that day in profit on uniswap cuz you got 10% more than people who didn't get the bonus. Also staked a bit till bigpayday

Sometimes it's still cheaper on uniswap tho

>made in 1 month what chainsimp made in 2 years
this is a hard cope, i see