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lol i was just about to post that
you think that dude has killed himself yet?
its so surreal to think that you missed out on hundreds of millions of dollars
Based bitcoin is shit tech and store of value and investment
>please buy sir
>very many rupees sir
>vishnu on blockchain sir
t. Satoj circa mid 2009
I hope he at least bought some at less than $100 or something
Imagine buying 22,000 BTC for $100
>remember hearing about bitcoin in 2010-2011 but was too busy being a stupid 14 year old playing games and jacking off all the time to do any research into it
jesus christ. i'd be in a giant mansion somewhere right now with 10/10s feeding me grapes as i shitposted.
it's ok bro most of us were the same way. at least 3 or 4 times before 2014 i looked into buying bitcoin but saw that it was kind of an annoying process so just said fuck it. at least i wasn't the dude who could have bought 220 btc for $1 USD though.
I got my dick sucked by a hot emo chick from facebook in June of 2010.
Similar boat. I could have been nearly a billionaire. Fuck.
What would this next decade bring us lads?
kek I first heard about it in 2013 when I was 12, and I was obsessed about it, I remember telling my dad after a while that "we'' should invest in it. I think it was about $300 at the time. he didn't buy because it was a drug scam or something
ffw to 2017 and I bought for the first time around $4000
Yes, but did you get your dick sucked by a 19 year old with a tongue ring?
Someone shilled it to me when it was $200. I literally remember telling him to get back to me when it goes back to $20.
>tfw mined btc back then and stopped because it was making my computer unusable
I just wanted money for weed but it took too long
you would have sold anyway
if you bought bitcoin at $8, you would have sold if it doubled or reached one hundred dollars
>haha that's just stupid drug money. it'll never be good for anything except silk road drugs. feds are totally gonna shut it down too
me ~2013
probably, but then i would have bought back in when it kept going up and probably not sold at $20k either. whatever. i'm buying btc/eth/link now and not touching it for at least 10-15 years. we'll see if it's worth anything then.
False. I would have traded it for drugs
>be college freshman
>shitposting goes into overdrive with new freedom
>laptop bites it
>build pc to replace, muh ergonomics and DIY
>buy AMD over nvidia to do some mining with free dorm electricity
>be too distracted by vidya and getting Yas Forums to mine on the new pc
FUCK. I had a 7870 too.. not true high end up but would have got the job done. Used that sucker for 2560x1600 gaming up until 2014
I bought at $2, sold at $170
ive been out since, made enough to buy a car but not much else, a lot of people sold because its hard to rationalize when you see 1000% gains and not sell.
Came to post this, it’s easy to play this fantasy with ideal situations, but that’s not how it works. You didn’t have the foresight to buy and hold then so why do you think if you bought some you would have held above $1k+
I just did exactly this
I have never been so depressed in my life, after just reading through the first couple dozen posts
I was one of the dudes who heard about it once or twice back then while shitposting on Yas Forums, but did no research on it and had zero interest in cryptocurrency
I realize that back then there several factors that would have most likely prevented me from getting ultra-cheap BTC (too brainlet to figure out mining and probably couldn't get the necessary computer/hardware to do it, not nearly as easy back then to buy BTC with fiat, the association with illegal drugs and cp, the tons and tons of fud and scam accusations whenever it was brought up, etc.). But still...I can't help but feel regret
I made this same fucking mistake with ETH, XRP and XMR (Monero was actually the worst one for me because unlike with the others, I actually DID see its potential and tried to get some XMR early when it was cheap. But I had a Windows computer and they didn't have a compatible GUI wallet I could use at the time, so I just wrote it off as an amateur project and forgot about it until it mooned (I was only using locally-stored wallets instead of exchanges back then, and I'm not sure if it was on any notable exchange at the time)
remember this when there is blood in the streets
This. Anyone saying theyd buy at $ .001 and sell at $20k is retarted
This is true
This is the god honest truth
I remember buying Bitcoin at ~$30 to buy drugs. I've probably spent over 500k on drugs
Nah man, I'm a collector at heart and it's hard for me to part on valuables/investments even something that seems useless to other people but important to me. My family actually hounds me on it until I show them the price of items and what not.
At least u're not the guy who bought a pizza with like a couple thousand bitcoin back in 2011
pretty much this, i dont blame my younger self for not getting into crypto that early, and even if i did i probably would have had weak hands. I do however kick my past self for not buying bitcoin when it was like $5k at the beginning of this corona crap, seeing as i actually looked at it then and my gut told me to buy it, i was just too meek to get into it at the time.
This is the likeliest outcome, the amount of vidya and drug purchases I would have made with BTC between 2011 and 2017 would have been astounding