Silver is the most underpriced asset on the planet

Silver is the most underpriced asset on the planet.

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Weekly reminder that the world's total silver reserve is **ONLY** 20 billion toz
20,000 toz of silver cost about 400K USD
For the price of a house, you can get a millionth of all the silver in existence(above ground)

Attached: SilverReserves.jpg (532x209, 45.78K)

youre right but the thing just doesnt move


It will.
Get 10 ozt and fuckin find out.

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>have 73
>still waiting

You are correct.

Yeah but it’s not that rare and they pull a shitton of it out of the ground every year. I own several hundred ounces, or at least I did before a tragic boating accident, but c’mon

I mean what is it good for besides being shitty gold and shitty jewerly? Al least gold is essential for electronics.

It's rather overpriced. If it wasn't for retards hoarding it, we could use silver for transmission lines instead of copper and electricity costs would be half as much.

It's just a matter if they'll actually ever let it go up. I have my doubts.

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every solar panel requires 1 oz silver

Silver is also in electronics. It's also in medical equipment.


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the paper spot price of silver has a 0.5% physical backing.

Literally if you own paper silver you are sharing 1 ounce with 174 other people.

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Ag is not some micro cap shitcoin. It is going to move slowly and it will probably lag gold's moon. It could be years before we see anything close to ATH. Be patient or just put your money into the Yas Forums shitcoin of the month. Have fun discerning which projects are worthwhile.

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you always want what you don't have.
guys without a house want a house, then when they get it they finally learn about all the maintenance and taxes and shit involved. same goes with wanting a brand new car, or a wife, or a gf. the grass always appears greener.

p.s. I want a house too, but specifically the one that i grew up in, and it's not for sale. i would need to acquire at least $750-$800k somehow and then knock on their door and try to convince them to sell to me. it would be a win win as they would get a profit at that price and i would get my fucking childhood home back.

i would actually need more than that to cover taxes, repairs, remodeling, and forward living costs, etc. etc. so just to get a fucking house right now in california will cost you around $500k to $1million.. and the 500k ones are out in the desert in the middle of nowhere

It's going to crash, and it's going to crash hard.
Be prepared. 1 silver coin will buy a home.
Rush into PMs will be like tulip mania.

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This FUD is getting to me, Yas Forums

bro you're so late to the game
get some while you still can.


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Do they even speak English?

Is this true? I'm thinking about selling my silver for SUTER if so. PoW needs to die.

lol guy seems like an insecure bitch why would you care about his opinions.

his army of 200 subscribers wills stop us for sure

He comes off like a less fat Wings of Redemption. I say less fat and not skinny, or lean, or in shape, because I can see the jowls and the underarm fat taking shape where a man's triceps would be. His primary complaint with silver is that it isn't gold, and thus you shouldn't buy it.
Meanwhile Maloney is telling everyone that will listen that he's snapping up silver right now because the price/oz ratio between gold and silver is so stupidly high, there really isn't a scenario in which you won't eventually be able to sell off that silver and trade up for gold once the ratio narrows down.

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Yeah but a shit ton is used in industry.

>8 oz gold
>750 oz silver (220 of which are ASEs)
>1 oz platinum
>$10k in gold mining stocks

>6 BTC
>6 BCH
>6 BSV
>25 LTC
>32 ETH
>5000 XRP
>1000 LINK

What percentile will I be in the new world?

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What happens when too much potential energy is stored?

Good GOD

Holy fuck

Kek. Never thought I'd see that name on Yas Forums. I live like 30 mins away from him

That's quite flattering but honestly I'm a stacklet compared to many in the /pmg/ threads

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Gold really makes those Phillis look wonderful

>mfw 50/50 Chainlink and silver bullion

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>The Turd went sideways

Drive by his house and yell at him that he'll never be Xcalizorz.

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Nah. I'm not cruel enough to do that. I've reached out to him on his twitch channel to hangout sometime but I know he never will