Guys what does it feel like?
Guys what does it feel like?
Other urls found in this thread:
doing what the roastie in the pic? it feels like stretching your ballsack
Salty milk and coins
What am I looking at?
That's a man
shes one of my favorites
a man took this photo. You're looking from his perspective. If you like this photo then you like sloppy seconds. Basically a cuck already, just admit it.
Like a warm beach
A beautiful flower.
not business and finance. can you spam porn somewhere else?
Dubs for truth, OP is a faggot. That's a "vagina" after surgery and the cock and balls have been butchered.
literally a rose on her pp
a dreadful hole that sucks away money, friends, and dreams
I love Aidra Fox. Been watching her for years. I’d give anything to smell and lick her asshole.
The worst investment you can ever make
Like master baiting except a lot more work. Yeah it feels good and yeah it’s a great workout. That’s about the long and short of it
so much fucking this. married life is brutal.
I’d marry Audra Fox though.
what's a usb line user?
>Guys what does it feel like?
like warm apple pie
I'll show you later
kek love this post
jannies do your job
I clicked this thread specifically to find your post and give you a (you).
kek i love Yas Forums
i gave up women entirely after having more than 100gf's and 2 ex-wives
been totally single for more than 5yrs now and im the happiest and wealthiest ive ever been.
besides, once you've had sex like 3,000 times it just gets old been there done that kinda shit.
i get better dopamine hits when im winning trades and fucking over mm jews out of shekels.
Pic related. Exactly like this picture
All of a sudden I am watching Star Trek, the XXX Parody
Shit is hilarious.