Why is no one discussing the Bitcoin rejection and impending crash?

Attached: Untitled.png (1470x550, 77.79K)

nice line retard, try making some money using lines before you make calls like this

Stop party pooping

nice meaningless retort, and by nice I mean fucking stupid. cope harder

classic fishhook

that's a cup of tea if i ever saw one

nobobby cares ta loser, get a job

>get a job
I have a six figure household income, and I am flush with cash. I have $80K on the sideline, and I can't wait to buy cheap Bitcoin at $5500. Keep hodling, faggot!


we are not crashing until we take out the last high at $14k
this will be the scam of scams first liq all bobos then all the fomo breakout longers will get rekt like no tomorrow.

>we are not crashing until we take out the last high at $14k

nobody cares about your memelines newfag, ogs already know the play

you're not necessarily wrong about a drop, but you have no idea on timing or severity

Because most people in the know enjoy watching the rubes get rekt

>P.S. buy back in at $6k


Attached: 76d.png (680x599, 104.5K)

nigger than drop your own meme lines so we can laugh at you

Not him obviously but here

Attached: 431CEAAE-F0D3-43E9-81FE-5EA27D466EB0.jpg (1280x827, 58.24K)

You moron there isn't anyone under the sun who hasn't seen this.

Why so angry
Bought the top?

this is the type of sentiment i wanna see more of
man fuck bulls they're so dumb
bears are the master race

That's his point. Meme lines are tea leaves. Yeah, it might well drop (I'm if the opinion that it will), but it could equally get pumped again, at which point people will adjust their meme lines to accommodate it. Trying to time it perfectly is retarded.

You are just a fucking retard. don't @ me

Its crazy how people are still buying into this shit when the graph is clearly going down in the long run.

>Laying memelines on wicks

Attached: 1576247345735.png (957x680, 898.28K)

Hurry hurry I’ve got $15k ready to put into Eth @ 140

>he thinks there are hard and fast rules about where to put meme lines

>muh meme line conveniently connecting 2 dots to reassure myself about a retarded decision says we bearish...

Try connecting that one with the previews top and and last bottom and you get a bullish pattern fucking tarot card reader faggot

Attached: soyboy-2.png (210x240, 5.58K)

Wrong. The resistance line is the same. It connects directly to the 20K top. Lurk more, newfag

because everyone knows it was an exit pump before the halving dump
it was comical watching people buying into it
>bitcoin is OVER 9000
>it's really going to $100k just as S2F predicted
>time to immediately buy all-in

because those lines are imaginary and exist only in your head

@TACHYON VPN may attract lots of users from the traditional market this time. I saw some famous YouTubers in my country who have made the review for TACHYON VPN. And it is highly reviewed

What does it mean when the chart is in a relatively tight formation going sideways? Is this generally an unknown and can go either way?

huh, raly makes u think

Attached: 2020-04-30_21-59-21.jpg (456x678, 60.81K)

zoom in.