let's say you make it. Then what?
What does it even mean to "make it" nowadays
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then you make more until you die unsatisfied wishing you made more
Pretty sure i've seen porn with her.
Monty Python's Flying Circus
>Then what
There is no "then what".
Life is completly meaningless
No ammount of money will change it
It does not matter where you live, how big or small your house is
No matter how nice and expensive your car
No matter which place you go, you will get sick of it eventually
No matter how long you try to find a woman which will become the mother of your children. You won't find her. They are all ruined und will make your life only worse. There is a micro chance that you might find a woman though which fits the profile
What am I going do?
Honestly travelling all around the world, fucking hookers (because I am too ugly for normal girls), doing Cocaine, getting drunk and some other dumb shit untill I eventually die from an overdose because I am deeply unhappy. Then my sister gets the rest of my money and can use it to pay off her house.
But that's just me
Oh yeah, and what I want to add:
I'll gonna rub it into everybody's face that I made it
You sleep at night.
That's the biggest increase in quality of life.
21 BTC
based fellow German
For an esoteric naturalist hermit like myself, making it simply means achieving independence from the economy / "working world" as much as possible.
Land, home, greenhouse, maybe some light animal husbandry and some kind of passive income.
>There is no "then what".
>Life is completly meaningless
Then kill yourself
Forget about it kike
I will soon go full hedonism mode
Make it back to the standard of living your parents enjoyed, and ideally make it out of the wagie ratrace altogether. Are you a retard or something?
If I make it, I'll have my own house, and enough money not to live paycheck to paycheck. I don't need a lambo.
To me, "making it" is the freedom to do what you want whenever you want, without infringing on the freedom of others.
Making it all depends on what you want to do in your life.
The strain of white knuckling hard enough to make it combined with recreational drug use, cigarette addiction, and binge drinking point to an early death. Be a lot of fun till then tho
Based user. I'm right there with you.
>>There is no "then what".
>>Life is completly meaningless
>Then kill yourself
you seriously asking this question? you make it and then you never have to be subject to other people another day in your life. if you like to help people, then you can still volunteer for it and have control over the process. you have a creative endeavor you like to do? then when you make it, you don't have to make concessions on your creative output in order to sell some portion of your time to make ends meet. making it is freedom from coercion and freedom from people who want to drag you down.
>you make it and then you never have to be subject to other people another day in your life. if you like to help people, then you can still volunteer for it and have control over the process. you have a creative endeavor you like to do? then when you make it, you don't have to make concessions on your creative output in order to sell some portion of your time to make ends meet. making it is freedom from coercion and freedom from people who want to drag you down.
ok, and when you realize and appreciate that and get used to it, then what?
I might just go back to/keep waging so my brother can make it earlier.
If you ever work you’ll understand the feeling of not being totally restrained by it.
you keep doing it and discover an adaptable steady state where the rewards for doing enjoyable things are doled out on a long but predictable time frame. if you ever have the chance to live in the woods with minimal access to internet and plenty of work to do, you will discover that your "mental health cycle" tunes in to the earth's daily cycle. there is no need or room for the tiresome, one sided hedonic treadmill
you make it sound easy
>Then what?
then i'm happy and can finally do whatever i want.
You have a large, happy family and make life better for those around you. Depending on what 'making it' is to you financially, you raise the vibrations of family>friends>neighborhood>town/city>state/province>country.
>whatever i want.
being.. what? I mean long term, after you are done fucking all thots you want
what a bunch of bullshit
I'm going to get a house in some 3rd world shithole where I can live like a king and just paint for the rest of my life.
die happy, old and alone far from eveyone
>raise the vibrations
Enjoy choking to death on vomit in a cheap motel bathtub.
i'd settle for being able to retire comfortably (into a middle class life) at 60 rather than 68.
not my main thing, i want to be able to afford the shit i like. i want a nice motorbike want a place to store it, want to go diving and spear fishing want to own guns and shoot them without regard to expenses want to have some nice historical armor and weapons want to fuck around in them with other crazy bastards my list is long but the most important: i never ever have to work again in my life if i made it. that alone is worth more than all the other shit.
>hurr durr what is survival instinct
not everyone has the balls to kill himself on a whim you brainlet fucker
You sound like a reddit manchild
>we'll buy weapons and armor and larp as knights
>we're gonna fuck around like big children haha epic xD
god i just want to be a comfy neet forever