My Pi Network research

In these threads I'm going to post my findings on Pi Network, I'm also open to criticism of the project. If you want to shit on it be my guest, I don't want to mislead anyone if I'm wrong.
How Pi works:
You push a button oonce a day, and don't have to allow the software to access photos and contacts for it to work.

Confirmed info I dug out so far:
>Yahoo Finance article.

>Currently the projected value of Pi token is @ $0.36 on coingecko.

>Stanford University phd team backing the project.

>Library of Dr. Nicolas Kokkalis papers and articles.

>Kokkalis was also helping in development of two platforms (EmailValet and TaskGenies).


>Dr. Nicolas Kokkalis' phd dissertation.

>Video lecture by Kokkalis from Stanford University

>They will burn unverified coins from mining-farms making the supply smaller hence increasing the price.

>They are currently testing PC mining software to set up nodes. Over 100,000 people applied to run a node.

>Github of their lead dev.

*WARNING* Unconfirmed (mostly from pl*ebbit):
>You don't need to register with your full name to be eligible for KYC, you will have an option to add it later on.
>You still have 12-18 months to accumulate before it hits the exchanges.

Use the code in the picture if you want to register. We both receive increased mining rate.
Your only investment consists of energy wasted by your screen and the time you spent clicking once a day. In theory the project would have to go to $0 for you to not be able to profit even the slightest bit from it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Some of these links seem to be broken (like the yahoo finance and a youtube link), but this legitimately has me more interested than any of the constant shilling on this board. Do you have anything substantial beyond the team's word that it's not a scam/datamine/any other articles from large outlets covering it? I only ever see it shilled on here and Indian accounts on twitter and youtube.

The yahoo link seems to work for me, but I just highlight the text and right click open in a new tab. As for other press releases the only one I found from a legitimate source is the Stanford Daily Newspaper, I believe it's a campus paper.

cheers man thanks, definitely gonna save these links and comb thru sometime soon, I guess I've always been skeptical but this is like the first time I've seen some tangible sources related to it

(and to be clear I've always been less concerned about is being a shitcoin bc who cares it's easy to generate and more concerned with it being a datamine)

Use code: w33d420

No problem and just to be clear if you find some red flags that are legitimate do not hesitate to post them in these threads. I'm not trying to take advantage of anyone these threads are for research and discussion, and if someone appreciates them and decides to use pi they can use my code. The important thing is that we haven't even mind the coins that are going to hit the exchanges. From my limited understanding the team is trying to generate the value of the coins without money, quite possibly similarly to BAT they will do it with people watching ads. Keep in mind this is my speculations I'm not sure.

Use code now frens!


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>Currently the projected value of Pi token is @ $0.36 on coingecko.


Dude ur on drugs or retarded? PI NETWORK IS WORTHLESS

yeah that's fair man, honestly you've gotten me more interested than anyone else at this point considering most people on here just shill and go BRO FREE MONEY USE MY CODE, I'll probably pull the trigger and get on (likely with your code) if the links here win me over or if some /g/tard who also browses Yas Forums or some website does an audit of the code and does something to show it's not spyware (I think it's open source)

Is it not the Pi token IOUs being traded there?

Update. Pi Team just released the word that ads are voluntary on the platform and can be switched off in the settings, which is great.

if someone does the audit and it turns out to be fucking with users data would you make a thread here, and I'll inform people in my mining team.

if the current price of 36 cents a Pi token holds I will have made several hundreds of thousands of dollars off my Pi investment and it was all so easy

yeah definitely assuming I were to see it

Do you get pi to watch videos or is it just to support the network?

I believe it's just to support the maintenance cost on the servers, but you don't have to watch them, you can turn them off in settings.


Has anyone applied for the node beta and gotten approved?

lol they just announced you're going to have to watch a video every single time you open the app today.

anyone that still believes you're ever going to get money out of this is fucking retarded.

even if you can turn off ads it's a big red flag that they're just trying to make money from their userbase and that this is never going to amount to anything.

i mean come on people, you're not actually "mining" anything you're just pressing a button. there's no actual blockchain yet. if you want to waste your time be my guest but please don't expect to be able to cash out in a year or whenever.

lol the mods actually banned OPs username because he spammed it so much. that's hilarious.

Why is it a red flag? They need funding for the project somehow

Yeah they banned my username. Because a retard who stole my template kept reporting my threads like a faggot that he is.

And no you are not forced to watch ads, you can turn them off.

so move to to next phase and list the crypto on an exchange and sell some of their holdings. making millions of people watch ads (of which probably 5% or less will even realize they can turn it off in the profile tab) is pretty shady. dude i'm sure you have enough referrals now. stop spamming this shit every day. give it a rest. there's a 99% chance these things are going to be worthless if they ever do allow you to send them to a wallet or sell them (which is doubtful).

In my opinion, they are trying to establish a platform where people get paid in crypto for work they do and possibly ads they watch, simmilar to brave that runs on cell phones. They need to run some test on large user bases first to not fuck up their final product, I could be wrong though.

Not the OP and never posted a code anywhere. Just curious as to why you don't trust the team. I agree that things look kinda shady but I don't know why people with the team's credentials would do this

now that i have your attention because of the chainlink logo, nice taste btw
use my referral code instead. my referral code is linkies
here's the important thing about this shitcoin pi:
it's estimated to be at 40 cents. I've collected 2500+ pi for the past year
so if true i'd have 1000 dollars for free, for just opening the app and pressing the button once a day
you are welcome, linkies
download pi network now and use the beautiful code linkies, why else would you download it and not use the code linkies

Attached: linkies.jpg (225x225, 5.96K)