how much does a normal wagie saves end of the month?
How much does a normal wagie saves end of the month?
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Are you serious? Less than 10%, most probably less than 5%. Depends highly on which country tho.
Most people, regardless of income level, live paycheck to paycheck. The normal wagie saves nothing that isn't automatically deducted from his paycheck.
desu i wasn't thinking about people making 30-50k, but more like 80-200k
The black pill is most of the population don't save anything. They just consume.
>Steel Reserve
Ah yes, I remember my life being a living hell, too.
So not a "normal" wagie at all, retard.
Anecdotally, I make 96k before taxes and save about 30k a year.
But that’s not your regular wagie dude.
If you’re smart enough for a six figure job chances are a little higher you are smart enough to not burn everything every month
>80-200k income
>normal wagie
Pick one.
how much after taxes is that 96k?
30+ years to save 1 million then.
You don't know what wagie means
but that defeats the purpose of life. thats just wrong.
yes, the "normal" was retarded
in good days you could also contribute to 401k which is even better.
Why would you want to contribute to a 401k? You can't withdraw from it until you're 60.
err thats the whole point
by the time you are 60 you will be golden.
and you can't contribute more than a certain % anyway about 10% i think. and (again in the good times!) your company can match up to 100% and it is pre-tax too.
what if you want to retire in your 30s? or in your late 40s?
Most people lack the competency, care, and patience to actively manage their money, and benefit from having it put in a place where they can't touch it. If you want to retire early, you need to be able to amass a sum that either allows you to live off of the dividends/growth, or will provide you an annuity for however long until you plan to die.
You can amass that sum very easily actually:
I unironically agree, but it was to my understanding that the nature of the post and the conversation at large that we were making sweeping generalizations about the behavior of normal people.
I'm able to save 25% of my take home pay a month because I wasn't retarded enough to buy a house at the top and fall for the mortgage meme. Job security is so non-existant these days, I don't see why anybody would buy a home, only to be laid off after a few years and then get foreclosed on. Kek
I've worked in a factory with normies for 10 years, they dont save anything
And they're in debt. From my experience most people at this level have this impulsive monkey brain with no self control and no ability to plan for the future.
People who get paid monthly, blow all their money within a week and then lend money off people for the rest of the month
less than zero. most people save nothing and only go further and further in debt.
>mfw I earn $110k
>mfw I live at home with mummy and daddy
>mfw they buy everything for me
>mfw I save 100% of my salary
what job do you do?
I live with my parents, don’t eat at restaurants and commute by trains so easily >50% saved
god i wish that were me
Same Mande 50k last year still live with moms dad plus company car company phone. I don’t pay for nothin. Invest 95% of the money I make.
Most people can't save enough except to be able to get through one moderate emergency without completely destroying their quality of life by living in their car. And what would they save for anyways?
People in the Philipines are probably happier than us because they just accept being poor and shitty and don't have this annoying voice in the back of their head that says "don't you wanna make it? Where's your AMBITION? Don't you have AMBITION?"
£3k after tax and student loans, save around £1k, that's without a family to look after. That figure would get decimated if I had a few kids and a dog
Normal wagies don't save. >50% of America is paycheck to paycheck at any point in time. Now with corona, it's probably even higher.
I'm in your range and I save ~35%.
It depends on what you mean by “normal” but there’s some private college students (very likely still supported by parents) who work retail jobs and manage to sock away 70% of their pay so as to not spend it on stuff like concert tickets and clothes that other college students typically do.
possibly normal wagie here, i make 60k a year
>take home 74% of paycheck after tax
>montly bills account 59% of montly take home, roughly 2 paychecks
>since recently out of uni this also includes aggressive loan payment, once im done with loans my monthly bills will account for 39% of my monthly take home
>put 33% of whats left directly into a savings account
>20% goes to my stock investments
>the rest i leave in checking account, roughly 28% of my montlyh take home, maybe spend an additional 30-40% of that on food, other shit i want
at the end of the day, per month i directly save like $500 and indirectly save close to $700. I could save more if i didnt spend anything on fun stuff after ive paid off everything but thats okay, ill be done with my loans next winter and have roughly 15k total in the bank by then
Notice all the store bought beer. Real economists home brew
im military, I personally save about 75% of every take home paycheck. but I knew retards who would buy $400 worth of beer, magic the gathering cards, jeep modifications, tattoos, whatever the fuck money sink every two weeks on top of bills so my habits aren't common
You sound a lot like me but I invest in crypto instead stocks and live with my parents until I finish two years at my job which then I will get a mortgage on a small starter home. We are going to make it.
14% of my take home pay if I can get my full 40 hours. My 401k and HSA contributions make up another 10%.
Confirmed wagie for life, still making the absolute minimum after a decade of slaving. Nobody within my circle of coworkers saves so much as a dime long term.
yes brother! we will make it!
i save around 40%, no i don't earn 6 figures and i am not living on rice and beans, and i do live in a nice neighborhood, but i don't own a car and i do have a budget.
Normal wagie: -10% (debt)
Based wagie: 75%
I don't save anything anymore, I can't hold down a job and I spent all my savings buying a measly 4k LINK so I'm just finding ways to live for free and every once in a while throwing a pittance of LINK into the stack and either fixing the shit in my life that breaks or upgrading my computer or something.