Binance widget live on Brave Browser

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sauce user

Eh, I'd rather hook in wanchain or metamask. Separation of concerns.

Will Dogecoin be implemented in the future?

what is the best way to trade coins if I live in the US? I tried to sign up for binance and it called me a faggot from the US and then I tried to sign up for binanceUS and they said I'm still a faggot and my state isn't supported

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Time for round 3 and it’s just 11 am here

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Proof? I can't find it
Also those tits are bad.

Jews don't allow goyim living in New York to use it, sorry.

One can only hope, Lad.

I'm sure you can get some better answers from more versatile traders, but I mainly just use Coinbase and Gemini to cash out.

Live on desktop. Its up on my Windows PC and my Mac; not on mobile yet. Also, those are prime sweater dicks lad, you've gone mad.

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Metamask would be nice, don't think it will happen though. Coinbase should be next up sometime over the summer.

Found this as well

Visiting from another board exactly because of this. I've literally never done crypto before out of laziness to look up the best options. I don't want to invest or anything, literally just buy donations and shit for people that ask for crypto.

Is binance safe for that? I'm always sketchy about in-browser sponsorships

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I've never used Binance personally, but a lot of Anons here do. Many of them leave their crypto on the exchange, which you shouldn't do honestly. They lied about being in Malta's jurisdiction, and have done some shady stuff you can read into, like crashing LINK to 0 so someone scooped up a few million LINK for $100.

All exchanges are kind of suspect. I think I'll move a small amount over to Binance to try it out, but its one of the biggest and most used exchanges out there.

Use the BAT you accumulate to buy whatever on binance and send it to your wallet. By far the easiest and cheapest way to get into crypto

Good idea. Going to start suggesting it in BAT/Brave threads.

That webm is mesmerizing

Thanks for the info user, might open one then, and maybe start farming BAT like says if I can stomach having ads again in my browser.

I've been looking at metamask after suggested it as my main wallet, is it as secure/private as other ones? That whole spiel about 1 phrase being my entire identity sounds pretty sketchy and prone to phishing.

sauce please!

Brave ads are pretty non-intrusive. Its just a little pop up notification in the bottom right corner like a regular Windows notification. You don't even have to open the ad if you don't want to and you still earn the BAT.

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What do you guys mean? There is already a built in metamask in the desktop brave, I use it everyday.

you have to click the ad to earn bat.

scratch that. I'm retarded.

That is the most disgusting mole I have ever seen.

I don't understand how people are still sleeping on BAT. Brave is working on something huge here. Just wait until they start expanding the utility and start growing the userbase beyond the 14m+ that they already have.

Binance is the best untrustworthy CEX out there

Really? Oh, the extension right? Yeah, Im retarded.

Self serve ads sometime in May and I can't wait. Should see some price action.

the fuck is BUSD?

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