I don't quite understand why Yas Forums can't wrap its mind around this token, because it's so fucking simple

I don't quite understand why Yas Forums can't wrap its mind around this token, because it's so fucking simple.

It's certificate of deposit and financial instrument. You can send it and receive it. Just like bitcoin, except there's an actual product: you can lock up your coins for some period of time (akin to a CD). People who don't lock their coins pay some fee in form of an inflation tax. People who lock up their coins pay less of a fee or even see a bit of an increase, depending on how long they lock up.

That's it.

How much is this worth? Simple: it could be worth as the CD market that it correlates with, and how much people use CD's.

HEX has a few thing going for it:
- The locking mechanism might help prevent panic dumping
- It's in the Ethereum ecosystem so it can automatically be used in all protocols that support ERC20
- It's grabs people's attention, if only because of its extravagant creator ("there is no such thing as bad publicity")
- Asia is still sleeping on it. Imagine if they ever FOMO on it.

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What the fuck is a CD?

The 3rd most popular product at banks, after checking and savings account

It's a compact disc used for recording music

I feel like I already missed out. I’ve know about hex since December and still didn’t buy in. I’m too jaded to buy now there’s now way it will gain like it did past 115 days.

print this post out and frame it so you can kys later this year

have you actually ever listened to richard hearth ?
never seen more obvious larper
now fuck off with your hex

Sounds like a scam.

yes it sounds like a scam, which even Richard Heart admits. but then you look into it and there's no scamming involved. I have yet to hear anyone explain what the supposed 'scam' is.

watch some of Richard's debates with detractors. He tears all of their arguments apart and leaves them without a leg to stand on.

will the price of HEX go up (more than the 60x it already has)? who knows. But there's no scam involved.

did you "miss out" in 2002 by not buying amazon too?


originally I was only going to get HEX by free claiming by BTC, but then when i saw you could buy over a million HEX for 1 ETH I figured I ought to take a chance and load up. turned out to be a smart move, but I wish I had taken a bigger chance. I knew Richard Heart was a smart guy, should have been willing to take a bigger gamble on his project.

>certificate of deposit
More like certificate of street shitting.

Attached: 1ewdzs.jpg (399x385, 43.81K)

sounds cursed

the thing is HEX has already gone up 60x, it's going to be a lot tougher to go up another 60x which would give it a market cap of about $15 billion. Even another 10x from here would be tough. Future price expectations are already priced in at this point. In any case it's not going to happen in 140 days like the first 60x did.

You're not going to be able to turn hundreds of dollars into tens of thousands again. That ship has sailed.

yeah but this is clown world

Attached: Uno_reverse.jpg (360x450, 25.63K)

How do I get this? I'm only using coinbase so far.

hexdex.win/swap to convert ERC-20 tokens into HEX. You can buy USDC from Coinbase with zero fees

market cap only represents circulating supply (non-staked tokens). could vary by huge percentages depending on when stakes stop/start. part of the game theory that biz will find out about long after it has killed i tself

>Asia is sleeping on it u will be rich when they fomo in
I was actually going to read the white paper but thanks for the heads up that this is a simple pump and dump

True... right now only 25% of tokens are staked so lots of people aren't staking but what will that look like after the launch period? If you look at hex.vision you can see the bulk of stakes end before the Big Pay Day at the end of the launch phase. That could be so that people can stake their accrued interest before BPD, or could be so they dump before. I don't know.

BPD also means huge increase in total supply of HEX (but not necessarily circulating supply). It's tough to say what the HEX market will look like until after BPD shakes things out.

also sounds like Sex. Also implies being mesmerized or enamored. Hex is good branding.

it went up 10-12x...

There's a mobile app being released in the next week or two which gets around the china censorship

>right now only 25% of tokens are staked so lots of people aren't staking
the way it should be. less stakers means a bigger take for the stakers. if you were the only staker you would get everything. same with the AA. daily reminder that this was all actually thought thru and exponentially rewards early people who arent retarded

Because Richard James Schuler takes our ethereum in exchange for hex.

>no scamming involved.
Lol, it requires ethereum that we don't get back. His parents are failures

fuck off richard. you mad you talked shit about chainlink when it was at 40 cents and never bought some yourself? fucking loser.

Sounds like gay sex

up about 75x from all time lows.

ATL - 0.000056
ATH - 0.0042


Wash trading, unisawp is infamous for this

you can buy HEX with any ERC 20 token via Uniswap. There's no requirement that you put ETH into the adoption amplifier. that's just how new HEX is minted during the first year.

since price is near ATH, just about anyone who has put ETH into AA has higher net worth now than if they hadn't. so where's the scam?

Uniswap is all on chain, so if there was wash trading you'd be able to see via chain analysis, right?

Attached: 131.gif (484x640, 3.47M)

sure, but very few got into ATL so its stupid to measure from

sure but that's only during the first year. After that there's no more big pay day, so incentives for staking will be different. I would have thought that most people would be all in staked before BPD since the possible returns are so outsized. Instead, you see that the majority of currently staked coins end before BPD. Also there's 500 M new coins being minted everyday via AA which will come to an end on BPD. So, really don't know what things will look like until the launch period ends.

sure. my point was that the chance for fast, huge gains is over. Going 75x from ATL to current ATH happened quick because market cap was so low, but going from here to the next 75x isn't likely to happen anytime soon if ever. HEX might have more upside potential but the chance for instant riches has passed.

And guess why few got in at ATLs? Because they were listening to retards screaming scam. Now they get to enjoy being on the sidelines while smart people make gains.