Read this you fucks

BSV is going to teabag BTC when this all comes out. You get what you fucking deserve.

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Other urls found in this thread:

do have hindi translation for indian brothers sir?

didnt and wont read

Great. More of your money for me :)

tldr: it's the "courier"

>bsv shitskin coping about how he fell for craigs (a literal faggots) 2nd scam.
You want to know why he doesn't prove he's Satoshi? Because he can't you fucking idiot and it's already been proven in court lmao KILL YOURSELF dumbass

Seethe corecuck

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just for the lulz, can someone recap it?

how is this guy not in prison? do yourself a favor and watch richard heart BTFO this retard on youtube

I own 28.3k Chainlink and bought at 26c, fuck your worthless scam I literally have more money than you and always will because im not a retarded shitskin who fell for a literal faggots 2nd scam.

Reminder he could prove he's Satoshi at any time but he can't because he's not Satoshi and it's been proven in court he isn't (he also cried like a little faggot in court).

of course little timmy now take your meds! they are good for you!

it's COURIER rakesh
stop dreaming about curry, it's disgusting and gives you a permanent repulsive aura to any non pajeet coming within 5 yards of you.

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it's the bondage courier isn't it?

nope its jimmy. jimmy was severed in early march and in late march claimed he/his family would be put at risk for getting involved in this case.

i can believe that if he doesn't want to perjure himself he can't lie and if he doesn't lie calvin will hunt him down kids and all.

what if...jimmy was the courier?

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>BSV is going to teabag BTC when this all comes out. You get what you fucking deserve.

Same old bullshit narrative.. but no action.


What's jimmy's last name? What was the last name of one of the trustees?

lmao now Craig is crying "IT'S CONFIDENTIAL" to his "public immutable evidence trail" as he himself calls it
what a fucking joke

can somebody give cliff notes?
I stopped reading the court docs months ago, its all pages of legalese when nothing ever happens. i wish tehy would just write in plain english

what is one of the most used last names in vietnam?

Do the needful sirs

Nope. It's the third party who hahaha! has no interest in the outcome of the case. What could that mean?

Amazing coincidence.

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A 'mystery' witness was requested to testify by Kleiman, but claimed he couldn't due to:
>privacy and personal safety issues [..] including the risk of extortion, theft, kidnapping, and even murder
All sides have now agreed, Muh Sekrit witness testimony can be taken and marked as Confidential.
Who muh sekrit witness is remains, of course, a mystery. He is however male, heavily involved somehow with the fat fraud and associated shenanigans, currently resides in California, prone to hysteria (moidah!) and appears to have been actively attempting to avoid providing testimony for the last few months. Having definitely not read any other posts in this thread, can't guess at all who this mystery gentleman might be. Not least as naming him probably land you before a Judge as well.
tldr, mostly a procedural nothingburger, but Mr Mysterys actual testimony could have proved interesting. But now sekrit. Also, pic related

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actually it could be uyen being deposed
>Other British corporate records show that Uyen Nguyen is a now-25-year-old Vietnamese woman who appears to be connected to an address in El Monte, California, a Los Angeles suburb. She was listed as a director of a UK-based company called CO1N, which was founded in October 2012 and dissolved in July 2017. Both Kleiman and Wright are also listed as officers there. (Ars has sent a letter to the El Monte address in an attempt to reach Ms. Nguyen.)

but jimmy also lived and worked in cali for a long time as early as 1993 according to his linkedin

Very likely. They are probably not related, but I would love it if Jimmy was her brother.

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