w-why is the government giving me all this money?
W-why is the government giving me all this money?
Because most of are going to be exterminated and chemically castrated in a few years anyway.
They're just giving you a little bit of what they normally give to corporations. Feels weird, doesn't it?
They want you to put it back into the stock market so that everything looks good in November.
so you don't complain about the billions of tax dollars corporations are getting.
Enjoy your crumbs and go back to watching Netflix goy
turning everyone into neets for automation to take over
Because they need to fight deflation
Selling your children's future for a few grand
i'm not getting shit how did you get it user
This right here. Millionaires got more of a bailout than you did, effectively stealing more of your money.
Good Lord, Commies are tiresome
He's not wrong faggot
Stop asking questions and stay in your house goy
>Socialism for thee but not for me
The rich are getting bailed out on your back again and your response is to slurp up the cum and thank them for it
Everyone's getting bailed out, you retard. We had a liquidity crisis, this time largely caused by a huge forex move into the USD by European/Third World investors fleeing their continent for the safety of the greenback,
There was a shortage of dollars in circulation, which if you don't fix RIGHT AWAY turns into a deflationary spiral, where it's more profitable to hold dollars in the bank rather than spend and invest them, aka the Great Depression. So liquidity had to be injected directly into the organizations that needed it most in the biggest quantities.
It's not "hur rich guy conspiracy," it's "yuros sucked all the money out of circulation, and big companies with tens of thousands of employees had nothing with which to conduct business, so either they got loaned money or half of the economy would evaporate almost overnight"
to make you dependent on them for money so they can control you.
Can they sell everything back into Euros whenever they want? Would the extra dollars stay in circulation afterwards? If I was trying to devalue a currency that's what I would do
so you have money...
Holy shit
Because they assumed you're a debt slave who probably didn't have any money saved.
Because otherwise some crazy schizos might just go and shoot a billionaire/politician and his family.
Check your paychecks bro see how much they take away.
>Can they sell everything back into Euros whenever they want? Would the extra dollars stay in circulation afterwards?
Yes to both. Right now the yuros are expecting an economic apocalyspe and their central banks don't really have anything to fight it with, Germany for example was already at negative interest before all this hit. Their central bank will literally pay you to take money away from them for a while.
So yuro and EM investors have been buying up USD wherever they can find them, in order to get their wealth out of those impending disasters and into something safe, mostly cash and T-Bills, and with short term Treasury yields of like 0.1% they are actually paying us to finance our deficit spending. It's wild.
But it caused a massive dollar crunch with supply far less than demand, so we've been printing money as fast as possible just to keep the dollar from appreciating out of control. Because there's nothing worse than having the dollar rising in value at say 3% when the economy's crashing. The prospect of a deflationary spiral keeps central bankers up at night.
So retards who say "hur big corporation get billion dollur u only get 1200 #impeach" didn't understand two things: a) big corporation needed a billion dollars to send out paychecks and there weren't dollars to be had, and b) 200+ million people got that 1,200, let's do the math there
Or, in the case of millionaire media types, they understood that fine but were banking on you not understanding so they could get you mad
You're the commie you dirty corporate-socialist.
They want you to be happy
>caused by a huge forex move
Have you ever even looked at a forex chart before or are you just repeating some horseshit from some financial blog?
to pacify you while they flagrantly trample your rights.
> He thinks he's going to be having offspring
kek this. My unemployment direct deposits are almost 3x what I spend. I had enough saved to live for the next 5 years without work.
I understand impeachment would solve nothing, and everything you wrote up until that.
Why can't we have the dollar appreciate in value? People who were saving dollars would be rewarded for being responsible. Why do companies need to be bailed out? Why can't we have a great depression? There are way too many people, way too many city assholes who don't know what real life is, way too many cities in general. None of this is necessary and it was all built with fake dollars from the fed, which caused inflation, and what goes up must come down, or they're going to enslave the entire populace to keep it where it is now, which is what they're doing through bailouts.
I want to see the entire system crash because I have no stake in it and rich people are doing their best to keep me out. Fuck their entire system, I can survive in the woods no problem, it's Jews that need cities to survive.
>hur price go down
Want to know how I know you don't know what you're talking about? Holy fuck you're stupid.
Hint: Money supply
I'm fine with this.