How much is a gf worth in 2020?
How much is a gf worth in 2020?
worth more than BTC. none of my online friends have one
Man that's a
Looks like my ex
A man
Clapping cheeks? Priceless, cuckaroni.
>black user here
for us, a gf is free. for you pathetic whitebois it's millions
that's a liability
imagine sucking the cum out of her ass after a big black bull nuts inside it
negative value
>black user here
All the black people I know are crack heads and welfare recipients.
Any white women they have is a junkie or fat.
>>black user here
Checked but why call can’t you be normal
back to pol.
>pic related
One of these, OP - one of these.
Depends. Does she have a job? How much does she make? Does she plan to work, or turn into SAHM?
U need to know the cash flow, bro
gross you can see part of his nutsack
Niggers truly are disgusting.
their ape nose, their monkey skull, and their shitskin would already be hard to tolerate, but on top of that they kill, steal, rape and throw wrappers on the ground ?
A girlfriend is not an asset, they are actually liabilities. In a free market they would be very easy to get. However, over the last 11 years, central banks have bought a combined 20 trillion girlfriends on the open market, making them extremely expensive and arrogant. You now have to pay a huge chunk of your lifetime earnings to spend time with these liabilities. End the Fed!!
I grew up on Yas Forums
Is that Sunny Lane?
You mean how much does one COST? Can be up to not only your life savings, but your future earnings as well
has Sunny Lane ever been blacked?
>Ziggy doesn't know
'Spade Queens' is all a psyop to weed the whores out of our lineage and fill your waking nightmares with nagging single mothers. If anything, maybe proved a bit too successful tho
-$12,000 a year
negative worth. Will bring you down and bleed your money
Anything is free if you take it by force, you shitskin; ape-looking; subhuman piece of trash. Be useful for once and KYS.
White ass is the best ass, especially when I slide by big fat cock through those cheeks.
However much she is charging for her onlyfans
>White ass is the best ass, especially when I slide by big fat cock through those cheeks.
hey thanks for the info