California beaches were overflowing over the weekend. Is it even worth trying to contain Coronavirus anymore?

California beaches were overflowing over the weekend. Is it even worth trying to contain Coronavirus anymore?

Attached: SoreTenseAmphiuma (1).webm (640x1136, 2.3M)

es un hombre

holy fuck this boy is hot

Yes. Corona-chan will spread her love to all of us.

Attached: 9FD4F553-12FC-4748-839A-2A73BD57964C.jpg (802x898, 151.36K)


No. I prepped like hell and even I don't want the shutdown. This is boring af.

Hot but I would never date a woman who wears clothing this slutty. She doesn't respect herself, why should I?

Nigger, the curve has been flattened. Hospitals aren’t caught off guard anymore. That’s the best we could have done. Quit moving the goalposts

i want to suck his feminine penis

got anything where her penis shows?

You don't date her lol it's for fucking and leaving before she wakes up

Who is this dude

anyone else starting to love confinement and genuinely want coronavirus to succeed and kill everyone?

But then who would make me my tendies?


Fuck globalist kikes, fuck spics and Fuck jannies

Quarantine for lyfe

I wonder what his little boipussy farts smell like.

damn where's her penis

i mean it doesn't have to kill everyone. just never go away, never have a vaccine, antibodies only last a couple months, it gives you permanent lung damage or something. make it so we all HAVE to stay at home as much as possible. we'll make it work and it'll put an end to this need to be OUT all the time and need to have such an outgoing personality otherwise you're an outcast.

Why contain it?

who is this asian goddess?

barely anyone in california has the virus fag. get over yourself

Nigger Newsom is closing the beaches now, he’s butthurt no one is taking the dem-chink hoax virus seriously

recovery rate is quite high, assuming it's a real virus. if it's fake doesn't matter. we're already headed towards a fucking great depression. 10x will die from starvation or crime alone. the stimulus took fucking forever to arrive for many. imagine waiting in line for 2+ hours to get food from a food bank. that's the reality of many right now.


cuckvin jewsom was playing nice with trump and thanking him and shit because he's trying to position himself as the next potential pres. nom and wants to "show decorum". meanwhile, the dems are whispering devilish shit in his ear to remind him what party he belongs to.

remember the 2 navy medical ships that were sent out? hardly even used in LA and NY. in fact i live near 2 hospitals and both are quiet. it's a massive hoax but if you point it out the NPCs automatically call you a conspiracy theorist. same goes with 9/11.

Alvin Chang

Yeah now hospitals are laying off staff because whole floors are empty. How normies can’t see through bullshit this blatant is beyond me


economy is in the tank now coronavirus is just the scapegoat

this sort of depresses me user
>other people are having fun while i'm indoors, so i hope a potentially dangerous virus scars them for life and confines them to my existence when they'd much rather be doing anything else.

Meanwhile, I’m in the funeral industry and today had to talk to a guy in his 40s bawling his heart out because his covid-infected wife will be passing shortly. But no it’s all a hoax.

imagine having an IQ this low

What was her pre-existing condition, kike nigger?