Say that you “made it”
What would be your Holy Grail piece? For me it’s a high quality leather sofa
Holy Grail Piece
A BTR with a reactivated cannon
I want a nice thinking chair
I’m aiming for the leather suit
Yeah I love those chesterfields or whatever they are called. I want a Poltrona Frau one... I can't imagine what they cost though, I haven't even looked.
2 girls at the same time
an original soviet union dragonov sniper rifle
Adolf Hitler's Mercedes-Benz 770
First edition Gravity’s Rainbow
Oh and it needs to be signed by Pinecone himself
5+ girls at the same time
my bruddah
Golden Trump bust sculpture
Berkshire Hathaway stock
unironically BTC
For me it's a high quality leather strap on for my gf.
Riva Aquarama
I like it
This is it. Massive 3 level basement and garage underneath it.
>get fucked tornadoes
This is what I don't get. If you live in Tornado alley, doesn't it make more sense to build the majority, or even all of your house underground?
You'll just end up throwing a sheet/blanket over it anyway. Even nice leather is uncomfortable on bare skin and most people chill on their couch in their underwear.
It makes sense. It also makes it twenty times more expensive.
One of these balloons so I can make an exit the day I quit my job
640 acres of land, located between the 43rd and 47th parallels, 25% arable 60% forest and 15% springfed wetland with a decent river. Minimum 150ft relief, preferably 300. Clean water source and minimum of 1 hour to any major (100k+) population center, which must be located to the east of my location.
For me, it will be a nice figure collection
what compels manchildern to do this?
the indiana jones boat, that thing is sick
I’ve come to desire the Royal Oak. All my other grails like Wegner chairs or Erik Jørgensen couches are well within my financial reach, I’m just too tight to spend on them.
Nothing. Don't really care about "stuff".