What's your answer to this?

What's your answer to this?

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>what is inflation

If you bought 180k Link from the ICO til today you would be richer than Bezos

I’m not a fan of this bald fuck but there’s a concerted smear campaign against him

Or you wouldn't be as rich as Jeff Bezos ex wife

why don't you tell us the daily cash amount that does equal Bezos wealth then, you fucking faggot? what kind of shit is this. stupid fucking meme image.

that might not be accurate after stonks went kaboomboom

>Bezos has all of his wealth in cash that he could just give to poor people without crashing his own company's stock

God I fucking hate retards who bitch about Bezos, the man is a filthy rich psychopath but most of his wealth is tied to assets that would dump hard if he tried to liquidate it all into cash and probably crash the economy if he tried to do it, ruining more lives in the process than he'd help.

The rich deserve their money. And it's human nature to serve one's superiors. If you disagree you're anti American and will hang on the day of the commie purge.

Normies HATE Bezos but they worship people like Jobs and Musk. Normie also shop almost exclusively at Amazon, are oblivious to the federal reserve, continually buy into the stock market ponzi, think bitcoin is a scam, worship facebook / social media, are happy to give up their rights and privacy, etc.

Normies made Bezos and other billionaires rich, they should be mad at themselves.

My answer to this is that capitalism is based and redpilled and poorfags will seethe.


and the scariest part is, hes not the richest man in the world

737,544 days since Jesus was born
180k/day given you 67.5mm/yr, divided by months in a year that's 5.475mm/mo.
5.475mm/mo and investing in diversified stocks you should be close to average of 10%/yr.
2020 years of 5.475mm/mo at 10% per year is... Idk because it cuts me off at 1,000 years giving $11,766,863,614,508,906,171,533,254,756,202,962,846,100,106,627,776,512.00, which is waaaaay less than how much Bezos has because that's not even half the time sinc Jesus was born.

He is the richest but there's a fat, elephant - sized asterisk next to his name for that title

What am I supposed to say, the guy isn't robbing anyone, he just owns shares in a company that everybody likes.

If by "richest" you mean the individual the most easily valuable, publicly known assets.


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I fuck hotter women

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There isn't, when Gates was the richest man on earth he was the one they used in all the examples.

the dollar didn't even exist in Roman times what are you even saying

He's actually worth $150 billions now

that commies deserve the rope

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I said there's an asterisk next to his name. What do you think I meant by that?

No one actually implied that, you're arguing with some imaginary moron.
btw your assets being illiquid don't matter much when you can get any loan you want based on your net worth.

>investing in diversified stocks you should be close to average of 10%/yr.

>comparing someone's wealth to an arithmetic progression rather than a geometric one
Not gonna make it

The entire point of the comparison was to show you only get ultrarich through inflation, interest and speculation, it's literally impossible through "honest work".

To be fair if you're making 180k A DAY you're probably not doing "honest work" either.

>imaginary moron
You really think that the average normie who complains about Bezos understands the difference between net worth and money?

Interesting. Do you have any way to help us realize water is wet? Always wondered about that one but there's no good simple models or ways to conceptualize it.

If you made 180k droplets from the day jesus was born to today you still wouldn't be as wet as aquaman

except he could only get like 3 billion from his stocks

Then again their instincts aren't necessarily wrong, Bezos does liquidate billions a year, in particular to pump his vanity space project.
This image is meant to wake up dumb normies, yes. Don't know why it was posted on Yas Forums particularly.

If I had 3 billions I'd definitely trade them for even 10% of Bezos' shares.

>P/E over 100
>price to book over 14

amazon could literally drop 80% and still look somewhat overpriced.

who is the richest

>"honest work"
You mean wagecucking every day for a flat amount and then throwing it into a savings account? Yeah no shit you're not gonna make it.

Amazon could literally drop 80% and I'd still trade 3 billions for all of Bezos' shares. In fact, it'd have to drop 98% before I regret it (assuming his $150 billions are all Amazon.)

Why even live then bros