I bought it

I bought it Yas Forums. What have you bought?

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>he thinks a car is a status symbol


What a waste of money. You could have dropped that money into UAVS and turned it into a million

The car you drive reflects your personality

You bought a mid range BMW = Congratulations you are a mediocre normie with zero personality

bro, they are gunna be on sale in a couple months, so much stocked up rn

Definitely not one from Chinese Motoren Werke.

Equity and leverage you nigger.

In Poland it is

normies gonna norm

t. Bus driving neet

Guess why poles are poor

Id honestly prefer a golf GTI or something classic jap like a 180sx, I nearly bought a 180sx desu bit m saving for a house so for now I drive my GFS Mazda 3 but at least it doesn't break down like a BMW lmao

Damn you got it in white, have fun keeping that thing clean, but then again bird poop might blend in.

The other way around more like

Was driving Audi A3 before, same floor as GTI so I wanted something new. You shold go for that Nissan. Sexy lights
Had a white car before, not even as bad as black one gets dirty

No phones on the fuel dispensary forecourt!

you should've got a model 3, chicks drool over it far more than a generic bimmer

hows the bmw compared to audi? recommend getting a bmw?

t. toyota driver

get the the bimmercode app, you'll be glad you did

I used to have a white M4, it would’ve crushed your little 320d. In retrospect it was a poor financial decision. Stay poor I guess, there’s a reason people are called Honda Millionaires.

Why do people buy these cars? Is it merely for status? It surely isn't for performance, you can make a lambo killer for less than 10k

Not an M5. Take it back to dealership.

It's tuned to 250hp, and 2 times cheaper than 420hp M4. Also new breakes cost 500$ instead of 5000$
>poor financial decision

Your bags

Depends what you expect. RWD is more fun to drive than FWD I had is audi. Handling is better in BMW, it feels more mechanicall. However audi had nicer interior. You can get cheap BMW e90 330i and you will be super happy

I bought a used Prius so I could buy even more crypto.

M4 is an investment. Do you know how much an M3 from the 80s cost right now?

you fucked up OP
you could of had a E92 M3

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>M4 is an investment
fucking kek

This. Either buy an m5 or one of the top tier cars or fuck off.
It's like buying a Porsche boxer, yeah you bought the "brand", it's still not cool.
I'd rather get an older 740 or something just for fun to drive

I never understand why people buy the poorfag version of cars. Its literally embarrassing because you only reason you bought it was because you couldn't afford the real thing.

I'm a poorfag, so I used some of my profit from yesterday's pump to buy myself an iced coffee this morning. Sometimes its the simple things user. Also, I hope you have enough to afford maintenance on that Bimmer, nice cars, but they are a pain to work on, and expensive to repair.

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