You should have held overnight faggots ahahahahahHhHhHAHhhahahahahahhahahHhhHHAAHHahahHhHHhHahahahahahahhahahahahah
Feeling comfy
Fuck yeah, lad. We’re gonna make it.
Hold until 11 user
How the fuck can I buy this in the UK!!!??
I feel you bro, ukanon and couldn’t get it last night
Sent a friend a screencap of my portfolio because we were talking about a different stock play.
>"What's UAVS, user?"
>"I... uh... I don't know."
>"Why'd you buy it?"
>"Some guy... on the internet... said to... there was a picture of a bear."
What a world. Although weird little side gambles like this don't really matter when my normie retail portfolio is 99% index funds and blue chips.
>tfw when not on trading 212
> tfw when not on fortune 500
Sort this shit out you fux
I am actually on trading 212. Is it on here? Am I going to end myself right now??
And then what after 11?
This is going to be the company that engineers Amazon's drone delivery fleet. Going to 100x in the next six months.
Screenshot this.
Dump et
Nope, sorry UK bro it's not on either
I thought this was a UAV company not a rocket to the moon company!
Man. I'm sweating bullets because I went all in on this with 50 shares. Hope op was right
50 is not a lot
Hold until the meeting. It will go down first because overnight holds selling off then it will spike up with people buying back in
When is the meeting?
11am EST
It is almost at 3.
If I am thinking of getting in this morning (didn't get in last night), would you recommend it? The company has shit financials, why is it mooning?
>*AgEagle Aerial Systems Shares Continuing Higher In Pre-Market Trade Thurs., Up 26% Following 160% Rally On Wed.; Didn't See Fundamental News On Stock Wed. To Justify Sharp Move Higher, Co. Expected To Report Q4 Earnings Thurs. Morning
>Didn't See Fundamental News On Stock Wed. To Justify Sharp Move Higher,
considering dropping in on this as well. What price do you think we'll get at 11 or 12 EST?
degiro you retards. I have been saying this in every thread yesterday
I should have bought more ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
I'm thinking about grabbing 300 shares on open.
It's my life savings
what do you guys think about VISL? It's support for drones and works with UAVS I've heard.
buying at open is probably the best time. It will drop right away in first hour because of all the dumps from overnight holds.
you do know where we are, right?
Denigro has a 17k waiting list. Where else can a yuropean buy those shares
Yeah. Sad life
Volatility yesterday made me sell due to a stop limit.. feeling bad rn