is it Yas Forums to dump your gf or wife after she hit the wall, for someone younger.
>Women look hideous after they hit the wall around 26.
>depreciating asset
>younger women are easier to control
Is it Yas Forums to dump your gf or wife after she hit the wall, for someone younger
Incel cope, get some test.
>dump a 25 years old gf
>take a 38 years old gf
>dump the 38 yrs old gf
>take a 47 yrs old gf
>dump the 47 yrs old gf
>take a 56 yrs old gf
that's the biz way
is pic related op? because she looks yaw
more hot as fuck and more mature on the right pic
OP is a faggot
sage this shit
Sell link and tesla
>He doesn't diversify his portfolio
roastie cope
teleiophile cope
The most appealing women in the world are 26 to 32.
Looks better on the right doesn’t she?
No, you control women in a wedlock till rest of your life or until you can control.... if she blah blah, pas over like a joint, a party girl, whore.
Women has only one value faithfulness, devotion with out that it is not a women but jew blah blah
My gf just turned 20, I am 30, how many years will we have together?
Women over 35 look like crypt keepers. Go out once in a while.
>50 years old
>still looks 30
would you Yas Forums?
If not a larp, be honest, you resent her for other reasons
>easier to control
You have self esteem issues and don't want a woman who can contend with you or is maybe even smarter
>You have self esteem issues and don't want a woman who can contend with you or is maybe even smarter
The Yas Forums way is marrying an old cougar and cucking her family out of inheritance
She does not look 30...
You’re seriously a dumb faggot with your armchair psychological evaluation that doesn’t make any sense.
I lel'd
Find yourself a nice Asian girl because they deprecated at a much slower rate than any other race. there are much better long-term hold
I personally love women in their 30s and even 40s, but if you're going to wife someone it's probably best to get them younger so you can enjoy all of those years to yourself
I've dated 10 years younger and if what you're after is a real partnership, a woman who is closer to your own age will "get" you more and that's more fulfilling in general. Just depends on what you're after. Some are happy with someone who just looks good standing next to them.
Scarily accurate
but then the second they turn 50 they look like they're 80