>60% of americans live paycheck to paycheck >50% of americans make less than $30k a year >44% of workers make less than a living wage
If around 50% of jobs can't afford someone a home what is the point of those jobs existing? If everyone in that group up and quit their jobs the economy would be completely collapse. Does that mean half of the population must suffer so the other half can prosper?
Weird that having one gender compete for the same job would lower wages.
Quite interesting...
Kevin Smith
>live paycheck to paycheck >still no public healthcare >muh land of fridums!
Henry Jackson
Ryder Bell
Because we have transitioned from a high-trust and mostly homogeneous society to a low-trust multicultural society.
This is what happens when you screw over future generations with demographic change, outsourcing of labor, illegal labor etc. We are no longer united, therefore cannot muster the political or social power to do good for our people, since we don't know who our people are anymore.
ya I'd rather be taxed at 40% like some european countries and have a roof over my head and guaranteed healthcare than be taxed at 20% and unable to afford a studio apartment
Why are employers in charge of our healthcare in the first place? this doesn't make any sense
A departure from the last vestiges of sound money combined with decadence and social decay.
Anthony Hughes
European countries are full of poverty specially for old people
Parker Kelly
Even in northern europe?
Samuel Myers
When you import people from the third world you get third world living conditions.
Xavier Scott
Those are just teenagers, or at least the jobs are meant for teenagers. $10/hr seems low but when you have no bills that gives you a healthy head start on investing. Do boomer funds and work towards a real job. Keep living with parents a couple years after landing a 60k+/yr job and you have a down-payment on a big house in the big city or enough to buy outright in one of the smaller cities. The American dream is still alive, the problem is people are doing it wrong.
Julian Stewart
what the fuck are you talking about? It's quite the opposite actually; young people are broke and it's often thanks to the parents and grandparents pension that things can still move on.
Eli Gonzalez
but how could 20 million people ruin the lives of 350 million people?
My dad made $15 an hour working in a factory in 1977 with just his high school diploma. How the fuck is jefe picking strawberries going to have an effect on jobs like that?
I'd blame shipping jobs overseas and automation before I'd blame immigration
Liam Ross
It's not so much the strawberry pickers as it is literally every entry level job. They say there's a labor shortage so we need pajeets to come over and spaghetti code, tech support, middle management, etc. They even erode wages in hvac, plumbing, and electric. Besides that, you can pick strawberries with just a high school degree so even if you don't like the idea of doing it that's a job stolen from an actual American who deserves in. Mexcrement send like 80% or more of their stolen money back to Mexico so the effect is amplified by spending leaving the country instead of going back into the local, or state economy. Fuckers get benefits but dodge taxes too. I'd like to line every shitskin up and place a nail in the back of their heads.
Daniel Sanders
Many europoors live paycheck to paycheck but AT LEAST they have guaranteed healthcare
Oliver Torres
>Forgot public schools and no such thing as (((student loans)))
Grayson Scott
Sad but true unfortunately. What I’d argue is even worse than the intentional top down miscegenation has been the behavioral sink created through the demiurgic organized chaos of what seems to be a coalition of filthy Trots. The fabrics of society have been ripped, torn, and dyed with the decline and transmorphing of religious, moral, cultural, sexual, occupational, legal, and educational norms combined with a perpetual historical revisionism that we’re seeing play out in real time with the renaming of the Spanish flu to ‘The 1918 influenza epidemic.’
>but how could 20 million people ruin the lives of 350 million people?
Simple. It is wage stagnation as well as native exclusion from jobs traditionally worked by citizens. Business effectively keeps wages super low so they are unworkable to anyone except cheap illegal labor. Your father effectively made 63$ an hour in 1977 working a job that didn't require a degree. Good luck getting a job like that now even coming straight out of college with a degree.
You can thank illegal labor and outsourcing for destroying future generations via wage reduction.
Agreed. We can blame a number of groups but in my opinion the worst offenders are Boomers. While most of them did harm without intent, it doesn't absolve them from being led like cattle. I think there is still hope but it will require short and long term suffering to put things back on track.
Leo Bailey
This does seem to be the case at present. While it’s true that the cabal is formed of various sects of merchants, Freemasons, and flavors of commies nearly all of worst actors and controllers across the spectrum still breathing are Boomers. I’d argue that their complacency with and support for turning the wheel in this direction has been the first mover advantage in regards to the Cantillon effect of money printing associated with their lifecycle in the timeline and nonstop Talmud Vision from cradle to grave.
I anticipate that long before riots break out state side that many of us will have to contemplate the risk of verbalizing unspeakable political positions which would otherwise be entirely acceptable had the Overton window not been forcibly shifted into its current position.
This is true but things went bad earlier. I believe multiculturalism is a symptom and not the cause
Christian Russell
actually it was reagan, clinton and neocons/neoliberals in general
Julian Mitchell
Most Western European countries have greater median wealth per adult than the US
John Cox
the fuck does that even mean, the USA made its fortune from world war, then from then on it just banked on wars after wars, your system was never viable, it always depended on leeching off some country resources, be it africa the middle east or western countries.
it'll collapse at some point and america will just be another third world country, history has proven many times that empires always collapse, you are ust witnessing your own collapse and its not gonna get better yllou can only fgo down from here
Charles Russell
This is your economy with working women.
Jaxon Hill
I think between the threat of balkanization and the slow decay of natives self agency that things will start to look up in regards to coming to terms with that we have to do to preserve our society and culture. As you always know though it's a battle of optics, at least right now. The worse things gets the more you can ease up on optics, we are just not there yet.
>Fuck globalism. Seriously. I think we are starting to see a transition back to nationalism however via Americas new foreign policy and this wuflu stuff.
>I believe multiculturalism is a symptom and not the cause. It just really bothers me that the average westerner has been conditioned to such a degree that no one bats an eye when put in front of the threat of ethnic and cultural replacement. People would rather destroy their childrens future than speak 'wrongly' out of fear of social retribution. Regardless, unchecked multiculturalism whether the symptom or cause is being abused by elites to further an agenda and they do not care about the consequences.
America is ruled by an elite that only cares about shovelling in more money themselves at the cost of the working and middle class. Costs for education, healthcare, etc. is absolutely ridiculous, most of the money people pay for that stuff goes straight into the pockets of the elite. Just look at what boomers paid for college compared to what people pay today. Most countries recently spent a shitton of money on preventing people from getting fired, the elite in America only cared about their stock prices. Most people in America refuse to see this and the ones who do bicker over whether the elite is the rich (leftist interpretation) or the jews (right-wing interpretation).
Brandon Martinez
We have only gone to war to fulfill national interests. Whether it is to secure the petrodollar, a resource, or hegemony America has always used its military to wage war to gain these things.
The things we have fought for have (mostly) allowed American citizens to enjoy a relatively high quality of life, as well as the privilege of holding the biggest stick in the international community. Here is where you are wrong:
We do not require anything the outside world has. We are self sufficient. We now: >Are energy independent via shale revolution. >Are agriculturally self sufficient. >Have the strongest military in the world. >GDP as imports/exports is around 15%, half of which is just Canada and Mexico.
Continuing the global order has only made us poorer and weaker. Younger generations objectively will make less money and have a poorer quality of life than their parents. All of OPs above reasons America has gotten shittier can be broken down to terrible policy decisions which is a direct consequence of living in a low-trust multicultural society.
>You (you) screwed yourselves over for convenience.
I agree with you, however it is not the fault of the younger generations who were born into the mess our parents handed to us. As was it our fathers and forefathers responsibility for fucking things up, it is now our responsibility to make things better for ourselves, our children, and our future.
>Plus most of you idiots couldn't pass your OWN citizenship test. Cry harder. Correction, SOME of us couldn't pass our citizenship test. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of ignorant people in my country. Despite that it is still not acceptable that elites are replacing us and some of my countrymen are ignorantly and willfully going along with it. You would feel the same if your country was going through the same thing.