/smg/ - Stock Market General

Sleepy time


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>Boomer Investing 101

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I only respect cunny, bros.

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i hate this game

The market has stayed irrational longer than I could stay solvent.

March wasn’t really the bottom, right? All of this bear capitulation means we’re gonna dump, right?

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Google Last of Us Part II spoilers.

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>it's the market that is irrational, not me.

>everyone knows why the market goes up and down

I’m really not sure anymore. I thought this at the end of last week and pulled my money out just in case but who knows.

Theoretically it looks like just another bear market rally but given the level of fed intervention and unique nature of the cause of the crash it's anyone's guess.

How many of you guys have some UAVS right now? If the news is true what would you predict the price to go to?

Just put a 5% trailing stop on it and don't give a shit.

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I am so happy this shit got spoiled. TLoU was always a shit interactive move huffing its own farts with shitty gameplay. Now the one thing people clung to has been so indisputably destroyed, people are starting to realize that it was always a shit franchise.

If that’s not the case, why would betting against it be rational?

Who here is going all in on FNGU tomorrow?

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>if you ruin something at the end, then it was shit from the start
While that’s true for some of us (I refuse to acknowledge how enjoyable much of LOST was because they ending was irredeemably bad) it’s not true by necessity.

I’m just glad this isn’t a NTDOY related game. Blessed japs.

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>Insert more coins to play
>Am broke

By the way, JPMorgan, or at least one of their advisors, believes this is NOT the time to overweight small caps.

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Many things that don't sick the landing are not bad. That is not the case for TLoU, it was a shitty interactive movie with bad gameplay from the start. It has always been one of the most overrated "games" ever made.

I can’t stop drinking. My life is great (I honestly think so), I’m just really bored in my free time so I drink out of habit. I know it’s unhealthy but I can’t seem to stop. Any advice on how to stop?

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Thanks buying only small caps right now. Will make another fortune of them.

How is your physical fitness? Are there any hobbies you'd like to pursue but always put off?

Bullish for small cap ETFs.

Ignore the Jews.

do something else in your free time to distract you from your alcohol addiction

>Buy our bags plebs!

I want to cuddle and sleep with a cute /smg/ poster
But not a stupid one who loses money

I wanna go all in TNA tomorrow. What is homeboy's thesis?

>sat on oil ETFs for too long afraid they would collapse
>put just a few hundred dollars in today
god i hope they drop so i can put 10k in

>oil etfs

Bags? There are no more bags in this market. You can buy whatever you'd like to and will make money.

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20$ oil

I tried to tell you bois last week about this easy breezy beautiful 5 bag
It isn't too late

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Get a gym membership

When are we going to hit cap again?

I can’t believe bobos are extinct bros

How many stocks do you own and how many do you prefer to hold for the long term?

>March wasn’t really the bottom, right?
Don't know. TA remains bullish for now.

Bobos don't go extinct they go to their cave

You really did. I still don't know what they do? Textbooks or something. I know they print, but are their stocks only going up because of that new tax break they're getting? How much room is there for movement do you think?

we are just hibernating.

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Well, there's always AA if you can't seem to kick the habit without outside help.

bobo how do i cope with my losses

I don't hold anything long term. It doesn't make mathematic sense to me. But, I'm a small player only been in for a couple of months.

France expected for a -3,5% regression, would be probably-6% or -7%
Time for some CAC40 puts?

sleep a lot. it helps the pain go away