Attached: original_209481235.jpg (500x1184, 100.58K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You have been reported to the SEC. You are spreading false information which is leading to inflated stock prices. You will still spend time in a federal prison. I reported you, and the SEC will be tracing your ISP and you will be prosecuted and tried in a court of law.

You have been reported to the SEC. You are spreading false information which is leading to inflated stock prices. You will still spend time in a federal prison. I reported you, and the SEC will be tracing your ISP and you will be prosecuted and tried in a court of law.

What information did OP share?

you will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law

You have been reported to the SEC. You are spreading false information which is leading to inflated stock prices. You will still spend time in a federal prison. I reported you, and the SEC will be tracing your ISP and you will be prosecuted.


you know what you must do

I mean why else would their stocks jump so high? I understand it is a bull market rn but why would this irrelevant stock suddenly surge

This fucking retard can't take a screenshot.

UAVS to $10

this reeks of the same shit we see for shitcoins. sell the news goys

these posts reek of leddit

go to bed stanley
all of this amazon shit traces back to stanley. I noticed this earlier today around noon and im seeing it again now with this cap in op that i wasnt even aware of
very fishy. Glad i sold at 2.5

Thank you for pointing out the name. I will be sure to include the name in my SEC report.

Would you trust this man?

Attached: EB5929AF-D674-447A-9FAF-88F60A8399BE.jpg (640x739, 313.35K)

2.5 after hours trading? Nice I sold at 2

Bald man run the world - so yes

redpill me on stanley

no, around 3pm right before it went to 2 and then back up again


Lol the comments

if you see it shilled on biz then it's too late.

Already announced their expansion and their contract to enter the commercial drone landscape. We just needed to find out who it was. Amazon has a fulfillment center in Kansas that goes by the name of MKC6. They have drones registered with the FFA. Those drones are MK27. The drone AGEagle designed goes by the name MK35 which is FFA approves by a British company. What makes it crazy is the UK is where Amazon has been testing drone delivery. It’s still speculation, but if the shoe fits...

copy and pasted from stanley’s twitter

Attached: 8780D4AA-9F8E-4557-AF96-8CBC8846632C.jpg (1024x640, 53.32K)

Fuck, it very well be. Morgan Chilcott is the CEO's daughter. She is a graphic designer. Searching her name and UAVS/AgEagle pulls up a description of her client list and AgEagle is listed. Funny thing is, her website is hosted on SquareSpace and has been made private, but not removed.

Attached: coverphotofacebook+%283+of+13%29.jpg (1000x1250, 166.68K)

She also has several other corporate videos that show up on Google image search.

>look up ceo of worthless company
>google his last name
>make fake social media in the name of his family

kek I unironically know both of them. Stan was retired not that long ago because of his CKD. What a small world.

Attached: 1564109240025.jpg (1024x990, 73.57K)

I really want to see this tank back to $0.32 tomorrow just for the shit show that will be this board

If so, it's very sophisticated. She also made one for Cobalt Boats, which is also located in the same city.

Attached: Screen+Shot+2019-01-24+at+10.34.16+PM.png (1000x516, 214.99K)

tell me about STAN. Why does he pump the stock?

>post yfw you and your 9 lads are just trying to build some cool ass drones to water your crops in farmland USA when a coupla autists start circling you in with the bezos-bunch out of nowhere

Unfortunately, he is not the Stan involved in this leddit PND.

Which is also the CEOs former employer.