2 days left

Only 2 days left for the competition that gets paid out in crypto on de-fi.co Yas Forums is currently winning lol

Attached: FA1A0636-2578-49E8-9CE1-FCF63066F803.jpg (750x1000, 168.64K)

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I hope those five have big penises.

Attached: kek.png (449x188, 4.83K)

How old are they


All the prices at the top of the site are wrong homey

sorority = college bro. 18-24 normally

no check bitfinex.com/t/BTC:USD . btc 8715 on btoh

epic battle rn between Yas Forums and bitcoins

yep looks like it KEK

What a bunch of dumb whores

goddamn what a fuckin PAWG

College is for women to get dick down by chads. Cope harder incel

yup guess you could say that. I've seen phatter tho

I miss being 19. My dad went out of town for the summer, I was throwing panty parties at the crib, doing blow with models, running the pong table all night. 2011 was a wild fucking year. Shit sucks now

Advertising scam giveaways on your dead message board. Report this scamming faggot. Same zoomer who was scamming on his subreddit that got banned

my parents and little bro and sister when to California for summer vacation in 1998 when I was a junior in high school.... threw a party At my house in burbs of Chicago .... ended up having like 500 people at my house. Parents got a ticket for child abandonment. House was trashed. But everyone was white so many came back the next day to help cleanup

fuck hit me right in the feels user

what r u talking ab bro lol

they look old enough. How do you see that picture and think underage?

fuck that is some project x shit right there. sounds
dope if you have pics of it you should post em

You know what I’m taking about. What happened to r/wallstreetcrypto and why are you posting the exact same pics, samefagging pretty much every response, and spam post advertising in that exact same style they did right after the subreddit got banned?

Either way you can’t advertise your shit giveaways here so eat another report. You get banned daily. Half the posts in this thread are retarded samefags and it’s obvious.

lol reporting me for what? get laid incel and take your meds

did u listen to dubstep

You’re advertising your shit forum and a giveaway retard. The same shit you got exposed on for being a clueless newfag zoomer a few weeks ago when you were advertising your shit subreddit

lol it's not even my site bro chill tf out

I did listen to dubstep at the time but at those parties. I was super into Skream & Benga, the new school dubstep was gay af. We were blasting Lil B and Gucci Gucci by Kreayshawn. Hipster bitches loved Gucci Gucci when it came out.

Asking the real questions here

The sites leaderboard is broken lol

This shit is pretty cool never knew ab it

you don't know what pawg means do you

ask your mommie

>Skream & Benga

Now those are names I haven't heard in a long time...

>t. remembering chicago warehouse raves in 2006

Attached: kj336.jpg (454x330, 20.86K)

Its OP samefagging. He posts the dumbest shit like that in every thread just to make it seem active.

Its probably a honeypot. He had a subreddit named wallstreetcrypto he shilled here for a few weeks, getting banned daily until he got exposed. The subreddit got banned for the scam it was too.