Right user.....?
You didn’t miss the dip, did you?
You did buy oil stocks
FANG and MRO gang
He posted it! MAKE THE CALL
As a matter of fact I did
Back Gold Pilled
Fuck the retards here who said oil was going to continue to go down. Oh NO NO NOOOO!!!
if you really believe in oil buy NRGU, its already about to 3x for me
TOT and RDS.B Chads checkin.
No bullshit that's how I feel. Which is why I refuse to post/ brag about my gains. And im only here because I'm scared and want to pull out of "Oil" before my gain disappear. What's the right way to judge if enough is enough.
I’m not selling oil until august.
KOS, up nearly 100% since i bought in early april. thanks to user who mentioned it
But I DID buy HEX...
Oh wait.. you are talking about OIL STONKS... a HEHE a HEH AHAHAHAHA... Good one... user, u can't be serious... u are going to lose everything
set a trailing stop loss on your positions. Oil is hilariously manipulated and these oilfags only got lucky the fed and retail believes that supply and demand no longer matter.
Hello Lovejeet
why is it rallying so hard?
what is the name of this app?
Ive heard whenever you're celebrating a trade, you better be making profits, as in selling.
Ive never traded anything, I have about 10k i'd like to start with but I dont know where to really learn, any help?
hopes that the economy will open sooner than expected
my tanker stocks got hammered today, so i just bought more
Should I buy MRO now? I have 1000 dollars to fuck around with as gambling money
>should’ve bought more HLX
boku no crypto
You realize XOM earnings friday will kill them right?
$EOG $OXY anyone?
Waiting for lower prices desu
Watch stocks go up and down, learn how to read hype about them and how to read their financials. You'll get it quick.
If you mean logistically download think or swim app by TD.
Whats your guys take on Midstream Natural gas if shale producers go under?
Send that shit over to me senpai I'll get you a 3X return bro!!!!
Sold XOM. Larger positions on other account in SHLX MPLX and HAL have also done well.
Any advise is appreciated. Unsure if I should just stay in a few instead of having everything spread out
So many people are overlooking the potential for these companies and the natural gas industry when it comes to future hydrogen projects. FCEL, any company that liquifies and transfers/transport's NatGas, VTIQ, etc.... mid to longterm $s
Spread is better but you're maybe a bit too spread given how much you're actually working with. If you had like 10x the wealth there you'd look fine.