What are some technical indicators that suggest we’ve found the absolute bottom?
What are some technical indicators that suggest we’ve found the absolute bottom?
that's a woman
god i wish that was me
That's a man
whats her name
Trannies are subhuman
Glad jannies don't count balls as nudity on this board.
White boi bitch was built for bbc
Would you fuck her Yas Forums?
I know I would but won't kiss her tho
Same. Kissing would be gay
Kissing the best part
god i wish that was you
What is wrong with her vagina?
I just wanted to talk about the stock market...
She has a really big piercing
based jannies still havent deleted
Imagine you're sitting there like that while you and your wife take BBC.
yeah i probably would. doggy, and never speak of word of it to anyone.
>the absolute bottom
>1 hour 29 minutes ago
Why is this disgusting thread still up
considering a thread about trump that has nothing to do with business or finance has been up for four hours, I would say the janny won't be around for at least two more hours
meh keep it simple.
not at the bottom, yet.
Is it worth shorting or should I wait for the climb back up and go long?
Jannies rhymes with trannies
why not both?
Number of green or pink Wojaks on Yas Forums
Sell the green Wojaks, buy the pink Wojaks.
Best indicator ever.
TA gore, this is the lowest effort chart ive seen in months. if anyone trades off this they deserve to go broke
Fucking put it out of its misery and just kill it already.
I've found the bottom
Fuck trannies and fuck jannies
It's not relevant
>never speak of word of it to anyone
you still live with the shame and self loathing. forever. don't ask me how i know.