Other urls found in this thread:
I wish the plague was actually real and actually killing normies by the tens of millions.
Inflation next year is going to be hilarious
>tfw denied niggerbux and have to keep wageslaving
Hyperinflation user, it's unavoidable now
>get extra money
>waste it on amazon
They ain't gonna make it.
i suddently dont feel so bad about my life. these people are this poor AND have reddit accounts
Anyone self employed? I wasn't sure how to answer some questions so I guess I'm just fucked?
just wait until 2045 brother
Same. I also work for a bank and that same bank denied me a line of credit to buy stonks with.
idiots, getting free money then immediately buying depreciating assets
the poors
It's all so tiresome.
Didn't you read the part where he bought something on Amazon he NEEDS?
I wonder how these redditors would feel if they knew the same thirdies they love so much were actually paying for their free money by having massive waves of default in their home countries where they cant find dollars...
That's not how inflation wor.. ah fuck it whatever.
Yeah. I love jews so much. Thank you jews for turning humans all poopoo colour. Yeah
In effect, they're doing exactly what the government and big business want. They absolutely hate people who are smart with their money. They want mindless little consoomers who do nothing but buy chinkshit and other semi-disposable products over and over again while living paycheck to paycheck.
The lower and middle class getting extra printed money and then quickly spending it is EXACTLY how inflation works you fucking moron.
My sister is making like $900 a week unemployed. Its infuriating. I hate my 'essential' job and do it for less than she gets for chilling.
>make less than that working full time
wtf bros
Yes this is QE for poorfags. There is no way it won't affect prices on the ground.
Get ready for 5 dollar gallons of milk and the price of alcohol to absolutely skyrocket.
You would have to be actually fucking retarded to wagecuck in a society like this.
Poor people getting and spending money is good. Consumers keep things running.
Jews rock
This exactly demonstrates why these idiots are reeeeing anytime ending the shutdown is mentioned. These are the neets here shilling defending the unnecessary approach governments took towards this holocough.
Me too, but I'm making bank.
Absolutely based
> Tfw was considering playing their earnings
> Tfw now I'm definitely playing their earnings
Don't worry, people like these are why rich people keep getting richer.
Im going to be wishing I did the same if cryptos shit the bed.
I amazes me how fucking poor people are. I don't get how the fuck you live on less than $200k/year, or $400k/year in the city. Like do you plan on working well into your 40s?
So what happens to the people who are getting government money come time to do taxes?
I mean, will they owe the government back any money or what?