/smg/ - Stock Market General

Exxon freezes dividends, tankerbros win edition

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>Pre-Market Data and Live Data

>Bio-pharma Catalyst Calendar

>Boomer Investing 101

>Dividend Reinvestment (DRIP) Calculator

>List of hedge fund holdings


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Lot of good feel banter on the TSLA investor call

Will donald bail out the poor unfortunate oil companies?

I have about $1000 in tanker call options expiring in September. Am I gonna make it?

ET: still a good stock, but you really should have bought it in the $6 range

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>mfw I just realized that tankers are essentially banks for oil

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Am I just stupid that options confuse the shit out of me? Is there a site that explains it? The explanations Ive seen already assume you know the terminology so I end still being lost anyway

Holy shit, you just blew my mind.

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I'm rich bros, I did it.
I saved my money to put it in on a dip.
I'm going to be a millionaire one day.

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Based. I wish I had bought more. The tax implications still kind of confuse me though.


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>Am I just stupid that options confuse the shit out of me?

It's so easy, what are you waiting for?

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Yes, the next oil contracts in the summer will be similar to the May one


Here, don't buy any until you understand them fully or you will probably get rekt. Buy 1 share of TMDX to pay me back for spoonfeeding you.

imagine being a bear this week

You pay a premium that let's you buy (call) or sell (put) a stock at a specific (strike) price. If you don't execute that option because the the the market went the opposite of what you thought it would. You're simply down the premium payment. If you were to otherwise have purchased all 100 shares of that stock, your loss could be far greater.

Well if the MRO rally keeps up I won't have long to wait till $12 gets here (6.28 now)

"Give people back their god damn freedom"
Based Elon dropping red pills.

>futures bright green

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>tfw keep losing money trying to beat the market

I've capitulated and decided to go long now. I'm hoping on the dividend bandwagon. The only thing I'm waiting to liquidate is my $NET; once it moons I will sell it to find a nice divvy stock. Can /smg/ recommend me somes cheapies that also good divvy stocks?

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white is /CL
really makes you think!

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b-but TA told me it was going to crash tomorrow!!

>ET futures
holy fuck whoever recommend this, looking at a 30% roi soon


When will TArds learn?

That's a sick double helix, user.

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I have that too. Hope we make it bro

he almost went full Yas Forums dropping conspiracy theories
was scared for second

cheers to the lads who helped convince me to buy JETS on Monday

good lads

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also looking for good divvy stonks. once my oil stocks bounce back to pre-meme flu levels im selling for something with good dividends

And you can trade 'em for money with your degenerate gambling buddies!

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Does anyone know any high yield credit/debt stocks? >10% yield

it also has a crazy good divvy and is an MLP so fuck it i'll probably just hold it for those divvies

T of course. Fat divvy (0.52 x 4), fat yield (7 - 5.2%), low price per share. He'll still be there long after your dead. That's when the fun begins!. Leave your heirs a nasty surprise in your will. (Screw them)

>futures are green
>but so are VIX futures

Sorry, I forgot; it's the most important part, too.

Tried out options for the first time and bought a put option. Lost 60% so roughly $150ish. A hard lesson learned. Im gonna buy calls tomorrows lmfao.

You haven't learned anything


enjoy it fren

>Large american corporations such as American Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T) hire workers to shill for them on Yas Forums
what a time to be alive

how does it work with futures. is there a strawpoll somewhere that everybody votes on to determine the future price. how does it average everyone vote to determine the number in real time.

Where my Tesla CHADS at?

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Thanks for the rec, but I'm looking for a stock that's about $10 or under.

Alright so basically you pay a premium to bet that the stock will reach x price by y date. The faster and closer the stock gets to x price (or past it), the more money you make. Potential gains are big, potential loss is only as big as the premium.

At least thats how much i understand.

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>bogdanoff. He is buying calls tomorrow.
>Pump the market, but before he cashes out, kill him.

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The constant bitching and cheerleading in the investing.com comments is fucking hilarious. Makes biz look civil. If those guys were in the same room they would physically attacking each other.

>when you sold btc to buy calls on fang at 1pm but they didn't go through quick enough and bought calls on ivr instead
I guess I really am retarded

More short pressure. It almost makes me think tomorrow will be green again.

Futures are just options trading but without the market being open to validate any form of accuracy. They might react to news post-market and such

How do I get a job shilling on social media? I’m dead serious, I can do 12hrs a day on social media.

VIX doesn't mean red. It just means big moves in either direction. Huge donkey dick green candles for the rest of the week.

I wish, I sold my small position at 700. Congrats, my man.

too many people do it for free for it to be profitable

the vix going down = stocks violently moving up.
the vix going up = stocks violently moving down

Yah, I know. Im gonna keep getting losses until I do eventually start making money.
This will happen

So you don't have to hit the EXACT value listed on the contract if you don't think your call is EXACTLY right? (I mean, how the fuck often can someone accurately call an exact price at an exact time?)

>hide rotten eggs in his house

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No. Please consider remedial education.

Mind blown.

It should mean in either direction in theory but in reality it always means going down. There is a reason behind that but I forgot.

Guys is it too late to get in on HAL, FANG and MRO

ET was a good buy recently but shit is mooning now


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Bull run

Thank you that actually is a very simple explanation. What would happen if, say, a stock was currently at $10, but I thought that next month it will hit $15? Lets assume that I magically knew the future, and I KNEW it would hit 15. What would be the best thing for me to do in this situation to make the maximum amount of money with options?

it is a contract to purchase shares at price X
if the shares are more expensive than price X, you buy them for price X and you can sell them for >X, that's your profit (after subtracting what you paid for the contract). if its below X, the call expires worthless


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I didn’t think TA could tell you anything about what’s going to happen? I thought it just gave you new jargon to identify what already happened?

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if I'm somehow wrong, correct me. However the VIX index actively goes down when stocks are going up and vis versa. the VIX's derivative ETFs are fun to gamble on.

$ET is already in my position, retard. Look at my post again.


SO what does USO rolling over it's expiring contracts mean for tankers? What does them leaving June 2020 contracts completely for later in the year mean too?

>people shilling for free.
Wasted resources and time. People are dumb, at least get paid.

why don't you read the definition of the VIX, or its formula?

>Look at my post again.

... are my dht calls going to make money?