MRO UP 26.05 % TODAY.....FANG UP 20.39% TODAY




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Other urls found in this thread: tonanni tits&hl=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiU2-GI4Y7pAhWSrZ4KHcIDDkoQ_AUoAXoECAsQAw&biw=1536&bih=767

FANG & MRO gang checking in...I bought 2 weeks ago

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Who's looking at midstream energy stuff outside of tankers? Pipeline, storage, logistics, etc? Alot of them are still down 50-66% from baseline.

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who is this whore?

thinking long term buddy

You think it's a winning strategy over 6 months? I'm wondering if they may outperform exploration short term, and exploration seems to be bouncing back nicely despite underlying per barrel prices and shit futures through September.

like tankers are booming....that was a super short play...long term, oil wins

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HAL looking nice in the after hours lads, QEP up loads today. SM energy beyond ludicrous gains but pumped and mini dumped.
What's getting some green candle love in the next few days lads?

So land storage and logistics isn't a decent play in the super contango environment in your opinion?

All in on HAL fuck the law, it's going to double.

Rate my picks:

OKE: Natural gas (somewhat concerned about shale going under impact on US natty gas)
TOT: France controls a crap ton of African oil
RDS.B: Dutch gas and oil giant
RTX: Missle go boom when oil down.

Not bad. Prefer LMT to RTX but hold both. For me, it's:


>double I've already more than doubled my CCL buy at $8. 5x more than likely.

Wondering the same. They should have really, really good Q2 earnings.

oh shit it’s the based “eggs in one basket” chad. I’m all in FANG bought at 32

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is it too late to get in on oil? i want to be an oil chad too

yo.....u sauce?

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Its not too late buddy. Look at some of the oil companies pre corona levels and look at the trading price now. You're anywhere from 2-5x your initial investment if they hit those levels again. Be careful though, some companies have bad balance sheets and may not survive. A real safe play is MRO. Excellent finanicals.

could backfire big time with elections approaching, don't expect pre-merger prices anytime soon

How much usd for a girl like this? tonanni tits&hl=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiU2-GI4Y7pAhWSrZ4KHcIDDkoQ_AUoAXoECAsQAw&biw=1536&bih=767
Learn to tech, pajeet

>could backfire
Really? I though defense contractors always played both sides giving them donations.

look at this dumper on this man

i'd sniff the fart out of her hiney.

What are some non-oil dips you bought? JNUG is doing pretty well for me.

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Is it too late to buy?

When the Saudis and Russians stop playing tummy sticks and people head back to work, presumably we can start working through some of this stored oil and return to semi normal market conditions.

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Marathon specifically.

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Should I do both MRO and Hal or just stick with MRO.


Analysts have a fair value of $10 but I think it can hit 11 or 12 once people realize the financials of the company

Also, I legit coomed in 40 s. I saw the time at 10:12 pm and I started furiously beating my meat and then I coomed and saw it was still 10:12 pm and counted down the seconds till it was 10:13pm

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MRO is more safe in my opinion. But, do as you wish.