
Sell all your rare earth metals immediately or pay the price.

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for a very long time(generations) it will be cheaper to mine what we need on earth

I'll worry when we actually land on it for the first time.

Yea, its not like there are huge leaps in privatised rocketry and AI automation

this. it just not feasible to spend so much just to mine the moon and then spend so much to come back safety.
now, if robotic adavances, then yes.

The moon just flew over my house!

Pfffft, you believe in the moon?

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the premium on space metal is going to be phenomenal

>not hedging with Helium 3

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>More gold on Earth = High Supply with Same Demand = Value of gold goes down.
>Cost of mining the gold and bringing it back to Earth would already put you in the red.
>Supply of gold increases = You just accumulate more and more debt with each trip.
>Hurr durr muh gold rush.

I can’t wait for space eagles at 10000/ozt

>now, if robotic adavances, then yes.
So yes?

The other, more advanced species of humans live on the moon. They’ll let us go there again when the time is right.

so you think they're gonna launch a space mission to the moon, and sell it at earth based mining prices? how much do you think it costs to go to space?

They don't even need to bring it here, just make a lunar ETF.

It probably is not a good idea right now. It is probably smart to work on the infrastructure for when they need it, but if they tried it now resources from Earth would still be way cheaper and whatever gets mined on the moon or asteroids will stay there and just end up being used to bolster whoever is living there and end up creating a potential enemy nation in space. They'd probably want to use up whatever resources they have here and leave humanity no choice but to go into space for what they need, so they can keep most of humanity desparate and controlled.

Initially normal gold will still be used for industrial and scientific applications and Peter Schiff wannabe's, but those who will use it wrecklessly and do so because of its value will find Lunar Gold™ more attactive and start demanding it. Covering their watches and cars in it, reducing the demand and therefore price for the common muck.
Those tasteless rich people will allow any initial outlay of moon bases to be paid off quickly and the market can then be saturated with "rare" metals faster than you think.

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Have you ever thought of one issue ?
Cold welding or all the different metals ?


>enemy nation in space

Hurdur we go completely solar powered electric reneweable for pennies on the dollar compared to now if we have infinite gold, silver, and copper available.

>haven't gone to the moon since the 60s
>rely on leasing ancient rockets from Russians to go into space at all

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We're a generation away from space mining being tenable. I'll invest in some asteroid mining companies when I'm 50

Earth still has all the nukes, it would take centuries for a space colony to reach nation levels of manpower and budget.

>gold rush
Yeah, have fun rushing and paying billions for the chance to get some shiny rocks with no real value


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How do I invest in space mining? I believe space and related shit is how the new generation will make their money

There is no technology for that anymore and there will never be. The old boomers retired and the new NASA consists of Pajeets, niggers and women.
They can't even launch anything into space anymore, because they lost the rocket carrier technology.

On another note, USA won't exist at all in 1 generation and Chinese/Russian government will never allow a single private company to go into space.

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>the only penis in the room happens to be the only one doing work

The moon is a harsh mistress, friend.

When SpaceX goes public I’ll put every penny I have into it and I’m not in the stock market.


space is a meme. It will never happen except for extremely precious metals like gold/plat.

humans will never mine rare earth metals from outside earth. It will never happen.

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