Does Yas Forums think Donald JUST. Trump will win the election?

Does Yas Forums think Donald JUST. Trump will win the election?

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you're fuckin right I do

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Yea, you're going to be here seething when he does. Really no different than the last couple of years

I think it's extremely likely. You really think Biden isn't going to get completely rekt in a debate?


Who is he running against? He didn’t have it locked up, but the DNC is running Joe and that is a guaranteed grand salami for Trump.

Biden legitimately has dementia. He is at the point where if he was your father or grandfather you would take his car keys away. So until the DNC convention where they may force a substitute, yes. Its Trump 2020.

Trump is finished this time. And I can prove it mathematically.

Drumpfy ain’t gonna win. It’s demographically impossible, especially with mail in voting.

He already won, some of you just don’t know that yet

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Mail in voting is not a constitutional right you leftist faggot shill. It will never be implemented. Voter ID, however, will.

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Biden will never debate Trump. He'll be gone before the convention. The Tara Reade story has legs, and isn't going away. Which is hilarious, with all the usual suspects "endorsing" him.
At this point, I think even Trump would just say no to debating him, because Biden is clearly not all there anymore. As classless as Trump is, he's too classy for that.

NY state govt couldn't even manage to get mail in ballots used for their April presidential primary. You think the federal govt, with far more resistance, would seriously implement it by this Nov?

See where your new home is

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It’s going to happen, retard. We’re going to have mail in voting because of COVID. Even if we don’t, demographics have changed enough that it’s nearly impossible for him to get the electoral votes.

It’s Trump with the gibs now though

Are you the same retard that keeps insisting in every thread that Trump is actually good at debates?
He isn't even allowed to speak freely anymore for fear of destroying the GOP lol

Haha yeah that’s exactly their plan. Quarantine the US and make them all vote from home. It’s not going to happen you delusional faggot. If you can’t get your ass to the polling station you have no right to vote.

No, I'm not, you're spending way too much here my friend. Also Trump might fair poorly at an actual academic type debate, but in a presidential debate he is a Grade A shit talker and normies love that shit

This isn’t American idol faggot.

>but in a presidential debate he is a Grade A shit talker and normies love that shit
Only his core base does, it will be hard to appeal to moderates by talking shit, specially after his disastrous handling of the covid crisis.

>disastrous handling of the Wuhan virus
You shills suck at your job

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Found the retard who hasn’t read the news in three months. Back to /r/t_d, you literal brainlet.

Found the zoomer who’s never voted. We do it all the time with absentee ballots. It’s going to happen.

Get fucked Mossad . We are coming for your Jewish bloodlines.

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Joe Biden can’t speak in complete sentences. He hasn’t made a coherent point in any speech at any point in his campaign, and it’s really not controversial to point this out. Everyone sees it.

Yas Forums schizo

learn some new insults shill boy. Schizo is heavily used by kike cyber agents. Why not tell me to have sex?

Also the Jew fears the schizo. Why do you think they are tranquilized in mental health facilities?

You’re the retard throwing conspiracy theories that have nothing to do with the topic at hand. Maybe you should learn some new arguments.

Sorry bud, but the GOP memo leaked, everyone knows you're trying to hide Trump's mismanagement by screaming China

To Dems and those leaning left ...
Do you regret voting for Barack Obama in 2012?
Had you voted for Mitt Romney we'd be in his second term instead of this dumpster fire american hellscape.

have sex schizo

Sure thing, retard

Oh I’m not screaming China. I’m screaming Israel.

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Have you ever known an elderly person that fell to dementia or Alzheimer’s? It is incredibly obvious, and would be sad if it wasn’t funny because fuck who Joe Biden was when he was playing with a full sack of marbles

Ok schizo

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Probably, biden come off as senile

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The only reason why democrats could possibly want him is so that Ruth Bader Ginsberg can retire and they can get another liberal on the supreme court. If trump wins again its game over for democrats

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