Name a blockchain that scales larger than BSV.
Name a blockchain that scales larger than BSV
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None because we don't give a shit about scale if we wanted scale we would use paypal.
We want a descentralized p2p blockchain that we can run with a shitty pc.
If we wanted a centralized shit that can be frozen with no reason as i said we would stay in paypal.
there is non. bsv is bitcoin
Real cringe hours
why the fuck is this pinned?
Bitcoin (S)ur(V)eillance
>BTC 160 billion
When creg goes to jail you'll be back on the dole
>implying both aren't microcaps in the global economy
The race isn't over, big guy.
It's over.
I admire your complacency, let's see if it plays off.
Define node
It's already paid off. It's over, you lost, and everyone you ever told about your pet coin thinks you're an idiot.
By "scales", do you mean a high throughput/tps?
What I mean by "scaling" is having the fundamental economic model correct so that it can scale to a very large market cap. Btc has that, bsv doesn't. Bsv is all about "muh spending" use case, but optimizing for scaling to that demand is very different from optimizing for scaling to infinite market cap for the "store of value" use case. So yes, bsv scales, but to an unimportant use case that's already better served by paypal. Only btc actually scales to the important use case for a crypto asset.
They literally have no idea.
My pet coin makes your jimmies so rustled though. I never thought I'd profit quite like this. I mean buying the Binance delisting was obviously a great play, but this... can't even put a price on it. Gimme more, big guy ;)
>fundamental economic model
Tell me about Lightning, bro.
>I never thought I'd profit quite like this.
BSVBTC is laying a fat dump right now lmao
>My pet coin makes your jimmies so rustled
I don't know why you would assume I'm upset that you're losing money but I can assure you that isn't the case.
>numba not go up recent that mean numba ded
>all I can do is greentext
>all i can do is 144mb/day
nobody gives a shit about BSV outside your shrinking cult, you fucking pajeet faggot. fuck off already.
>a new retard enters
Bsv ytd 284%
Btc ytd 62%
How do i become more retarded
>all I can do is greentext
SPV is not good enough for you? You can run that on a raspi
RBF and tx fees are what kill BTC. Nobody cares about the ethical questions about lightning. but core hampered utility enough to make the original protocol viable even under a new ticker.
implying the nsa couldn't dedicate a quick botfarm to take 51% and fuck with whatever they want when all the miners are using raspberries
fucking l2bitcoin corecuck
There are 1 billion LINK
Constant surveillance and non-fungibility doesn't scale, at all.
Have fun under threat of regulation and confiscation.
Unless the next words out of your mouth are XMR, fuck off.