Parents sit me down to discuss estate planning

>parents sit me down to discuss estate planning
>mom doesn't believe in charity
>hates nonwhites
>they are actually worth 19m and my dad has a huge pension
>willing to buy me a house since I'm getting married
>only one sibling
>tfw already made it

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You should buy some rental properties if you wanna make wagies rage

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>>hates nonwhites
What does this have to do with anything?

It means she isn't going to donate his inheritance to a bunch of spearchuckers in africa like your parents probably did

Shows that they’re absolutely based. That alone is worth more than the 19m.

Your mom sounds pretty based

Based genes. Reproduce user.

Hello future son

No, that was clarified with
>>mom doesn't believe in charity

Based on what?

Impressive. Very nice.

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>hates nonwhites
Jews hate everyone

That they are intelligent enough to plan to by pass the inheritance tax fot example, thus not supporting the system the propagates low IQ folks like yourself who can't deduct anything.

pls necc

holy fucking shit based

My dad was once invited to join a neo nazi group, declined but still openly hates niggers. Got him to buy some BTC and LINK. Mom is secretly redpilled but bluepilled. She also happens to be a sociopath.

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Being racist requires a lack of intelligence.

Get settled and raise a few quality kids fren. Your ancestors are proud all their hard work is paying off.

So are you saying Africans and Indians are the most racist people? Because they have the lowest IQs, statistically speaking.

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>being this bluepilled

Imagine wanting to give your inheritance and everything your ancestors have built to nonwhites who hate you after you die.

Both are known for commuting genocide

It requires more intelligence than it should give how propagandized westerners are in regard to race

Here's a you. Thanks for the chuckle.

Clearly you're too stupid to understand what you just did. You're so stupid you had to ask, and when you got an answer you didn't like you got booty blasted because you're a low IQ fuck.


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Kek. Well memed fren

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If you're telling the truth, I know how you feel. The only thing going for me in life is that my parents are rich as fuck. They gave me a 500,000 USD account as a "graduation present". I was born 5'5" though, while both my parents are above 5'11", so I guess life didn't want to let me have it too good.

If you could choose between having $500K or being 6'4" which would you choose?

use your wealth to genetically engineer your offspring to be huge. Or if you're really petty, you could engineer them to be shorter than you

go to china and get your limbs lengthened.

based as fuck and no mercy - perfect

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6'4" easily. You can always make money, but you can't grow taller, at least not reliably with today's technology.
I have a height complex and am only attracted to girls shorter than me, so my children will probably be puny anyways.
I unironically spent time looking it up in the past. It's just too risky. Maybe the technology will get there in like 20 years, although I hope for my sake I'm not still worrying about my height in 20 years.

based schizo poster

It means anonymous strangers like me appreciate hearing it =^)