Portfolio Thread: I better see 32 ETH edition

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bro convert all that lend into ETH

tf you doing

not a shot

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In b4 buy more altttssss

The answer is no. Hehe

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32 ETH reporting in

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32 eth
8000 tezos

Thoughts & criticisms, no shitcoins pls (trx is bad enough). I think I have decent diversification in the more reputable coins

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0,01 eoy

So far my portfolio has been up like 85% in the past month
It's like printing money

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responsible as fuck

32 ETH reporting in. Cashed out initial LINK, but never put it back. I guess I keep it as it is for now. Converted to USD for all you amerifats.

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I have 37 eth, but it's not enough.

22 ETH chad-lite reporting in

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looks good, rpl gonna pump for sure

32 ETH chadfolio checking in. Ironically ETH is my only investment I’m still down on, my average price is around $240. Extremely bullish we pass that shortly though

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Link Marine reporting in, will I make it? What else should I get?

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Get those numbers of link up to 25k soldier

Beautiful, how long have you been holding link ?

based and well rounded portfolio. well done user

isn't buying multiple crypto risky? if they become half of their value again?

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should i sell some silver and fomo in for 32 eth?

absolutely not norman. eth is outdated and eth 2 will be iutdated and outclassed when it finally goes live years from now.

Have -> Want

600 Link -> 1000 Link
9.4 Eth -> 32 Eth
.27 BTC -> 1 BTC
5000 XRP -> 10000 XRP
20 LTC -> 50 LTC
30 ZEC -> 50 ZEC

800 in cash and waiting for the most recent pump to die down. Is this too diverse? I have been thinking that I need to consolidate lately.

I am fine with it I guess

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get rid of all that xrp.

choose ltc or zcash. ltc if you believe in mimblewimble

Get those link numbers up to 15k soldier

Why does everyone use blockfolio and not myethwallet?

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How y'all taking a screenshot of your bags?
My phone blocks screenshots in apps that involve money

by far the best portfolio allocation in this thread.

There is more to my story...I got my dad to buy 185000 link in the summer of 2018 at a price avg of 29 cents. He used his retirement account so its tax free also. I set everything up for him and transferred and bought everything on the exchanges for him because as a boomer it was rocket science to him. I plan on asking for a finders fee of about 7500 link or little less than 4%, standard fare. I've spoke with my mom and she agrees with it, so right now I may not have 25k but in the future I likely will have around 30k.

Since Feb 2018 but accumulated most during the summer 2018. My dca is about 30 cents.