20% BTC / 30% ETH / 30% XRP / 20% ADA

20% BTC / 30% ETH / 30% XRP / 20% ADA

This is a long term hold retirement non-meme portfolio, which you don't have to fuss over and can sleep soundly at night knowing that you will make it in less than 5 years, and you wont have to make a single (taxable) trade.

$20,000 minimum investment.

Prove me wrong.

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or you just buy 100% btc

Made for BWC

This is now a long term cuck portfolio

Label this secretion creature.

>or you just buy 100% btc
This. Every time I look into buying or almost buy an alt coin I always end up buying btc instead, and I already have more than enough btc.

The idea is to hedge your bets. Imagine a hypothetical scenario, where BTC falls to spot #2. It's unlikely to happen in the short term, but will most definitely will happen eventually. BTC is not special in any way, aside form name recognition, and is highly inefficient as currency.

BTC is 1/5th of my 5-year-plan portfolio.

I would never go 100% on ADA, because that would be stupid, but it's a great hedge hold, and one of the very, very few projects that is not a pump and dump meme.

As a side note, I would have also picked up some Monero, but I'd give it about 3 years, before "privacy" coins are not traded on any legitimate regulated exchanges due to gooberment pressure.

>non-meme portfolio
50% of that portfolio is a meme portfolio, I'll let you guess which 50%.

BTC - name recognition, market driver, will be #1 for several more years, before it begins to fade away

ETH - too many legitimate businesses and governmental agencies are, mildly put, very interested in its success

XRP - deep in bed withing financial industry, make the right hires, know which hands to shake, follow regulations

ADA - weakest link, but huge future potential; slow, methodical development makes it a great long-term hold; if it fails, others will make up for its losses

What's your input? Please avoid autistic screeching and shit you hear NEET anons say on Yas Forums.

if it was not for ADA I would have agreed. ADA is meme

20% BTC/ 40%ETH / 30% NEO / 10%ICX

If you're betting against Korea or China then you're fucking up


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Jew scam, zero financial adoption, all smoke and mirrors, dumps on own community, use case requires infinite liquidity
Vaporware sõy scam, Charles is a cuck who blows investor funds on international travel and hookers. See pic related

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Replace XRP with XTZ and ADA with LINK

My current portfolio
30% BTC
30% ETH
20% XRP
10% XTZ
10% LINK

Nice. This is what I'm about to do. I like rhis

I kinda feel like link is a scam tho

>Please avoid autistic screeching

I feel that Link is more hype than substance, and I am not convinced that it will be here in 5 years. It's possible, but I don't see it.

I will look into Tezos more. I actually do like it as well. Tezos and Monero were my wild cards, so I might dip into XTZ to further diversify my holds.

Mine is:
36% PHR
30% BTC
16% XRP
13% ETH
1% NIM

... and before anyone rags on me for being so balls deep in PHR I got the shit for free and Synapse fork + Trisko's business experience gonna make the motherfucker go parabolic

100% BSV

only portfolio that makes sense, mzybe some ETH as an edge.

Real hedge is BTC link bsv imo

Because you don't know if BTC eth xtz or some other smart contract platform will take off

But if any do, they'll probably use link

BTC for me if smart contracts are bullshit and only digital gold matters

Bsv in case I'm completely wrong about everything and csw really is Satoshi. That's the real hedge here.

Good luck, I'm ffeeling pretty confident with it. If there's another dip in the coming weeks or months I'm buying more ETH and XRP

Out of everything I see LINK as the most long term investment. It might take a while until its value is fully realized. I plan on holding LINK, XRP, ETH long term. I might swap XTZ for ETH if ETH staking goes live and will swap or just sell off BTC in a few years

The true Link hype hasn't even started yet. Even though it's on normiebase, it's still only the #12 most held coin there.

2% bsv
2% biz scams like pnk rsr etc
25% btc
71% link

80% LINK
10% BTC
10% ETH

Everything I said is 100% true, whether or not you accept it is on you.

>36% PHR
But would you hold it for 5 years, that's the real question?

All of the scummy things aside, I would never touch BSV out of principle alone. Even if it the price is manipulated for it to go parabolic, I would be perfectly content with my current holds. To me BSV is a black eye on the cryptosphere, and the charlatans behind it disgust me.

Exactly - hype. What if it disappears and people move onto the next hype?

This link just got spilled hard by a bunch of autistic kids on a anime forum the creator might have had a good idea If its true I have my doubt link will last

She's cute.

Yes, the community is pretty spastic, but they did hype it up from .20 to $4, so that's something. Some of the early anons cashed out millions. Good for them. Still, this does not prove the validity and longevity of the project, but we will see.

I was a KTK airdrop member, I’ve been holding it since 2014, that’s how I got it for free.

ADA. Excellent choice next to BTC and ETH.

XRP is kind of like supporting the Nazi's in WWII or ISIS. In these times of change you really dont want to be on the wrong side of history.