What is it like to be a millionaire?

what is it like to be a millionaire?

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I'll let you know in 10-12 months

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It's like being you but having another $999,999

Poo poo pee pee

Imagine being rich and living that close to other people

Buy one bitcoin and see it in 2021

Fun fact: 1 million dollars in the 1950's (when the "millionaire" meme started) is now equivalent to 10 million dollars.

It's like having 100k ten years ago.

noone living there is rich

are u forreal?


>I'm rich
>I'm gonna move to California
>why the fuck did I do that?

These are the official numbers, take it to the Treasury and cash it.

its like having 10k twenty years ago

Some people are "millionaires" just by virtue of holding their house for the last 30 years. Just compare that to house prices in the 50s.

its more like 11 million dollars

"In other words, $1,000,000 in 1950 is equivalent in purchasing power to about $10,710,165.98 in 2020, a difference of $9,710,165.98 over 70 years."

From some random site

yeah, but if you have a house and still live paycheck to paycheck, you're a "millionaire", not a millionaire

Probably sucks. You get taxed like a big boy but you're really the smallest of the big boys. Probably doesn't help if you are a cuck that gives into other people asking for some of what you have and guilt tripping you for being a millionaire. Just constant hemorrhaging of money (unless you actually have a consistent cash flow instead of just being a rando that landed a couple million).

You get used to it
find other problems to worry about
fear of losing wealth
buying shit has diminishing returns
tax bills make your heart race
doesn't fill the void

I got guilt tripped when I was just a 100,000-aire. End it?

That's not a word

if hurricane comes through you'd be screwed though

Bullshit it's likely way more than that

ty you very much

It’s nice. You can really do the same amount of stuff as non-millionaires (second house, nice car) but nicer, but you still don’t have enough money for stuff like private flights, elite clubs that 10 or 100 millionaires can.

But can you book 10k vacations without breaking a sweat?

Is that Seaside? Love that town.

imagine if you had a remote that could pause time, and you could drop your pants and shit anywhere you want and nobody would know it was you because time was frozen. it feels like that

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In terms of hitting the digits, it depends if your brain is fried yet. You only feel feels once.

> 100k in 2017
Insane euphoric rush, felt like an absolute chad, infinite confidence, became a slayer, grabbing girls by the pussy literally. God mode.

> Lost everything in 2018
Utterly broken. Shadow wojak.

> 100k again in 2019
"Heh, cool, I guess". Had a drink at the pub to celebrate and went home to watch Rocky or some shit.

> 1mil a few months later
Felt nothing. Lonely at home just my discord bros to tell. Went out on a tinder date that night and she left after 15 mins. Came home, went to bed.

Such is life.

pic is florida nikka

>min.wage hour : 1.00
>average income: 4,454.00
Social classes used to mean something, huh? Is this all happening because "we" 10x wages for losers?

rosemary beach. never been to seaside i think its the same builder who built rosemary beach

How the fuck did you hit the millie in 2019? LINK?

fucking liar. Water is to the right of florida


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>tfw $1 million in 1927 is equal to $17 million now.

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