What is the best method of suicide? I just lost all my savings.
What is the best method of suicide? I just lost all my savings
Nigga how I'm a retard when it comes to trading and I made money with crypto last weeks
I shorted.
Did you remember to keep enough cash to buy a rope?
Max out all your credit cards
I'm partial to the escape tank myself. It is the obvious patrician's choice.
lol faget
nah I'm sorry for you bro just hang in there, buy all the dips after this crazy pump and you' ll be fine in a few months
It's over for you life but it's not over for Bitcoin.
Are you the guy with the 8512 liq?
buying $25 silver coins is one method. oops but you have no money. SAD!
Yes, I am. I made a new thread, because everyone is laughing at me there.
I came here now, to laugh at you. Best method? Barrel roll
It was a fun thread. Thanks for making me smile. We were having fun:^)
kek at you here
It could happen to anyone here. It was all I had. I just wanted to accumulate more.
How much did you lose?
Just start again from the bottom and work your way back...................the road is long but this is THE GAME
Strange, if it could have happened to anyone why did it happen to you and not me?
wtf. why would you put your life savings on an over-leveraged short position? Serious what went through your head that lead you to make such a stupid decision? Not even here to laugh, just genuinely curious
Because it was obvious the pump can't go on forever.
Yeah, how much did you get fucked for?
Dumb larp
fuck this clown world. It will all burn down soon, and I will make sure of it
kill some of the btc manilpulators before you kill yourself fren. I lost a lot of money today also, you´re not alone. This market is irrational and manipulated to the teeth. Hope this clown world burns down, try using your internet money then you fucking bulls
Take whats left and start over. Dont make the same mistake. Ignore coins and go into stocks. Once in a decade crash opportunity going on. Look for stocks that are overvalued or companies with debt and little cash.
MAte you dont know what you are doing. why are you using elverage?
Do you back test anything?
BTC had a fucking -50% dildo in one day, it can have that in green and has.
And if you went to back test you would see typically it recovers 200-300% of the bottom price after a big crash such as that 65% drop we had in march...
fuck every whale, both in crypto and the stock market, they all deserve to die
1. RESEARCH shitcoins and the teams behind them
2. CHOOSE the one most likely to succeed
2. INVEST through maxing out credit cards
3. HOPE that it works
Are you telling me to buy LINK with a credit card?
Oi mate , Don't do it , I'll let you live on my eco farm (seriously ) . I lost a lot in my lifetime , i had to pay 20k for my Cubanese wife . Life is meant to be lived , there is no respawn .
I know that you are mad that you lost your money, mate. But if you were shorting the market a few days before one of the biggest events in crypto, that only occurs every 4 years, then you really have no idea what you're doing