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tankers confirmed shitcoin edition


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Attached: stanford study covid corona overhyped death rate likely under 0.2%.jpg (480x357, 50.12K)

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Check out these gains today so far

Attached: holdings0429.png (632x536, 70.56K)

Post source to OP image, homo.


Hope you guys are buying the tanker dip

>less than .2%
Thats still pretty high



Is there a term for a straddle where you have your puts and calls on different dates?

Bizbros, I bought UCO right before it had its reverse split, when should I finally unload my 18 shares? Already down 61%, just looking for a good time to exit

After initially buying in at $35 canuck bucks my AC is green again lads. And shit isn't even open yet.


Attached: 77.5443.jpg (604x453, 28.55K)

That's pretty much the same as the flu

Overhyped or not, this shit is killing per day as much as the flu kills per month.

Which tankers? 50/50 DHT/NAT?

Why? We are opening up again, and people will start driving and flying

>all this tanker cope
Should have bought ET

Is HTZ gonna make it? I held through the crash but if they’re going bankrupt I want outta this dumpster fire. Looks like they’re asking their lenders to forgo penalties on missed payments due to wuflu

How is Tesla looking? I got off around 750. I think it's a good company but I'm not sure how it works in the future. I've read that their company has terrible customer service and is overly complicated when it comes to manufacturing warranty. Paint chips easily too. They're basically the Supreme of cars.


EPR dip buyers where we at

Attached: 1544233919371.jpg (250x250, 7.71K)

Hope you retards are buying the shitcoin tanker dip, this is the bottom

.2% would be double the death rate of the flu, so it'd be more like it kills twice as many per day as the flu does


Time to trigger some boomers
>b-b-bbut flu is being called corona
Yea, that x4 baseline shift relative to the previous worse recent flu on record.

Attached: JustAFluBroUSA.png (1200x630, 128.74K)

Do you personally know ANYONE with this chinese virus?

way more than double. spread is significantly higher.

1. it's priced in

2. it really is just the flu bro we haven't even been testing yet just wait for that denominator

With everyone locked inside.


I am gonna hold

There is a huge excess of oil still.
Do you really think that they’re gonna be able to just start moving the volumes they were prior to the shutdown right away?

lmao no, the total US corona deaths so far are still lower than a common flu season.

Yes. My Aunt's daughter got it and the sister of her bf died from it.

Now we have to worry about double the flu every year?

man bears are gonna seeth about this for years to come

it doesnt hurt that every pneumonia related death is being reported as caused by covid-19
the cdc is in on inflating the numbers

Yeah for about a month until the infections per day spike to 88k. Then you will see some serious shit.

Why? So you can go overdose on serotonin and dopamine to her? She’s getting ready to piss and you’re thinking it’s sexy? If your desires are like this it really says alot about your portfolio

This is why we should be allowed to destroy excess oil.

Is AMZN ER getting released pre or post market tomorrow?

Don't forget to buy today for tomorrow's Vegas announcement. Earnings also tomorrow

Attached: 214478190.jpg (1024x673, 86.98K)

This is my first time experiencing a 1928-esque economic bubble

No, flu deaths have all but vanished because they're being reported as corona deaths, pic related.

Attached: corona covd19 deaths reporting certifying probable presumed likely suspected diagnosis.png (753x516, 309.55K)

>57k confirmed dead in 2 months

It’s less than the flu bro!

One of my coworkers died. He was 46.

No you fucking don’t and it’s all a big coverup for a much bigger issue, the economy. Do you live in Europe? I bet you’re one of those clapping fags

>still lower than a common flu season
The common flu killed 56000 people in an entire year.
Covid has killed that much in 2 months already.
Aagain, why are you people so ddesperate to downplay the actual reality you're living right now? If you're that desperate to prove it's a hoax, go get infected and see for yourself.

I wish I went in more heavy.

This is your last chance to get out, faggot.

They are just about even to a bad flu season, and that is after two months of this with most people staying inside. Unfuck yourself.

is there even going to be a second dip at this point?
this is insane

I agree it’s overblown but where are you getting your numbers from?

Still clinging unto hope, Bobo? Kinda cute, ngl

Attached: 1451702494812.png (640x480, 20.32K)

He had other problems it wasn’t the flu that did it

Hell yeah, fuck the deep state! MAGA! 4 more years!

>No you fucking don’t and it’s all a big coverup for a much bigger issue, the economy
Are people like this for real or are they larping as absolute smoothbrained faggots?